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Bow aid our-m^pkWnts^^arn 1 ami Eve, manage to get through. Jihe__hours of a long rpunAner's day in Ede.i,. so, thaj. time did nut,.-. hang- ieavy;'on J tneManicte V [ ifciltb'n, in hi* I.'1 .' | " Paradise iLost, ft:^dUsvusitheyl'iisedi-toido a ' iernp's. working among flowers; raisinir 'robe's, trailing vines, making summer arbors; and 1 ,so jori, in thathhappy.j gatden', >where; y. •> i hL, v <!T . r> " Airs, vernal air 3, breathing the srbell ofjfieldrn < ''"'' ' i aud-grove, 7 . „ . . . ,r> „- $ , ..... '"f "| jAttuned tK'e trembling lb'avW, "'' ' r.. ;r -Aiid universal Pan; joined with' thetgraceß atiil •> / J in , dance, „,. ,i. .. r ,.,, '„-■•■/ „< '' Gl jiJe'd ion thY eternal spring." ' '"" ' A r £'ttiat timfe our' first parents we're riot ''en:-' " .gaged^in' tSe i' 4 '/ delightful' task"' dif' rearmg 1 ' •the rten&er thoiight and teaching the ; young;,' to shout," as the youiisr ideas, t or .-. "episodes," as^ A^emus • Ward ddalleS e ' ' ith.em, had noiH then - atfiVed in"; the shape of Caih and Abel rand, others.. .We must !snjrpose. however,^thaVtl}at first. sojourn inSdeh was! sweet thbugh'very short, 1 as our pro^ .genitoT's" seeraTd have Considered it anything 'butjgood fun to be turned 'out and hear the gates closed behind them.";. Then came work and nV> ; mistake;' 'Adairi had 'to shoulder axe £ \ /and spade • aiid grapple /with/the:. wilderness, - 1 while Eve took .up her ,distaff. Then Adaift r delyedj^nii'Eve 5 spari; ! and' v as yet'tli^e'-was 15 no ge.ntlenian.., nHe^the,^' gentleman, "..that >. rs . ,beiiig relieved d$ the original curse of having ty work for his bread, was a creature o£ later i. ; irro|ivthv "Work was originally "called a:curse. We'll, truly there' are^-m »t 'a, great many -ni en t who look forward to wokr with a pleasurable feeling, though • wbrky 'when "once -we '"are / 'ab'oiuta+j, is often.notiS^^isagceeabJ&.asitjis v. tin anticipation. Still, men love a, holiday— like to ' lay down' 'axe or ; spadd , ' of 'cease f ol- ; : lowing the plough,'i'or:"vin- r townsiandtci£ies r to.'!o' j*et| Qfii the, outside of 'the> shop^cpupter, to ;-; t.get|down from the .ofnce:stooi, or up" from ,ehaiis, i: to''have a' day ortwo' of idlenessy 'ift' 1 "'-'' which they are free to occupy their tiinerasoili they-like. — Yes, generally- speaking, -people [do not love work overmuch; "and if they do nolj always consider bein^ obliged to work ii ; c^lrse, they by iio means" consider it a blessings thdu»h throiigb the great" -influence .'of habit }, over human nature, menrwork on early and_J ~;l laj;4. One vthati men don't con"--sidsr work a blessjng is, that one of the strongest • motives for work is the hope of obtaining so much of thi^ world's .wealth aS „ not 'io be 'obliged to work any longSr.j-'bWt'tb' ' 't-e'st, and enjoy,: and taste of ! that hiqbpy leisure, which, in the distance, seems to ..haye,-: something in it. of the sweets of Paradise • ' v though,- when >'a' -mah : arrives' at thkt' state lift ' which he is no longer required to wqf kj he ... ■frequently fiftds it ..not by -any mea;ns. -a(> r . delightful as' lie anticipates it'wduict be. Tlie' fact is a state of work is man's proper' or ' natural condition in this world, outside " the "~" golden gateg bf : Heaven." So 'instead of beting a curse work is-of ten a blessing, and people who are not fprcedto work; or dp not; 1 force themselves to .work, ,are ; liable td J • become wretched and ' niisefable, melancholy 'and heavy-hearted. •- So m e • people undoubt=- ■ : ■ edly can bear idleness better . than, otherg^.r. and .perhaps it is occasiohaliy the case^that. women C;in bear it be'ttef ; thanWnen,' biit'to' ' all men' and women idleness is hurtful, and;-., to j those of strong passions^ and. great energies, i. it I is extremely injurious.* Thus we' see' wealthy youiijj jnen at honie not unfreque'ritly 1 bejcomei dissipated,.. in; order to get rid r pf; that; .