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Business Notices. . the Cry is POME!" ': , ; r AFTER THREE MQ^ife s«Hffifk(i^JSffliJ^^ ORDER SYSTE^'it give^^GJSAT PROVIDER^ unalloyed pleasure to be now able to announce that the System in question has proved a signal success, and continues to produce a daily increasing Jlpw. oinftw. business,; *'while^hoße|'Bu6h| Residentßj'wfq a | Q: given jHTiftJ*'^ fewia-Slte i»raSa4 -ito f awefe. -than 113 letfosß^h'avirfg* been receiveioy^ us sine© the inauguration of the System three months s-^o^-GangratoUating^s-upon--^ which Wd have •ieonted ord^s^ and .expressing the ► most unqualified satisfaction,r%nd tdflaoiaitat mi B^ndid qua lifc y and value of the Goods supplied. VDgi^^m's,^' 1 " 1 """" ' ' ' ■ • * * * I received the ,,parpel of 3oots, Shpes ;i and bhppers alLrigbtydsterdajr/mornSn^'and iipoji .' trying . tEeni on. we were all agfeeSjbly.s^prised/tq how splendidly tney all fitted. My wife and myselraß well as tne'kiddies join in wishing ., you ALL SUCCESS, \n your CQ.WNTItY OjfelbEß DEPARTMENT, and wo will not fail to let our, how welliyou do for your cu^omers at a distance." . Such testimony as the aboye speaks volumes, for., the manner in . .^ipli>.W*. conduct our 'Countnf Order Department, and we fully intend .Joiot only )inainMn 'the refutation already acquired, but to largely \ti>*6 tnat its' grefet benefits may o be more , and more widely knoiwn , t §n^taJ?ett advantage dxi"<^\ , ; . no* i"vW append a We^likfcoY Specialities* , for Winter Wear,: and Would •Ufi^tfe'SiTeeM 'a't^ ttii* tlipe greatest' 'andnlatest Novelties, i^Ul^^il^btes? 'the -" Palace Brand," ; These will be found- to posses* to combination all the desiderata of high class foot-clothing in a very marked. 1 and uncommon degree, being the fl xesuli*f',long and careful experiment by expert workmen, and being at once' waterproofrsoft, pliable, elegant, ;, Stylish- .warm, comfortajble, extremely neat fitting, and last but not leasts cheap ; while for durability , ' „;^-'.-V.';:V> PRICE LIST. ' . " ' ; Men's Bluchers'; plain and nailed, 4/11 Women's Qordovan Bataora^, 7/6, 8/6, 9/6 Men's Nailed Shooting Boot8 >: a/W ,; ' Women's JrincK Calf Uahnomls, 9/b, 10/ b JWeff bailed Shooting Boots, best quality, Women's Calf Walking Shoes, 8/6 j^/6 V >' ■ ; Wonij^^iSti^iigJieatheivliace Boots, 7/6, Men's frain Shooting Boots, 10/6, 11/6 ' : \ ' Men^rCalfiPkin BJi«>Mng.Bobfßiil4/6 Women's Stvong Leather EUstiOyßpats, Men^'gtrong.W^^gh* Boots, 9/6, 10/6 7/ll,'B/6 - ■' '.' , , ' . Men's Watertiglit Boots; best quality, 12/6 Women's Levant Laceup Boots, 7/9, 8/6 Men's Calf Elastiwiie 8p0.t5,,?/^ . , Women's Evening Shoes, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 7/6 MenVG&lolhe&'Elasttoslde Bbots, 7/11, Woman's Leather Slippers,. 