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MORE SELLERS AT CLOSE Shortage of supplies and strong buying support were again the main features of Stock Exchange business in the city during the week. Earlier in the week the inability of brokers to fulfil, even partially, requirements of clients became most marked, with the result that turnover Mas restricted. However, on Thursday and yesterday more sellers seemed prepared to meet the market and operations became more remunerative. Reasons for the chronic scarcity of approved securities have been wcii canvassed: in fact, most of the story was told in the Reserve Bank's annual report presented to Parliament this week. Here ample evidence was given of the large accumulation of funds, which, with the general air of confidence in the war situation, is exerting such a profound influence on investment conditions. Bank shares were well represented in listed business, and the only noteworthy changes were a slight firming in Xew Zealands and an easier basis for E. S. and A's. Insurances were as scarce as ever: sometimes a rare seller quoted and vanished. There were only two sales. Standards achieved the highest price for some years at £3 14/, comparing with a "low" of £2 18/3 last year, and South British lose late yesterday to a new record Of £3 32/10. Sellers of leading Australian securities were extremely difficult to locate, and buyers again raised their reserves to induce business. A.C.T.'s were prominent in a moderate advance, while Electrolytic Zincs sold higher. Oilers for G. J. Coles went to £:; 1/ at one stage. The improved Pacific outlook was reflected by a keen demand for Morris Hedstroms at, £ 1 10/. East local trading in these shares was at £1 57 last December. Xew Zealand shares more than held recent advances. Here, too. sellers Mere conspicuously in the minority. Northern Steams made a steady recovery to last month's price, and Woolworths (X.Z.) continued the firming movement. Elsewhere values were fairly steady. Loan and agency scrip, including some South Island issues which reached the sales list, received marked attention, while department stores, woollens, coals and shipping were again in constant demand with little offering. Further activity was evidenced in the rights to Reid Rubber's new issue, which developed an easing trend. Breweries were quiet and the slacker support was a contrast to buyers' zest some weeks ago. ' Government stock was moderately active, with considerable business in .", per cent Liberty Loan, 1953-ISG, at £2 below par. Some other issues changed hands at a rise, reflecting the accretion of interest. In the mining market a feature was the strong levels ruling for Mount Lyells. LATEST SALES Sales since last review are:— Bunks.—Com. or Aust., 16.9; National of A'asia, £12 2/6; N.Z.. £2 2/, £2 2/1 (3); N.Z. (D Mort.). £1 11,9; E. S. and A., £3 19,; Union. £7 13,6 (2) Insurance.—Standard, £3 14/. Australian and Overseas.—Woolworths Properties, £1 8/6; Woolworths (Syd.), 18/, 18,1 (4); Electrolytic Zinc. £2 17/: Broken Hill Proprietary. £2 5/; Kauri Timbei, £1 6/; Aust. Consolidated Industries, £2 15/6. Dominion. —National Timber, 8/; N.Z. Forest Products, 6 6 (5); Reid Rubber (rights), 5/ (4), 4/11 (5), 4/9 (3), ord., £1 7/; N.Z. Breweries, £1 16/9; Auckland Gas (con.), 2 11; Woolworths (N.Z.), 16/1. 16/3 (4). 16 4: Northern Steam, 8.6. 8/9, 8/10, 9/ (3); Farmers' Trading, £1 2/11 (2); MacdufTs. 10/9: Newton King (pre!.). £1 0.4; Farmers' Auctioneering (£5 paid), £4 16/: United Building (Christchurch). £1 2/7; N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. (B prel.). £2 13 ; Wilsons Cement, 19/ (2); Westport-Stockton, 2.6; McKenzies. £2 7/; Traders' Finance (con), 5/; N.Z. Farmers' Fertiliser, £ 1 0, 9. Loans and Debentures. —Liberty Loan. 1953-SG. 3 per cent, £98 (4): Stock, 1952-55, 4 per cent. £106 26; Stock. 1946-49, 4 per cent, £103; Stock. 1953-57, 3', 2 per cent, £102 5/ (3): Bonds, 1943-46. 4 per cent. £100 5/ (ex int.); Auckland Gas (pcrp. deb.), 3'. 2 per cent, £86. Unofficial.—N.Z. Woolpack. 3/; Auckland Farmers' Freezing, £1 3,9. TREND OF MARKET The following table indicates the fluctuai tion in the values of various securities:—

SAIjES completed Sales completed on the Auckland Stock Exchange at the 3 p.m. call yesterday:—Bank N.Z., £2 2 1; E.. S. and A. Bank. £ 3 19,3 (.£3 19); South British Insurance. £3 12/ t£3 12/6); Northern Steam. 9 ; Felt and Textiles. £2 10 (£2 9 li); Electrolytic Zinc. £2 17, ; K.D.V. Boxes (ex div.), 12.3 (11,9); N.Z. Forest Products. 6,6; Wilsons Cement. 19.; Piako County, 1 6.45, 4 4-5 p.c, £102 10, (—). Unotlicial: Auckland Farmers' freezing, £1 4/ (£1 3,9). Last sale price in parentheses where changed.