• ' irksome feeling jvhich preys upon, the spirits , when' people haW'iiPthing to do— a feelmg' particularly intolerable toindi viduals.gif ted" 1;. -with gi'eat. powers and energies. So it fre; 7 , qUeritly : ! hap^eiis < that' 'h*appineSs J 'does :j 'not ;al>vays accompany. -the possession ;;of wealthy j :: i,arid that a man; who is forced .to occupy a,, certain portion of his time' iri work to pro- .' cure a.lirelihobdj is oft -times happier arid ■ erijoys life more than he who •hasjuriJimited:.;; leisure, -Still, as regard^ work, as with niuny . "bthef things 1 , there ? i§"a r ''gblo^en' riYeiiri,''" aidif.'ftfi^rk.Qr+to^litil^workis,,^ cessive work is injurious to body and mind-., ftlen do well to practice ecori'6 r myFnot''6riiy : - : ii{ the^utlay of cash f^bu.t^l^q An. the.: 'exercise of their powers 'of" body or'^mihd! '.6'ver=exercise t - of ;:ithe 'bodyvyespeCialiyf-'in early . youth and before ripe, manhood, brings on premature decay of ;i bodily "vigor 1 ; and so ,oyer-exercise of the brain, 4 ,'especially in childhood and youth, tends t5 produce decay of mental ,Btre'ngth;'-/.W/esh«uld bear this in niiivd during the prevalence of the present -fashion of endeavoung to cranl young brains with a large amount -ofJknowledge 'on many subjects. It would be well ,if, with all our learning, We could obtain wisdom and that common sense which tells us it is i ,cr.tteir.fpily[ to over-weight the minds of' the young. It would seem that in • tlie'l United '^States' i& : > Amerina, several of ( the f youth,of .both sexes ..7 liave fallen victims to this forcing system, powers of body and nlind having cafiaps^d><T from the over-tasking-of the brain. --'It is a ~ riotable sign of 'these rater-'days'tliaV in! Great Britain and Europe, workers in mills and factories are clamoring, riot only for higher wages, :but for .sliorteY' hoiirs -.! This is" a good f sign . rather than otherwise. .One cause of 1 intemperance among iriannfactunng laborers — those men' who 4 sperid twelve or -fourt'eeri^ ! -= hqiirs.a day, working in,,npisy,. dustyi^mills,.: , ancl iactories — is pro bably. over-work a^id the r ,' t lkssitilde ; 'arid l weariness o'c'caa'ioned 1 by ffifmifi' 1 probably .shortening; the. ,■ hours v ofq kbbrjnwili ■•/ do much to forward the canse.of tempe,rancP'. : , C ' TiOCXi. ETirjfoio'GYi^l'obs'erve'Mr Justice Ghapman,. in :tlie : course- of; his- interesting"^ l;ectiire -on r liegal ; My.thsjj obser ; yes(:—^ Thpjj ( , Isle of Wight,' it has been said, is so called because 'it waiß -said r i'6 ? ha'v6 r jt been y conquered I * by..tone .Whitgari ;r b,ut ji.^simply rri niea] ■$).&;? '• Land ' of Queens'' "' I dun't dispute his Hdh'Pr's derivation ? 6f» the riafe'eV-bufc perhaps ihe' following; -seiltence-irfrqmjf, All tfte Round.': may throw some light on. the subje^r li '^Mricu?ed ) taceW >1 1^e :;; Goi;Ks I! Ve're r ' r ttte- Elites,? <Sr ofeher,wise)(fcailedn tft&i'Jjryta&^rYtas, Wights, Gwichts, &c— wp!tds # ,>Yj??.ch {, ieem, to v i m ply ,' ravenous .warriors.'" 'The Settled ' 6t : i&e f iiWifcUt'e r 'i little island, khidlifnowrXormspatt o.f thQ.,counJyiof ,Hant?y,F, and from them it derived its name. t jft ..w,as j at first called Yfcaland, or Gytaland fafter-' W,aTasjnWihtlandi,iiana Bubse'^uently; i Wight, ojjthe^sle^.o^.^W^ght."^ much contrariety of opniion'as to the derivations jof'tle n-amWb'f plafeesV ■■■ hi'.fi?.sn>ili j Which was it ?— T/ I,am,not,mjstaken one Uembdr of Assembly said- it' 'was Charles y"ames FSL I:TRe r w^.cbrrecte T d by Mr Stafford^ |who 4 sai4 it.was Sli^ridan. Now, I see our/ knemrierifof'fernc^has, in his late speechj, fathered the little .joke on- a Highland laird. D[ expect it was TAep,d^,'J Ho ' o!ie * who gave ja bill to his wine merchant for ( the debt h% ;o>jedfT;hlrnji rsaryins.p. -wath^Ji jiigll ofijifiligf, j" 'Thank Gpdj he's paid," ,- v j. ... r ; .

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Bruce Herald, Volume VI, Issue 402, 17 January 1872, Page 6

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NOTES BY COLONUS. Bruce Herald, Volume VI, Issue 402, 17 January 1872, Page 6

NOTES BY COLONUS. Bruce Herald, Volume VI, Issue 402, 17 January 1872, Page 6