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The result of the drawing of the first ballot of the present war was announced to-day in a "Gazette" Extraordinary. This contained the names of approximately 10,000 men in all parts of the Eiominion, who were selected by ballot last week from the district registers of the first division of the general reserve for service with the territorial force.

Below are published the names of those residing in the Auckland area of the Northern Military District, who have been selected for service. The list includes the names of a considerable number of men who have volunteered for overseas service, also the names of somo men who are already serving in home defence units.

The Auckland area .consists of the counties of Manukau, Franklin and Eden together with all boroughs and town districts lying within such counties; the boroughs of Devonport, Takapuna, Northcote and Birkenhead, the city of Auckland; also Great Barrier, Little Barrier and all islands in the Hauraki Gulf.

Reservists' Obligations.

In an interview in Wellington the Minister of National Service, the Hon. R. Semple, said that publication of a reservist's name in the "Gazette" was the decisive factor that transformed him from a civilian into a member of the territorial force. Individual notices to men drawn in the ballot would be sent by registered letter concurrently with the appearance of the "Gazette," but if through any change of address the notification was delayed, this did not remove a man's liability, ae he was still bound by the "Gazette" notice. The Minister pointed out that as the A .urpose of the ballot was to provide the first draft of troops necessary to bring the territorial forces up to war establishment, the selected reservists would be required, provided they were found medically fit, to go to camp with the units to which they will be attached early this month. They would shortly receive instructions from the defence authorities where and when they are to report for medical examination, and any recruit who is ill or otherwise physically unable to report must take steps to advise the district area officer.

"It is realised that the calling tip of men at comparatively short notice may in some cases cause a certain amount of inconvenience to the men concerned <r to their employers," the Minister added, "but this necessity for an adequate trained force for home defence should be sufficiently obvious to make it unnecessary for me to urge both men and employers to refrain from lodging appeals for the postponement of service except in oases of real urgency." Procedure for Appeals.

Referring to appeal procedure, Mr. Semple said that both he and the Director of National Service, Mr. J. S. Hunter, had received hundreds of applications for exemption from or postponement of service, but the efforts of the persons making these had been entirely wasted, as neither Mr. Hunter nor himself had power to consider or grant appeals. The procedure was to send the appeal to the secretary of the Manpower Committee for the district in which the appellant lived. Appeal forms were available at all post offices, and the grounds on which appeals might be based were fully set out, both on the calling Up notice and the appeal form itself.

The period of training to be undergone by the men ,nov- being called up was one of three months, added the Minister, while subsequent training would consist of a continuous period of a fortnight once a year, together with a number of evening and week-end parades. All appeals by reservists in the Auckland area, exclusive of those in the Waitemata county, must be made to the Manpower Committee, 206, British Chambers, High Street. Appeals by reservists drawn in the Waitemata county must be made to the Manpower Committee. Whangarei.

The names drawn in the ballo follow:—

George L. Abraham, James R. Adams. Lawrence A. J. Adams. Reginald L. Adams. Walter R. Adams, Reginald Addison, Roy J. Adolph, Burt E. Aeyei. James W. Agnew, Robert Agnew, John Aitchison, Stewart L. Aitken. Harold Alder, George E. J. Alderton, Donald F. Alexander, Harold S. Alexander, Hugh Alexander. Thomas Alexander. Clarence J. Aley. Norman T. Allcock. Leslie J. Allen, Mervyn F. Allen. Stewart W. Alsweiler. Vernon J. Ambrose, Owen P. Amoore. Rex E. Amos, Stanley R. Amy. Paul M. Andersen. Alexander E. Anderson. Alfred R. Anderson. Andrew M. Anderson, Maxwell F. Anderson. William G. Anderson, William J. Anderson, Ivan H. Andreasen, Henry D. Andrew. Hubert W. Andrew. Malcolm I. Andrew, Alfred E. Andrews. Allan F. Andrews. Patrick W. G. Andrews, Frederick H. Angell, Douglas H. Angus, Robert H. R. Angus. Milton S. Annabell, Alex M. Appleby, William G. Appleby, Jack Appleyard. Harold Archer, James F. Archer, Ronald F. Artnishaw, Walter B. Armstrong, Harry G. Arnold. William G. Arnold. Leonard B. McG. Arnott. Sydney W. Attwell. Frederick G. Audley, Gordon Auger, Noel J. Aulick. Peter T. Austin, Alfred C. Aylett, Nelson Aylward, Walter Aylward.

Cameron R. Bacon, Hugh M. Bagley, George G. Bailey, Stewart J. Baird, Henry R. Baker. Philip F Baker, William A. Baker, William G. Baldwin, Ronald E. Ball, Robert B. Ballantyne. Jack Bailer, Jack Balshaw, James R. d'A. Bambury, John A. Bankier, Harry Banks, Albert T. Bannister, Alexander H. Baraewanath, Edward Barclay, Henry W. Bardsley, Philip L. Bardwell. Ernest G. Barker, George W. Barker, John L. Barlow, Vernon T. Barnes. Albert D. Barnett, Arthur J. Barratt, Jack A. Barrett, Charlrt P. Barrlball, Samuel D. Barron, Herbert H. Barry, Jack L. Barry, Matthew A. Barry, William C. Barry, William S. Bardsdell, Frederick B. Bass, Eric C. Batchelor, Arthur E. Bate Aubrey S. Bateman, William J. Bates, Howard J. Bathe, John C. M. Batkin, Richard Batty, George E. Baulcomb, Victor G. Beal, Douglas A. Beams, Russel R. Beard, John Beaton, Stanley C. Beatson, Leonard R. Beaumont, Leonard J. Beaven, Thomas V. Bedelph, Arthur J. Bedford, Reginald Beesley. Wilfred E. Begbie, Harold Bell, James D. Bell. James D. Lyndon-Bell, James N. BeU. Peter J. Bennett, William H. Bennett. Clifford F Benns, Robert Jefcoate Bent, Hubert M. Bentley, Albert E. Berrow, Carlton L. F. Berry, Harold V. Berry, John R. Best, William B. Best, Charles C Beuth, Jack Bldmead. Clifford H. Billingham, George P. Billings, Hugh C. Blndon, Phillip R Blnns. Charles E. Bird. Robert G. Blrley, Arthur C. Birse. James R. Blscoe, Albert G. Bishop, Thomas F. Bishop, Denning R. Bissett, Edward Black John V. Black, Charles S. Blackburn. Walter S Blacklaws, James Blackledge, Clifford L. BlackweU Charles S. Blagrove. Henry J. Blake, Joseph Bland, Leonard E. Blankley, John C. Blundell. Edgar R. Blue, Thomas G. Boag, Walter Boakes. Percy Bockett. LesUe G. Bodle. Charles E. H. Body Neville P. Boland, Charles W. Bold, Solomon Bookman, William L. Bell-Booth. Desmond C. Boreham Gustav R. Borgolte, Robert W. H. Borrott, Donald T. Boryer, James R. Boswell. Francis D. Bourke James A. Bourke, Lawrence F. Bawd, Lewis R Bowden, Moore H. Bowden, Jack Bower. Matthew Bowler, Hubert R. C. Bowles, James W. Bowling, Eric G. Box, James R. Boyd, John A Boyd Martin F. Boyle, George H. Bracefield. John M Bradley, Selwyn F. Bradley, William N. Bradley, Francis R. Bradly, Alphonsus G. Brennan. Mervyn O. Brennan. Max Bretnall. George H. Brewer. Joseph C. Brewer, Edward J. Briggs, Herbert W. Briggs, Leonard T. Briggs, Norman J. Bright. Walter P. Brimble. Frederic V. Brittain. Alfred V. Broderick, Rowland B. Brook. Noel F. Brooker, George . H. Brookes Arthur E. Brooks, Patrick F. Brosnahan. Noel J. Broun, Alfred Brawn, Andrew 9. T. Brown,