APARTMENTS VACANT JZZ2L2Z££Z:JZSZL «* "»"'" engagements announced , r nmtrprr : n ] u„ n . prfvfntivp action ».«„ *„ commercial news "i"s.-ioo. Khyber Pass. working man ; gas STBATHittoBE 12 st o t „ „ ■ *£1 Aidred Rd. phone 24-080. x2i JfKlLVJC/JN 11VJE/ Aij 1 JUlN Butler—Fowler.—The engagement is __ , |S=r e V be Mr een anr? I ,r7 de Sa WFFK RFVIFWFD ■^FlSSB T »g55g a % PROTECTION OF GIRLS ggfe & A of«. # n T . SSftffffi WEbK REVIEWED 5S B cooking hSSuw d&nSSS? refT ?? P Heme Bay ,ine Symonds St. HS . Mrs. Butler. |m/pnTlirl|Tn „«.««,. 0696. Star. «*■ e- respectable homf &'%y 0 ""»' B - g00d alS0 a**"**-"*"* PITV «TRF1?T<5 Hutcheson-A]l„m._Mr. and Mrs. J. INVESTMENTS SCARCE 'SUPERIOR Double and single Bed Bitting Room *'""" second section.-F. 847?'. respectable hom n e ; ?l PATROLLING CIT1 STRLL1S A . c _ Allum H erne Bay announcet the in good suburb; refs. required—Reply RoomsT Box g° GRAMOPHONES, tall oak cabinet, and H.M.V. engagement of their vounec ; daulhter «S1 ' °2o B^distri Ct .-H^ei?. en^ an g^?„ BuS1 100 Poi,UIar R — ds - 3 "- Manuk - In their growing concern about the ufli£i Mary, V sfgnlunar, 5 Hu|h gh Rae MORE SELLERS AT CLOSE apartments ffl vices^rite"^^ e P e female": JOHN b'mxsmmd. sohd walnut, new condition; morals of Auckland, many people are ch 0 e f". • ), w^" eest o, Devonport. °' ler ' 8 " ST "cc ept £175 cash-Private. 8820. star. :<2i seeking adequate reasons for the pre- Lower Hut't Hutcheson, shortage of supplies and strong buying mm. s.c. Fiat, business couple.—s. 8730 Star Si weeks.—S 8563 Rt/S ' P en510n ", lady, ,3-4 PIA.VO, English, iron frame, excellent condition.— q Pn f ctatp nf affairs States a SOCial ' support were again the main features of central or = -& 4 -^-*" angl Rd " SL , EL , !L in the citvI ack of parental • Robertson-Bcnnett—The engagement Stock Exchange business in the city out: readable —S. 8701. Star. ol t0 ° far City—WriteQuiet bV-i ?^ d = qulet home ' nand * "AXO. Karn. iron frame, overstrung, splendid WOrKet in tne City. LacK OIpdI enuu ]g armounced bet ween Gloria Hermoine, during the week. Earlier in the week the BED Sitting Koom. mm., sunnv cooking co — Six —cTeXn - l„■' p 21 tone: £95.—Phone 80-592 before 6.45 Saturday. control, secular education, too lllgn youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs A W Inability of brokers to fulfil, even parlady, do light duties for same,' mornings- own Ellerslie — Particular-! tn V w e S?f Id - quiet h °me; bunday - 21 wages for youth, and many Other ex- Bennett. Seabrook Avenue. New Lvnn tially, requirements of clients became china. hnen—R.N.. 3620. star. ' 2 J MlxTTliddle , gM „-,n , E - 51 ukulele, new; what offer.-phone 60-294. 21 pressions have ' become familiar to and Roy Keith, youngest son of Mr. "and most marked, with the result that turnBEDROOMS (2), unlurn., living and k'ette' hanri'i Board; single room «££?«*!. -£ or sood ' qulel VIOLIN, genuine old. exceptional tone, quality. nnr p ar e Mrs. H. A. Robertson, Redwood Park, °ver was restricted. However, on Thurstrams, grrywhere; 35/.—F. 8508. Star. ' "23 Dominion Rd preferred c ?- r a ey o Lymi or P erf ect condition: suit professional; bargain, £17 lr T, ,,,„,„ f ,„ f „„ !,„,.„ mn i,.i Swanson. day and yesterday more sellers seemed DOUBLE Bed Sitting Room, turn., kitchenette" PRIVATE Boar? h ' ? T - - '" '~ 2a ' Oaklands Rd.. Mt. Eden. 21 \\ hlle allthese factors have COntU- . prepared to meet the market and operaown line-., soldier and wife.—Refined, 8668 Star' c °"pi<=. st Heiier 1 * or Kohim=™m middl r e : a «d £oo of. offer-German overstrung piano, perfect buted to the present conditions and «<»«£ ho,, V? c • ea Sfgement ts tions became more remunerative. Reasons 21 Kohimarama prefd-s. order, good appearance.