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Trentham Prospects


BIG FIELDS ENGAGED. THE FIRST DAY. A OLANOE AT THE FORM. The inntPTininl meeting ot' the Wellington Kiuing iltilj will open lit Tieiithain tii-mnrrnw. 11 n<l it should bo one r>l , the nnwl mii'i-mifiil fixtures ever held since linn club «»,: inetittited. for the Held* me I'iiko and class, exeppt m (he Wellington Stukcw. 11 classic event fur two nnd threeviirnlds, Jμ well represented. Hrttillg "ill lie mi llin will nnil place system. I'l incclinits will ciiinmeiice with the Hitihweiuht Handicap, uml Hinall Boy an,l K. i.him. liotli «iwlioine lioim.'s. me at the U)p With 10.8. Small Boy has not Keen out <>l 11 place in lii.l I ■ starts this xeiiHon, anil llipy include a « in, in 11 hitfli«emht event lit Himtinus with ID.I). On the second day of tlint mpetin«. when b>ui-d+>ned witili 11.6, he wim Imitfii l>.v only » lotitrt'h by Hunting Moments, to " hiini he wan conceding lHlb. The latter In M.lmi cnKagml, Imit, Sin,ill Hoy ha* to K'Ve him only 11 Htone. 1t.1,1 nit wim 11 weinht, over 11 mile at |he Wnirarapii merbiliK on New Yeai'n Day witli 10.!). Hiilveo , River wan third Co li.iin on that. O(j( union, and in also in tlie event under review. White Hajail iuis won over seven furlongH ami been placed over longer distaiKim, while (iay Kox won a. highwpi(fht »t Awwptmi rpcpiitly ami wim sevond in the Centennial Handicap, nine tmlongn, lit tho recent, Wiurnpiirii meeting. The | King run third in a mile and a quarter event lit Witipiikiiraii on Boxing Diiy, and Huupongi won two Brneeletn at Marton, botli run over nine i'lirlongn. War Lap wii* placed in 11 highwpig'nt event at A\v«uuni. Thie wim won liw Kaperitnce Bay, who i« aho origagect. Limbohm won over hurdled at Marton and m good on the Hat. Lock it won at Oil mil I'll and look/* a likely iiort. Kahkii. Colibri. Scold and Hal inn look the be»t, ot the others. The chief iuiifiPM may be: Lookit, Kaiina, U«y Vox. The Classic Event. Only live remain in the Wellington Stakes, and they are all two-year-olds. Absolve won on the first day at the recent Manawatu meeting from Sir Beau by half a head, while on the second day iSir Heau wan Mneceimfiil and Alwolve third. L'h« latter had to concede Sir Beau a lot of weight on each occasion. IK>ria. who won the McLean Stake* at Dimedin and the Welcome Stakes at Riecarton, wim lMKit,i«n by only a n«ck by Sure l\iy at Kllerelie, while Kentucky may prove the bent of the other pair. It look* iih Uidugh Abxolve and Ooria may tight out the inmio. Among the topweightu in the Apprenlici'm' I'lute in JS'cliitnbo, who won over six furlongH at Heating* on New Year's Day, and Vβ Ore, who won the Apprentice' Plate, seven furlonge, easily at Awiipiini on Boxing Day. Algerion annexed 11 maiden event at Woodville last inoiitii and ha* been galloping well at VVangunui. Meadow raced well at the 1 aoeut Ellerelie meeting, and also put up a good* effort at Trentham yesterday. Not Out in smart, and won the Apprentice*' Hate, seven furlong*, at Aahburton, while he wa* placed over * aimilar duitanoe at Ricuiirton recently. Wing* of Song ha* won three out of four atnrte thin aeaaon and look* like being favourite. Scarteeß won twice over eeven furlonge at the recent Dunedin meeting, while among the other* OltuMform, Millament. Hearth and Serenata eeem the most likely. The bulk of the money may go on: