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MR. F. S. POTTER. WELL KNOWN BENEFACTOR. The death has occurred of Mr. Frederick S. Potior. of l'tinmure, at the age of 81 \ear-. lie was well known as a generous benefactor to Auckland! hi l'.'lii Mr. Potter pre.-cnted an area of land to the Mount Kilcn Borough Council and later gave -iiiiic additional adjoining land for the purpose of forming a [rtiblie reserve. In this action he was prompted by recollections of his early life in a crowded part of London. His wish was carried out and the area became known as Potter's Park. A Freemason, Mr. Potter made a gift of about six acres of land at Paninure to the Masonic lirnnd l.*>dge of New Zealand as a site for rent tree cottage homes for aged Freemasons and their wives. The lirst two cottages were erected at his own cost. In 19"2!> he presented a property of nine and a half acres at I'apakura to the (Jrand Lodge for a boys' home. He also created a trust with a capital of £50,000 for the maintenance of the institution which was opened two years later. A furtbbr gift was made in 1929 bv Mr. Potter to the Takapuna Borough Council of land for a public! park opposite St. George's Presbyterian Church. Mr. Potter is survived by his wife. MR. ALBERT PAYKEL. The death occurred at. his residence during the week-end of Mr. Albert Paykel. aged 75. a well-known Auckland business man. Born in Russia, Mr. Paykel spent some years in America. Coming to New Zealand with his vifc and family in 1800, he established a general si ore business at Kaipara. Removing to Auckland about :!:"> years ago, Mr. Paykel founded the firm of Liehtenstein, Arnoldson and Company for the export of kauri gum. A few years later he took tip land at Horsham Downs, VVaikato, and at Waiheke Island. For some years Mr. Paykel was. a member of the executive of the Jewish Benevolent Society and was a life member of the Automobile Association. He is survived by his wife and nine children. There are Hi grandchildren and one great-grandchild. MAORI LEADER. ' TLKI MANA TK TANIWHA. The death has occurred at bis home at Waimango, of Tnkiimana To Taniwha. head chief of the Nati-Whanalinga tribe, at the age of Si years. He was a grandson of the famous chief. Te Jloreta Te Taniw ha. Tukuiuana Te Taniwha wa- one of the la>t surviving men versed in the ancient genealogy and hislnrv of hibrancli of the Hauraki Maoris. He always worked for the advancement of his people and wa- the Maori leader in lite district. He was one of those instrumental in arraugiiiL' for the transporting of the great, carved meeting hou-e. Jlotiinui to be deposited in trust for tiie Thames tril.ves in the Auckland War -Memorial .Museum. Natives from all over the Waikato, Thames and Hauraki districts are gathering at Waimani-o for tiie tangi. MR. R. A. STEERS. The death has occurred of Mr. R. A. Stoets at the age of 9,'>. Sixty yeara of his life was *pent with ships and the sea. Mr. Steers was born in Denmark and had visited many countries before coming to New Zealand at the age of 30. lie captained several sailing vessels which traded between Thames and the Bay of Islands, but later became the pilot of . coal barges, in the Bay of Islands. Mr. Steers retired to Auckland 17 years ago. He is survived by ono son and five daughters, 17 grandchildren and 1 ?6 jr'eat-grandchildren.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXXII, Issue 76, 31 March 1941, Page 4

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OBITUARY. Auckland Star, Volume LXXII, Issue 76, 31 March 1941, Page 4

OBITUARY. Auckland Star, Volume LXXII, Issue 76, 31 March 1941, Page 4