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FOHTNIOHTLY ?.I RETINCS. Tho usual (ortiiiiihlly uiecciiifj; of tlio Council was hold last ovoninji. Prcspnt : Mis AVorshij) the I\layor (Pastoi- .Hi«s). and Crs Thomson, Wratt. Drummond. Johnstone, Hansom, Bain, Collott, and Mclntyre. Cr Melnt.yro apologised for the al).se;ire of Cr Haines. — Leave of absence granted. COHR ESPOX DE.XCK. From Secretary Library Committee ye Library buildinp;. enclosing contractor'.s estimate for steel ceiling. 1 ., saying it may seem an additional expense, but Avoukl match the rest of the work; Council would not regret making the alteration — cost £129. — Cr Collett said he would like to see the steel ceilings being put in. as it would he a very desirable improvement. To test the feeling qf the Council, he moved that steel ceilings be put in. — Cr Thomson seconded, and said the Council was sure to get tlie £-300 appl-ied for. Cr Hansom said that in view of the many urgent works needed in tlie borough, he did not think tho Council should commit themselves to the extra expenditure on the off-chance of getting the extra £500 from Mr Carnegie. lie suggested that the ceiling should be left in a rough state until they got an answer from Mr Carnegie. Cr Drummond said he held the same opinion as Cr Hansom, and Cr Ha in also spoke, against the motion. The Mayor suggested that the matter lie left over for the present and that the Library Committee lie deputed to interview the contractor to see if Cr Hansom's suggestion could be adopted. Cr Bain moved as nri amendment that the matter i>e left over until a reply was received from Mv Carnegie, r.nd that tli" Library Commitj tne lie empowered to interview the contractor .and io report to the next meeting of the Council. Tin- amendment was carried. From Minister of Native Affairs, aekiiowledsingi: receipt of a letter with reference to deputation waiting on him on his next visit to Dannevirke, and stating that so tar he had been unable to fix a date, but will notify Council when to expect him - -Received. From Department of Agriculture, re bicycle for abattoir inspector. — Department approves of its being purchased locally, and suggests that Council's share be paid into public account at Dannevirke; also that bicycle will be kept in repair by De-partment.-—Received. From S. Brighouse, applying for paddock of live or six acres at abattoir section. — Granted. From N.Z. Hailways Department, agreeing to urinal being placed in Station street on condition that the site is leased on a year to year tenure, terminable on threo months' notice, at a peppercorn rental, and paying 10s fee for preparation of deed. — Agreed to. From Carlisle, McLean and Wood, re connecting property with sewer, saying they would be obliged if Council would see the necessary work done': after consulting Mrs Younghusband's j tenants (Messrs Skeates and Bock- j aert and Mr Charman), but before j commencing would like an estimate j of the cost, and would rely on engin- ; eer to see that no unnecessary ex- j pense is incurred. — Council do not i , supply estimates. ! From W. Wiseman, asking for exj tension of sewerage from High street it;) Hamlet si:eet. as he wished io

have bis new house connected ; would like price for connecting same. — Referred, to Drainage Committee. From J. A. Robertson, forwarding plan ci' sewerage farm of oo acres, asking that same. be. scaled, signed, and returned: also sta ting thai tracing previously sent was merely an approximate sketch, showing roughly the proposed boundaries, and was not intended as a plan ; that two pieces of land on the bank of the Tapuata do not belong to section being dealt with ; the old bank of creek boundary has been adhered to. There can be no doubt about this, because the plan has been approved and accepted by the Chief Surveyor, Napier,. The plan is complete in every way, and there should be no moro in acquiring the land. — Received. From Welsbach Light Compauy. forwarding as samples a 1-light lamp, mantles, chimneys, burners and extra mantles for same, and stating tbey liave sent 10-inch chimneys for the 1 -light lamp as that is the size generally used with arc lamps. — Crs Mclntyre and Bain spoke strongly against the delay in connecting lamps. — Referred to Lighting Committee. From secretary. Charitable Aid Board, asking for payment of £3o 8s 4d, being amount due for levy on this Council. — Received. From H. Graham, stating that he is ready to go on with fencing; at once, and if Council wants totara posts in 2-laeo of matai tbe price will be Is each. — Left in the hands of the Abattoir Committee. From J. J. Gilmour. asking Council Lo make progress payment ou Victoria Avenue bridge contract. — Granted.

