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' Tributes to the late Mr. Jaince Rukutai were paid at ,iu end oi the leuon aocul iiK-oiiin; of t'«»e Aucklauil Rugby League lout evening, wlien a table l to Ilk memory was unveiled by Mr. E. J. l'hclan. The tablet bore '.he inscription: "Akc Akc Ki.i 1'ono," the infilling of which a> "Foi ever be true."' Mr. Ptaclan describe the late Mr. Rukutai u a wonderiul organiser. »Mo bad been retpaeMble lor many players coming over to the League code. Afler oelng active a* a piayti. be became an aamlnlstraior o! ibe tune- lie >u a man of (cv lords, but lull ot wisdom and advice. He mas a scholarly man. who tooc Uμ greatest interest In the Dominion, and lae cii> of Auckland In panicular. Some ot his srr«u»i work had been for the naure race. Me baa given great service In every «»r. and .-.j U(ework was an inspiration lor oiners to so and oo llkevtse. Mr. £. K. Asher said that the late Mr. Rukutai was the last man chosen lor the Maor> team IM9 to go to A .*;.-*.u. and he proveO ihsl there was no belicr lorward in New Zeaiaod. Mr. S. Watenc said thai a standard nad been act tor the youns Mion piayers to lire up to During the cvcnlne a nuznocr ol toaau mcic hcpiylns to the toast ot i;ie New Zealand Rugby League. Uic president ot the New Zealano Rugbjr Leacue. Mr. J. A. Redwood, retcricd tu the tour ot England last year, and said inai the English liugby League <u sincere .n laviung tnem to return al me earliest opportunity lie said that It all the Leagues In New Zealand were like the Auckland Rugoy League, lac taw of the New Zealand controlling body would be an easy one. All oi inc. southern Leagues hac finished me season In a s'.rcncer poslucn Uuu ever betor. , . Mr. W. J. HammlU spoke o: the goo.l wi.k done In recent years for the plavers. During the evening a League blazer and u cheque were piescnted to Mr. I. Culpan. wbo has been secretary ot ihc Auckland Rugoy Leagu-g lor over 31 yean. The chairman of the gathering was Mr. c> Grey Campbell, cnalrman ot the board oi control ot the Auckland Rugby League.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 253, 24 October 1940, Page 20

Word Count

MEMORIAL TABLET TO GREAT MAORI LEAGUE FORWARD. Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 253, 24 October 1940, Page 20

MEMORIAL TABLET TO GREAT MAORI LEAGUE FORWARD. Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 253, 24 October 1940, Page 20