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Dynamite Valley

Thr !! lm 9 Seriat By A Favourite Author

C'HAPTKK I. Three Boys Plan Their Vacation. >n„ don't think tho Prrnvinn I rfii -11 rn is hidden nn Con*-. I- i ':d ?" ! " lnn, . v Kin|;| \ -1.11 f;|,-('d ' i: "' •' < I'' - 1 '<• 11 rl a lit «. I tin. int.l in, Ml, '' " : 'm'l I t 111' ntlpv-l i, 111 . ' 1 " lU > ; 1 il My

' ' 11 . N 1 - '"at I in' tri-a ~n rp wa* .-a r - r "'' l "'f Mla.-k lark to tlx- -outli r " of Vlr - 1 I hi-rp it was hid 'I'' l '- I 1 pi- il u ar. t a Ispti tot hp Ma rv Jh' "" " --PPOII.I pirii t P..hip, and -t i' l n '"' l"dd. Tlipiipp il was shippp.l 1 " ' ' - Inland, wliPi-p at ]pa<-t two i ' 1 r * 11 i';i- tiri's arc aid t<> l,p 11urip.I.''

" 1 r,l - < ' •> '"I'li/. nl t hi- plan. T.uumv. il' ,V"U don't nltrr your 1 '". v - ' f"Uiid tin - iiitinn;' fal'hpr's I ' t''' r-. Il i- , I c:ir rnouL'li up to a <■■ ■ ' and ll I 111-II I ..111.-- rouipliratrd. ' n I nun it i* nlnu-i-t idonti'-al with t!-p ''"-I -' Ii n pot \ iploria. Imt no map I'vp cppii -how-; an i 111 p 1 thp rp, with ii '.'ivpi- p'n pi yin rj it ~c I f into it."

'Tin on your -i<|p. 11 r-11 lion." Trapy T-otnum. tin- third hoy. trarpd t |u» tnnp "I Nii'torin w illl iii* furri'tni'i-i'.

ii:« p\ r- nil till. I-1.11 11 [.1.1 It i I had jiri«liifoil. "The tun an- iilcntiiiil until wp renrh the south-wpst of tlio Shit p. - I iii'i'i l i* IVt pi-borough. with C'urdip's. Illvpr flowing into thp sph. X'l'V if (ipp whi/l I've pit it!''

I m sorry for you. 'I rot. From tTip wnv villi shouted 1 hr- II it must !«• porious. If yon Imvc it *ppn to nt onpp thprp shouldn't hp nnv <lnt)jjpr. Vnti'rr vnuiijr vpt. von know."

Bnnitn silenced I'iti In y nm. "Be sensible. Tommy." lir uri/eil. *•(»11 the rrllll nf 1111 r delihera t inns a jnlly interesting hnlidiiy depend*. If f wan eon \ i need that t hi-: j s flip route taken >>r the Mary Dear. .I'd \nte we did some ctinduct a t-eareh for (he treasure nf Peru my treasure, really. Willed to me by mv lather."

''1 like that." l'r"t 111:111 threw .1 world of c 1 • k|uc 1u n into tin- three word*. "Here mil I. j 1 it-1 luir-lin;; In so]\r | lip jr'xldv iny-tery, ami I'm ijrniii-cd. liruidicd :i<~i<l<• like a tmuM.v pome fly. It i<~ 11'f cricket, mv friend*." "Well, Tracy';"

"Thanks. Bonbon! T ]i;i [>| >imi In know at one time' there was h rl <><• | > inlet not far from Peterlioi'iiuu'li. Mind ynii, I"\ p only an aboriginal legend to liaek up my *tatpment. Into tliU inlet ('unlip'* liivor flowed. At that time it wan a much larger stream. and wa* navigable by opeanpoint: voxels. N'niv, <loen that make things punier for von? I said, there may lip nothing in t lip story. It, was given to me hy a black T once befriended."

"It i* worth considering.'' Bonitu asTTPffl. "Don't von think sn, Tommy? Art! you still of the same opinion, now you've seen this roujrhly marked route and heard what Trot said!"