-Removing. 0673. Star. 24 must be recognised in planning for ZZA £ S/m™% e for the chronic scarcity of approved l-LAX. suitable two adults, turn, or unfurn.- S' v °""s Man. clean living FKEE SERVICE DELIVERY ON ALL PIANOS the next generation, she continues, Gr ey Lvnn and Pettv-Onicei-' Eka Far securities have been well canvassed; in S2i!'. Star. al Board immediately.—s. 8704 star reiimes OVER £G*. with thp facts as fnldshv tin tr \? i-/n\ , i * o v «i? 1 ' fact, most of the storv was told in the E y HIFH s Hl'™~v&£°- <SSI -^«»«ip-s^^k-fc'sKs FLAT, J looms K ette s.c.; urgently required Business GirTTFull Board private famiiv <°PP- Majestic Theatre.) > OUllg Women may De OUe IO iaCK dence was given ot the large accumulation iieturned soldier).— Star. 21 Rcflned - 8 °83. Star. ' pruate Ph one 44-449. HS of parental Control, but the damage Bates—Brown—Mr. and Mrs. F. of funds, which, with the general air of ff* 1, P s p aI1 Bo 1 v"''in->fi by A C nri?i= e ,',H Vhere d ° s ma y be c °"valescing. part Board refined over's melody hodse. IS already done, and we must face Brown, Queen's Road, Panmure, announce confidence in the war situation, is exert- °„„ " ?! h sit» at ion-Phone 62-082. "zl top c symonds street pho" 48-m!. & that fact and deal with the situation lV, e ,.c, e "?? ge i\ >ent of their S nly daughter, mg such a profound influence on Investl^ra^T^; S^um^^^ 0 $ to let — %SJ*8rgS£ u 8£a 3 ££ a * t ste, r ay ° pi S eht as itis? "It is wrong to suppose that f "l"" 1 '"°"' - „ fr ., —- . , , f — !1 k;ette. large S act£T nothing is being done. The social son of Mr. and Mrs. G.' W.= lis »,„*'n" ets -orthv LAT, ,„ aTO^U 0 " 1 ' area: <J uiet bathroom, Northcote.-Ph. 19-939. instrument embodies the very latest improvements workers of every church, SOCtety and Road, Waihl. ehan-Js were a " Heht fil'lmii" in Vew unburn In goTd locallty £ ,^^{,""■■• 3 rooms; provide own &p^h C °o^^rASSSa^. ,BO & M 'a«2£,t ,l, S5 Government Department, indiyidu- Jac ka-Dyer._The engagement is an- and an easier basis""?! E " S .^ business woman.—s. 8735, Star ' ul -""y, us lmen and crockery; £4 4/ per week, 2 weeks in value is £400: ° ,lr P rlc0 £25 °- Also offering— allv and Collectively, are putting nounced between Corporal Ronald A's. Insurances were as scarce as ever: iTvF'Turn or unlurn wanted hv nrm,. »« Writ? & n« B a / e =£ onvs ' : quiet business couple.— Johu frinsmead, underdamper, overstrung, mahog- fnvth everv effort to combat evil: but Thomas .lacka, N.Z.A.S.C, younger son sometimes a rare seller quoted and vanno c h ,ldr. n^g n ? n RO.AL ' superior unfurn slttJ' S^S^^SI^JSajSSffi 1 !T&bE2 there COnVesfAme VVhen sympathy, stndardr :^Tiiev N ed , 'tbe°h\% 1 esV^ricffor SSSuS'-SiAlii, ren?! e « SSSR"^ Be n a «&STS!S3« knowledge and a desire to help are %£ffiL?lrg ill 'c^.^^ res. Star. "enaoie —. i 1 underdamper; wnitton and Whitton, overstruni! not enough—authority IS needed. ot Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Over, of Chivalry a "low" of £2 ]S/3 last year, and South FLATr~2~~rooms. k'ctte, unfurn.- 1 child — ~i TO I,ET underdamper; Jensen Moore, overstrung, under- "This IS One reason Why it is Road, Takapuna. British rose late yesterday to a new record St. Parnell [ BAC „ t0 M nand ," ty L lv 50 , » SJ^'toT^SSSSff desirable to have Women police, and . Herdman-Stafford—The engagement of £3 12/10. FLAT, or Rooms. Furnished, own entrance, Re~- Newton ' wiy.—Apply 50, France St Allowance on your Old Instrument. Cash or Easy tfiev must be in uniform. Such ] , s announced between Iris May, youngest Sellers or leading Australian securities turned Soldier, discharged, sober.—a.b., 8667, iiKEsSMAKrgTa —»,„,.,, ; Terms. It's Here you get Real Value. HS ..