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The All.kl.liKl (.up, the piiticiptil i-vi-at ul the Ani-kUml s-uuiinci r-ieetinn, w\df'n *** ili'cnle,l lit Kiln she y w tfixl«y, j, lo . \hliml ,1 iliiiiliiiij finish between flu *.', V olee, Kiiyovi im and Sly K,. x , King lu'y w.irt unlit up touitli. This ijivl" tliu N.nuiil out 1 lm«ivu win iiil C'lieviil de \ o.ut-w-iiii |Mid tioiiulu figinen on -t| ll; „-,„'

I lie KoliiiiMi.i, Hanilinip w.,5.- IUU ,„ ,|iviMoiiH, lliu in., amiitf 1.1 o.ciaj . v ,,, t ,,, vvau w.iH 11U., ut „„„.,„■ ugui.H. Vvnui-uu', m, M-l' >urk, I U1....1.11 u,||| ,- a . KouJll liw( . w'«>ii 111 limit, ii.u iii. io u- .a , ., ti.e (iMUiu-u ''•" l h » ">vi'ik| i.oij> sll i,,,,! t , IUHI , 'J"""" ■""I I' , " '"I" .At- atia. K ..t Hum Hi 1.11 m.. Aloth. Silver BAk and !M, KiiUiii. t,un/.o Al.xli. then pi A „, In, ,„,,„, ~,,,1 KMdlMrf I iil-liiHli. l>e, x hi.,.. eiiAily l.v two K'l.tftlw and „ Malt wit)l Snvn Suck a imvk hwh.v thud. Aen ciinr IVndiw, «„■ ln.lnii .1 ml \ i-ritii />U'

J lie s i.ind l,« J,.,,,,, i tTll ,!t,.d J,, „„ p VP|I rfii'.uri ~in|.i • «,,,; ,„ ~ v,.,., ~ , Hi , H1 ■ 1•, i»m},i| M,., a>l t l,e.itin« 1,-,, t.uiifi in ;■'"",'■•.: ■ "tin-inmi., ».i* i-.g. u up l '""l' I '■«'«■ .vi.■ was s ~.u in |~,,,i an.l \;\*»\\\4 till' * ~i tiinolin |m,-l wiw iollowv.l Ijy out. 111. villi K u>al AU-HHHicc Indian leu <i, lM> { and Mtnrltr.xiit next, i liev 1.ni1,, int., the stiaiuht 111 tins order, wlicl'e Kuiul . Av*#i\xe lllid lea (long ran to the liont. c\\r loimer wiiuiiii« In half ;\ lieiul. wilh /Unrbi tht-pp-qimrte'i'M of 11 loiifith third, followed l>y Indian Hun, Maioii> (UI,V Movie and l'en/.aiue. itronwen, who had won three sprint ifvente, all at Kllernlie, <luiinK the schhoii, ttdded the Hftilwny Handicap to her credit, iu which jthe Hniehetl very nttrnctively to lieat Hii'leiiniin and Ainigo. Some interest wag loßt in the race when Out.Jean spoiled her chance by failing to jump away, while Orate turned round and took no part in t lie race. When they settled down Olympus had charge from Bronwen, Suleiman, Finland and Avnkur, with Amigo next. There wa*» practically no chnnge when they came into line and half way down Uronwen headed OlympiM and went mi ti> bent .Suleiman by half a length, with Ainigo three-qtiirrtpm of a length a way. J)isdain. Aivakur, Ore I in, Olympus, Misd Te Kouiii and Blonde Princes followed.

Dinky J)i. one of H. Gray'o Takuiiini team, crcutetl u giciit emprise when lie moil tlie N'lireery Handicap, an event for two-year-oldn. Marshall Hall, who hit tlio ti(»nt at the four-furlong post, showed the way into the straight from Gaymixfi, Tavern Gay, Ha.ppirwit. Bournemouth, Royal Descent, Dinky l)i anil Worton. Dinky Di came through halt' a furlong from home and *tnlling otf Royal Descent iind Walton, who both finished fast, beat the former by half m head, while Worton wan it head further bark. Then citme Marshall Hull. Horekp, Oa.vni.i' s *, Celftsia and Money Spinner. The winner returned ovur li.ilf a century.

yhowiiiK a return to the form lie «li«I'luyed iih u two-)vc>ui'-old, Betiu Kepaire, who was favourite on the win machine, won the Chrktrna* Handicap in impreedive etylc, returning a «ood price. Sunola I I'd alonn the back from Fidelia, Silver (juex, Mooreotia, Man Acre, Paddy the JU[» and Baran. Sunola warn followed into tho «tr*ight by Fideli*, Sfbrer Quex, Mon Acre and Moorabtia, with Pirate King and Beau RepaiTe moving up Sent. Beau Kepaire ioon oaaert«d iiimeelf and went on to win by a length and a nimrter from J'intto King, who beat Kathbella by a uevk. Fidelia was fourth, with Mooraotia, l'liilcoiirt, Sunola «nd Paddy the Kip next. The weather wm tine and there wan a vory liirge Attendance, the sum of £131,054 going through the machine, compared with ;Cl 14,1X1 10/ laet 'year, an increa«e of £1f1,f)28 10/.