Wings of Song, Meadow and To Ore. Qrandora, who in at the head of the Fltxherbert Handicap, * race for two-yeai-oUU, went exceptionally well at Trentham yesterday. He was a good third in the Royal Dtaken at HaVrnlie and will be Kuipported. Beau Oourewr wim a -winner at Wairiirapo, recently, and on the Mecond day wan narrowly beaten by Pbnleron Song, who in al*4o engaged. Chary *cored nt Feililiiig in November, which in hie only etart, while Don't Forget wan twice placed at the New Zealand Cup meeting. Htencil, who ecored at Stratford, and Kfldina, who won at Hawke's Bay, are not without pnmMKitm, but Onandora, Beaiii Coureer and Phaleron Song may do beat. «. The Wellington Cup has been dealt with in these columns 'before, and it look* as though Beau Vite, Gladynev and Malagigi may claim moat attention. MtaataMatlltf MflJltfleMß tk Orwmm wen the Ohriatenae Handicap, seven furlongi, at Awapuni during the holiday*, making hie second auccese on end, and he has to be renpected in the Ruapehu Handicap. Gold Dale, who won at Stratford, making three eueceates this •eaeon, to earn to ibe as outstanding hack, wfcile Autolite ' wee auccwsful over five (urlonp at the same fixture. Gold Chaee won over tlx furlonge and five furlong at Awapuni and Marton respectively dm Ing the holiday* and must be coneideretib PuaamM haa xhown good foitn that neason, while Mayfair waa a wmner at her laat atart over nix furlongs, which wan at Klleralie. She galloped well at Trentham y.eeterday. Pumengcr wan sue ueeaful during the holidaya, but it look* aa though Gold Dale, Mayfair and Sir Ct-Htoe may be in the picture at the finish. Hie Telegraph -Handicap, like tilie dtp. haa also been diecuaaed in theae columns, and Bronwen, Arvakur and Amigo may be the favouritea. The programme will conclude with the Anniversary Handicap, and most money may come for Full Hand, Bold Step and Huirotonjftt. The acceptances are: — 12.13 — TIIBNTHAM HIOII-WKIGHT of 1950. One mile. Hniall Boy . 10 8 Knee Boy ..02 Uuana ... 10 8 War Lap ..92 Uiilden Ridge l<) 3 llarlna ... 9 2 Lnckit ... 9 12 Arable ... 9 0 Ltuliohm . . 9 11 Cher Anile . 9 0 tiood Hun . 9 10 Collbrl ...BO Sliver Klver 9 9 lOsperance Bay 9 0 Hunting Kallka ... 9 0 Momenta ..98 Kind's Toast 9 0 White Hajah » 8 f/ord l'uck . 9 0 (Jay Vox . . l» 8 Killing Star 9 0 The King ..94 Scold .... 0 0 Hiiuiiontrl ..92 ThriiHos ..90 UUI« Rubin 9 2 Twenty Orand 0 0 IXB-1— WMLMNOTOX STAKKS of £700. Two anil three-yenr-oldx. Weight for nge. Five furlongs. Absolve ... 7 3 Sir Beau . . A 12 [JorlH .... 7 2 Kentucky . . e VI Lninbourn . 0 12 I.aH—APPRENTICES' PLATR of £300. Apprentice riders. .Seven furlongs. Ura»ll ... 8 7 Scnrteen . . 7 11 Ureati'orcl ..87 C'lamiforiu ..78 Neliimbo ..84 Flying Flag 7 8 To Ore .... 8 4 Hearth ... 7 8 Titter .... 8 4 Lady Tinkle 7 8 Algerian . . 7 11 Mlllnment . . 7 8 Chief Lord . 7 11 Myarlon ... 7 8 Meadow . . 711 Pearl of Asia 7 8 Not Out . . 7 11 Neeptrc ... 7 8 Wings of Hereuata ..78 Monir , . . 7 11 VeldPtte ..78 3,38— FITZHJfiIIHKnT HANDICAP of £350 Two-year-olds. Five furlongs. Orandom . . 8 10 CroiiplMlno . 7 8 Beau Coureur 8 9 Courting .77 Chary ... 8 9 Kadio o»u . 7 r» IJen't Vorjet • » Tnane Pango 7 J Phaleroe long 8 4 fhlkari . , . T J Htendl ... § a cnnbiie . . . T 4 Ksiltna ... 8 2 f.ocrlan ... 7 3 I aneelot ' ?10 Cicada ... 7 0 ("trouMfthw. 710 Lady Oorern 7 0 "pssaSn . T M Triple Crowe 7 0