•„„„ crmll i f i nri t i,p simnlv the daughter of Mr. M. A. and the late Sadie were extremelv difficult to locate, and Star. 2l ','„'' s ,,, J^r Kb Workroom, city, attached to ■ V\ omen SllOUIQ not ue Wllipi.y uic Htailord, late of New Lynn, and James buvers -i°-iin raised their reserves to KATTslnTn. or a Rooms, with convs. ; m.c. no «S?ai : aU plV Pc ATWATE «f' T " E LEADING PIANO PEOPLE ' feminine counterpart of policemen; second W of Mrs. F. late Mr! business A .c1.4 were prominent children; 3 months' rent in advance.—s. 8571. Star. opportunity, 7788. CIVIC SQUARE. AUCKLAND. they should lie specially chosen and H. Herdman, of Ohakune. in a moderate advance while Electro- ; _i! office, furn.. Queen St.- suit —dressmaker- offers:- trained for social work of a positive Hyett—Martin.—The engagement is lytic Zincs sold higher. Oilers for" G. J. KL A~,-«° r -vii? child' 4 v«,™ w,-!,urgently by machme_and__tables; £ 1 week.—H. 8314, Star, x'lii 1. The Finest Selection of Quality Pianos nature among women. By positive IS announced between W.O. II. Thomas Coles went to £3 1/ at one stage. The «, years—wn.e f. 8366 studio. furnisned.-shaTe-witn~pTesenr occupant; j, n Zealand at the lowest niea nt—preventive action, the giving H >'f"' ' U)A ' chmch Street, Otahuhu, improved Pacific outlook was reflected lr£r~ furn ■ quiet middle-aged connte- ce '""' spacious.-S. 8805. Star. k23 PRICES. Siw thpTntPrtinn of eirls from ? nc ! n ° na Martin ' second daughter of Mrs. by a keen demand for Morris Iledstroms Mrrt °" K IraTptdM ' », !' T „, OT , " 2. free trial. free delivery ol advice, tile pi OttCUOll Ot IS H om J. L. Grey, Eastport Roatl, Waihau. at, £1 10/. Last local trading in these Heheri prefe.ied-s. 88M. LEASE WANTED anywhere in Mew Zealand. free their own ignorance and folly, With Dohertv—Cranwell — The engagemen" shal-es wa « at £l *' last December. iTALF House or Flat. s.c. unlurn.; motrfel: WIDOW, Nurse, wants nice Cottage, trees, hedges SaStactto or -Tion^Refundea"' 66 the power to arrest if necessary. is announced between Dorothy ° Moire New Zealand shares more (ban held daughter (secondary school age); refs.—Refined, | a V 8 f' B o^SS ct i?"' P hon e: trams; buy later— " ' "There IS much to be said in JavOUr (Dolly), youngest daughter oT Mr. and recent advances. Here, too. sellers were 8551. Star. 21 Anywhere, 8330. Star. x21 3. CASH or EASY TERMS. Q f entertainment centres Where Mrs. J. J. Cranwell, Halsey Drive, Avon- consjiicuously in the minority. Northern psPECTABLE Young Woman wants large un- MACHINERY FOR SALE Call or Write lor Catalogue. young people can meet under proper dale South, and Ernest Joseph, third son Steams made a steady recovery to last & R auiim ™ ™ «* — C ™ S5 ilrf %*£&. <SM p , o C S m g 88l2 Va STA B by S ° ber man; rent ab0 S, 1 p!'on""3 d 2-t °o r Electncal Moto " and also not go beyond the doois of the Hewitt-S.nith._The engagement is where values were fairly steady. Loan £L—Rncin. gbiz, star. x2l ■ rr—~ — —— YlS 100 good pianos and organs for hire building. Patrol of the streets by uni- announced between David sei-ond «n nf and agency scrip, including some South ROOMS 12). k'ette, unlurn.; quiet couple; vicinity f R <.£? m ? res „ s °n'„„ com^ lete h wl "» Starting Bottle, For Not Less than Three Months, formed women DOlice after the clOS- Mr"and Mrs F P HeJltt of R oval n-.k Island issues which reached the sae" Great South Rd.—F. 8484, Star. 21 « ,,i '■ Pulleys—Dunshcath, 49, High St., From 5/ Weekly. Plus Cartage. IOimeci women ponce cUtei "it uus a i anci Alts. 1<. J . Hewitt, oi Royal Oak. : sluu ;' issues i\ nit n lcacneo tne sales HJ^ —; r— ~ : i A "ckland. 