Bertram O. Brown, Eric B. Brown, Frederick A. Brown, George H. Brown, Harold K. Brown, lan Me. Brown, James R. Brown, John C. Brown, Martin K. Brown. Norman D. Brown. William D. Brown, Lawrence W. Browne, Leslie H. Brown, William R. Bruce, James E. Brundell William Brunt, Jack N. Brunton, Carr Bryan, John J. Bryan. Alfred E. Bryant, Frederick G. Bryant Harold W. Bryant, Harry J. Buckland. Thomas W. Buckley, William Buckley. Basil H. Buckthought, William F. Budge, William R. Budge. Arthur E. Bull, William J. Bullough. George C. Bunby. Jack Bunting. Herbert J. Burch. Walter D. Burch, Bruce T. C. Burgess. Graham R. Burgess, Mervyn T. J. Burgess. Richard S. Burgess, Alwyn J. Burke, Kno7.-les Bunnan. Robert Burman, Sidney R. Burns. Tom Burnside, Harry L. Burton, Peter W. Burton Trevor P. Burton. Bertram £. Buscoinb.

Charles A. Calder. Reginald Calder, John A. Caldwell. James C. Callaghan. Paul S. Callaghan, John H.- Cameron. Kenneth Q. Cameron. Leonard

W. Cameron. Walter J. Cameron. Roy E. Cammell. Clyde D. Campbell. John D. Campbell. Ronald F. Campion. William S. Campton. Francis W. Cannings, Maurice V. Carbines. Vernon J. Cargo. Kenneth R. Carlyon. Trevor Carlyon, James Carmichael. Stuart Carmichael. Edward H. Carr.

Horace H. Carr. John V. Carran. William J. Carngan. James J. Carroll. Charles M. Carruthers. Alexander J. Carson, Cecil C. Carter, Claude G. Carter, Laurie H. Carter, Ormond C. Cascl. Francis C. Casey, Herbert K. Catrart. Ronald H. Caughey, Allan L. Cave. John H. Cavit. Roy E. Chaaie, Ernest G. Chadderton. Beresford M. Chalmers, James B. Chalmers. John W. Chalmers. Cyril H. Chapman. Robert S. Chapman. Trevor J. Chapman. William J. Chapman. Peter J. Chappell. Raymond C. Chappell. Ernest G. Charles, Leonard D. Chatfleld. William D. Chatfleld, Harry E. Chesman. Ivan Chestnut. Robert H. Chetwynd, Frederic H. Chillingworth, Frederick D. Chtng, Alan L. Chlpman, Stuart N. Chirnside. Henry J. Chiswell. Albert W. Christie, Colin D. Christie, Clarence P. Churchill, Hugh Claney. Francis S. Clark. John A. Clark, John E. Clark. Joseph N. Clark, Samuel L. Clarkson, Colin Claydon, Trevor M. Clayton. Allen P. Clear, DeLacy M. Cleary, Roy A. Cliffe. Lionel J. Clifford. Richard W. Clifford, George L. Cist, Gordon C. Clough, Raymond S. Coad, John H. Cocks. Richard G. Coldham. Verdun M Cokor. Arthur P. Cole, Devereux M. H. Colebourn, William C. Coleman. William E. Colgan, Robert D. Colhoun. L. E. Coll. Laurence C. CoUeeutt, Kenneth G. Collingwood, Errol L. Collins. Jack W. Collins, Percy W. T. Collins,. Trevor C. Collins, Daniel J. Colquhoun, James P. Colquhoun. Albert P. Common, Peter Concanon, Graham H. Connell. Laurie W. Connon. John L. Connor, David W. Cook. Francis C. Cook. William H. Cook. John I. Ccoke, Frederick G. Cookson, Robert H. Coomber. Mervyn F. Coombes. Maurice V. S. Coon, Desmond J. Cooney, Ronald I. Cooper. Victor S. Cope, Vernon J. Copedo. Jack A. Copeland, John Coppins. Stephen W. Copplns. Lewis Corbett. Francis A. Cork, Ernest D. Cormier, Gilbert F. Cornwall. Clifford C. Corrlngham. Frederick J. Corry, Joseph B. Cosgrave, George K. Cossey, Owen F. Cossey, Heniy T. Costello. Ronald C. Coster, Bernard Cottrill, Keith A. Coubray. Douglas Coulter, Jack Coupe, George W. Cowell. Wilfred B. Cowle. William G. Cowie. Rex B. Cowley, Wilfred E. Craig, Harry Crake. Lan McO. Cran. Douglas K. Crapp. Donald D. Crawford. Gordon C. Crippen, Jack W. Crippen. Cyril H. Crisp, Rayner A. H. Croad, Mervyn H. Crockett, Henry M. Crook, Desmond W. Cross, Charles C. Crouch, Trevor T. Crowder, Neville E. Crowe, Bernard A'. Crnydon. Albert C. Cuff. Algar I. Culpan, Nelson D. Culpan, Crowther J. Culpin. Eric W. Culpitt. Colin H. Cundall, Donald B. Cunningham, Terence J. Cunningham. Edward L. Curnow, Peter R. Curry, Anthony H. Curtis, Charles T. Curtis, Arthur K. Cutfleld, Albert W. Cuthbertson.'

