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Ormondville Road Board.

■ YzY .... ••■■..+L — __!•,;;■*• 'i .' The usual monthly' me_tin'g of-rthe above Board was held on Thursday last Preseht-tr-Messr.:. H. Smith (chair) Packer Neilsen Brabazon arid Henson. , Correspondence,;was received.,, • • From the Board's solicitor Mr E. H. Lee instructing as to steps' to : be taken to close Bucklarid's old road.*-— Mr Brabazon .moved that the matter stand over. Seconded by Mr Henson. —Mr Pa2ker moved that, it .be gone on with at once. He thought that quite enough time had been taken over it as it was.— Mr Henson said that he .did not think the; other road was finished that opened the way to it.-r— Mr Neilsen said that if the application were' sent ii." to the County the first thing they, would want tp, know wbuld be as to whether there' was a right of way in place of the road to be stopped. — Mr Packer's motion having lapsed for want of a seconder the original motion . was put and carried. •-'•'■ From Mr Thornton notifying the Board that hi had sold-sections -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, to ; Bertkol, Bertholsen arid Jorgen Schmidt.— Mr v Brabazon said that these sections were subdivisions of part of Mr Friberg's . property.— ' The clerk said the map did not show tho subdivision and asked if any of the members knew which of the sections Bertholsen owned aud which. . Schwidt owned,- Mr Brabazon said that 1, 2, 3, had been purchased by Bertholsen and 4 and 5 by Schmidt. — The clerk was instructed to make the alteration desired. From the District Land Office enclosing statement of returned thirds from Nov., 1890, to April, amounting to £61 4s 6d, and asking for proposals of the expenditure of the same to be submitted for approval ; also notifying that in addition to the amount mentioned above that £21 3s 4d was lying at the credit qf the Board, statements of which had' been duly furnished but proposals for expenditure had not been received.— Mr Packer asked when the last deferred thirds had been allocated,— On i reference to the minute book it was found that i'2o 4s Bel had been allocated on the 25th of June, 1890. — The clerk said that ha had found a schedule of thirds dated Nov. 18 from the Ist of August to . October 31st amounting to £13 12s Bd, which had not been dealt with. This would leave' a '"balanoe of £18 103 8d to be accounted for, evidently the receipts for two months prior to August*— Mr Brabazon thought that the allocation of the money should . not be proceeded with till next meet- i ing and he would move that the i Chairman $nd tl>e clerk go through '> the minutes and ascertain thp credit of each of the roads adjoining the ] deferred sections and r.eport so that i the. Board would have something to i go on. Seconded by Mr Henson and ! carried. « Mr Brabaaon said that something < ought to be done to Newling's road. • A good deal of carting had been done < there recently and it was very much 1 cut up* Not only chat but in some places the watertables w_r§ higher j than the middle of the road 1 and the water could not get away, i He would move that a man be ] put. on at once.— Mr Packer < seconded, saying that the road was a < new one, and had cost the Board a^.,.1

lot of money, and if it were neglected now the cost would he far heavier; bye-and-bye.— -Mr Neilsen moved as an amendment that the Overseer report bii the condition of all metalled roads in the Board's district. After some discussion Mr Neilsen withdrew his amendment, and brought it on as an original motion later on.-— Thp Chairman put Mr Brabazon _ motion, ?w3aich fl's taftttfl proviso ■tha^ th^exp eiiditUri. be limited to 21s. . . . ■- Mr- Neilsen _ propositionvwjcr-jow brought on, and. being seconded by Mr,Braba_onWasck.rie«| t 1> • ■_ 'f Mr Brabazon gave notice of -ti-bin-tentionlo'moveY^tM^vieft'*W^Ung that a rate of f in the £ be struck on the Ormondville road- district, ttf bt payable in one sum on {the Ist of August. ••' '■■J'u ■%. Accounts aggregating _£10 16s 6d were passed .for, .payment, oa the motion of H'eriabß _,nd Packer. Tbe clerk put in an account for Deputy Keturuing Officer's fee and polling booth.— Mr Brabazon moved and Mr Neilsen seconded that the account be pM-4^PacWpd Mr Henson voted against, the Chairman refusing to vote.— Mr. Forward, after receiving permission <to speak, said that he had applied to the Returning Officer for a booth at Makotuku, and (tot it on guaranteeing the costs if the. new Board declined to pay it. The number .fvbtes polled a^Makottlku, he- thought justified- the**,acti|tf, jas a good many people voted, who, would not have .otherwise lost tjje njii.rday necessary to ' come to iOrmonlifilie.— Mr" Brabazon thought it was pnly fair that the aceourit ; shoUldKb# paid this time, and afterwards it could be arranged, to have , only the one polling place.— Mr ■ Paclter isiiW* liW -fcjeeted very strongly to the. pay ment being Eassed. •If the Makptuku ratepayers ad wanted a polling' place up there why did. they not ,cpme and apply for it ai the ordifiaryWefetiffM'he-Qge *the election, and not just* day or so before. — Mr Henson. said that it was putting the Board to unnecessary exgense. Those who lived at Papatu ad to' come-up 'to Ormondyiljt^and be did not see why those* living at Makotuku should not come. If the ratepayers livihgcup : there'-<'wantid a booth let them pay for it. He would strongly object to the Board doing so. —Mr Neilsen said that the convenience, of a number of the ratepayers had been considered -by having a booth, and he thought the account should be paid,— The Chairman said that he would not vote, but remarked en passant that in the olden days trips had been made to Takapau and Norsewood to register their votes and he thought that ,t,hose, who did not care about the ' trouble 1 * <i_ s toting should not have a vote—The motion was lost. _.*• -- t v „<,;■< Mr Neilsen said tliat a gravel pit was~v.want4td up .at Makotuku, and m6v ed ittiaV-ttfe - OVerseeri. \_\pl and inspect the road through the reserve, and report to the Board at next meeting. Seconded" by Mr Henson and carried. The Board' then rose.

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Bush Advocate, Volume VII, Issue 475, 30 May 1891, Page 2

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Ormondville Road Board. Bush Advocate, Volume VII, Issue 475, 30 May 1891, Page 2

Ormondville Road Board. Bush Advocate, Volume VII, Issue 475, 30 May 1891, Page 2