21 ' " iri rr 0 f amusement places would act ="-id Delice Katliaryn, elder daughter of ''St. received marked attention, while de-SS-.rLKiJ.Ta r_g f/a deterrent to young people who Mrs. r. w. Smith, of Eastern ROOM, single, gas ring, required by young man, High St.. Auckland. ' ' 2 { Phone 49-647. L linger in the Streets and pal k&. Parkinson — TTnrmnin -TVio m „„ little offering. Further activity was evireturned Pensioner; handy eity-Urgent. 88« assav Balance., -OertHng" with weights- INST.tCMENTS WAKTKD "A group Of Uniformed Police- meVt is announced between Iban donced in the rights to Reid Rubber's new returned Middle East, married, urgeiuly mXrlll, IT?—3 ABOUT £60 offered for good English Piano-Full women CO-Operating where advisable Warren second son of Mr. and Mrs. F. aml^he^si ,'cker requires unfurn. Flat or Rooms, with convs- A bi rSI r0 «" f,f ct ,° IP 06 , s ' Alfa Se P ara t°'s- particulars B. 0491, star. N With the social workers of this City W. Parkinson, of Mount Roskilt, and Biewenes weie quiet and the socket haU City; moderate-Write S. 8695. Silent Meat ci'ontr r , i , , ALL Classes Musi al in.trum.nt, Bought. Sold. WOUld bO a very Strong impact and Audrce.second, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Support w as a contrast to buyers zest SOLDIER, returned Middle East, "pe -Dunsheath " Hlft' revolving bowl Exchanged—Lewis Eady, Ltd.. 192. Queen St. Y Uo muc h tO Solve the CUlT&nt H " Hannam, of Whangarei. Some weeks ago. children, wants Cottage. Flat. furn. or unfurn., or „' „,,'*V ' ' ilR " st --—HA: 2 1 ,,„. Firing „-,niPrt —vv — ™w — » Easlev—Srolf. — Mrs D Scott of Point Government stock was moderately Rooms, coins.; handy city-F. 8410. Star. 31 CAR m jjigta without ° A g| wanted-w' S' st£ fl Problems. Cheviller. Auckland, announce.? the en- active, with considerable business in 3 URGENTLY—Furn. Flat or Half House—M.C. „ 1>eat1 '' Auckland. w lass Fiddle wanted—w. hUHi). bi a_r_. 21 gagemenl of her daughter Jeanne to Pt'f cent Liberty Loan, IH.lS-oO, at £2 8716,- Star. 21 CARBOGLNE Producers, suitable City and Subur- KEGG'S Require Portable Gramophones and rvuiDITinM KWJ KT>T\ 'wflmer Fr-mklin Fas-lev II '<; \' nf Kp r below par. Some other issues changed Girl would like single, furn. Room, Trade Deliveries-Dunsheath, Auckland. S Records: best spot cash prices given.-U2. Queen EXHIBITION AWARD franklin Easlty, U.S.N., of Nev, Mj« a \ a rise, rlflecling the accretio.fof S $j& s'ta^^ 1 home - " ear tOW " ; sta 2i begg- 8 . i» St.. Pay Best spot cash Spector-Kob.son._The engagement is >"f e SfforlS ~ „^ T „ . -. Tn „ our 1943 new model—Dunsheath, 49, High St.. Prices for Piano Accordions—W-ite or Phone vrtTTlVr NT 9! riRI '1 announced between Doris, daughter of Mr. T \??„„ e stron K levels lUling lot Mount HOLIDAY ACCOM. VACANT Auckland. 21 32-320. N VOUl\«. l\ .A. farlKlih hUCCKbh , md Mn ._ M _ Robsoll , ot - Haslett Street, Ij > ells - . .. rCT oaT ™ nn-roRUA - Wallincford Flats suoerinr tnllv g XT ENSlVE Range of Good Quality Used Wire cash paid to. good must. oe nrst-nass Eden Terrace. Auckland, and Private J ' AII/hl S»Ai.«.S furnished heated—Phone,780; supe " or ' H°pe in various lengths and diameters—Dun- instrument: no dealer s .-Ph_on_e_03 1 895. D4 According to cabled advice received Philip A. Spec-tor, U.S.M.C. youngest son Sales since last review are:— - " sheath. 49. High St.. Auckland. 21 GERMAN Iron Frame Piano, no objection little flmr , THnitV Cnllesp London the " f A1 » - - and late Mrs. L. Spector, Illinois. Banks.