2/11,*4/<} I ; 8/6 • .. , . Womeufs, Calfskin Elas^io Shoes, 4/<B ; llCßH'aßeat^SilfElaßticsitle^lfe/e.H/O- : Women's Tennis Shoes,3 /11, 4/11 ' ~ M ? n.'|,jß&H Balmoral Boots, '0/6, -ld/6 ' Women'a Kid Button Boots 7/b <» 11/Q Men^s Calf Balmoral B,uoti?, keti quality,: Women's Kid Laceup BootH 1, 9/^,!lO/6/, .12/6 12/dito'i7/tf "-.-''' f Women's Glazed Kid Walking Shoes, 8/0 Men's Calf WftUdng Shoes, ,7/6, 8/6, 10/6 ; 9/6 Men's £ivom fljeitner Isiifcbers. 3)9 Maids' Tomus Shoes, .; and % ,3/6 5 MenfMlfElastiVSho^s, 5/6 ' ". . Maids' Highleg La«eUp Boots, 6/11, 7/6 ; Mffl^siCb^et -Slipperß, $&'■ : '- ''' ' ' Maids' Leather Elasticsides, 1 and 2, 7/,, Troths* Strong Nailed Boats, l,^oft 6/6 ' Maids' Slippers-Goatskin, ffll 1 Youths Srio-oting* Boots, I*. Girls' School Boots', tJoe and heel plates, j to 5, 8/6 7to 9, 4/6 ' ¥ouths'Elfisticsido3ootP, Itos, 7/11 Girls' School Boots, do do 10 to 13, 5/6 Youths' Ojcford-Shpes, Ito 5,-7/,6. , j . . Girls' Sunday Boots,. 7(.tp;9, : 4/11, 10 to 13, J^y*j|Stroig NUited lAbe BodtCT to 13,. •: 5/11 m ' *• 5/6 - Girls' Calf Elasticsides, 7 to 9, 4/11, 10 to Boys' Sunday BqQtfl, 10/ to 13, 5/6 .13, 5/11 Boys' Sunday Boots, ;1 to 9, 4/6 ! Girls' ' Leather Shoes, 7to 9, 4/11, 10 to Boys' Elasticside Boots, 7to 9, 4/11 ; 10 , 13,5/11 to 13, 5/11 . Girls' Kid Shoes, 7 t0 9,'4/Of 10 to .1?, 6/6, Women's Kid Elasticside Boots, 4/11 Girls' Morocco Elasticsides, 4 to 6, 4/6, 7 Women's Kjd Walking Shoes, 4/11, 6/6, to 10, 5/6 , iUX7/078/6i<.>' '•■ ••• •" •'■ a ■ •;• N.B.— When Goods forwarded do not ; meet. with • approval, we pay all expenses and refund the money if required. . ■ vi itfii »-••'• -.1" • •" y-1 •;': ■•- ■ ■; Note the Addkess : „, . ..' ' ;.:>.;.■< „y.^ •'■ •'• '^v'KI^NiA.H • & Co., HASTINGS STJREEtj^^EB',' •' a :.*:'s■ - -"• ' : ■ l:t ' ''■'■ "'-' ;<J ' :'*' ' ' .^. ■■■ And at Hastings. . „ !

: 'BiiSKviteKE SADDLERY' WAREHOUSE. NEW GOODS ! ! NEW GOODS ! nnH]s Uttddrsighed bogs 'to; notify JL that he has just opened up a TOW STOCK Of Saddles, Side Saddles,, Nickel Pifvef Spursj ' Stirrups, Bits, etc., which -he 1 ' confidently recommends as, the, EE3T i^pOJpS yet Imported into the District. The Prices will be found to be Reasonable',' s aw' Settlers : requiring anything in . the above lines will be liberally dealt 'with. ALAiIGKE All kinds of Harness for 1 -'Saddle oi Trap. work and topuired to order on the shortest notice. E. A. Eansom, SADDLE & HARNESS MAKER, Opposite Bapdeley's Hotel, pANEVIRKE. R. s: ]^ v . Groom, GE3SERA^ ' MERCHANT, I ORMONDVILLE, HAS always On Hand, and For ' ! Sale, a Large \Assorfcmehfc of GROCERIES,. DRAPERY, HOSIERY* ■ 1 IRONMONGERY, STATIONERY, Etc, ; „ Agent fort-t . Yatcs' Reliable, Seeds; <: i; ;., ; Sanndcrs. and , Gilberd's Artificial Manures . , H. J. ,^i^erd, ,Ta,radaJe - Nursery. All -Ijtawke/a Bay Newspapers ; ; ; ... 