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WATCHES. A PERSON is never so likely to be misled as when purchasing a watch. When you are in quest of one you should visit a shop with a reputation at stake. We can submit a large selection to choose from. Our " Alpha " watch, nickel open face and keyless, is a marvel at the price, 21s. Kindly pay us a call when you are in town and let us help you to choose. We still give half a dozen electrosilver teaspoons with each wedding ring sold. O'CONNOR & TYDEMAN, LEADING N.I. JEWELLERS, PALMEKSTON NOKTH. ALL SORTS OF VEHICLES AND HARNESS AT Lowest Possible Prices AT ■fl.-M.BIES & SONS. Andrews' RAILWAY HOTEL. DANNEVIREE. Patronised in London by H.M., King Edward VII. THE appointed house in the Commercial Travellers & Warehousemen's Association. . Wines & Spirits of the best quality BIX LARGE SAMPLE ROOMS. Speight's Dunodin Beer always on tap. Speight's Bottled Ale and Stout by the bottle, dozen, or case. Good Stabling and Paddooking. W. E, Andrews, PROPRIETOR. " r TT R-H. the Prince of Wales JLJL* opening the first Commonwealth Parliament of Australia. By Charles Nuttall. " A picture that is likely to interest everyone who takes an interest inpnblic affairs, local, colonial, or Imperial." -—N.Z. Herald, Auckland. Artist's proof copy now on view at Auckland Public Library. Small-priced copies at Messrs Hill and Plummer, Auckland Agents. Local Agents aud Canvassers required in every town and district in New Zealand. For particulars apply — A. S. GORDON, Manager The Historical Picture Association of Australasia. N.Z. Offices : Palmerston Buildings, Queen St., Auckland.

You Are The Man!--*/ J If you have a Weakness; if yon suffer from Loss of Energy // JL. As or Ambition, or if your Liver and Kidneys are not in » // .A^^^r // m sound condition; if you have Fains t Aches «fthe // \^L_^ V K Body or Limbs, then you are the man we want to ex- Jy £ // plain our treatment to. We want to show you ... J7 // Dr. McLaughlin's ELECTRIC BELT, /^fV^xhe and explain how it is worked and regulated, whtse- // // great by so many Cures are made ; how it pours a Jy JP^^ // many gentle, soothing current of Electricity into the // *^^^ // CMtimobody that gives Life and Energy to you; how // MF v// t^ s r «- it will build up // £.rl // ceived can Sgswlßs,. dfeki <L and heal where // Z^^V // ** Beeß weakness and // *^^~^ // all desiringto gsg&m Nv s »«ol^ disease lurks. // J^^^ // do so. Our raH It will be /^ // Belt will abso11\hL\ found the // ▼ // lutely k c»teWa!kKtt\w[w/ only real y^ NBSS, NKK.VOOSTHIS IIjSsE/ cure. // Mf^ // zniss, '.tßs^K Back, wtiH •• • >/ X] // BiauMAfept, LtomROOK OF •• // J^t^ // BAGO, SdATlCA,iVAilouui\ ur W[Mm . // jZS^ // COCRI.B, RitrTn**, „-,,_.. rVllSl !i7 ▼^W // iKiHGBSXIOK, iNSOlbrtA, HEALTH v i^ftlßl >^ ' and Liy *^ I *^ l^FREE t<f!SL^ «,n J/ // Mr. JAMES KBRR, of & DonaM every man (^J /T McLeai Street, New&,writesr- I or woman who has // if *$*» I 9*** I a weakness, it will // A>^* // ***** Sirs,— l hare fjaifprtr in JJTOSfif,*® I true road to >y thecheapett and snjest cure to anyone who is a I Health and Xf Ml /£ nStnt of this complaint. _^ «,««- I Happiness. // S^J // I remain. tomb troly, JAMBS JKERR. ?^*^?L« y /i^ //CAUTION.— Do notconfnie n» wi to an atITCT- : address y^ '^^^ // V^ M * "* yw " tbument ol|Sa« an Bfetri<s»«»t on appli- // // "Prea/'and ppon yonr reqitiSß fotTsii^gtt^Ji&l^Miui.. cation. >/ yy 7°« i vray and try to Induce you to p^jftwi|b a-w* s)|Qi}ifig^ p nc i X' /r ■• a (tin of good faith, which, how£Ver f anmAn to many; Z> -I >/ // ttmsifttloHvalteoftteappnahoei M Prj«[lSfflr:4ppaWer.--raia yr/ £^a // frot In aar mom of to* word. Write as for ftiiEfarUcalara. ' ' // "•■ r^" • // /^^r // WE SPECIALLY INVITB SUFFERERS to avail // /^Ffy // themselves of our FREE ADVICE^ Call, if possible, // B^b // and let us eacplain the working of this Great Electric // J^^ ▼// Appliance. Ofj»ick Hooks : 9 a.m. to 8.30 pjn. '/ *^^ rf H you cannot call, write for our Free Books. • / The Dr. McLaughlfn tey WDKs St., Weffiggton

