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•Mi . •^"g'iiy- annual j 'meeting' ; of members lotf'tbe " 7! aT^ymalr^f Farmers^ held, on ! n , iL rTues<^ x' ' There was a ; fair 'attendance* and the chait U>'iO TO: ..:•>;?,.» yi'.ii '4i'- .'n''- !:i J ; 'iiir t ! 'li tt •:■■ .1' f[ was.takenby }^he . President M*c James t bcqtjfc. -'-?/• )'.- X!?--ii ijilo-if-.ii. MINUTES, ';,:■;;,,; j xr:f/ .1 «; / ! ir: rI > The minutes, jog .the -annua! meeting held fit :i ?ii1875;-wereiread-:and;cofafix*med^' '. .'.;. . r-.'fj. yxi '-'i ,i >l_/ ; :'^ : ' / •Al*^u^' , K^•e^ 6RT; , '• " ' ■■■■■'<•' '■"-> \ y. re. .s i rj-hg* *Secrk{ar y ! 'tlien' ' read ' ! thfe s ' ; fojlfnf %| "' ? "of* the' 'Committbe fdri tfe^ p,a# ; ■xios-j'>v/«_n<' / '- M- 'Anf.-d 'i>nis . i--;;pn ; v ,. „, r- Yl'-*.i*>."i;.Oi"ils.'S' •.Vj""{-!'''OP'*Jm -'''Ifoii' j ;ii!" : ; ■:, *]^heji^Tnmit|ee,ha-fe pleaeu^ain- again mejetinj; c * 'tue' 'members/bf "the u CliibJ and'in beiijg.aple U During the' , 'V ai » fi ' ; y e * r - / * ■walkirigShbw '.qf.^entir