:■'■." on. C Bs'UK.>. stating he will be ready to commence duties on Ist A i . g v st . — Received. From Gas Company. Napier, re price r.f 10,000 gallons of tar, being 3d p«-r gallon, delivery within two months . Cr Wratt, as chairman of the committee appointed to go into the tar question, said before they bought the tar they had to decide what they were going to do with it. They could not tar High street until it was re - graded, and then it would he necessary to metal the whole of tlie street, and this would take at least 1500 yards of screened metal. He thought that the Council should tar and sand all footpaths made in the borough, as at present the footpaths were formed and metalled, and were only used by pedestrians in the winter months (in- the summer months they used the roads), and then tlie grass grew over the metal and this would necessitate an "enormous amount of labour to keep them clean. He held tlie opinion that all footpaths should be tarred and sanded, as it would be cheaper in the. long run. The matter of the tar was left over until next meeting. The Mayor asked what had become of the road scraper. — Tlie engineer replied that the brush was worn out. and the matter was finally referred to tlie Works Committee. T'ne Mayor said the borough should liave some by-laws relating to motoroars, and suggested communicating with the Napier Borough Council re motor by-laws, and Cr Johnstone moved in accordance with the Mayor's suggestion, the motion being carried. A letter was received from Mr Lamb, the architect for the library, in reference to gas-fittings and erection of urinals. — Cr Drummond moved that if the Council erected urinals, they should be open to the general public. Cr Mclntyre seconded.' Cr Thomson opposed the motion, ou the. ground that the urinal woidd become a nuisance, and should not be attached to the library. Cr Haines arrived at this stage, and took his seat. In face of Cr Thomson's remarks. Cr Drummond withdrew his motion. Finally the matter was left in the hands of the special library committee. . GENERAL . Cr .lohnstone asked when the Council was going to consider the matter of forming footpaths in Swinburn. York, and McPhee streets. The Mayor held that this was the time when an estimate of the whole of the works of the borough should be compiled, and asked that the clerk prepare an estimate for next meeting. Ci- Mclntyre moved that the clerk write to the Masterton Borough Council to procure information in regard to water-channelling and kerbing. — Seconded liy the Mayor, and carried. Cr Ransom moved that the engineer prepare au estimate of the cost of re-grading and metalling High street. — Carried. Cr Thomson brought up the. matter of planting trees in the various streets in the borough, as he thought that several persons would provide trees, and he moved that the Council erect barricades to protect trees if suitable trees were planted. Cr Mclntyre said be was opposed to the planting of trees in streets, and said it was a pity that the ratepayers proposing to donate trees did not come forward with a plan, as one person might donate a few trees now and some a few next year, so that the town would be rather unsightly, and quoted the fact that even in Ballarat, where the streets wore five chains wide, the trees had been cut down as they had proved a nuisance. Crs Collett and Ransom spoke in favor of the -trees, and Cr Haines spoke against them. Cr Thomson moved that the Council erect barricades around any trees planted. — Seconded by tlie Mayor, and carried. Cr Johnstone moved that a committee, consisting of Crs Thomson Collett and Ransom be appointed to supervise the planting of the trees. — Carried. Cr Haines brought up the matte of the liand rotunda, and moved that the Council proceed at once with the election of tlie structure. In answer to the Mayor. Cr Ham -5 said that plans had been prepaid four years ago. Finally the matter was referred to the Domain Com in it tee, to get the plans and bring the matter up at tlie next meeting.Ci- Drunimond moved that the Council resume meeting nini'Vy.--Seconded by Cr Haines. The Mayor ruled the motion i u< of order, holding that notice of motion was needed. , , Cr Drummond then gave no*. ice to move al the next meeting tli it the Council resume its monthly meerings Cr Johnstone moved that a mi.uielpiece be erected in the Mnyr. r'*

room. — Seconded by Cr ''Toim-n and carried. At tlie conclusion of the i>- is *.>•"-:< the Mayor invited tlie Councillors in inspect his room, which he liad oniy finished renovating that afternoon. On entering the room the Councillors were surprised at tho wond.rSni change wrought there. The floor had been covered with linoleum and carpets, and the walls decorated with a number of pictures, six of which his Worship pointed to Avith pride as being from the brush of his daughter Marie, aged 14 years. Amongst tlie pictures were the scenes that Mis. Ries was awarded certificates for at the exhibition. In the middle of the room was a table laden with refreshments, to which the the Mayor invited those present to help themselves. The table was presided over by the Mayoress and her sister. Miss Lavridsen. At the conclusion of supper, cigars were handed round, and after spending some time in pleasant conversation, Mr Thomson moved a hearty vote rt thanks to Pastor Ries, and the Councillors then dispersed.

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Bush Advocate, Volume XIX, Issue 778, 27 July 1907, Page 6

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BOROUGH COUNCIL Bush Advocate, Volume XIX, Issue 778, 27 July 1907, Page 6

BOROUGH COUNCIL Bush Advocate, Volume XIX, Issue 778, 27 July 1907, Page 6