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Clutha County Couucil.

• » Satuhday, 31st March. The Council met in the Court-house, Balclutha, at noon. Present— Cr M'Neil (chairman), and Crs McKenzie, Jowitt, Scott, Ayson, Henderson, Dallas, and Scobie. Tbe Clerk having read the minutes of the previous meeting, Cr McKenzie asked upon what authority the meeting had been postponed from the 30th to the 31st ? He contended tbat no one bad power to alter tbe fixed date, hence the meeting was not a legal one, and it would be useless to transact any business at it, as the whole would be informal. The Chairman said that the meeting had been unknowingly fixed for Good Friday, he therefore instructed the Clerk to intimate the postponement. Cr Henderson here read clause 206, part XL, of the Counties Act. which provided for the adjournment of days of meeting (should they fall upon a Sunday, New Year, Good Friday, or Christmas Day) to the following day. The minutes were then confirmed.

CORRESPONDENCE. The following correspondence was read ; — Public Works Office, Wellington, February 25, 1877. Sir, — I am directed by the Hon. the Minister for PubUc Works to i fortr. you that he has diiectt'd the tools lately in use on roads, etc., within your County to be handed over to you. Mr Arthur has been instructed accordingly. I have the honor to be, sir, Tour obedient servant, John Knowles, Under-Secretary for Public Works. Public Works Office, Wellington, March 18, 1877. Sir,— l am directed by the Hon. the M'nister for Public Works to inform you that it has been decided to grant the Chairmen of County Coun, els passes over the railways within their respective counties, and to County Councillors when travelling to and from the meetings of the County Councils to which tbey respectively belong. Will you be good enough to send in to the Traffic Manager at Dunedin a list of the members composing the CouncU of Clutha in order that passes may be sent to yourself and them. If you will kindly inform the Manager hereafter as often as any change in the Council takes place corresponding passes will be issuedI bave the honor tp be, sir, Your obedieut servant, m John Knowles, Under-Secretary for Public Works. Police Office, Dunedin, 20th March, 18/7. Sir, — I am instructed to ascertain if you are desirous that the Police should continue to collect the dog tax in the Clutha County as hitherto. If so, the matter will accordingly be attended to until you make other arrangements. Your early reply is respectfully requested. I have the honor to be, sir, Your most obedient servant, T. K. Wbldon, Commissioner of Police. The Chairmau remarked that, having no railway running througb their county, the members could not avail themselves of that privilege. It was of oo use, therefore, to cause the members names to be submitted. He remarked that the dog-tax revenue was worthy of receipt. Cr McKenzie moved fliat .the letters be received and replied to. This was carried. Cr McKenzie suggested tbat the police j£_ll collect the dog-tax. The following letter was read from John Angus, clerk to tbg Cjydevale Road Board ;— Ciydevale Station, Waiwera, Bth February, IBf 7. Sir— At a meeting ef the Ciydevale Road Board, b^dJwrf ?» ft? !•* *» rt 7 »tte»tjon ir si

