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GI&AJtTTKI SAfil ._. ' —op— ■- •■'•' '■- : - - :t " ■""' WftS & SMB , AT I)ANNEVIRKE. THE SPLENDID STOCK OE MR tr f, C# FABROW — TTAS been purchased. by us at an enqrmoupeauction; aM xr# a^offer-•■-J- ing the whole of it at extraordinary low prices .' to -Effect a^ speedy Cloa^ co R HANNAH & CO, tm THE CHANGE OF A LIFE-TIME. DON'T MISS IT % r o.nen' s Smart. Evening Shoes, re- Men's. Strong Nailed Shooters, 'reduced from 8s 6d to 4s lid. • duced from 10s 6d to 8s 6d Women's . Stylish" Walking Shoes, re-. Men's Smart ,Tdn Boots 12s 6d and duced from 12s 6d to 8s 6d. ; los 6d, Usually 2is. Women's Kid Walking Boots, reduc- Men's Box. Calf Balmorals, reduced; ed from 14s 6d to 10s 6d. from 10* 6d to 8s lid. Women's Gum Boots, best 1 (juality, Men's^at4nt Dress Siio^, reducedl reduced from 10s 6d to. 8s 6d. | from Gs^to 1^;J;, .;,VV ; HIGH . GRADE FOOTWEAR. EVEfrtf JRAIR REWicEDL MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS ' Youths' Strong Shooters, 6s 6d. Neat Slioes l for Babj, ls^_ Girls' SclftSr Boots, Is lid. Griffon's, BMI&KsIC 2^\ Women's};siea|aier} Slippefg^s lid. Best Ilii%fie^H^ei|, tfashM HAHiAtts iroliisii ■ of c. c. iPAßitcyW^' s®pei:' ! [ ; ■ AT^•DANNEVI^KE.;;/::' ?;£>;. v.^, :.

Bonnington's Irish Moss wSU cure your j Cougfi or Cold. When you catch cold, one way is to pay no attention to it — at least until it develops into bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, or even something more serious. • ; The other way h to at once take BONiNGTON'S CARRAGEEN IRISH MOSS It will quickly cure you, soothe the irritation, heal the lungs, and make them strong and healthy. Read the experience of Mr. N. H. Litolff, of Mornington, Dunedin : — "I desire to express my satisfaction of the qualities of Rnnnineton's Irish Moss, I'or coughs and colds. I suffered from a cough dreadfully for some considerable time. 1 tried several cough remedies without getting any relief whatever, until I purchased a bottle of your Irish Moss. After taking it for a .short time it quickly. drove all traces of the cough away." Refuse Substitutes. Ask for BONNINGTON'S Irish Moss and do not be persuaded to take a substitute which gives the dealer a bigger profit. -QAVID INSURANCE, FINANCIAL, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, ORMONDVILLE. Alliance Assurance Company. New Zealand Insurance, Accident Branch. SECTIONS FOR SALE AT Makotuku and Ormondville. 4-Roomed House and 12J acres land in township of Ormondville; good terms. TJ r^. "pATERSON & CO., ACCOUNTANTS & GENERAL AGENTS. Tradesmen's Booka Made ap. HIGH ST. (next Union Bank), DANNEVIRKE. W. ROBINSON, MAKOTUKU. (Twenty Years in District.) LAND AGENT AND FINANCIAL AGENT. Dwellings To Let and For Sale. Several Farms for Sale in neighborborhood and district, CALL OR WRITE. WANTED KNO^N—AU printing work turned out smartly at t)ie A.JDTOCATE Otfice.

