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Grape Tonic. i i | This excellent Tonic is prepared from J Ithe pure juice of the grape, in com- j bination with the active principles of 1 the kola nut and coca leaves, the j whole being scienlincally medicated. 1 For weakness, overwork, and de- | bility, this is an excellent tonic, for jj it is a nerve vitaliscr and tissue \ k builder. g 2/6 PER BOTTLE- j | Olher Health Wines . — Yin Camo, \ | Coca Wine, Orange Quinine, Port \ I Quinine. All at 2/6 per bottle. | I ALL STORES AND CHEMISTS. j npHE BEST SELECTION IN THE' NORTH ISLAND. O'CONNOR &-TYDEBBAM," jmmmm ...mim . .i.mimjj JIS,»IJ,Ift«iHI3B THE LEADING NOETH ISLAND JEWELLERS. PaSer.ersSon KorSh. PATEBSOn k WHITELAW. ACCOUNTANTS and GENERAL AGENTS Tradesmen's Books Made Up. .BTATION STBEET. D&nnevirka. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. HORSE SEPARATOR CBEAM PURCHASED in any quantity. Higbpst prices given. We pay railage to Wellington. Consign to WELLINGTON FEESH EOOD & ■ ICE COMPANY", "Wellington. CHINESE LAUNDRY FONG LEE wi&hea to inform the public that he has removed to those premises in Anderson's Buildings formerly occupied by Mrs Scott, confectioner. Parcels of laundry on application. nfiuuiun BiiniE^sjze •brlh tht Right Time. IX 70a esuanet gat irapylfed TRita the Abboblb Oloek Ce., M Hugaiet-et., Sydney, enoloning T/Si vi eae wfli Ira sent yoa, im— I

"Do not anger me/ she said. "How am I to know when you are angry?" he asked. "I always stamp my foet," sho answered. He looked down, at her dainty shoos. "Impossible," he said. "There isn't room for a stamp on either of them."

BOST AND RIENZSES, ' fIIBTS, — NAPIEK. ( ECIALISTS at Cro*.. t>rd Bridge r!Work, Porcelain nud Gold Killings, ' |at Correcting Irregularities and | mdiDg to Children's lee tb. SES— -Ccinplete Set from £3 3b; FSiugleToolh from 6s: Gold Fil- < I from te, Otfaer rJentists' work re. ( elle'd at small cost. ISxtraotions 2s nd Ih, gas 2s 6d extra. 1 r Frost will visit Darnieyirke ' ironic Hotel) on January Bth, from , t-^iill 5 p.m., and Waipukurau ristock Hotel) all day January 9th. ' ... — ( phone 101. i tOWPER -& PRSGHARD, '. BUKGEON DENTISTS, lonte Fost Office - Dannevirke. W. CHiCK, r SUBGEON DENTIST, 6&MOFOLITAN CHAMBEBS, INO. 1, DANNEVIBKB. cirate Besidence, Eobjohn.street. phone 62 - - P.O. Boz 2, RHODES AND WESTALL, AEEISTEES & SOLICITOES, Napieb. TB WESTALL will attend at L Ormondville every Courfc day II David Wh-son's at 10 a.m. ier arrangements on business <3an ays be made with Mr Wilson. iL H. GORDON LLOYD, BAEBISTEE & SOIJCITOE, Dannevibke, H.B. OENT for the Australian Widows Fund Life Insurance iety.Ltd. andlblakiston, JAEEISTEES & SOLICITOES, X Dannevirke, H.B. Bey to Lend on Approved Security -'" ai lowest current rates ifJENTS for Loans from tne Government Life Insurance jarhnont at 5 per cent. JL J. PATTERSON, BAEEISTEE & SOIJCITOE, iposite Post OfiSce, Dannevirke.) MONEY *O'LEND %■ any sums at lowest current F rates on approvdd Seourities. i J JOHN A. ROBERTSON, 'UTHOEISED SUEVETOE & J- , ENGINEEE. Ot, High-street, opposite Post Office, Dannevirke. RAGNAR JENSSEN, ~ (AECHITECT, VALUATOE. GENOTES : Commercial Union L Fire and Accident Assurance Laud and Commission Agent. eaki Chambers Wakd-street. Finch & Lamb, ■ ARCHITECTS, Cosmopolitan Buildings. y No i, DANNEVIEKE. 7 MR A. LAWSON, lEAOHER of Piano, Violin, Mandoline, etc., (highest ltd h\ Great Britain and Austra- _ Colonies gained by a violin pupil Ast examination of London Trinity lege of Music). Studio, High-st., linevirke. Visits Makotuku Wedwtays. y'■ ' ' Xy