called to the great inconrenience arising from the Eoad District being placed in two counties. I have been instructed by the Board to bring this under yoiir notice, and to inform you that ifc wan unanimoiuly agreed by the Board to request you to petition the Governor to have the boundary between Tiwpeka County and Clutha County, as it run* through this district, changed fco the" boundary of this district in terms of section 2, clause 30 under the Counties Act, so as to include" the whole of the Ciydevale Road Districi in Clutha County. Tne district is separated by natural obstacles from all relations with Tuapeka County—commercial or otherwise, and the present county boundary (which is ill-defined, and divides sections and properties) as it passes through this distinct, includes in Tuapeka County a portion of fche district which is separated from Tapanui (in which riding it is placed) by the Blue Mountains, over which no road exists. Ifc is the desira of residents, owners of properties lying in this district, but included in the j Tapanui Riding of Tuapeka County to be included in Clutha County, they having no connection with Tuapeka County, and all their ■ business being carried on in and through Clutha County. I have therefore to request, on the part of the Board, that you will petition bis Excellency the Governor as desired, and do what you can in the matter, which is for the satisfaction of all concerned. I am, sir, Tour obedient servant, John Angus. Clerk to Clyde Tale Eoad Board. Cr Scott spoke in support of the suggested alteration, and held that the present boundary was a very unfit one. The Chairman remarked he did not think that the present boundary could be the work of a surveyor or surveyor-general it was so ridiculous a boundary. Cr M'Kenzie remarked tbat he had been informed by a member of the Government tbat the defining of the county boundaries had been left to the members of the various counties. The fault, therefore, lay at their member's door, who, being of a very quiet turn of mind no doubt, did not fare so well as he might have wished in getting the boundaries defined as they should have been Cr Dallas spoke of altering all the riding boundaries, as they were very unfairly proportioned, some getting two members witb a much less valuation than a riding with one. He suggested that if the Governor should be petitioned to alter the county boundary that he should at the same time be petitioned to alter the ridings. Cr McKenzie moved " That the petition or letter from the Clydevile Road Board be received, and that the Chairman be instructed to communicate with the Chairman of the Tuapeka County Council in reference to the matter, with a view of giving effect to the adoption of the petition." Cr Scott seconded the motion, which was carried. Dunedin, March, 6th, 1877. Sib, — In view of the want tliat will no doubt be experienced by members ot the County Councils in the Otago Provincial District of some complete and reliable record of the proceedings of the various Councils in a concise form, the proprietors of the ' Southern Mercery ' have it in contemplation to issue a monthly supplement, containing reports of the proceedings of the various Councils. In order to in?nre correctness in the reports, it will be necessary that they should be supplied from an official source, and we therefore communicate with you for the purpose of asking if your Council will co-operate with us in the matter by instructing its Secretary to furnish us with a report of the proceedings of each meeting of Councd by the first mail leaving your district thereafter. i We need hardly point liovr useful this monthly ! record will be to the members of your Council for the purposes of comparison, and as a means of deriving information as to the proceedings of the other Councils in the Provincial District. We shall be obliged if you will take the matter into consideration, and reply at your earliest convenience. We are, sir, Yours truly, Used & FENWICE. Cr McKenzie remarked that if they would supply each member of the Council with a copy of the ' Otago Guardian' gratis he would support the application. Cr Jowitt remarked that if the application was granted there would be no knowing where it would end " The Northern Thunderer," or some other dozen of proprietors of newspapers probably would apply for cheap reports of their doings. Tbe Chairman remarked that it was simply a piece of presumption on the part of the proprietors of the ' Mercury' to ask for a gratuitous report of their proceedings. Their clerk was not paid as a reporter. Cr Henderson moved " That the application be granted," but his motion did not find a seconder. Balclutha, 31st March, 1877 Sib, — As mail contractor between Balclutha and Mataura, I wish to call your attention to the fact that I have, in order to be able to get through, been obliged to employ labor to repair broken ! culverts on the Main South Boad. As this was a case of absolute necessity, I hope your Council will take steps to remunerate me for my outlay, amounting to about £7. I also wish to call your attention to the entire want of provision for the maintenance of this Main Boad during the ensuing winter, and stati* to you my conviction that unlesß some immediate steps are taken, traffiu in many parts will be practically impossible. I remain, sir, Your obedient servant, It. B. Williams, Mail Contractor. Cr Dallas remarked that he would withdraw tbe notice of motion standing in bis name re the appointment of a Bank. He continued by remarking that it would bave been much more courteous of the Chairman had he taken ' a little more time in settling upon the Banking institution. Here the speaker was ruled out of order 1 and caused tQ resume bis seat. Cr Dallas again rose, aud stated th«*.t it ap. 1 peared to bim tbat the majority of the members were iv favor of the motion being put. be therefore should revive it, i.e., " That the 1 appointment pf tbe Baqfc be rescinded " Cr Scott seconded. ' Cr M'Kenzie contended that the present proceedings were informal and illegal, and suggested that the business of the day be proI ceeded witb. i ' The Chairman explaiued tbat they bad oo T» ......