Tjl RO S T & > -]t / j* BNZ I E S, DENTISTS, NAPIER. FEES: Complete Sets Teeth from £3 3s; Single Tooth and Plate ss; Painless Extractions, each tooth, 2s 6<3,- Painless Extractions, Children's temporary teeth Is. Note— Either under gas or cocaine, free of charge. Any number up to 32 teeth easily extracted under one administration of gas, the safest and most pleasant of anaesthetics with no after-effects whatever. Chloroform and its unpleasant effects and dangers are done away with. No fee for extraction if new set is ordered. Trained nurse in attendance. ■ Dannevirke visit May 19th, Masonic Hotel, from noon till 5 p.m. Next Waipukurau visit, April Bth, : Next Waipukurau visit, May 2Qtli. Leviathan Hotel, from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. Telephone 101. I^COWPER AND TpRICHARD, SURGEON DENTISTS, Opposite Post Office ... Dannevirke. Iff QHICK, SURGEON DENTIST, COSMOPOLITAN CHAMBERS, No. 1 Dannevirke. Private residence, Gordon street. Telephone # 52. ... P.O. Box 8. T>LAKISTON & "DLAKISTON, BARRISTERS Aim SOLICITORS, DANNEVIRKE, H.B. Money to Lend on Approved Security at lowest current rates. Agents for loans from the Government Life Insurance Department at 5 per cent. T.O. Box 65. MR P. B. FITZHERBERT, SOLICITOR, DANNEVIRKE, Will visit Makotuku and Norsewood on alternate Saturdays, commencing 27th April, 1907. TVHODES and WfESTALL. BARRISTERS A SOLICITORS, NAPIER. MR WESTALITwiII attend at Ormondville every courtday at Mr David Wilson's at 10 a.m. Other arrangements on business can always be made with Mr Wilson. m H. GORDON LLOYD, ■*■ 'BARRISTER & SOLICITOR, DANNEVIRKE, H.B. Agent .for the Australian Widow i Fund Life Insurance Society, Ltd. T T T3ATTERSON, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Opposite Post Office, Dannevirko. Money to lend in any sums at lowest current rates on approved 86CUT A "ROBERTSON, AUTHORISED SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER. Office, High s street, opposite Post Office, Danevrrke. "OAGNAR TENSSEN, ARCHITECT and VALUATOR. Agencies : Commercial Union Fire and Accident Assurance Co. Land and Comission Agent. Tamaki Chambers. ... Ward street. STT\ fAM B, ARCHITECT, COSMOPOLITAN BUILDINGS No.l DANNEVITIKE.

A well-known figure on the Queen's Wharf, ; Wellington/ gives ex- ' cellent testimony in '■ . '•', favour 0f,.-../ -...'S . FLjLWTEKOA. ; . i „ . ... .... „, „ : • — h : ~ Dear Sir,— th/s IS to certify '-■ - thai: I have taken PLANTEkoA : ■ for CHRONIC iNDIGESTION, SEVERE FLATULENCE, and PAINS < in the STOMACH, caused by 'fermentation of food, etc., • ' from which I ' suffered for 1 many years.' I may say that '_ the different rcmeUies trZstf i- tO BVeh Obtain relief tire many - - In number, but in no case vvas- ■ > permanent benefit received until! used PLANTEKOa. This , ' seemed to act ai 6nc& and go ■ ■ ■ to the root of the trouble. I ■ .can honestly say I have found it' A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE MEDICINE, doing all that is claimed for it, and I can highly recommend it to anyone suffering in Hike manner to myself. Yours sincerely, \ ■ WM. SHILLING, \ Pilot, : Wellington Harbour Board. > i ■•; ' The testimony of Pilot Shilling is borne out by all users of PLANTEKOA. If taken as directed a cure follows in every ; case. PLANTEKOA is obtainable from the principal Chemists 1 1 flnd Storekeepers at Sf- per h ..-: bottle, or post free from the ' PlanUkoa Proprietary, Wellington. ;; v «3 J f Medicines come | n ■ r ' ''..and..-, ■• B I Medicines go v A; but lasting popularity can only be A j obtained by proved lasting benefits. J| »' ' Have you ever considered why V| A ? BEE€f?AM*S PILLS are the great- d J est patent medicine andhavc outlived V f \ cotripetitors?, Nothing 0 libut j I : superior merit and usefulness, and Z 1 1 that . they have proved themselves \| d unequalled for removing the common j V ailments ofmen, women & children. 0 if Year in and year out thousands W V o! .families throughout the world X f BEECH AM s! mis U on I\and for mlnoi 1 ailments, which, Ifc » if not at once checked, will lead to A C serious illness. Don't experiment I I ' with untried remedies so persistently f y and plausibly offered, but remember 1 h thatJBEECHAM'S FILLS will prOY« 1 J V every poiat claimed and will i ij Roll on for ever. ) V If you would look well, feel well I ff and keep well, use I S BEECHMTSJILLS. j Jk Prepared only by | UL THOMAS BBBetiAM. St. Helens, Laac. I V Sold everywhere in Boxes, Price A Q is. lid. [56 pills) and 2s. 9d, (168 pills), A }^^f^a^^s^at^>^^i*X^S^s:^^So^& ONE Dozen Spring Tip Draya have just been put into Stock at H. M. RIES and SONS. Prices from £18 to £26. All sizes and weights. Our harness room v full of all kinds of Harness, made on our own premises. One second-hand Spring Dray for £10.