match have been held • under ; its -auspice, and ■ -each -competition 'haß-theen*^ ; .successful.;,,,.. „,,': yyy (V ; : y .",-',. ;: "ii *f ; i= ' j' During the'pas't yea*c,the <3rove x-nuient ..fwectec*] Tpkomairiro as , rthe /place" for ( holding a. op>peti- , ;tion •for^prizes/bffered .by%e^for ( |ihe b~etf'draxn-icg-plbugli^ of , vColorualf or, yap™ makejxxnd dxd : )JbLe ( Giuh the honor; of requestuxg, their a/sistance .and; "Ehe -qpmpetixtion ''took ptece under the direction .of; the Club,,., yyy ; : /.. ; '_ ' . • : At present the L xihancxal_ position drth&'Club may be considered; satisfactory,, as after subscnp-j tions/&C;, due, have. been: paid,.. tberowSl be only a deficiency of. about £7,- kftstyeat: the, amount ;due tothelßank' £28y consequontly' the rClub ■stands -on -„ a much, better footing, thai* it did last year. ■>•■•.-:) ;<\';X ',m>l.-y.'.'.y\yyr.ii<Si, '■ X.H : r\y •_• / "' *" Th£"' Secretary* tnehread ttie;balauce*sheet . .i;":mi-' <.i.- < t-'~yiO ilr.:t'Wi 1•- i»!"--i *i J 1 ; T.|jp; -,;-. >;-v.'- --! SliiOiUx.X liu'vXH. : 'i'|.,7. r .v:i y'. A i i)vLY } y-' ■>:<>■-:. y-»*>'. : •.■■.■;£;■ s. ■>■*•< ftc't^T^ Receip&^^ ■ -•€ 15 '.'.O: De,c. - „; I^<;exptSjE>*o.toeß i Sl^ci.Sh<yw 42 4 0 "'r ' "' : ~« 'C'ash^atgaVes.'sub'sc^P^onsi ' ... "> < - ■■■■ „.-«-.-. Jo ;;'-'^; Sfc y^;siioW ;; ,7v. ■:, ,35; 13 0 1876. - „■.:.<.{.. , ..[ j-;.-.../-"/- „:• July. ,„ Entries ; .Ploughing Match iT 1,4 ; 2.i6 ,;:;•* :;„#m-. ,■'■'•' '-i '<?° ■";, '.■' w- ..^M$; o, ;,;"J n , irM-^mpersf, cards, 1876 ,\;.. .y18.,..0. Q •'■. ,', Amount of subs.,, &c. due ( „,. : ._,;."..■ ; Wciut ».'■;'... ' f ,M..-, ••",.... 23 o o „ Balance ... . ••• v 618 8 ' '„".'.'"'. Total ' , ... •■.!.. 147 8 2 ■ .--.. -. : :',: os-..'. ;•*.■ I;■■1 ;■■ ..-■ £ s. d. 1875. •' ' '■;* "- j -- :i '■ ' '•■•'■ - Aug. By 'balance 'due Bank ... 28 3 8' Dec. ! „ Expensed' Stock. Show ... '"25 10 0 • : "i, Awards '^do ' -do „. '.31 18 0 • " ' „ Expenses Draining Competition' : [ ... ... 318 0 „' Secretary's salary, &c. ... 1 17 6 0 „ Bruce HKRALDactiount :.. " IS 1 6 „ Cash awards' ' Ploughing Match 20 6 0 -~~ — $j- Sundries-expenses, &c. ..; 2 5 0 '' '' '■ ''" Total '"_ ': 147. 8" 2 On'the motion of Mr Clark, secouded by Mr Goodall, the annual report of the Committee was adopted, and the financial statement held over. .the 'show ground." The President reported to the meeting with reference to the steps that had been taken in connection with the show ground, and the report of the Sub-committee on the subject xyas read. FXNAKCE.' Mr J. A. Henderson, secretary and treasurer, remarked that although the financial position of the Club might- not appear very satisfactory, the various shows and competitions held under the auspices Of the Club had been highly successful. The tradesmen of Milton, especially/ had contributed most liberally towards the prizes that had been offered., jbut .as the prizes given by them were mostly 1 special ones, the funds of the Club had hot been axigmen ted to any great extent. He had no hesitation in saying that the Club stood in a better position than it did at the previous annual meeting. ! On. the motion of Mr Lindsay, seconded by Mr Clark, 'a hearty vote of thanks was -passed to those who had subscribed towards ,-'■ . ■>■ ■ - i > ' . . . the prizes, offered at the various competxtxons. ELECTIONS. The next business was the election of a President for the ensuing year. Mr Clark proposed a hearty vote of thanks jtpjhe rfctiring President, Mr James , Scott,; for his services to the s Club, and referred to the satisfactory and enei'getic manner in which Mr Scott had always performed his. duties. Mr James Goodall seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. ' Mr Scott returned thanks for the compliment paid him. He reminded those present that he had held the office of President of the Club for a considerable tinxej saying that he had quite enough of it, and Svislxed them to elect someone else. Eight members of the Club were then nominated as candidates for the office of President, and after the votes had been recorded it was announced that Mr James Duthie, of Waihola Gorge, had been elected. Mr J. C. Gordon was appointed VicePresident. Mr Gordon proposed that the Committee should consist of twelve members. "■' Mr Scott seconded; the motion; Mr Fraser moved, as ah amendment, that the Committee should consist of twenty members. Mr Murray seconded the amendment, which was carried. , . The followiug gentlemen were appointed a Corixmittee :— Messrs Philip, Hewitson, Hislop, Fraser, Scott, Murray, Paton, James Bryce, Lindsay, Goodall/ Oliver, Inglis, J. Sutherland, J. M. Bryce, F. Black, W. Matheson, jjjn., John Porter, J. K. Salmond, G. Elliot, and P. M'GilL ; On the. motion of Mr Murray; seconded by Mr Lindsay, it was resolved that five inemr hers should fprm a quorum of the Committee; ' On tuemfttibix ,pf Mi* jlurrky, seconded by Paton, Messrs 11. R.i .Jones and,- James Scott were appointed' ajjdftor.s fpr thp knsuxng year/ ; /'..:" '....- ' ,'."■' ■/].. . ' V- ■ > On the motion. of Mrilflglw, seconded hy Mf'Gordon/ Mr JL' Ai Henderson' was appoiixted, Secretary^ and Tf ea^iirer^ . '-'■". :! ' : ; 1 TICKETS r .Mr'.Gbr.dbh nidged ihat, the^ nrice.of memI ticket^ shoxxldibe,, ; the, ,game as last yeai i.'^teh iih^lirigs. :V■' -; ! ' ,:;j ;. :'■ [;.,''.'- , jvir ,H|ew,itso*a .the motion., Mr Lindsay- moved an.^endment, : that the pr^'ofthe^ckets should^ he ;^y^ and^sixpenae. .-, ■■■.■rj-s.j- ■:;■■■. i ■■■■'■ I j : Mr ingfis! seconded tfa ft)»e»dment, yhict was ldst, ; the mofidii being carried. "''.. „,'iQn the 'motion 'ot* Mr Philp, seconded h*} Mx Fraser, it was resolved that aU p.ersoni giving- sbelciar prizes of the vaiflei , of ?0i ghQuld.!b'e.,.giy^ ticket, . : free o charge; «=■:■•• ■■■■', • .:sX . ;....; ; : - ' *" '>!•• )m i':/f '\-?^NOiKa.TH)B, GROXINb. _''„, ; . i,Mr 'Jii.G. Gor^oa. Suggested thati $he Clul ;shbuld take steps to fra .:-.=':'.>ll«-.:.i!K!"{ ■,!'.■; 'Io j.!v (iXllirilV.riiy t . '.Sii: '■ '/'>.:

that the necessary amount'be L *<siised >hy' «übr rscriptiOßs of -"-firi jfto: be repaid v with* the^inoney :i receivedifor the leasing of tbe ground, yx y '< -V ■- Mr -Murray seconded tlxe mo tion', which ! was carried.' '.." "'," •Yy ■: *|^," ■ ;,i

, On tjae motion, of . Mr Hislop, seconded by Mr, Gordon • it was 1 resolved that the Subcommittee should, take steps' ; to VcaU'..-.for,.,ten.r ( ders tor 'the leasing, of tne . ground, .and then report to' a meetingrto be 'held \ in a fortnight: ■ ■The- meeting then adjourned.' . "_."/.

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Bruce Herald, Volume IX, Issue 827, 11 August 1876, Page 5

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ANNUAL MEETING. Bruce Herald, Volume IX, Issue 827, 11 August 1876, Page 5

ANNUAL MEETING. Bruce Herald, Volume IX, Issue 827, 11 August 1876, Page 5