-Com. of Aust., 16.9; National of IX CHRISTCHURCH — UNITED SERVICE HOTEL. E. R. BRAMLEY & CO.. Engineers. Machinists, borer—Price to B. 0490. Star. N "' • ' l 0I ' M-, •! • f ' -, o.? o WhooW (),nn„,l«,„ Th a „„„.,„„ A ' asia - £ 12 2/6; N - Z - £2 2/ - £2 2/1 <3); Comfortable, dignified atmosphere. United Service, 46. Wakefield Street. Repair all Machinery ws „,r-„ Pri . ,— rf 7Z. —5r~= ' Empire Overseas Exhibition for 1942 « Meel.i —OiiuiiKlsen. — The engage- N .z. (D Mort.). £1 11,9; E. S. and A., £3 19/; the Premier Hotel. Christchurch. Situated in 1FTT —?vTi —FirTT^ —n m ,.,.,,, n , —r„, h ,' „ - !"9, H , p - Cl » P?, ld , lor f 00d I' 0 " Fram e ?, laI I 0 - _ his hppn awarrlpfl for evfpllence in ment 1M announced between Wilbur Union, £7 13/6 (2) cathedral Square, heart ot city. 100 Bedrooms. tatl, « HMi st Cl S Machine—Dun- Write lull particulars to Cash Buyer. 0936. Star lias »een u \\aiCietl 101 excellence in Thornt on, second son of Mr. and Mrs. insurance—Standard. £3 14/. each with private phone and hot and cold running „/,.,,'„ „' — MS l' le Violin to MISS /jlta Austin, c. Wheeler, of Takapuna, and June Pent- Australian and Overseas—Woolworths Properwater. Rooms with private bathrooms available 'SLy™%**%& ' a «, er ' .S.w'^i" 1 ' 12 x 4 -- Du !;: IRON Frame Piano, good tone essential, appear- daughter of Sergeant and Ml'S. D. land, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L', es v £ A. 8/ !i Wo S\!"i^ a J B S d - i '^ / i, 18/ 7 , (4)i also. Full inclusive tarift. 22/6. sheath. 49. High St.. Auckland. 21 ance Immaterial—Teacher. 0937. Star. N Anctin nf Wollititrt™ A C Omundsen of Takatmna Electrolytic Zinc. £2 17/; Broken Hill Proprietary, N. WRAY M1LLNER. Proprietor. TS GAS Producer Equipment and Plants-Truck lew.s liApr" Gives Highest Prices for Used Th iho f J ?im P this rlisiinr Omundsen, of Takapuna. £2 5/; Kauri Timber. £1 6/; Aust. Consolidated , — Service, Ltd., foot Parnell Rise. Ph. 44-692. N Ptr.nos Phnno ii if? v 1111S IS tllO 111 St time tlllS OlStmC- " Industiies, £2 lj/6. HOLIDAY" ACCOM. WANTED nvn» wn ir k„ a. .,„h m S —R i TIT - " nm - 110nc 4 - £ .■ , nnnn .,,„„ w.. „ -\Jotv 7nn ~~~ Dominion—National Timber, 8/; N.Z. Forest ■ S YD J(il P¥ ( C " H ° - * and No. 6—Dunsheath MUSICIAN wishes buy good Piano, appearance un- tlOll lias DCCn W On Dy a JN eW £03.- __„„ Products, 6/8 (5); Reid Rubber (rights), 5/ (4), ACCOMMODATION, Sleep 4; Dec. 24, fortnight, ■"■ High St.. Auckland. 21 important: no dealers; cash—Phone 16-186. 21 GIFTS TO SEAMEN 4/ H (5), 4 '9 (3). ord., £1 7/; N.Z. Breweries, North Shore beaches. —Adults. 8518. Star. 21 HAND or Power Winches, in good order, various MUSICIAN requires High Grade Piano case an- * l 16 ' 9 i Auckland Gas (con.), 2 11; Woolworths B1CH small wanted 'or Sims anvwhere- state capacities—Dunsheath, 49, High St.. Auckland. 21 pcarance not important—Urgent. 41-547. N j fe , 4 , . ' "• (N.Z.), 16/1. 16,3 (4). 16.4: Northern Steam, particulars.—Write S. 8818. Star. x21 HYDRAULIC Press. 500 tons, lor squeezing liquid -ili;sl<\I instrument-! — Soiri Inli —fT- ■ ' "' - " "'' , , , 8 6 - 8 ' 9 ' 8 10 ' 9/ {3); Farmers' Trading, £1 2/11 BACH or Flat, seaside, fortnight; sleep 4-36, g™ %& sf cT'' **£ ~ V ! f' * , , < I'l T T ' ™ by. the Rev• W'^ Paihia Rd.. Qnehunga. 21 °''":" 1C ° 'J 1 - "' e "^ St - ■ 21 - pTAx7TAc"coi-dion bass (Delapi); ! & '« — $$ V, « | 11. K. Vickery, of the Flying Angel Bundilig (ChSch,,r n ch)^ BACH, sleep 4, waterfront, 2 weeks Christmas— ™} K *PJl , C '", d /" Ri?i?h??H Dl %°f cash—Particulars phone 88-609. 24 '< h MlSSlOns tO Seamen. that Vai'iOUS Co-op. (B prel.). £2 13; Wilsons Cement. 19/ 82. Duke St.. Mi. Roskill. 21 Implements—Miurav.Riverhead. 21 ,, 1AN()S vvanted . urKe nU.v. all mala./ ano nrlces.- *k '. _ m UiftS had been donated for mprcrnnt <2); Westport-Stockton, 2.6; McKenzies. £2 7/; R4TH sleeD 4- close beach bus- month from LA ™ES, 8'. = m. also bin centres, hollow spindles, siv's Piano House. 41-733. D4 - - f - ** ' '.* hlu& Ilclu " e V, UOIlaltu io1 . meiCliant Trad ers' Finance (con), 5/; N.Z. Farmers- Fer-Xmas-6omfortable!