MONEY TO LEND IN SUMB OF £100 to £10,000. ON COUNTRY, CITY AND SUBURBAN FREEHOLDS At exceptionally Low Rattfe of Interest. T> EPAYMENTS of not lesß than JE2S XV can be made at any time .on three months' notice. APPLY TO ANY AGENCY of the Government Insurance Department. J. H. RICHARDSON, Government Insurance Commissioner Habby Palmer] [Stanley S. Hume HARRY PALMER & CO. GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, AND HOUSEHOLD FURNISHERS, Rngitikei Street, Palm^raton NorthWB are now prepared to trade with you on up-to-date lines. Our regular market sale is held every Saturday at 12 sharp, when we make a speciality of Pigs, Produce and Poultry. Consignments coming by fail should reach as on Friday if possible. All furniture supplied is mannfac. tured in our own factory; - Write to us for particulars. [Box 871 [Telephone 92 and 177] SILVER GRID DINING ROOMS. HAVJB been removed to those commodious premises in High-sireet, next to Mr J Neagle's. Fiesh Fish, Oysters, and Smoked Fish always on hand. Meals at all hours. Luncheon on all' day. Supperb till midnight , My : Motto — Cleanliness, Civility and strict attention to business. A trial solicited. N.B.— Open on Sundays 7 from H till Iw p.m. A. J. Riisiier, PjUOPRIfcTUIi. H. MTJSGITTT, SADDLER, &c, WEIBER REPAIRS promptly attended to. Goodß not in stock made to order, or procured at shortest notice. Rick covers, tarpaulins, etc., mude to order. OlaBS in &tock sizes or cot to measure. T^RMS CASH. Agent for— Commercial Union Fire Insurance, New Zealand Accident Insurance Company, Employers' Liability, etc. There being no Lodge in the District, the ACME Policy Personal Risk cannot be beaten, as it provides for 26 weeks' pay for sicknees and accidents, aud lump sum for total disablement or death. Further particulars on application. NOTICE* C. H~O~OPER, THE LEADING HAIRDRESSER AND TOBACCONIST, TTAS been appointed Agent foi G. H. PRICE & CO. ,IN FishingJTackle. Customers can rely upon gooc treatment and Liberal Discounts fo: Cash.