Alfred J. Dagnoll, Gordon P. Dalton. Mervyn A. F. Dalton. Joseph H. Darby, Andrew Darling. Kenneth C. R. Darroch, Noel V. Darvlll. Irwln Davenport, William R. A. Davern. Jack G. Davey. Alan L. Davidson. Alexander F. Davidson, Ronald F. Davles. Edward A. Davis. Eric A. Davis. Frederick N. Davis, John W. Davis. Laurence W. Davis, Neville A. Dsivis. - Robert Davison, Joseph A. Davy, Herbert D. Dawson, William Dawson, William N. Dawson. Frederick J. Day, Reginald F. Day, Henry N. Deadman, Douglas Dean, James E. H. Dean, Halkett G. Dearsly, Frederick C. Deason, Reginald J. Delargey, John F.'De Lisle. Colin M. Dennes, Ross L. G. Dennis. Ceci! R. Dennlston. Raymond H. Denyer, Alan D. Dlckson, George Dlckson. Raymond J. Dlllican, Marsden Dillon, George S. Dilworth. Hugh Dobble, William H. Dobble. John W. Dobbs. Norman A. Dobson, Graham O. Dodd. Jack N. Doherty. Henry G. Donaldson, Francis S. Donovan, Oswald N. Donovan, Daniel Doonan, Nelson H. Dorrlngton, Archibald N. Douglas, Henry R. Douglas, John I. Douglas. John T. Douglas, John W. Douglas. Bruce M. Doull. Arthur H. J. Dove. Jack C. E. Dowdy, Cyril V. Dowle, Robert M. Dowllng. Leslie St. C. Downes. Ronald St. C. Dowries. Walter H. Downey, Stanley R. Downing, Lionel K. T. Doyle. Mervyn A. Drever. Norman F. Drew, George Drought, Dugald Drummond, Colin W. Dryland, Hilary F. G. Duchemin. William D. Dudley. Alfred K. Ducker, Neville F. Ducker. Reginald G. Duddlng. Nathaniel Dudley, Samuel Dunlop, Keith T. Dunn, Leicester J. Dunn. Ray McG. Dunn, John Dunne. Leo M. Dunne. Hector J. Dunning, Maurice L. Dunstan. Richard B. Dunwoodie. Stuart T. Duthie, Robert M. Dwerryhouse, Harold A. Dwlght, Leslie S. Dyer, David C. Dyke, Francis M. Dynes, Laurence R. Dyson.

Major W. Eade. Clifford W. Early. Frank W. Early, William A. Eddowes. Charles A. Eden, Robert S. Edward, Charles E. Edwards, David R. Edwards. Edward S. Ellis. Ernest A. Edwards, Harold Ellis. Herbert W. Ellis. Raymond A. Ellis, Stanley J. Ellis. James C. F. Enrlght. Linden C. Ensoll. William S. Ensoll. Herbert G. B. Erickstad. John T. Espie. James Evans. Wl' '-"n Evans. Leslie Everltt. Sidney C. Eyers. Frederick G. Eyes, Jack A. Eyes.

Walter Fallows, Eugene B. Fanning. Hugh W. Farley. Frederick R. Farmer. Arthur R. Farnall, George H. Ferguson. Harold R. Ferguson. Lan Ferguson, Kenneth H. Ferguson. Arnold Fielden, John W. G. Fielder, Percy T. Fincham. Sidney F. C. Finck, William R. Findlay, Noel V. Finer, Charles A. Finlay. Charles M. Flnlayson. Kenneth M. Finlayson. Brian G. Firth. Clifford S. Firth. Keith L. Fish, James B. Fisher. Noel F. M. Fisher, George C. Fitzgerald, Henry J. McL. Fitzgerald, Wilfred J. Fitzgerald. Henry R. Fitzjanes. Reginald H. Fltzjames, Sidney F. Fitt. Harold E. Flanagan. Gordon F. Fletcher. Harold Fletcher. Herbert Fletcher, James M. C. Fletcher. Kenneth E. Fletcher. Norman Fletcher. William T. Fletcher, Arthur L. Flexman, Reginald W. Flexman. Desmond N. Follas, Erol F. V. Foote. Graham B. Forder, William J. Forrest. William A. Foreman. Arnold D. Foster, Charles G. Foster, Robert H. Foster. Charles E. Foulkner, Wynyard I. G. Fountain, Jack Fowler, William L. Fowler. George V. Fox. Henry W. J. Fox. Edmund I. Fraei. Henry France, Frederick A. Francis. John D. Franlch, Archer Franklin. Hula G. Franklin. Mate Frankovlch. Sidney Frank 3. John Fraser. Victor H. French, Albert E. Freeman,. Charles H. Frewen, Mervyn T. Frisken. Alan L. Fry, Geoffrey Fuqrle. Gilbert R. Fuller. John L. Fuller. John H. Fullerton, Samuel T. Fullerton. Roy FUrlonger. Frederick G. Furness, John C, Furniss, Walter K. Futter.

Roland R. Gaffey. George D. Galsley, Archibald Galbraith, James D. Gall, Henrf F. Gallagher. Rollo W. Gallle, Maurice A. Gamble, Arthur F. Gambling, Norman C. Garland, John T. (lariick. Douglas L. Garrett. Thomas Gartslde. Clifford H. Gaskell. Eric G. Gaskin, James W. Gascon, Donald V. Gatenby, Norman J. Gates. Bruce P.. ueortse, Leonard E. George. Donald T. Geraghty. Hugh H. Geraghty. Thomas E. Gerrand. Eric Gerrard, Ernest Ghent, George W. Gibbons, Llndray W. Gibbons, James B. Gibson. Robert H , . Gibson. Ronald J. Gibson, James Gifford, Oharles V. W. Gilbert. Frank Gilbert. James E. Gilbert, James G. Gilchrist. Leslie Giles. Stanley R. Giles. Leslie C. Glllam, Ronald Gillanders. Robert R. Gillespie. Robert F. J. Gilley, John W. Gillgren. Desmond J. Gillies, Thomas F. Gilroy. Leo W. Glynn. Edward R. Goddard, James Godden, Winston M. Godfrey, Henry E. Goldfinch, James H. Goodfellow, Richard M. Goodfellow. William N. Goodhue, Elvey E. Goodwin, Peter Goodwin. Percival C. Gordine. Sydney A. Gore. Silas J. Gould, Cedric C. W. Gdver, Lawrence J. Grace, Albert H. Graham, James A. Graham. Robert J. Graham. Ronald S. Walter F. Graham. William C. Graham, Hector F. Grant, John D. Grant, Ronald F. Grant. Jack M. Grantley, Allan G. Gray. Ernest. A. Gray, Francis R. Gray, Hubert A. Gray, Lachlan J. Gray, Albert W. Green. James L. Green, LesUe R. Green. Leslie S. Greendale, Frederick H. Greenhatch. Lan S. Greenwood, John Greer, Allan Gregory,' Cyril E. Gregory. Oliver B. Gregory. Ronald W. Greig, John L. G. Gresham, Ronald E. Griffiths, Leonard W. Grimmer, John W. Grlmson, Arthur V Gross, George F. Grove. Harold F. Grove. Richard Grubb, Frederick R. Grundy, Edward C. Gubb, Robert W. Glimmer. Robert Y. Gundy. John B. F. Gundry, Maurice R. Gunner. Silas J. Gunson. Horace G. Guppy. Lawrence W. Gurney. John I. Gussey, William O. Gwyer, Richard Gwynne.