°"843 STAR"" 5 ' " ",°21 I»"P*ct Dunsheath. 49. gj PORTABLE Gr.mophones. Radios; Best Prices- I WmMW seamen of all Overseas ships trading tiliser, £ 1 0, 9 KAC... Oneroa, from m ? T » E ' ,„«»■ £^« W ne" U or!er -PhSne M-Vm" «°° d '" PP»" 113. '° Auckland TWO pounds 0 Dutter 3 L p ° c a r nS cei H ".c"- "SH-sl. 00 « ! December 23 end January—S. 8742. Star, 21 gjitlier'and Rd Pt Chevalier none8u -' D ' SET nf Drums, suitable for dance band; cash «M* Sffi&&- P er man hacl Deen given by the £106 2 (J; Slock. 1946-49. 4 per cent, C103; BACH, sleep 4. any handy beach, from Dec. 24— ■,,,.,,,,■,. Manufacture Picture Mnniriinp- in "."y"'--" 5 - aa8 °- STA ii 21 M , Internal Marketing Division, and the stock - 1053-57, 3' 2 per cent, £102 5/ (3): Bonds. Apply 19. Chester Ave.. Westmere. 21 jJ» AC '' M J e ! ufa n et " d es f'ns- D m,sTetth 49 STRING Bass wanted, in good order—F. 8526. | *» " * * « N7 I'lVf/ilU' Cnmiril v ii« i I n 1943-46. 4 per cent. £ 100 5/ (ex int..); Auckland i.p.rn fninn-p n pir Anrk-hnri * J u'ppks from TTi'trii c;t n i ' *>i' Star. 24 ' , ,' , l - ( - /jl l h v U1 " ! Jclll 3 LIUI1 Gas I perp. deb.), 3; 2 per cent, £ 86. D^ C ".-F 0 uU°part^ulars A to k B:c:. 8 429. e STAR. r °21 Machine Trough Type 1 bag capacity- £-0 TO £50 offered iron frame Piano-RfnT; A | |- " had donated. 2 lb Of meat tO every Woolpgck. 3.; Auckland BROIVN'S BAY. Cottage, large, convs.. wanted to pMnsheath 49.'" H igh Auckland "' lill 8 , Hs W' - mail, m addition to parcels of cheese, P ' Umerl Ilee '' ms ' £13 ' 9 - rent three weeks from Boxing Day: handy beach MOT OR, 1-6 h.p., D.C.; perfect condition—Phone „„„„„ t „ tIW _ nTTn _,. w - ?, , -, - ffl Ilono.V. WOOlleil goods and books, TREND OF MARKET Terms, particulars. Teacher. 8809. Star. x2_l 43-751. x21 ABOUT SELLING TOUR PIANO ««F - ' ; 1W„ made Up bv the mission. The following table indicates t he fluctuaCOTTAGE or Flat for 2 weeks. Xmas, from Dec. MO TOR, 230-volt. D.C.. 3 h.p., with Starter.— RING ATWATERS. Phone 49-047. iBIS L AS — tio11 m the values of various securities:— 24—Phone 20-561 or write B. 0663, STAR. 21 Dtln5neath . 49 , High st . Auck i and . 21 F0R THE HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICE. ' \\>) : Wk » ' ' BANK< . COTTAGE. Brown's Bay .from Dec. 20, for one MIL , Factory and Engineers' Supplies—Manning Valuations Free , I . < ,f _,__. BANKS month: reliable adults—S. 8483. Star. 21 and Co.. Ltd.. 188. Boradway, Newmarket. WS n, n « , S ' IM M ACL) LATE I !\1 EVERY DETA L , 19!2 1,)43 "« DEVONPORT to Brown's Bay, 2 bedrooms living MTrfoRTrih.p., 230-70117X0.. 1750 r.p.m., ver- CIVIC SQUARE L \g , , . , tVd T% d c'^sci months: furn. or untuni-71-4 a _g J _^l : tlC aI ahaft—Dunsheath. 49. High St.. Cl. 21 ACCORDIONS PIANOS. * ' Commercial £ 14 8 £ il 9 '" 16 9 HOUSE, turn., \yanted, 2nd and 3rd weeks Jan., multiple Spindle Drill Press, 14 spindles.— GUITARS. UKULELES, saxophones, " . f 0 10 modem woman, immaculate in National, N.Z ... 210 2 9 6 296 St. Hellers, Kohl, or Mission Bay.—S. 877b, iTAR. Dunsheath. 49. High St., Cl. 21 CORNETS, BANJO-MANDOLINS, VIOLINS. cverv detail, conies Nu.tex, the scientific New South Wales . . 23 15 0 33 15 0 33 15 0 r—v; — T , 7^-r—- PYROMETER, scaled to 1600deg. centigrade— GRAMOPHONES " A^* J . os - ~^S 1 JJBSBBBWBjj ; solution lo personal problems. Nu.tex, New Zealand 1 19 6 220 221 Seiche's °or v.^initj?'How-fc'k ff 'for Dmtsheath. 49. High St.. Cl. 21 L E =° U S QHT E D. gE' the modern internal sanitary protection, MISCELLANEOUS one month —Phone 61 018 21 ROBINSON Chain Mortising Machine.—Dunsheath. Phone 42-992. 192. Queen Street. S jSK'. ' •'?|ll|f33Slr can't chaie or rub. Discover the secret of N.Z. Insurance 3 9 6 1 2 6 *4 2 6 V.owi.