jTEMPEBANOB HOTEL, TAIHAPE. i ■ . -'... THE Largest and most Up-to-date Temperance Hotel on the MAIN TRUNK LINE. Within three minutes"walk of the Railway Station and Post Office. Every attention given to fche Travelling Public and Patrons can relyon every comfort. . Tariff: 4s 6d per Day. Letters and Telegrams receive prompt attention. J. G'APILL, PROPRIETOR. BARRAUD STREET, DANNEVIRKE. • General Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders. riOAOHBUILDERS, WEST'S PATENT TYRE SHRINKER.. Vy Tyres shrunk while you wait. Rubbbb Tybbs fitted to Vehicles. . MILL- WRIGHTS. Estimates given for complete sawmill plants^anderecting dairy faotory machinery. AGENTS FOR — Duncan's Celebrated Agricultural Implements, Steel Split Pulleys, McLaren's Traction Engin s, Marshall, Ruston,/ Proctor, and other Portable Engines. DANNEVIRKE FOUNDRY - S AND X-'i'X- .-' - ENGINEERING WORKS. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ENGINEER, IRON & BRASS FOUNDER, THE best double-banged snatch block for log-hauling .purposes always^ kept in stock. Lawn mowers set aud sharpened to cut as good as new. X J... Co DAYIDSOf,-: MILLER'S ROAD — ..." DANNEVIRKE.. ''.&; . _ mm EXCELSIOR QARR [AGE FACTORY.* COACHBUILDERS, WHEELWRIGHTS, GENERAL BLACKSMITHS, UNDERTAKERS & FUNERAL FURNISHERS. MANUFACTURERS of ail classes o Vehicles, Ladies'^Phaetons, Gigs*; Buggies, Drays and Waggons. BRADLEY GIGS A SPECIALITY. Nothing used but the best and thoroughly-seasoned timber. Telephoned ... ... ... High-sfcreet, Dannevirke. C. H. GAUSTAD, (Late Stewart Dawson and Co., Christchurch) WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, HAS just opened a well-selected Stock of Electroplate, Jewellery,. Watches, Clocks, &c. :" BEDROCK PRICES. Next Bank of New Zealand, High-street.