Allen F. Halgh. Thomas W. Hair. Cedric J. Hall, Edmund P. Hall. Edward S. Hall, Frederick Hall, Thomas S. Hambrook. Alexander J. Hamilton, George P. Hamilton, Kenneth Hamilton. Robert Hamilton, Colin W. L. Hancock, Desmond F. Hancock, Leslie Hancock. Walter C. Hancox, Laughlin T. Hand. Henry D. Henkey, Edwin R. Hansen, John G. HarbidEe, Philip L. Hardcastle John E. Harding, Cyril A. Hardy, Cyril E. Hare, William J. Hargan, Desmond E. Hargreaves. Harold Hargreaves. Noel R. N Harkin, Ivan K. Harman, Raymond B. Harnett. Edgar Harper, Kenneth J. Harper, Kenneth Harriman. Alfred Harris, Benjamin G. Harris. Edwin H. J. Harris. John C. Harris. Victor Harris. Joseph H. Harrison. Leo T. Harrison, Ronald L. Hart, William Hart. Leslie W. Hartnell, William E. K. Hartnoll, Archibald M. Harvey, David G. Harvey. Edwin J. M. Harvey, Ernest S. Harvey. Frederick D. Harvey, Clarence Hastings, Walter Hatley, Hubert K. Hatrlck. Logan W. Hattaway, William A. Hatwell, Joseph G. Haughey, Theodore C. Haultain, Graham S. W. Hawkins, Hone Hawkins. Norman B. Hawthorn, Arnold J. Hay, Arthur H. D. Hay, lan A. McG. Hay. Vernon Hay, Herbert K. Haycock, Desmond A. Hayes, Joseph M. Hayes. Arthur N. D. Hayes, Brian Haynes, Reginald J. Hayward,' John Hazelhurst, Albert W. E. Hearn, Burnham W. Heasman, Richard B. Heathcote, Stanley N. Heatley. Roy A. Henderson, William G. Henderson, Ronald H. Hendriksen, William D. Hendry, Douglas C. Henley, George L. Herbert, Norman S. R. Herbert. Philip S. Herbert, Lawrence W. Herkt, Hugh Heron, Harry O. Hessell, Gordon Hewlett, Melville W. Hlbburt, Wilfred B. Hickey, Norman E. Hicks. Brian P. Higglnson. William Highman. Clement W. Hill, Colin Hill. Earnest H. Hill. Eldon P. H. Hill, Kenneth A. HiU, Robert R. Hill. Walter W. Hill, William D. HIU, Stanley G. Hilllam, Harry H. Hills, Lloyd J. Hillyer, Herbert Hlngley. George H. Hlnks. William L. Hirst. Ewart L. R. Hobdell, Leo L. Hobson, John D. Hodgson, Percy Hodson, Cedric R. Hogan, John Hogan, Lawrence M. Hogan, Patrick T. Hogan, Ronald R. Hogan, Thomas McD. Hogan, Clifford V. Hogarth. John C. Holley. John H. Holloway, Cllve D. Holmes. Colin A. Holmes, Delville S. Holmes, Noel W. Holmes, Arthur N. Holt, Harold G. Holt. Harold B. Hood. Ralph V. Hood. David E. Hook. Arthur W. Heoker, William H. Hookey. Roy Hookham, Philip J. Hooks, Donald G. Hooper. Allan P. Hope, Douglas McF. Hope, John R. Horns. Louis A. Hoppe. George B. Hotchln, Walter D. Hotham. William H. T. Hotham, William J. Hough. Mervyn F. Hucker, Horace Hudson. Laurence M. Huggard, Benjamin B. Hughes, Eric A. Hughes, Nelson A. Hull William L. Hull, Frank V. T. Hulme. William C. B. Hume, William I. Humby. Frederick E. Hunt, Leo Hunter, John A. Hurley, David E. Hussey, Alan B. Hutchinson, Douglas E. Hutchison, Arthur S. Hyde. Robert A. Hyle. Mervyn G. Hynes, Patrick W. Hynes, Thomas W. Hyndman.

Alfred J. Ingle, Arthur J. Inglls. Herbert K. Ineram, Bart E. Innes, Treves R. lon, Gordon Ireland, Noel V. Ireland, Cyril R. Irvina, Jack Irvine, Hugh K. Irwln.

Alexander C. Jackson, Alexander T. Jackson, Leslie G. Jackson, Owen G. Jackson. Walter Jackson, Brian L. Jacobs, Roy A. Jacobson. Eric I. Jaffe, Nathan Jaffe, Cecil R. Jaggar, Robert G. Jaggard, Richard S. Jardln, Stanley L. T. Jarvis. Stephen S. Jarvis, Samuel I. Jecks. Leonard E. Jeffries. Sydney E. Jeffries, Cleve A. Jcnkin, Lestock T. H. Jenkins, Norman T. W. Jenkins, Walter E. Jennings, Walter Jenson, Leonard R. Jepson, Lindsay H. Jessup, Maurice Joblin, John A. R.' Johansen, Gordon W. R. Johns. Alfred J. Johnson, George L. Johnson, George N. Johnson, Robert Johnson, William F. C. Johnson, Lamer B. Johnston, Robert H. Johnston, Ronald F. John-

ston, Russell T. Johnston, John D. Joll, Jeffrey L. Jones, Leonard S. Jones, Neville E. N. Jones, Peter A. Jones, Phillip W. Jones, Harvey Joong, Allck J. Jordan, Chris E. Jordan, Nelson S. Joy, Neville S. Joyce, Eric B. Jupp.