Later remit* are:— ALCKLAITD till , of £3000, Including Gold Cop value £50. Two miles. 6—7—OMKVAI, DB VOMSE. br f, Oyrs. by Vaalu—Freesla (Mr. A. Kowan), 7.U—Lung ...... 1 3—S—ROYBVRL'S, eh h, 4yre (Mr. W. Townsend), 7.lo—Home . 2 8—«—»IA FOX, br h, flyra (Mr. A. Mclntosh). B.l—McKenxle .. 3 Aloe started: 1-1 Catalogue, 0.3 (Broupliton); IJ-a Flood Tklr. 8.3 (L. J. Kills) ; «.»-i» King IU-y. HI (T/ Green) • 7-6 Ballnavar, 7.7 cur. 7.10 ((!. O. Uoiilebro) ; 4-4 Dictate, 7.5 (C. T. Wilson); 2-2 The Cardinal. 7.1 (Kvans); a.'l Itonstar. 7.0 (Ullchrisn ; 12-ia Brverley, 7.0, car. 7.2 (Thomson);! 11-11 Poland, 7.0 (Mjidford); 10-10 Scot-/! land, 7.0 (A. C. Meimerv.v). Bracket: Hoyevrus aiut Heads. Time, 3.23 8 ; S. Winner trulued \>y owner at Te Awnnni hi.

HOHINHOX HANDICAP of S3SO. Hewn furlongs. (Firm division.) 10—0—HRONSSK MOTH, b h, 4yrn, by llronsiiv K«gle—JOiiui't: (Mese». Uoillston Bros.), l<.2—Cumeron 1 1 —•—CORNI8II, hv m, ajtnt- (Messrs. i. mid I'. K. Bnmnn), 7.7— G. Hmlfli ~: ~... 2 3- a—HIhVKK -HTICK, br c, Syre (Mr. W. H. Oaisft>rd), B:7—AtkliM 3 Also started: U-.VVeritable,- 8.0; 20-18 Splnnliig Whwl, »..-.; 111-15 I'erllliiM, 8.1; 1111 Mir Kobln. J.H; ai-*l .Mllanloii, 15-1.1 Iwidy Fox, 17-14/Tlying Vixen, 18-20 IMint, 13-1 >t Hackenwehmldt, 'J-t British Tulunt, 1I»-1I» Hot JShot, J4-12 Wyndora, H Uniapo, 7.7. Miiloro (second division) coupled with Cornlflh. Two ami a half; a neck. Tlnie. Winner trained f>y owners, Pnkekohi*. (Second Division). ' ie-.I7—KOYAI, MBBBAGE. eh m, 4yrs, by Hronie Kagle—Oreen Donnett (Mr. K. H. Montgomery). 8.2 —McKenile .... 1 O—«—TBA (JONO. b g, syrs (Mr. X. Cunningham), 8.5, car. B.o— Murray 2 7—7— BIA.RBKIOHT. ch h, 4yrs (Mr. H. Boblneon), 7.11—L. J. Kill* 3 Also started: 5(1 <Hlt«a, 0.1; 8-10 PenKunev, 8.8; 1-3 'Mflloro, 15-13 Trevace, 17-14 Lady Acushla, 18-20 Ony Movie, lil-ltl Kllcnsh. 2-1 Indian Sun, 10-10 lloynl >liintr«Bs, 14-li liiHemiiii, 4-4 Htyllst, 7.7. Half a lieiul; three-quarters of a length. Time. 1.2(1 il-5. Winner trained by W. Kirk, Green I-Jtne. RAILWAY HANDICAP of ftOOO. Mix furlongs. O—B—BROXWKX, br in, syrs, bjr Cuinbrlu Park—Heclplo (Mr. <r. W. .lackMon), 7.l3—Wiggins 1 2—4—MULKIMAN, br g, syrs (Mr. A. R. Kay). ».«— Keeslng 2 (I—O—AMIUO, hr g, 4yrs (Mr. L. O. Pruli, 8.13— li. 3. Ellis 3 Aloo started: 10-11 Orate. 0,5; 12-12 I'aiMT .Slipper, 0.2; 7-7 Farland, 8.13;. ;i-4 Dlmtaln. 8.8) 4-2 Our Jean, 8.2; 1-1 Orello. 7.7: 1-1 Arvnkur. 7.3: 0-8 Olympus, 7.1 : 14-11 Koniietil, 13-13 Miss Tc Koura.'ll-lu l'liluntre. 7.0. Bracket : Orello and Arvakur. Hulf a length; three-quarters. Time, 1.11 4-0. Winner trained by P. E. Pope, Takanlnl. NUHHBttY HANDICAP of £400. Vnr two-ycar-oldK. Five furlonge. l-'-VM— DINKIE DY, ch c, by DlatoinoiiH—Ten Bud (Mr. D. J. Heed). 7.12— F. Cleaver 1 1 — I—HOYAI, DESCENT, br c (Mr. A. 3. McOovern), 7.7— H. Wiggins 2 ■-• - ;i—WOUTON. 1) c (Mr. W. H. (JalsI'ord). 7.7, cur. 7.S—P. Atkins 3 Alho started : ">-'< Cnluln Boy. 8.2 (G. (il)clirlnt) : 3-2 Happlcimt, 7.12 (A. C. Me»fcrvy) : 12-11 Bourneinoiitli, 7.12 (R. W. McTnvUh) : 8-8 Bnreke, 7.1) (U. Htockley) ; 15-14 Tavern (iay, 7.8. cur. 7.1(t (T. (ireen) : mi) Oolil Money Hong. 7.H (<}. Smith); 70 Muriliall Hull, 7.7. ear. 7.0} (W. J. Broiightoii) ; 18-111 M.VHltOr 7.7 (F. Begucl,vi; 10-18 CcloHla, 7.7 (W. .1. Mmlford) : ■11)17 Kile ili> S*n!x, T. 7 (H. Long) ; 14-15 liny Mlhm, 7.7 (W. Thomson): 44 Bellc Feinme, 7..T (.I. (). Howell) ; 17-10 Golden Hi.nnet. 7.2 (!!. Markwlck): 11-12 Auburn l.nil. 7.i> (.\. ..!"»•.;ervy) ; (!-7 Mure Pny. 7.0, cur. 7.1 (<). Bvnnsl : IMO Money .Spinner. ' ii. cur. 7.» (C, T. Wilson). Hair a (lend: liend. Time, 1.1. Winner tralued by H. Gray, Taknninl.