1, OYSTERS- 1 •"OYSTERS'! ■■■ • ■ r|"^O be had always frosh from the ■JL briny deep : Price per Plate, Is ; in .the Sljell, ,Glbs for one shilling; per Bottle, two shillings, i i "' : ; , Eggs cooked in any style for supper. Fresh Fruit, ripe and ( juicj r , Applqs, Pears, Oranges, Bananas, Melons, &c, as in Season, and at Cheapest,. Kate^ -^ Confectionery;^.t^. pastry., in variety. Preserivkl Friiit in 'Tins. ' Will visit Makotuku, Ormondville, . and Norsewood, ;Wki>ne3l)ays an.o Thursdays. . Don't mistake the address, the Oldestablished Shop. ; I<\ SDiiJitLAC^S Next; D ANEvitiKB 'Tp-vysi' J&ftfc ' %

THE I CLEARING SALE,. . t^h !<:>.'! '■'■'• ■■:■•' i<>>. r "- ■-■ ■ ■ RIFLES, . ( *»•'" sJ " ■■' ■■ J ' REVOLVERS, 1 .i^'^n :■••;"•! AND ; ' >'•'*• : " : i;i :" SPORJINGAMM¥OS[rnOIir . , ,vA •■••if-üBT BE SOLD. JUST LANDED, Ex .'.'T/iiDui," Direct from > the Wfanufedte'rs, A SPLENDID LOT OP 'J)BEBLE, WEiDGE, 'OROSS-SbtiT iv.n?rj,, •»«' A^TIO.N,- 1^ 1 '" \ sJChoke ©btei Datiiascus' Barrelled r;sUNDER -.ICOST PRICE. „C OME;A ND SEE- THEM. -i i ■■■ . *■; Lawn Markers, Tennis Rackets, 7s.friTe&hv; -"lOs'to 28s Hearttiußruslios, :'> iPaferib duiiing Is ..:.•: 'Pihs, 6dbox Sponge Basket 3, Firo Irons, 8s 6d, ■Is33,,]B^jl'.t ;-. 12s 6d, 15a Bra^s^fji;? Irons, ; Ten u is Poles, 13s 17s 6d 6d . JMaft-ttnfc r ida\v ' ilatchets,'' Reap Hooks, Is Wild Pog Traps,, J ."•■« 3s,*- l^'6d . ■"• '• 18s 6d ■ Dog Chains, 9'd, Dog , Collar's, 9cl, -'» H 'lBW : Is, Is 3d, I'sGd". Hantl Lamp^, 5s Large Glass Jugs •J ' 'i- ?*i> '.-.■■• •■ •■ ■ GJasffTutn bier's, ' Teapots,, Is and . ?»'i •» i. ■ .-i r :<i '• i ■'■' ■ • „ij< . j Biscuit Boxes, ' Wire Gi-'dirons, Is )f -i J s'9d ;; ■■' l and'l,s6d '• iM'and Force Double Cylinder Puinp.s, . . „ Force Pump, , iS^rca^varieiy,,. 1 /. Suitable for . ;.. jQXiqap , ; . / .»She,ep Dips Single Barre'llcd J 'Double Barrelled Muzzle Guns, Muzzle Guns, 20s, 37s (id, 575. . r 60s and 70s 6d, 62s Gd ' ''• ■ ; " »Single Barrelled Double Barrelled Brcecajoadcrs, . Jtircecjjloiiders. Vi : ry-» : '■ .StiiidiiKr ' 'Extra Finish, $os/ 'Qualit.y, 1003,, 1 105, ll'^sj 110 , 120.5, a!id'' :: i2O<i;K).s, MOs, 190s .., 160.1, '' ; '•' f And'upw&rds. rdddocr!' fryer,

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Bush Advocate, Volume V, Issue 354, 16 August 1890, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Bush Advocate, Volume V, Issue 354, 16 August 1890, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Bush Advocate, Volume V, Issue 354, 16 August 1890, Page 2