Arthur Kay, Kenneth Kealey. Arnold J. A. Kean, Edward E. J. Keane, Martin H. Kearins, John E. Keate. Walter S. Keatley, Kenneth R. Keay, Cyril F. Keefe. Francis G. Keefe, Leonard K. Keen, Samuel Keen, Frederick R. Keeper, Horace D. Kelghtley. Arthur E. Keleher, George Kellard. Jun.. William C. Kellett, Gordon J. Kelly, Ivan F. KeUy, Norman F. Kelly. John M. Kelsey. Albert Kemp. Keith A. Kendall, Wilfred B. Kendrick, Andrew Kennedy, John R. Kennedy. Robert H. Kennedy, Thomas D. Kennedy, William D. Kennedy, Michael T. Kennelly, Cecil E. Kennerley, Charles A. Kerr, Robert J. Kerr, Russell Kerr, Stewart J. Kerr, William G. Kerry, Clifford Kershaw. Lawrence-P. Kevah, Thomas C. Kidd, John J. Kicly. Kenneth Kimber, Richard Kinchant, Herbert Kind. Fredcrick G. C. King. Harry H. King, James S. King. John W. V. King, Trevelyan H. Kins. Kenneth F. Kingston. Colin A. Klrigstone, Harold C. D. Kirkness, Roy F. Kiikwood, Alfred H. Knight. Gaston L. Knight, George W. Knight, Lawrence A. G. Knight.

John Lakin, Thomas J. Lalor, Reuben D. A. Lamb, Thomas Lambert, Andrew Lamont James M. Langdon, John Langdon, Robert H. Langdon, William Langford, Trevor F. Langley, Gilbert N. Lansdown, Archibald Lauder, Lionel D. Laver, Sγ,? , h a,v - My"™ w - Lawrence. John J. Laws, Philip E. Lawson, Denis A. J. Laxton. Bernard T Laycock. Herbert C. Leaboum, Alfred D. Leach. Colin S. Lean. John C. E. Leaning. William J F Leary. Robert M. Leckie. Douglas A. W. Lee,' Walter Lee, Walter A. Lee. James R. Lees, Arthur D. Leese. Robert E. Leigh, Harry Lemon Brian S. Lendrum. Albert F. Le Rosslgnol. Ernest M Leslie. George H. M. Lethaby. William Lever. Rex J. W. Levis, Alan S. Lewis. Alfred E. Lewis David J. Lewis, Eric A. Lewis, Harry S Lewis Frederick Lind. Robert O. Lindsay, William W. Lindsay William B. Llndsey, Jeffrey N. Linton. Merlin C. Llnwood, Desmond R. Lipscombe, Harold E. List. Owen F. C. Lister, Jack P ' Little Ronald Little. Roy C. Little, Walter L. G. LittleJohn. Donald D. Livingstone, John A. Livingstone. Alan Lloyd. John Lloyd. Francis W. Locke Hert£~ i,h!£* e } t '^ Au }' T ?S P- Lomax. Alfred C. E. Long, Richard G. Lord. Charles W. J. Lorigan Colin R. B. Lorigan, Ronald W. Lornle, Fielden S. D. Luckens, Clarence P. Lund. Herbert Lunn John H. Lupton, Raymond M. Lusty, John E Lynn Claude C Lynne. Herbert J. Lynne. Eric M. J. Lyons, John Lyons.

Frederick E. W. Maber, Robert W. Mcßridge William D. L. MacCaUum. Alan P: McCarthy' ? On M d^ M , < i? art S; Horace K " c - McCarthy? iKSi £• McCarthy. Thomas J. H. McCarthy, William D. McCarthy, Robert McCaughan. Hugh H Me? Caugljey, Robert D. McClune. Alexander H McColl. Stewart D. McConchie, Athol L. McConneU U O7 Mc C°nnochie, Eugene McCormack. P. McCormick. Robert E. McCormick. Charles B JKS?.™™ , ... *"".?? c - Mc Cullam, Alexander J. B. Macdiarmld. Albert A. Mcdonald, Francis McDonald, George R. McDonald. Hector J. McDonald. John A. Mac Donald, Lennan R. McDonald Lloyd McDonald. Neil Macdonald. Raymond K. McDonald Reelnald J. McDonald, Noel D. McElwee, Arthur E McFadzean. John L. McFadzean. Athol G. McFarland, Duncan J. McFarlane, Leslie C. McFarlane Colin A. Macferson, Andrew P. McGann. John W. McGaughey. Campbell A. McGlll. John M. T. McGlll. James MacGillivray., Robert J. McGlone. William H. McGowan. Henry McGrath. John McGrath, John T. Mcgreal. James R. McGregor, John T. McGregor, Raymond J. McGuire Joseph P. McHugh, Ken Mclntosh. Roy C.' Mclntosh, Victor C. Mclntosh, Findlay C McIntyre, lan G. Mackenzie, John H. Murdoch McKenzie, Richard J. McKenzie. William » J? - McKenz ie. John J. McKinney, Keith W. McKinney, Ray McKinney, Ronald McKinnon James A. McKlnstry, Kenneth F. Macks, Thomas McLaughlin. James H. McLean. Lamont W. McLean. Thomas W. McLean. Gordon McLennan Alexander Macleod. David D. McLeod, Eric W. McLeod, George McLeod. Gordon E. McLeod. Ralph H. McLeod, Donald B. McUsky, Denis E. McMahon, Larry McMahon, John C. McManus Henry M. Mac Master, Thomas L. McMaster. George McMillan. Leslie MaoMlllan. William J. Mac Murray, Valentine H. MacNamara, Robert R. McNarey, Charles J. McPhail, Kenneth J. MacPherson, George W. E. McPlke, Walter G. MeQuarrie, Trevor D. McQuillan, Edward L. McQuire, Charles T. Mcßae. Gordon J. Mcßae. Henry B. Mcßae. David McWilliams, Ronald F. Madigan, Geoffrey L. Maffey, Barnett H. Magee, David F. Magnusson, Arthur J. Magulre. Colin G. Mahon. John D. Mahoney, Leo J. Mahoney, Geoffrey H. Makgill. Mervyn D. Malaney. Bruce S. Malcolm. William F. Malcolm.. John F. Mallltte, Eric M. Malone, John P. Maloney, Norman A. Mander. John W. Mann. Raymond A. Mann, WendeU H. Mansfield, Wilfred J. Mapp. Gordon F. Marks. Paul C. Marks. Peter B. Marks. Simeon I. Marks, Colin Z. Martin. Eric W. Martin, George Martin, Harold B. Martin, James Martin. Henry F. R. Marx, Montague F. Mascelle, Redge Masefield, Arthur H. Mason, Clement L. E. Mason. Leonard N. Mason. Arthur Masters. John P. Matheson. Ronald D. Matheson, Duncan R. Mathicson, Charles E. Matthews. Jan 8. Matthews. Reginald H. Matthews. Richard F. Matthews. Thomas J. Matthews, William L. Matthews. Robert Mawhlnney. Byron O. Maxwell. Owen R. Maxwell, Victor A. Maxwell. William G. May. Keith A. Mayhill. LesUe R. Mayn. Herman Mead. Alfred J. Meade. Clarence Megson. John O. Melican, William J. Melling, Hector W. Mercer. Lindsay Meredith. Mervyn C. Metcalf, lan Methven. Arthur Z. Meyer. Francis A. Meyer. Carl A. Michel. Ernest A. Mlchell. Alan C. Michle. Laurie H. Mlllener. Philip G. Mlllener, Gordon Millar. Alfred M. Miller, Augustus C. Miller. Cecil A. Miller, Ernest V. MiUer. John M. Miller. Lewis Miller, Thomas L. Miller. William J. Miller, Ollin S. Mlllett. Arthur D. Mills. Geoffrey Mills. George R. Mills. Jack N. Mills. Leslie G. Mills, Herbert J. Milne, Robert R. Milne, Edwin S. Mitchell. James A. Mitchell. George R. Moffat, Ewan Aubrey Moffett, Thomas A. B. Moffett, David L. Moir, Thomas G. Moorcraft. Arthur R. Moore. David C. Moore. George L. Moore. Henry C. Moore. Cecil J. Moran. David E. Moran. Khandu Morar, Alan G. Morgan. Eugent D. Morgan. Kenneth C. Morgan, Charles H. Morris, Kenneth G. Morris, Richard W. Morris. Arnold H. Morrison. Kenneth F. Morrison. William J. Morrison, Henry'F. Morrow, James Morrow. Arthur B. Morse. Charles E. Morse. Allan W. Morton. John A. Morton, Noel L. . Moselen. Keith R. Moshelm. Donald R. Mossman. Lloyd W. C. Moult. Charles Mountain. Desmond C. Moxon, Douglas V. Moyle. Colin Mulr. William D. Mulling. Clarence H. Mullins. Donald Munro, Henry J. Munro, Owen Munro, Frank Murdoch, James Murdoch. Trevor J. Murdock. Albert D. Murphy, Cornelius P. Murphy. Duncan B. Murphy. Gordon C. Murray. Roy W. Murray, Stewart J. Murray. Thomas C. Murray, Walter J. Murray, William C. Murray, Jack L. Murt, Edward G. Mynott, Jack C. Myoeevich.