/> Don't Experiment on a < ? Ya!«ab!e Horse. f The horse is a sensitive animal, avhich -v I needs and deserves th?be*t Irom von at all J ! times The besi in cases of cuts, broUeii -v knees, sores, ringbone, bone spavin, U:>h j spavin, thoroiig'lipi!!, sprain, sulmt, •:nrb, capp"-* iioek, skip disease, b:irb iv:c \ injuries, greasy heel, listula, hool disease, <^ soft ar.d s.emi-sohd biemislies j Solomon Solution Tbe best Erabrocation on Eartsr \ The leading r.tcehorse 'trainers ol New j Zealand say so Murray Hobbs. U<c- . X carton, aiul'U Gooseman, Harttnys, the J two noted New Zealand trainers, -peak / (of Solomon Sohition in tlie mo=t liattei mg terms - J C Positively u^oaratleiaa ) f Nothing as Good as \ r SOLOMON SOLUTION S f For the Horse, it never lails. \ r Prices 3- and 6'- per jar. -\ f Procurable from all Stores, Saddlers, s. ( and Cliemists, or post free from ) f Solomon Soiution Proprietary. \ ( V^ELLINGTON ~N PUT YOUE BUSINESS THEOUGE THB N.Z. EXPRESS CO., LTD. [Established 1867] GENERAL Carrierß, Baggage, Shipping, Cnstems, and Express Forwarding Agenta. Ee&d Offics: Crawford-si., Dunedin. BRANCHES: Auckland, Wellington, Christcbtireb, Dtmedin, OEiaaTu,N """ Gore, luvarcargill, Lyttelton, Palaierston Norik, Hew Plymouth, snd Wanganui. Dannevirke Agenta — H. BR??«SKWATER & SG^, Office »t Patterson and Whitelaw's Station-stroet. Telephone 115. DAVID WILSO&L Isr.3oßi.xflß Financial' k Gbnebai. OoassnssioN Agent. OrmondTiiie. AHianoe Assurance Company. New Zealand Insurance, Accident Branch. SECTIONS FOR SALE AT MAKOTUK rr AND ORMOKDTILLE. i-Boomed honse and 12§ acreß land io township of Ormondville ; good terms. FOR SALE— Dairy farm 156 acre?, subdivided 10 paddocks, 6-rootKed house end good" outbuildings, half-reilff from school and creamery. FOR SALE, Whetukura, 4-roomed cottage, 1 acre iand, fenced and planted; goodwill. HAND CAMERAS At 30/- each. With a thirty shilling hand camera one can get'as much enjoyment as with a more expensive machine. Here are three Cameras that will suit beginners very well. The "Mfdg." Camera, No. 0. Carries ii quarter plnles in the magazine The Jens is of laige diamelei, and of the" best" n.ualily single 'achromatic, shuttci adjusted lor time and instantaneous exposure, magnifiers, view finders, and every modern improvement The "Kliio" Camera, No. I. Magazine carries n plaies, fused with | rapid achromatic lens mounted on iemovable panel In* diaphragm, patent shutter for time and instantaneous exposures, rack and pinion wffh scale (or focus-sing, view 6nders, isochiomatic- screen, etc . etc. The •'• Zyno " Camera. Magazine carries v plates, rapid rectilinear lens fitted with rotating diaphragm. Everset time and instantaneous shutter, set of 3 magnifiers, a view finders, etc. Write for our new Catalogue. The imperial Camera Co., JERVOIS QUAY, WELLINGTON.

As illustrating the excellence of the paper (which is made from unused linen scraps) upon which Bank of England notes ar© printed, it.. ie said that when one of these notes is twisted into a rope it will sustain a weight of 2581 b. .-■':■■. ■'■__■■

TiiE OELEBBIfY OF S&NDEB AND SONS' PUBE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. iis universally acknowledged. Boyalfcy honoavs ifc,-'-' and the'' entire m»dioal prof ßß?ion haß adopted its. uae \ Iraitatioos sprung -up. .without numbsr. The latest of them—all styled "Extract"!'— was an oil foisted upon the trusting and unwary under the grossest misuse of Sander and Sons': reputation. Sander and Sons inFtitmed an action at the Supreme Oouit of Viotoria, before his Honour Chief Justice Sir J.':M?dden K.0.M.G.. eto., and at the trial % sworn witness testified .'hat he had to step the ue of nounterfeits on acoount of tho irritation produced. This ■* hows what care ia required to obtain an article tbat is aoiouttfieally tested and approved of. Aa suoh is Bolely endorsed and re : commended THE GENUINE SANDER & SONS' PUBE VOLATILE EUOAuYPTI EXTS&OT !—