account, therefore they bad no Bank, but he had no objection to tbe motion being put. The motion being read, there seemed to be some misunderstanding between its meaning and the mover's ideas. Tbe Chairman stated that what they bad to do with was tbe notice of motion as written, not what the mover meant or thought. He then spoke of discourtesy having been shown to bim outside the Council, by members divulging matters which tbey had no right to do, which he (the Chairman) characterised as clap trap. Cr M'Kenzie here rose to a point of order, and referred tbe Chairman to clause 12 of the Counties' Act, sections 30 and 50, wherein they were only empowered to meet and act under certain restrictions not having adopted the whole Act. He asked the Chairman to give his ruling upon that point, as it would save a deal of waste of time. The Chairman, after perusal, ruled that tbe motion was out of order, but he stated tbat, as Chairman, he had desired to extend the utmost amount of courtesy to members, yet he had that day been accused of being discourteous; he stated that he had never wished to tie the tongue of any member, and was at a loss to know wherein he bad been discourteous in any way. Cr Dallas asked if the business already done was legal. Cr M'Kenzie to the Chairman— Before giving your ruling he wished to remark that by the 12th section of the Act they were empowered to a certain extent. Clause here read. The Chairman ruled that the business already done was legal. Upon several of the members asking for an adjournment, Cr M'Kenzie opposed ou the grounds that he did not ride to Balclutha for a dinner ; he came there to try and do some business ; in place of that they had muddled away a portion of the day, and now tbey were going to waste another hour by looking for a dinner. Adjourned for one hour. Cr M'Kenzie was wroth at the useless waste of time that morning and well he might be. clerk's salary. On resuming, The Chairman stated that this matter had been left to Cr Dallas and himself to fix, but as they could not agree, the matter was referred back to the Council. Cr M'Kenzie asked if it was legal to make such a motion. Tbe Chairman replied in tbe affirmative. Cr M'Kenzie read clause 99 of tbe Act, wbere it spoke of the appointment of a clerk, but he was doubtful as to their competency of paying one. However, he moved, " That the clerk be paid £200 per annum.'' Cr Scott suggested £500, but ultimately moved, " That the clerk's salary be £40 per annum." Neither of these motions found seconders. Cr Ayson moved, " That the clerk's salary be £50 per annum." Cr M'Kenzie seconded. The Chairman remarked that that amount met his views of the position, and that it was a position that a respectable man would not bold for a mere bagatelle. Cr M'Kenzie spoke in favor of giving a fair remuneration to one who had devoted a considerable portion of his life to gaining knowledge. The Chairman replied tbat what the Council would have to consider only was, Was the applicant capable of the office ? They were short ot funds, and economy would have to be their motto. Cr Dallas moved as an amendment, " That j the clerk's salary be £20 per annum." i Cr Jowitt considered that the secretary- | ship should be an office to be looked up to ; but he was staggered when be heard £200 j proposed. He considered £50 per annum little enough, and £20 as inadequate. Cr Dallas' amendment lapsed for want of a seconder. Cr Ayson, in reply to bis motion, remarked that he considered it would be money well spent in paying Mr Henderson £50 per annum. The motion was carried. The Chairman said that the next matter was the distribution ot the funds, which they were not in possession of, or ever likely to be. Cr M'Kenzie drew attention to sub-sectious 2 and 3 of section 31 of the Financial Arrangements Act, and asked how they were proceeding under that clause. Cr Dallas replied tbat they^ had until the 4th of April to allocate their funds, Cr M'Kenzie contended that they had not, and that they should have proportioned them at their first or an adjourned meeting, and he held that tbat meeting was neither. Cr Jowitt rose to his feet hastily and contended that Cr M'Kenzie's rendering of the word " adjourned " was entirely wrong, and that the present meeting came within the meaning of the clause referred to. Cr M'Kenzie asked for the Chairman's ruling upon the point. Tbe Chairman ruled that it was quite competent for them to allocate their funds up to the 31st of March, and tha.t they were then tp allocate tbem to Ro&d Boards over which tbey would afterwards have no control. Cr Henderson stated that, by continuing m they were, they would l^ye equally as much money as they would had they adopted the entire Act.- , Cr M'Kenzie said he could not let the remarks pf Cr Henderson pass unnoticed or Without contradiction. He could not see how Cr Henderson could state that, by not adopting the Act, that they could have as much money as they would by adopting it. He stated tbat in his and the Brugh Ridings tbey would get considerably more, over £1000. It appeared ty him that Cr Header-