Arthur C. Narbey. Maurice A. Nash. Selwyn V. Nash. Ernest C. Naysmlth, ' Charles H. Neal. Erie R. Neal. John R. Neale,. Ashby T. Nealls. George H. Neel, Barryual R. Neels. Winston H. Nelmes. Ernest C. Nelson. Aubrey H. Neumann. Geoffrey F. Nevill. Courtenay J. Neville. Arthur A. Newbery, John A. Nicholson. Thomas H. Nicholson. Cornelius E. Nickalls. Mervyn E. NtckUn, Peter W. Nico!. Robert G. W. Nixon. Robert L. Nixon, Seddon Nixon.'David J. Nobbs. Frederick E. R. Noble, Damlan Nolnn. Harry Norton, Gordon C. Nunns, Grayson J. Nutsford.

Leonard E. Oag, Leslie E. Oborn. Desmond W. O'Brien. - Philip L. O'Brien Terence C. N. O'Brien. John O'Byrne. Robert D. Ockelford. Daniel R. O'Connor. Maurice F. O'Connor. Allan O'Dell. Charles J. O'Donnell. Cecil R. O'Donohue. John M. O'Drlscoll, Perclval C. Oemcke. Harvey Ogtlvie, Frederick D. O'Gorman. James W. O'Kane', Adelbert. W. Oliver. Clements R. Oliver. James Olsen. David H. Olson, William O'Meara, Georec W. O'Neill. Laurence O'Neill. Matthew R. O'Neill. Samuel W. Oram. Jack C. Orchard. Hector D. Orchiston. Harold A. Osborne. Leslie A. Osmor.d. Dan J. O'Sulltvan. Edmund C. O'SuWvan. John W. O'Sulllvan. Michael J. O'Sullivan. Charles L. O'Toole, Charles Owen. Gordon E. Owen. Norman Oxenham. John Oxspring. Frederick Oxton.

Claude T. V. Pap». John R. Pace. Patrick R. Pare. Walter Page. Percival R. J. Paltry. Jack R. Palmer, James A. Palmer. John H. Park. Allan G Parker. Raymond Or Parker. Roy A. Parker. Roy F. Parker, Stafford L. Parker, Lancelot G. Pnscoe. Rrma M. Patrl. Donald A. Paterson. Leslie Paterson. James Paton. Desmond G. Paul. Edward A. Paul. Edward C. Paul. Leonard Pauling. Stanley A. Ppul. Theodore C. Payne. Arthur R. Peach. Raymond M. Pearce. Arthur L. Pearson. Georee W. Pearson. Leonard V. Pearson. Leonard H. E. Peckham. William H. Peebles. Rotert J. Peguero, Henry H. Peirce. Eric J. PeU. James T. Pell. Wallis A. R. Pengelly. Claude J. Penman. Lawrence J. Pennefather, Alfred L. Pennington, Robert E. Peploe. Noel J. Percy. George J. Perfect. Frederick L. Perrers, Alwyn L. Perry,. Gibson Petchell, Frank O. J. Peterson. Jack K. Peterson. Roy H. Phillips. Douglas D. Phillips. James H. Phillips. Kenneth S. Phillips. Reginald Phillips. Walter E. Phillips. Alan H. PhilUpson. Lelth R. Philpot. Roy S. Pike. Lan C. E. Pllklngton. Lawrence R. J. Pilkineton, Stewart Pilklngton, Ronald E. Phlmester. Harold O. G. Plnel. Albert L. Pinfold. Keith L. Piper. Alfred L. Pitkethley, William H. Pitts, Robert Platt, Newlll J. Plumb. Charles E. Plummer, Leslie H. Podmore. Sydney L. PolPlase. Francis J. Pollard. William A. J. Pollitt. James A. Pollock. Halsey C. E. Pool. Trevor A. Pook. Leslie R. Pope. Jonathan O. Porritt. Alan Potter, Jack M. Potter. James J. Potter. Lonsdale. K. Potter. David P. Power. Clarence T. Price. Jack B. Price. Leslie J. Price, Thomas E. E. Price. William D. Price. William J. Prior. William T. J. Priston, Rees L. Prltchard, Arthur J. Prosser, Eric C. Prouse, Gordon A. Puddle, Alexander Pullar, George D. Pulman, Norman L. Purdie, Harold A. A. Pyke.