CHKIOT.MAS HANDICAP of £450. One mile. 1-3—BEAT; KEPAIRE. b c, 3yrs. by Kfoii IVn Mcxlistr 11. (Mr. '* Ia—WKATE Kl.\<;. cli g. Oyru (Mr. _ .1. Hiisuii). «.."»—E. Keening .. 2 T— B—KATHBBLLA. l» r. 4yr» (Mr. F. Urmonil),—P, Atkiim ... 3

Also HtnrteU: !i !i Homily. 5.7 (X. U. .McKdUziH) ; «..-, l'uddy the Kip. 8 7 (K I J 'li-iiveri ; :;-» MoomotU, S.« (1.. .1. EU1«) ■ - I Ruran. *.<; (\v. .(. Bronsliton) ; n-6 MJv.rr yiii-x. 8.1 ((;. (iilclirint) ; 14-14 Phil'■•"/t. S.n ,T. tir.iri) : 1.1-13 Spartan. 7.8 UV.. Me«M<Tryi : lil-ln | JIIU | «;j r |. 77 (A ~ AI/-.MS.TVJ I : s-7 Mintliiw, 7.(i (H. X. Wig("l : Hi Hi Ariiiiii-iiiirt, 7.4, car. ::, <s LiTfinnlnl : 4- Simula, 7.4. car. 7.« i (6" />i.iilli, ; I- 11 PIUpIIh, 7.2 (W. J. Mud-i-'r.l): 1,1, U,,y Hronuj. 7.0. car. 7.1J H. 1.1.11*0 : 1.V1.-, Men Aero. 7.0. car. 7.1' (<». Kviius).

r.i'listll 'in,! .1 quarter; n,.,k. Time, 1.37 Wliiilt tr.iin..,l li.v A. .1. Julian, Te Kapa.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 305, 27 December 1939, Page 12

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DINKIE DY SURPRISES Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 305, 27 December 1939, Page 12

DINKIE DY SURPRISES Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 305, 27 December 1939, Page 12