Hpuseholdeis ASK YOUR STOREKEEPER FOS ■" Eclipse ?? : .Butter BY doing so you will be supporting local industry, """ FRESH FISH GRAY FISH CNAN be obtained at the Silver J Grid, next to Mr Neagle's* Fresh and Smoked Fish, daily by express. Eabbits every Wednesday. - Oysters, Hot Luncheon and Suppers. : As we deal with Fish in bulk daily Flounderv "or Soles if asked fo?," can always be obtained at the tables. Everything- clean and fresh. FRANK GANNAWAY, • Proprietor. v NOTIOE. I HAVE thi 1 ! day purchased, the stock of Confectionery held by E. Scott, in AndeiNon's Buildmgs, and customers may rely upon receiving every attention. CHAN YIN, Grocar, Fruiter, and Confectioner. To get the best results in Washing White Clothes you must have the best Laundry Blue. You may use the best of soap, ana faithfully adhere to the old time successful wash-tub methods, but the washing turns out badly simply because you have used Blue deficient in bleaching properties. When the clothes have a yellow tint, instead of being beautifully white, then you have inferior Blue 1 ." Royal Blue "' or Empire Blue as it is often spoken of is the highest grade of laundiy blue, because it is the purest ultramarine. Ifyou were to give "Royal Blue" a trial we should gain another' customer. I 1 I

BOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN. Turing the srjrnmar months chiidren are subject to disorder of the bowels, and ehould receive most carpful at'enlion. As soon as' anyloosenese of the bowels i° noticed, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Bemedy ehou'd bo pivpn. Get a bot»l« to day ; if. may save a life. For sale by F. Jeffery, Chemist.

K f ' . ' ■..'..'■'.' ..q^nrr mmum mimm ■ ■" -^.^^.u^.^ I Special Quotations for all Novelties appertainiog to this joyou, period. Pleasure increased and frugality encouraged by taking advantage of ARMSTRONGS HOLIDAY PRICES, \ Ladies' Cloth Costume Skirfcs, 7s 6d a Ladies' Purses, from Is each I „„,,,, M ,»,„ w ., t118 IWMM ,,,„ rMH y t . M ..n . m — i. s Ladies' Sunshades, from 2s 6d | A large assortment Children s Sun Hats and Bonnets „ Ladies' Patent Leather Belts, ls | Boys' Galatea Blouses, ls lld each . UNAPPROACHABLE VALUE IN KID GLOVES AND LACE COLLARETTES. Ladies' Cravenette Dust Cloaks, half price g Boys' Straw Hats, ls each X Ladies' Black Cashmere Ribbed Hose, ls pair g Boys' Braces, 4|d per pair OUR SHOWROOM REPLETE WITH READY-MADE' GARMENTS, of all descriptions. / , A Dainty Bloute Length for ls , g Boys' Norfolk Suits, best value * Gkls' and Maids' Ready-to-wear Skirts, 5s 9d g Boys' Sailor Fronts, 6d each 011 , , OTTR MTT,TJNFT?Y TR qPTOND TO NONE ' ~ ,-; Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 5 for Is | Boys' Galatea and Crash Tunics, 2a lld each OUR MILLINER! lb bEGON.O ±0 JNOJNE. . •> ; Ladies' Tweed Costumes, 82s 6d, worth double 1 Gents' Handkerchiefs, 3 for ls I „ „ nnm^ : ■ •■ All Colors Double-width Cashmeres/ 10 Jd yard g< Gents' Braces, Is each 1 ALL APPROVED MAKES REPRESENTED IN OUR STOCK OF CORSETS,. . (guaranteed fast colors) j Gents' Ties, from 6d each g . '<■ Prettiest designs in all-over Nets, from ls 9d per net g Island Straw Hats, Is lld g A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF THE NEWEST STRAW SHAPES ARRIVING PERIODICALLY. F . Fancy Hair Combs in profusion . . 1 Gents' Elastic Belts, 6d eadh § Finest imitation Torchon Laces, ls 9d dozen § 50 yards Frilled Curtaining, lOJd 1 ■ , i k. (slightly soiled) ". :- t- ■ ■ .'■'■■- '■■': X' '■"■ -■■..-- -' ?' ' ■ - "' . ■-' '"'• - ■'• ' ' L. G. ARMSTRONG, General Draper, Higli Street, Dannevirke.

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Bush Advocate, Volume XVIII, Issue 590, 12 December 1906, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Bush Advocate, Volume XVIII, Issue 590, 12 December 1906, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Bush Advocate, Volume XVIII, Issue 590, 12 December 1906, Page 6