William Qulgley (Jun.). Charles F. Qulnn. B Kenneth, M. Rabarts. Cyril O. Rae. Robert E. Rainey, Herbert F. Ramm, James B. Ramsay, Herbert C. Ramsklll. Vivian G. Ranby, George A. Rappard. James J. Rasmussen. Maurice H. C. Rasmussen, Neil Rasmussen, Henry C. Rau. Leslie Rawlinson, William A. Rawnsley, Trevor R. Ray, James H. Raynes. Leslie A. Raynes. Thomas I. Read, John H. Reading. Eric Redfearn. Thomas E. Reed, William G. Reed, Douglas Reed, Gordon C. Reid. Jack G. Reid. Harold S. Ronnie, Lewis A. Revell, Clive B. Reyland, Desmond W. Reynolds, Norman A. Reynolds, Norman A. Reynolds, Donald A. Rhodes. Verdun M. Rice. Alex K. Richards. Thomas W. S. Richards. Bruce Richardson. Charles R. Richardson, John B. Richardson, Lindsay A. M. Richardson, Samuel Richardson, William V. Richardson, Alfred J. C. Riches, Jack L. Riddell. James S. Rlddell, Douglas H. Rlghton. Roy Riley. John W. Ritchie. Thomas N. Rive. Robert B. Roach. Walter Roan. Oliver Robertson, Terence R. C. Robertson. William B. Robertson. Allan W. Robinson, Arthur W. Robinson. John W. Robinson. Kenneth Q. Robinson. Lancelot J. Robinson. Mervyn S. Robinson, Patrick F. Robinson, Trevor t>. Robinson. Sydney J. Rodgers. Frank K. Rogers, Harold S. i Rogers, John J. L. Roger*, eewell Rofen, Jack E.

Rollerson, Alfred H. Rolton. Raymond A. Rood. Victor J. Rook. John D. Rooney. Alexander Ross. George Rose. Neville W. Rose. Lloyd R. Roeenfeldt. Gordon Ross. Phillip W. Roes. Ronald E. Ross. Leslie R. Rosser, Albert V. Rowe. Roderick K. Rowlands, Arthur W. Roxburgh. LesUe W. Rushbrook. Frederick A. Russell, Herbert Russell, John C. Russell. Keith N. Russell. Robert R. Russell. Vernon C. Russell. Kerle W. E. Russetto. Quentin E. Rutherford. Leslie D. Ryan. Thomas J. Ryder. Hylton O. Ryland.

William Sack. James C. Sadgrove. Arthur D. Sadler. Raymond Sadler. Ivan C. Saint;. Ralph K. Siiinty. Allan Summons, William H. Sammons. Albert W. Sampson. Sydney Samuels. Alan B. Sanders, Clifford W. J. Sanders. Norman C. Sanders. John T. Sanderson. Charles W. Sanford. Edgar Sanford. Alfred R. Saunders. ]un.. Aubrey L. Saunders. Harold W. Sawyer. James Sayer. Rex Sayers, William V. J. Sayer. Ernest J. Scorrtoge. Charles A. Scott. Douglas W. Scott. George E. Scott. Harvey J. Scott. Edward H. Seagar. Edward J. C. Seager. Frederick B. Seagar. Reuben J. Stales. Thomas W. Searle. Edward C. Sefton. Wallle E. Serong. John A. Shadford. Bernard P. Shanaghan, Harry J. Shanley. Francis P. Sharkey. Charles Sharp, Louis H. Sharp. Reginald A. Sharp. Selwyn H. Sharp. Stanley M. Sharp. Jack Sharratt, Albert P. Shaw. Eric W. Shaw. Lan J. Shaw. Norman J. Shaw. Stanley M. Shaw. Thomas E. Shaw. Thomas C. Shean. Ronald B. Shearer. Timothy M. Sheehan. Robert E. H. Sheppard. Alan Sherer. Ira J. E. Shine. Patrick R. Shine. William R. Shirley. William Sidnam. Alec. Silverman. Frederick Slmes, Jack E. Slmmonds. Neville O. Simmonds. Allan R. Simons. Alexander G. Simpson, Herbert Simpson (Northcote). Herbert Simpson (Onehunga), John Simpson, Victor R. Simpson, William O. Simpson. William J. Sims. Robert B. Sinclair. Selwyn A. Sinclair. Arthur R. Slssons. Nelson Skeates, Arthur H. Skeen Norman J. Skelton. Walter O. Skeltor. Raymond C. R. Skewes. Ivor E. Skinner, William A. Skinner. Owen W. Slattery. Rhody Slattery, Graham O. Smaill. John Small. Alfred R. W. Smith. Arthur Smith. Arthur Andrew Smith. Arthur Albert Smith. James H. Smith. John E. P. Smith. John R. Smith. Kenneth R. Smith. Leslie J. Smith. Richard D. Smith. Richard E. Smith. Robert C. Smith. Seth M. Smith. Sidney E. Smith, Thomas Smith. William J. Smith, Ira Smyth. Arthur R. Smythe. Trevor P. Smythe, Raymond H. Snelgar. Frances J. Scares. Eric D. Somerville. William A. Somervllle, Robert L. Sommerville. William A. Sommerville. Robert A. Southey. Thomas L. Southern. Allan C. Eowersby, Harold G. Spackman. Howard T. Sparks. Geoffrey A. Speakman. Neville P. Spear. Hurray W. Speight. Alexander B. Spence. Stanley F. Spencer, Ernest A. Spraggs. Richard J. Spratt. Charles I. R. Stagg. Jack Stanaway. Reginald C. Stanclch, Ernest J. Stanley, William C. Stanners. Neil T. Stanton. Douglas J. Stapleton. Joseph Starklc. Philip T. .Stebblng. Britton Stephens. Thomas T. Stephens. Edward Stephenson. Jama Stephenson. Andrew J. Stevens. Cedfic L. Stevens, Laurence H. Stevens. Albert W. Stevenson. Frederick S. Stevenson. David O. Stewart. Edgar N. Stewart. Edmund Stewart. Ivan O. Stewart. John M. Stewart. Leslie A. Stewart. Roy A. Stewart. Colin F. W. stichbury. Maurice Stitt. Thomas K. Stitt. Robert H. Stokes. Arthur T. Stone. Jim.. Lewis A. J. Stonex, Jack Btorey. Joseph D. Storey, John S. J. Stormont. Alfred W. G. Strange. Ross G. Stublmann, Frederick M. Subritzky. James A. Suckling. Leonard G. SulUngs. Denis L. Sullivan. Kenneth E. Sutcllffe. Wallace W. SutcUffe. Edward A. Suter. Herbert J. Sutherland. John C. D. Sutherland, Kenneth H. Button, James H. Swift. Lionel G. H. Symons.