|^ aW.WR!GHT, : : jh;/ ; DBNTilf, ''; ': ?;■ l*te of Dental Hospital, London, and fj«4wcsity of Dentistry, PhUadelpni*). «rf»'i BuUdingi, (Entranoe Ward St.) ! ;--ssr -. Daonevirke. |ii Laiy Attendant. aPd^bone, 88. P.O. Box, 59. I jyrß WBIGHT visits Ormondvil)©, WjSBL at Mr Sugden'i, every second ThimU^ mi I follows :— 7th and 21st m+twy, 7th and 21st March. i?l ;: - :f: w. cflici, ■■■■' ■ |?tft-;? : - ■ ;.•; ■ • |t|t SURGEON DENTIST, OF MBERS §fS|£ : - ■: No. 1, DAHKKvnaK. ttjpivgto Beeidence: Robjohn-etreet. fci^^lepnnneia. P.O. Box 2. . teftlP. CHICK will visit Weber on March, pii»:MMl SO, and may be consulted at Mr |f#«w»y'i hotel. ;; . ' iiirfl. W. FROST, ~~~ Pfe? v AMRRIOAN DENTIST, tep-v" '■■-■. : " NAPIKE. ■•:■:■■ fOWb» ot London and University (U.S.A.) ■•' First-Class Work, fewiilii IU Lowest Prices. ' . ' - TTIBr^-Coniplete Set from £3 3s; I^-^k Tooth from 6s; Oold I^Wfibf* from ss. Extractions 2s 6d f^im^ls, gas 2s 6d extra. .. .;. / _ '■■ '■ Frost . will nsit Danneyirke: Hotel) on Tuesday, April plWfc^roni noon to 5.30 p.m., and WaigppunniaU day Wednesday, Aprilfsth. • GOWPBIE,. ; |?sb©m Philadelthu & London) I^t^SMPPOLITAN CHAMBERS, P^Kv- v .??• 2,-,Dannevtrke.: v ;- _■■ .■• iIpJEGrEON pBJSTIST. WBffetoak Philadelphia and London.) H^lSriS Norsewood every Wedness^i day afternoon and Thursday till |j|&; iittbe Crown Hotel. ;-. ■•'.. -, > ■ pi^^Great KUSH-pN the little JAP Camera for an intelligent Christ«m Present. -' ; \ ;-.- ;. . :,\ ■] M:^4bnmw *n& all reqnurtten, Mounts, ..ffcOto and Poet Card Albums, etc. She latest in Perfumes and Soaps, Salt Bottles, Sprays, Ebony I "mm} Silver Hairbrushes, Sponges, DressIC^gOMefl, Shaving U tonsils, &c, &c, ;, HBWUL and DAINTY PRESENTS. *"' INSPECnON INVITED. { F- JEiFFERY, CHEMIST by exam) & OPTICIAN, THE PREMIER PHARMACY. W% AGNAIT JENBSEW ARCHITECT. VALtTATOB. Agencies : Commercial Union Fire ''■' Aiiinnrn Co, New Zealand Acci4mX Insurance Co, Equitable Life T— irrr*" Co. Land and Commission Agent. Twavt Chambers, Wakd-Sreet. TTVAVID WILSON, Ihwjrance, Financial* Generai Commission Agent. Ormondville, JkUiance Assurance Company ' Anstralian Widow's Fund Dairy farm (1.i.p.;, 142 acres, f yddnrir-. cottage and outbuildings i 4 miles from Ormondville, balf-mili : #rom creamery and school. For par «knlars ayply to above.

CHAMBERLAIN'S SKS& TABItTS Will Regulate Your Bowels. Dr ENSOR'S TAMER JUICE. A purely Vegetable Compound, for CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, LIVEU and KIDNEY Ailments. The preparation, which is attaining such wide popularity throughout the colony, is beyond question the moat successful remedy for Constipation, Indigestion and Liver Ailments ever afforded to the public, the first dose frequently giving relief in old and obstinate cases. TAMER JUICE 'is a purely vegetable compound, and is manufactured, after years of careful and scientific investigation, from the best and purest herbs that can be obtained. Tamer Juice is procurable from all stores and chemists, 2s 61. Al lEA ROOMS, HIGH-STREET. MRS W. J MORGAN begs to announce that she has taken over the Al TEA EOOMS, High-atreet from Mb S. H. Jansen, and respect- ' fully requests a continuance of the ! support accorded to him. The Booms will be conducted on the bssiness-like, up-to-date lines so popular in the past, and a varied and extensive stock of Confectionery, famous ices, Cadbury's English Chocolates will always be on hand. Al TEA EOOMS. TTJOYAL MAIL UOACH. T. M. MILLS, PROPRIETOR. DANEVIRKJE - WEBER - HERBERTVILLE SERVICE Leaves Masonic Hotel, Dannevirke — Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7 a m. Leaves Hotel, Herbertvllle— Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 7 a.m. MANGATORO VALLEY SERVICE. Leaves Dannevirke — Mondays and Fridays,'B a m Leaves Mangatoro Valley — Mondays and Fridays, 2. 3o pm MASONIC STABLES. LARGEST STOCK of Horses and Vehicles in the District. Carriages or Brakes supplie j on most reasonable terms. T. M. MILLS, Proprietor.

