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District and General.

f, ,Our usuaj: weekly- four-page supple-ment-is not with, this issue* the; jfftrcel containing tne 'mouth's supply not having yet come fo^apd, (/i „ , '. Messrs George Ross , and Co. of Woodville, will hold an auction .. sale at NbrseWood, on Wednesday next, at Mr Wright's yards; wh,en they, will offer 60 head-fat and store cattls, and a consignment of trews and shrubs. Sale begins at 1 o'clock. ! •' '',"''" Messrs Hawkins and Co. have a new advertisement in another column. . Readmit.'.. ..■ . .. ,. -„.,•:- ': ''? y IWe take the following from Wednesday's, ETening News:-r-A very important and interesting event took place yesterday, being no.less than the marriage of Mr B. Leonard JCnignt with Miss Amy Roach. If, there is any truth in the old adage that the bride should be happy whom the rain pours on, the bride of yesterday should indeed be happy, for the rain came down in torrents. Before the bridal party arrived in the church there was a large assemblage present, and the Rev J. Hoobs apportioned to their' uhi different portions of £hl» building, remarking tkat some had come to assist and others to look on. Everything being in order the party entered the church, the bride leaning on the arm of her father, Mr G. H. Roach. The bridesmaids were Misses Roach, Grace Roach, and Smith. The Rev. j. HoWba performed the marrige ceremony, and the procession filed out of the church to the strains of the Wedding March. The bride was dressed in cream cachemere with wreath of orange blossoms. The Misses Roach wore pale blue cachemere dresses with Elizabeth collars and white tulle hats, and Miss Smith a similar dress of pale pink. Mrs Knight- sen. and Mrs Roach sen. wore black silk. Sporting circles in Danevirke are interested in a match that is to come off on the Danevirke Racecourse on Monday, July 7, between Mr, Allardice's Harold and Mr Berkabn's Nikau. The distance is a mile and a half, and the stakes £10 a side. Mitchell will ride Nikau, but we have not heard who is to have the mount on Mr Allardice's horse. The Presbyterian Church Bazaar was very successful last night, over £25 being taken. A big business will be done to-night. The new Mangatera Hotel will contain 13 rooms, and tenders for its erection are invited. Mr Poulsen takes over the business on Monday. At the Danevirke Police Court this moraing two first offenders pleaded guilty to being drunk Iqjit night and were fined 10s and costs, The early closing movement will fee inawgwa^ jp Pa»eYirfa qu Tqwdav,