Dennis W. P. Tack. Clifford O. Talt. Hector E. Tangye, Leonard W. Tanner, Victor P. Tapper. Charles E. H. Tapsell. George S. Tarbutt. Ernest w. Tate. Alfred H. TattemU, Bruce S. Taylor. Craig B. R. Taylor, Edward O. C. Taylor, Francis Taylor, Harry D. Taylor, Irvln Taylor. Ivor R. Taylor. John A. Taylor. Maurice H. Taylor. Row-

land Taylor, Selwyn O. Taylor, Sydney F. Tee. William Telfer. Albert J. Tercel. Denby Terry. Penrod B. Terry. Percy L. Tetzlaff, Brian L. Tewsley. Charles D. Thackwell. Robert 8. Thaln. Maurice E. Thomas, Victor H. Thomas, Walter J. -Thomas, William J. Thomas, Alan N. Thompson, Alan P. Thompson, Arthur D. Thompson, Clarence W. Thompson, CUve K. Thompson. Jeffrey H. Thompson. I«wls J. Thompson. Lionel Thompson, Robert B. Thompson, Tim Thompson. Henri W. Thorny. Alexander Thomson. Archibald J. Thompson. John M. Thomson, John N. Thom-

son, Herbert E. Thorn. Louis J. Thome. Jack Thwalte, Robert M. Tldman, Desmond R. Tlerney, Russell N. Tlerney. Ormonde J. Toplls. Allen Torrance. Richard A. H. Towers. Selwyn J. L. Townsend. John- Townshend. Jeffrey T. Tregonning. Edwin R. Tremaln. Leonard J. Trembath, Patrick S. Treston, Jonathan C. Trevethick Kenneth Durrant Trlpp. Dudley S. Tucker. Charles P. Tullett. John P. Tuohey. John Turkovitch Richard T. TurnbuU. Eric Turner. John Turner. John L. Turner. Leslie W. Turner. Louis E Turner. William H. Turner, William T. Turner." John C. Turpin, Robert J. Turton. Colin Tutty. Terence G. L. Twlss. Bernard L. Twomey. Gerald R. Tyree.

u Alfred' D. J. Ufflndell. William J. Underwood, Percy Usher, Colin J. M. Uttlnc. •

Jack L. Vause. Douglas K. Vuey. Walter O. Vendt. Victor V. Vernon. Harry W. Verrall William J. VerraU, Henry Vickers. Jack Vlckery. Archibald R. Vldler.

Robert W. Wade. Charles H. Walnwrlght. Frank Walnwrtght. Jack W. Walte, Gordon S. Wakeling. James A. Wakeling. Harold F. Walby. William M. Waldron. Leslie Walesby, Edward B. P. Walker. Frederick Walker. Frederick C. B. Walker. Hugh B. M. Walker. James R. Walker. John H. B. Walker. Maurice L. Walker. Raymond W. Walker. Thomas R. Walker. Trevor it. Walker. Thomas Wall. Alan W. Wallace. Walter M. Wallace, Graham K. Waller, Harry V. H. Waller. ValenI 1? e p^*^el - rr V ak L - Warbrooke, Arthur Ward. Edgar Ward. Harold A. Wmrd. John W. P. Ward. Charles K. Warner. Eric C. Warner Ernest J Warner. Andrew M. Warren. William D. wmrrttowj Richard Waterhouse. Jun.. Sidney R. Watklnson. Edward Watson. George M. Watson, John Watson, W. Watson. Trevor W. H. Watson. Harry Watt. Owen D. Watt. James W. Waiters. John Watters, Douglas N. Watts. Charles F. Waugh. Basil B. P. WeatherUl. John H. Weaver. Edgar Webb. Jun.. John F. Webb. Kenneth W. Webb. ?° y ,. C \, W & b - V"™* w *»*. Anorey A. Webster. Leslie B. Weenink, Harry P. Weir, Reginald K. Wells, Thomas A. WelU. Austin H. E. WengdaL Trevor H. Werner. George West, Jack West. James H. West. Charles E. Westbrooke. John C. Westerman, Frederick Wheeler, John A. Whelan Douglas Whlllans. Marcus H. Whillans. Albert B White, Alfred C. White. Burnett R. White. Edward White. Eric D. While. James WhiSe. John V. White, Kenneth W. Whiton. Robert E. White Wallace S. White. Walter R. B. White. William J White, Ronald E. Whltefleld, Arthur J. L. Whlte»;an; Colin C. Whlteman. Gordon R. Whitney. Cyril A. Whittaker. Dan Whooley. Alexander Whyte. James Whyte, Thomas Whyte Edward WlUetts • Raymond C. WUley. Alexssde¥ V ams - ■. cb lS lea E - w UUams. CyrU V. Williams. John J. Williams. John L. Williams. JohnW Williams. Mervyn A. A. Williams. Noel J. Williams. Sidney J. Williams. Edward A. Williamson" W' ll '?™* 0 '". Lesue a. Williamson. Cedrlc D. WilUng. Darcy H. Willis. CecU E. WUlocke Bert E. Wilson. CecU O. Wilson. HaroldC W Witeon. Herbert V. Wilson. Jamesß. wason." James W. Wilson. John J. Wilson. Kenneth Wilson. Leonard Wilson, Leslie J. Wilson. Leslie R. Wilson. William J. Wilson. Sydney*. TOndsori Thomas C. Windsor. David F. Wlnslow. Allan h! Winter. Henry N. o. Winter. Frederick W Wintere, David Wisneaky. Reinhold O. Wlstimnd Bernard R. Wood. Donald 8. Wood. Frank Wood James Wood. Oliver O. Wood. Robert HL Wood Wilfred W. H. Wood. Jack S. C. Woodcock. Alfred J. Wooding. Colin P. Wooding. Clifford H. Woodward William F. Woodward. Charles E. E. Worsley. Harold C. Worth, Noel t. Worth, ciaude A. Woruungton.

Cyril H. Yates. Leonard M. Yallop, Harold R. A Yardley. Alan B. Yealands. George D. Yeartrary. Albert E. Young, Alexander Young. Allan B. Young George Young, Herbert J. Young. Ifax L. Younger.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 234, 2 October 1940, Page 3

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NAMES DRAWN. Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 234, 2 October 1940, Page 3

NAMES DRAWN. Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 234, 2 October 1940, Page 3