H. TELSLEY Land, Insurance and General Commission Agent, COSMOPOLITAN CHAMBERS] HiGH-STBEET, DANNEVIBKE. A GENT— Sun Fire Ofiice, Commer- ■"• cial Union Accident. 50 acres, nioe little dairy farm, close to school and factory. All in grass, ringfenced and subdivided. Good sfe room cottage, cowshed, <&c. Only \ d£soo cash required, balance at 5 per i cent. 101. 400 acres, partly improved bush farm, 170 acres felled and in grass, two sides and part road fenced. Splendid soil. Lease with right of purchase at 22s 6d per acre. Price very low for owner's interest. ■■■ 102 75 acres good fiat land,, close to Daunevirke. Would cut up to advantage. Easy terms given. Price, J823 per acre. 100 acres. Splendid dairy farm, 5 R.H. 8-bailed cowshed, 12 paddocks. With this farm can be purchased the whole of the stock, consisting of about 30 first class cows, farm utensils, etc. Price on application. 24 acres with new o-roomed house. Just outside Borough boundary. Divided into 3 paddocks. Would lease with purchasing clause. 309 acres L.I.P. at os 3d per acre, 4roomed cottage, 50 acres ploughed, well watered. Price for owner's interest £550. 10 acres, close to the Borough, all in grass, 3-roomed cottage and outbuildings. Model poultry farm. Easy terms can be arranged. 8-roomed house, bath, gas, and water, commodious outbuilding?. Suitable for private boarding-house. Centrally situated. Price and ail particulars on application. Seveial sections in the very best positions, for sale on easy terms. Arrangements made for building on terms. MONEY TO LEND.

A POULTRY MANS OPINION. Mr E. Solomon, Turton-roaa, Waratah, N.S.W., tbe well known breeder of Buff ' Orpington fowls, says : " I have tried Chamberlain-a Stomach nnd Liver Tablets and cannot speak too highly of them as a liver livener. The form in which they are , made makes them easy to take and they are quite effective. I find they do their work thoroughly and without purging." These Tablets are for sale by F. Jeffery, Chemist.

; ' ! ■-.■■■■ """ — — — >— DBESSMASING ! DRESSMAKING I — — — — : , ; t -eeeeeemadame malcolm^^^r ' Will take charge of E. LLOYD AND Co.'s Dressmaking Eooms on MONDAY, MARCH 27th TNST. " , ' ' Our Lady Patrons can rely on MADAM MALCOLM giving every satisfaction as she enters our employ with " ■■ ' ■■■ ■■■■■■ < r the highest possible testimonials irom first-class firms. ':.. CHARGES MODERATE. GOOD FIT AND STYLE GUARANTEED. : " * IIIQT I ANlim -A- SPLENDID SELECTION OF THE VERY LATEST IN DRESS MATERIALS- UNLIMITED VARIETY TO JUO I LJniWC.ll CHOOSE FROM. v ALSO, A LOVELY COLLECTION OF TRIMMIMGS TO MATCH. ———-———--—-—■ - PLACE YOUR ORDEES EARLY IN ORDER TO SAVE DISAPPOINTMENT — a "~~™ Ma ™^^ iT E. LLOYD & CO.. COSTUMIERS,

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Bush Advocate, Volume XVII, Issue 67, 20 March 1905, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Bush Advocate, Volume XVII, Issue 67, 20 March 1905, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Bush Advocate, Volume XVII, Issue 67, 20 March 1905, Page 6