• i 7—WRI,I,IXf,TO.\ CF.XTENXIAL PIT of £3O(MI mid k<.1.1 cup value. One mile nnil it hull'. It.iynl riili-r n « TluTiiilili.r . 7 8 ('nlnlnyui- . It :: V.isliiin . . . 7 h l(i'iiii|inrlir . s 11 Timley Str-it 7 S (Vntrepoiwo . N 10 Kilk ilr Villi 7 « MiiiiiKly) . . S !t Tidi-t\ niter . 7 « ''■'••in ViU< . « 7 ll.iii,ii ... 7 4 Sly Ki.v ... s » Liiiiu'liins U ill." Win . M I I..KS 7 4 S!i.aninii.| . s <ili.lM-Tn.lliT 7 :< • M'l Kill ... s u iq 7 3 Qll'-i'H nC Itl 1.s,,m>.' ... 7 in Princes* . 7 o I.iiil.; Mmil ii mi 7-1-J Mmins S<ni" 7 o • .i.i.iyniv . . 7 11 Knvlmrn ..70 liii MniirifT 7 II Tin; Wrecker 7 0 \iii-w,.„,:,„ _ 7 ~ Windsor Chief , 7 0 llfiiu Nepal re. 7 U H..VI IUAI'KIII- lIAMIir.U , of £r-..-,0 Si\ riirloiiKM. Sir Cru-0.. . !i r. IMssi-iiu'or . 7JO (lolil Mill,• . . ii o Hucciinecr . 7 !» Antiillii" . . s i:s .Arms .... 7 7 • ii.lil Chase s It.auly ... 7 7 Sljilon . . . s in linrk Water 7 7 I'titin run . . x s Insert Sim . 7 7 I.lltli- liorrh s 7 Kl'inil l(o!>«> 7 7 i'lii-iininonal h 7 (ini.iiM, Melody 7 7 I'l'kiM- .... s 4 <iny (Sipny ."77 Xiluiilliii . . S .-. 1, Lynn . 7 7 11 rent Klik'l.t S I I'rolietioii . 7 7 Mayriilr . . 7 11 Sky Limit . 7 7 4.111 TKLrHtK.WII II.XXIUC.VP of £1000. Six InrliiiiKH. Anilgo ... 8 10 Alunira ... 7 7 llntnwi'ii . . H !) Night -\i-viikin- ... s 7 Kriipllon . 7 7 Hindi Thread S '2. Olympus ..73 IMsdiilii ... k 1 Uakahatiga . 7 1! ('nttuU'rhlnHt 7 IS Klcrnihase . 7 2 Brunhild . . 7 12 Blonde Uacecall ... 7 12 Princess ..70 Spanish Lad 7 10 Kndorscnient 7 0 iMiixMiinon . 7 8 Lexrien ... 7 0 HlvuvvlPM . 7 8 Lord Cavendish .70 r>2s -ANNIVERSARY HANDICAP of £450. One mile. Paper Slinpor !) 7 Oalleemnre 8 4 Xi'il I'nllic . .• 2 (tn.v Mimic . 8 4 KIIII Iliinil . S i:: Kn' . 8 S IHi-lilte ... S 12 I'ricUet ... S 0 Hiiiiinmriun !< 12 Plume tjtteen 8 0 llinijfhty 1,.. TiMillft . 8 0 Winner . . S 11 Miss Appelliint 8 0 l.iK'.y f,p|gh 810 .Nereus ...80 Barn 11 .... 8 ;> Solariii. ... 8 0 Trrlior ... 8 0 The Wrecker 8 0 Sleeveless . 8 "1 iogl 8 0 Bold Step ..84

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Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 14, 17 January 1940, Page 14

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Trentham Prospects Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 14, 17 January 1940, Page 14

Trentham Prospects Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 14, 17 January 1940, Page 14