x adies and gentlemen— JLj" When you are in Napier or Palmerston call and inspect my studios where you will find samples of every branoh of photography equal to anyi in New Zealand. ... . ..- - . ... I employ the largest and most efficient staff in the North Island. . ; SPECIAL AREANGEMENTS AND™ PBIOES DURING THE CARNIVAL SEASON 1 . Write and make your appointment. BUNTING, PHOTOGRAPHER, PALMER6TON N. & NAPIER. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. HOME SEPARATOR CREAM PURCHASED in any quantity.. Highest price given. "We P a y railage to Wellington. Consign to WELLINGTON FRESH FOOD AND ICE COMPANY, Wellington. A CQI7AINTANGE Bottles Is at E joL E. Pbiob's.

HOUSEHOLD HINTS. HOW' TO TREAT A COUGH. : Coughing is ■ nature's effort to re- ; move the phlegm or mucous fvonvthej inflamed surface of the lungs.; When : the 'mucous is thick it clings tenaci- ; oitely bo the weakened . air passages, ; and requires' quite a paroxysm of : -coughing to release it. Constant ; cougiiing not only exhausts the sufferer, but leaves the delicate tissues 1 to. the lungs very sore and tender, and ] weaker than ever to combat the cold.: : IJaster's Lung Preserver is the scien- . tific method of curing a cough. This valuable medicine goes straight to the seat of the trouble, and renders r coughing quite unnecessary, becausft ; H thins the phlegm before it leaves f tJie lungs, and stimulates the mucous ; membrane to throw it off. It speedily reduces the inflammation, soothes tho lungs, and drives the cold out. A ' tickling cough is caused through in- ; flammation in the throat, but can be speedily relieved by the right remedy passing 1 over the affected surface. Every one who /has used Baxter's : Lung Preserver knows what a delightful sense of -comfort -this medicine gives to the inflamed organs. The relief is immediate. It never fails, never disappoints. It's famous because it cures. It will cure you. — Advt. I HM. RIES AND SONS have • over 100 .vehicles in stock, also 1 a few second-hand — cheap. Morsea and harness for all of them — guarantee given. You can make your own terms for payment.

% TWO SOVEREIGN REMEDIES. THE FAMOUS SAUNDER AND SONSY PURE EUQA- / IjXPTI EX3CRAQT.was jproved by ex- : perts at the Supreme Court of Victoria to posess curative properties peculiarly its own, and to be absolutely safe, effctive and reliable. Therefore, do not aggravate your complaint by the use of one of the many,u crude eucalyptus oils which are now palmed off as "Extracts," and from the use of "which a death has been reported recntly, but insist upon the Genuine Sander and Sons' Eucalypti Extract •nd reject all others. - For wtinElea, sunfeurn, ipimpks; •blackheads, freckles, cracked hands,; dry and inflamed skin use Sander and Sons' Superba .-Skin Food. No lady - should be without it. Allays irritation, produces a clear and spotless complexion, and a smooth and supple '-■kin. .-;.-. - ■ •.; - REMEMBER that SANDER and SONS' SUPERBA SKIN. FOOD is not an- ordinary face cream," and unlifctf. any of them, produces a perma : nently beautifying effect. Chemists and Stores.

■ M-TT TTJ^dUsT GOODS NOW OPENED AT ARMSTRONG'S COMPRIS!NG NEW MILLINERY, NEW RIBBONS, NEW VEILINGS, NEW BELTS. '■■•••".■ s J. Special line Heavy Dress Tweed Is 6d double width. Splendid value in Navy Amazon Cloth Is 6d double width. Shot Silks and Ribbons, Mirror Velvets, Laces, Ties, Dress Skirts, Blousiogs in the greatest profusion. Good Heavy Colonial Flannel Is yard in Orkney and Shetland. ..L. G. ARMSTRONG, Draper and Clothier..

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Bush Advocate, Volume XX, Issue 1004, 16 April 1908, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Bush Advocate, Volume XX, Issue 1004, 16 April 1908, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Bush Advocate, Volume XX, Issue 1004, 16 April 1908, Page 6