-k House 1 o- 2 wieA 4!l - HlKh Sr - c -'- 21 ■ « , >, . glorious freedom without belts, pins or South British .. 3 0 6 3 12 6 3 12 10 Ariv sent emher self and "adults—Barfoot ROLL Type Stone Crushing Machine, lor grit. RADIO APPARATUS FOR SALE E»raBS»W |w *^ w ™™^ mr *rr7 l»- K, s. mental stores and chemists A -C ; 1 2 6 (i 2 14 0 2 15 6 !F\Z~ September, self and 2 adults. Banoot ._ Dunsheathi 49 H igh St.. Auckland. 21 ■ - ''""'" , , ' "" ' 7,, »* w *~" everywherehaveamplestocksofNu.tex. Broken Hill Pty. .. in 0 2 4 9 =2 5 0 51-397. ££. —. ——i_ __ _ . — A.C.-D.C. Columbus 6-valve worldwave, at El.-o ,„„„„-,■„ tuKm-n.'- ■■■-- nn,„ ,,„,,. i,.;.,i ■?,,,iiV „,„t„, m rfJ/™t, Re «l Rubber 110 170 170 SEASIDE Cottage, small, furn.. near bus; SAWS and Planing Machine Kn.ves also Repairs. Radios. Ltd.. 16. Wyndham St.. Cl. 21 ~~*aMmBmSMBSmMm ■ ) , th tS l'Sil S,' Mt. Lyell <■! 5 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 for summer fum Oct. 1 approx.; East Coast beach. Thompson A, Sims. Ltd.. Cook Street. WS A c ..„. c . Elco BacliOBram world-wave inaltrac- ] 'V ,1! SMlKlani 10-limt packe. 20. Auckland Gas .... 6 5 6 9 6 9 Write Ball. 8. Dudley Ay... New Lynn. 21 TRACTORS M.M.; Just landed: immediate tive lowbov cabinet, at Elco Radios, Ltd.. 16. lander Miss Austin -who was 17 —CA/CI.J Farmers- Trading . 100 12 11 12 11 «,,,> 1 R „„ h nr pi„ t —2 weeks from Xmas Eve, delivery: one of America's Best Tractors; uses wvndham St.. Cl. 21 _ P _„„ ,. .1 Y- ' V vvcia J.4 —--—_________ Dom. Breweries ... =1 6 6 1 17 6 1 17 6 WANTED_TO_RENT gSg --'^ iob lot, sizes frtmi St. Mary's Dfcn,rn H li51S5: :: 48 5 58 *8 S o° FACTORY, suitable Furniture Manufacturing. — cl ' 21 tion—9. Leamington Hd.. on valley Kd. _i she received most of her musical etltl- Queen Street. Auckland, head office Wei- Woolworths— Write S. 8788. STAR. hilri " 50 H.P. D.C Motor; Joinery Tools; Sanding 'J™ *■}<?% 4" va i y f- r Ti?ev cation. She proposes to take advan- li'igton. report that recently they acted N.Z. 14 6 16 1 16 4 flat, small, mm., s.c.; quiet couple; no children Machi ne—sawyer. Newmarket vvs condition, £20.-Hing 42-222. After hours 25-951. 1 he Exhibition in T ondnn as agents in filing the following applica- &idncj l0 7 18 ° 18 1 urgently—Phone 60-145. £?i — fi l «h L \> l U1L in LOllUOn (ions fot , inters natenf Amalgamated GOVERNMENT STOCK FLAT or Bach, unuirn., at Takapuna, required HOOVER QUARTER-H.P., A.C MOTORS. CONVERTER. A.C.-D.C 230 volt, excellent con- alter the War, and 111 the meantime Wireless (Australasia). Ltd., Svdnev, tone 1952-55 107 0 0 106 2 6 106 2 G by refined couple—write S. 8751, Star. 21 others, new'and.used to 5i h D.C ana AC jmcii s.ien —Ring 24-o63 x21 ls engaged 111 solo and Orchestral signal keyer; Clark, M. R„ "Wellington. 1943-46 .V.V.'.Y.V'tW IS 0 10117 6 tlOO 5 0 FLAT or-House, unfurn.; early October; good Vee Belts and Pulleys, ««»»^? r %JS sy B EKCO '-valve, beautiful black baKedte cabinet, W ()rk in Wellington. jireparation for sealing plaster surfaces; 1953-57 »io2 5 0 no2 0 0 102 5 0 tenants; rent in advance-F. 8492. Star. _21 We BUY Used Mo Wc*«hop Toote Ejgrne., wonderful tune and short wave, at Elco Radios b James, A. S., Nelson, means for operating Wat; Loan 1953 91 7 6 93 5 0 93 5 0 FLAT or Part House, furn. or unfurn.; careful eu " j o H N S. LIMITED.'ii F V-T ?■ T Ho nitabl hall- release or control levers of case-making *Bujers. I Sellers, i Ex div. or interest.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 198, 21 August 1943, Page 3

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WEEK REVIEWED Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 198, 21 August 1943, Page 3

WEEK REVIEWED Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 198, 21 August 1943, Page 3