v our jpeaders rof v they>rp^ petty Me to be held by Messrsßaker and Tabuteau on Monday. The house and section to bflpffered are well j , situated, and consideritigthe improved^ prospect^ of Daneyirke, should be a' desirable invwiffieht. At Christchurch last evening the railway delegates were , entertained at a supper by the railway aervants, There were pfasent also rapresenta- „ ,tivea .of th« »arf s * Laborers^nd Trkdeß: and LabpY Cduftcjl, and s |hj: Maritime^ Ceuncil;- The utmost, enthusUsm^preyajled,,.,'. ;',„..,, ':^-r^-- ; ' c <*- „w Mr F. Schellacfc nbtifie? that he will, visit Makbtufcu, Ocmon-dville. and Norsewood on: Wednesdays aijd. 'Thufsday^^ . ' .-.;;.. . # -.■■-: At Gisborne the bo«k debts in three bankruptdies,. p^t ?dPiyp at £2&25, were submitted at auction, and'rearlised.pnly £2lO»i s:i > ;' : ? A;/Wellingtpn telegram ita^es {that .some anxietyis, fejt fpr .the safety of tlie barque Assiaye; which is now igg days out f ropb London to Welling^tbh. A vessel Which ar>ived;here'a moQ^, ago crossed the v «quator oh -the same day as the Assaye. c '--. :'. < ;.;.;'. | . ,i During the year 1 ending ; 3otlt April last 82 souls, equal to 65 statute adults (W.ere broug|it. f iritp th;f oolotfy under the nominated ;^ystep.\ It should be borne ; in^f^int%ind^a^ assisted immifiration^is now restricted to Uniting B«p'Hi^fMi^ei";; f . , ;,,. -J£\ A All persens" jntpresttd ., in^ the,^land law of the colony will be*glad to hear that thVGovjirnment intend to : l«gis-' late this session for the prevention of dummyism and of the speculative acquisition of Crown lands at Government lind sales. • In the House the ; Minuter of.Lands lias-given MrM6nk! an assurance .to this effect. : : i little time ago, wishing to realise the sensations of a soldier on guard, - tihe/Gprma'D'Empwof putf himself! on duty, for twenty-four hours in \an extemporised; guardroom iF^hi^ [his own .garden' at Potsdam, and'"st6pd ■entry during four spells of two Hours ; e«icH ; during that timei * He -wore the uniform of a private soldier, carried ■ a rifle, and ate of the soldier's ordidarv. But unlike Peter the Great, who did these things often enough in real earnest— mixing' With other soldiers and lying dbwnjb^ide.them— Williarb 11. took his little diversion air aTohe. No officer came to relieve him j and, .in fact, only one or two persons of hii entourage were aware of what he was doing until lie had done it. the whole tning wks oyer h^was asked how he had enjoyed standing sentry at night, and he answered, i( l was thinking all the time how many millions of poor wretches have gdhe through the; drudgery ojf military s life while-loathing it,' and have got killed in wars foy the causes of which .th^y did not carejtbu^B.^ '^..Z \ '"The movement for jeikiin^ in light on to the Russian atrocities ia Siberia hlas -taken vdouble form. Qne, prb'iJo^iiisiostart, %. pa'perV-w^ich, will prbbably be \ssued in the- cPurse , of ;a week or so. Another party ' of sympathisers, -however* headed ; byf I (that. veteran friend of, liberty ? Mr Jameß Beal, are of opinion ihat it is wiser : io rely on |tie readiness pj the English daily/and weekly preiiß--Lo i ndp^ and, prqviric|al, , to I thrpjy : ligtft < ph. .the 1 Siberian » question, and to confine public .action "to the organisingjof; '. meetings of protesfejto^irhjfk-itu^sian, timcial 'opinion -raknowri to My eyy sensilLve. t Pjerhaps -|he < two move;ments! may find" sdmo means of _ .cpalsscing. '{ ,* oi ■■ ». ■-: '-" ,> ■■ ■■_ •" ' "•- "'• Thetnost successfu,! of 'American authors,' judged by the power of earning money, is a gentleman whose tame has not. yet" -travelled) astoss the At- ! lantic. We. are t014 ; .%t. ( Mc : J. W--tßdel has written fourteen' books, the aggregate circulation 6* which exceeds two and a half million copies. His. wpr£s are alliof ! a ; reUgiPusfpr fhilo:- , sophical nature,, and J are sold on the suDscription.plan.'! r-Thejinost populw . is his: ü ße.auiifut'stpVy,'fw|iich has reached 1 a' sale of nearly six hundred thousand copies in less Uian< two years. His last Wo ' wbr^s; "The Living World » and ." The Sfcory, of a Man? have" both gone l^beyond £w f p hundred : and .fifty thousand copies each. Diiri ing,lßßß'Mr Buel's royalties amounted ; to, nearly £7,000, and, this year they wi|l. exceed £ 1p,0Q0. , ■ r ;-, Tfiere is a history attached to the clay 1 ' pippi whicH ; , Paudet smoke 1 ?. They originally belonged to Gustavo Flaubert; tlie 'founder, of modern French realism and 1 the' great ' : stylist. . j Flaubert and 'Daudet wete •fast friends years ago, and when the : author of "galammba" died he left : his well- beloved clay pipes, as well as other things of more value to his cher '■ Alphonse. Daudet attaches themost - Exaggerated im portance to' these clay pipes, of which there are now about * seven left, They repose in a box at his left hand, and Daudet has a pull at each consecutively, so that every beloved chimney, shall have a long rest. ; Daudet smokes like a furnace, and he can work like an enginej When working at a boek that pleases him he will write stjc^ight on thrbugh the twenty-four*hours, and lock the door against his wife leat she t>houl'd compel him to desist and go to bed. His passion for work, "ohne hast, ohne rast," nearly cost him his life once. ; He wrote till he wrote himself into a brain fever.

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Bush Advocate, Volume V, Issue 333, 28 June 1890, Page 2

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District and General. Bush Advocate, Volume V, Issue 333, 28 June 1890, Page 2

District and General. Bush Advocate, Volume V, Issue 333, 28 June 1890, Page 2