I son's ideas could not grasp anything further I than a Road Board ; bis conception could not go further. He stated that in or within twelve months they would have no Road Boards, and be hoped that Cr Henderson would bave some bounds of sympathy for those who bad not the felicity of being within a Road Board. Cr Henderson remarked that those outside Road Boards could constitute themselves into Road Boards if they chose and enjoy the priveleges of others so constituted, but as it was the funds would be spent equally as well as though the County Council had spent tbem. Cr Dallas remarked that Cr M'Kenzie's remarks in regard to the extra amount that could be raised if the Act was adopted was all nonsense. Cr M'Kenzie here drew the Chairman's attention to the imputation, and threw himself upon him for redress. He stated that he would not stand such logic. He knew more about the county than the last speaker, even were he to live 100 years. Cr Dallas withdrew his remark and acknowledged his error, aod afterwards endeavoured to show that no good could accrue by adopting the Act. Cr M'Kenzie stated that he declined to answer the last speaker's remarks, and tbat that was the only way certain people should be treated. i Cr Henderson stated that they should allocate the funds at their disposal as near as they could to where they were raised. Cr Scott stated that he was of opinion that it was the duty of the Council to at once define the different roads as the subsidies varied, and opinions also as to which were main and district roads. The Chairman replied that it was not within their power to class the roads. Cr M'Kenzie remarked that by clause 88 of the Act a Road Board could take over a Distiict road, but the Council could not compel tbem to take one over. He was of opinion tbat the best way would be for the Council to refuse to distribute the fuuds, then the Government would do so. Here an unfruitful discussion took place for about an bour, when the Chairman remarked that members could not complain of his undue courtesy, aud that it seemed to him " that they were happy to meet but sweer to part " Cr Jowitt then moved '* That the County funds be divided among the various Road Boards according to the amount of rates collected by them in the various districts." Cr Henderson seconded the motion. Cr Scott proposed as an amendment that the funds be allocated as under: — Clinton to Mataura, £100; Clinton to Waipahi, £300 ; Clinton to Waiwera, £500 ; Waiwera to Kaihiku, £300 ; Balclutha to Inch-Clutha, £100 ; Balclutha to Port Molyneux, £300; Balclutha to Kaihiku, £100. Cr M'Kenzie, in seconding the motion, stated that it (the motion) did honor to Cr Scott and those who sent him to the Council. It was the only common-sense motion he had heard made that day. He then characterised the idea of giving the rates to where they were raised as a robbery, stating that many parts of the district had already received the Lion's share of provincial moneys for their roads. Cr Henderson thought that the amendment was out of order, a_ it was the duty of the Council to hand over the money to the Road Boards. He thought Cr Jowitt's the only reasonable idea.— (Cries of " Oh, oh." Cr Dallas moved a further amendment — *• That the Boad Boards should get the following per centage of the anticipated £1600 : — Clinton Road Board 55 per cent., or equal to £880 ; Pomahaka Road Board, 10 per cent., or equal £160 ; Clutha Road Board, 7 per cent, or equal to £112 ; Inch Clutha Road Board, 5 per cent., or equal to £80 ; Port Molyneux Road Board, 23 per cent., or equal to £368." Cr M'Kenzie said he was more than surprised at the remarks of Cr Henderson, that of giving their money to the road districts wherein it bad been raised. He held that Port Molyneux had had sufficient of the Government money. He was all the more surprised at Cr Henderson's suggestion (he being an old Provincial Councillor) in trying to rob those poor deferred payment settlers in the Waipahi district, who had not received a farthing of Government money for their roads. He stated tbat he had been sent to see that the funds were fairly allocated, and be was determined to do it, and not to be robbed. Cr Henderson replied that he had no such idea, he was in favor of assisting the outlying districts which had a large portion of main road to maintain. Cr Dallas remarked that his per centage re the Clinton Road Board was large on account of their having 16 miles of main road to maintain, and a portion of which had to be formed and metalled. Cr Ayson moved a further amendment which, together with Cr Dallas's, lapsed for want of a seconder., Cr Jowitt remarked that if his motion were looked into it would be found to be very similar to tbe amendments. He would like to give a large grant to the main south road, but tbere were other roads which required looking to. He then referred to the main line to Catlin's, when some of the members laughed, but Cr Jowitt emphatically announced that " these were facts that would na ding." He wanted to do justice, yet he must look to his own constituents, Cr Scott's amendment was carried in the following amended form : — Clinton to Mataura, £100; Clinton to Waipahi, £300: Clinton to Waiwera, £400; Waiwera to, Kaihiku, £300 ; Balclutha to Inch Clutha, £100; Balclutha to ?ueroa } £50 ; Balctatfca

to Catlin's River, £250 ; Balclutba to Kaihiku, £100. There voted for it— Crs Scott, M'Kenzie, Ayson, and Scobie. There was considerable discussion as to the final allocation arrived at, each member trying to obtain for his constituents as much as he could, but as the ultimate settlement each one seeme I inclined to put party motive aside and do their best for the county generally. Mr McNeil tried hard for Inch Clutha, but found tbat as much as could possibly be got was already given. The only member who got nothing for his district was Cr M'Kenzie, who only had the satisfaction of seeing others get some of the funds. " Cr M'Kenzie moved, " Tbat Mr M. Patersonbe requested to undertake the expenditure of the money upon the outlying districts ia the Waipahi Riding." Ci Ayson seconded. Carried. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. Cr M'Kenzie proposed Councillor Dallas. Cr Jowitt, in an appropriate speech, proposed their present Chairman for re-election. He stated they might go further and fare worse. Cr Scott seconded. Cr M'Kenzie supported the motion, and spoke in favor of the candidate, and euggested, if re-elected, that he should bring tbem (the councillors) to bay a little oftener. The motion was carried unanimously. This concluded the business. -_—-__-_--- •____------_---___ i t

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Bruce Herald, Volume IX, Issue 895, 6 April 1877, Page 7

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Clutha County Couucil. Bruce Herald, Volume IX, Issue 895, 6 April 1877, Page 7

Clutha County Couucil. Bruce Herald, Volume IX, Issue 895, 6 April 1877, Page 7