I "I ready to put in a month ttvs-t- J 1 ' ."<uih,,\. I' inlayvon ' "inst kfpp <,iir i-rhpin<v . I I < > I 111 I • I \ t ,," \\ hii h 11• tiiiullme." Trotman ' '.' ,i|,<L m hro,e Kenii v is in tho <i 1.-t ri,-t. I saw liim to-day.'' , " r . ,|n »'' Wiint lo Iwv,. ii ii vt liiii"' to 'I" with l\ cmi\ Bonit o raid'scriou,! v. 1111,1 •' 111:1 II "I" liii'il Hud It ||~ | M ! • IN' ' 11 ■ I-IK'. 1 ill a 1 ii in, t r\eryi hinj; 1 hat i- illegal. ( Mir one -1 i me Velio,d | 1 ll; ~ ' 1 '" if'' 111 • i a I < ■< I. I'm afraid.- | I t n ! 11 I \ 1 M' kept ill I i LTIH »r,i IK «• <i \ what uc'rv <»i 111 r t«> <!«>."! 1 1 " 1 a > -"ii '■ in | »ha - i,cd, -If Amliror-.. . l :l i " " ,k l'i'.- "I this. our holida v j " Oil Id 1,., spoiled." • ! " List en to Mil—( .> Trues Trot mail. | ■ .'-'ii in 1 lie w j._ noout 1 o speak ' -o""d. < o I, | 1,,,, II cellM'. \V||V i„ \"il" o-r Kenny hi'l ea liout ju,t before "in* \ .km t i«• 11 lionin^ "I'll hit e. Why:" 11 1, e. he i„ sU-pieioiis. lie know, ,\ o 11. and lie know, about I he treasure, lie i, here to wateli us . In- !■> r<- on yoti iu parll, nl;lr - -0011 a, we depart for an\\\heie I m '_ra 111 e to waiter Krnnv ill he toildliii'j around not hi \erV I." in our wake. What do you think o! that for rear-on iii L.' W it 111 lilt i'\ ideuee. 'I'rot. jt i-n't vv " rl I' 1 I'll per it i, writ I en on " !•' l ii In \, 111 -a id iiuiillv. -Still. I don't know. There may he in what vou Miy. We'll keep a warv "I"'" for thr hoy. To return to tin- map lienhoii lias uncart lied, "hat are we jroin;/ to <lo aliout it? - '

"I thoujrh we'd derided. We are poiiifr "I know all that. Hut how ? l)o up <:<> tn I'd orhoroujrh by rail. boat, car. or Shank*' pony? An aeroplane «""I<l It ideal, but too expensive even for us.'' "'*. v Tommy."' Trot man derided the i|lie.-; inn. "I know where i 1 ran obtain a pood ear for vcrv "I can UO one better. 'ITm. There " a - a -ali' ot 1-ireii- eijiiipnient yorterday \..n know. *1 reinendou.- | n»ean -t upendoiit- — "I'L'a n i-a l ion i• t whim-iral wonders. I - 11 ! lea \ e .it abt-enre front the head, i'lid I bought a motor ryrle. It Un't any tin- wm-e tor Ih• 1.111-_rinlt to llairbra i lied Vhk. a t ri.-k ryrli-t . We ea n buy or bin' a r-idecar. Are you lioth ill fa \nnr!" "It'll do me, Henbon. But 1 can't -re Tommy be-1 la dd 1 in the seat at the bark.'' "Don't worry about m e. Trot. I fhall be in the -addle. You an<l Benlioii will have to deride your travelling places your.-elves. I\e Itad experience with motor bikes. Can ride any make there is.'' Somct impelled Bonito to fold "I' map at. the inoracut and to place it in his in-idc porket. At the same time tiie study blarkened. I'U-e blown! I- inlaysott observed. I lie liulit will bo O.K. a train in a j i"\ v - ' A trurtrlint: cry ranio to him. Out shot lummy s list, to contact, sharply i with someone, wlm grunted painfullv. 'I lie Iil: 1 jt ramr on to ,-liow Ken Bonito lyinjr on the floor, his pockets

turned inside out and a nasty braise on the side of his head. Alongside him a round ebony ruler was lying. It didn't need m-uch imagination to reconstruct the attack. The ruler had been used to knock Bonito to the Hoor.

''Water. quickly!" Finlayson snapped. ".Jump to it. Trot. And raise the alarm. The fellow who did this can't he far aivar.' 1

Fortunately Finlayson was versed in first aid and very soon Bonito was able to sit up. (Jradually his senses cleared. A smile reassured his friend.-. Slowly his hand went to his inside pocket. The valuable plan was still there.

"It was Kennv,'' he said after a while. "I m sure of that. Trot's theory was correct. Ambrose is We aren't going to enjoy a pleasant treasure hunt. We'll probably have to dig witli one hand while wo light with the other."

"1 only 1111j>o the mosquitoes aren't had.' Hotmail said lightly. "WhvY" Finlavson asked.

"Because if we have to fight with one hand and dig with the other ye wont have a tree hand to shoo the nasty little Inters awav."

liotman and Kinlaynon hel|>ed Bonito In ]iis feet. Ho was Mtiil a bit unsteady, hut ho was pulling himself together by sheer effort of will. I ho bueca noer blood flowing in Bon Bonito s veins was making itself felt. "Into the Heads safe goes that plan of youri-, Jien.'' Tammy urged. "Kenny appear* to have grown more, daring since ho left the school. Ho was something of a coward nnd bully when we knew him. Xow ho spurns to have developed into a common thug."

"Two days to go." Trotman mused. "Forty-eight hours to pass before we lwgin our search. If you like to give me a little respite I'll work out the minutes and seconds for von."

"Thanks fur nothing. Trot," lummy said. "I'm glad we have two days lie fore we leave. By llmt time Bonbon should l>c his usual self again, ready to bravo anything he may come up against." "I m all right.'' Bonito emphasised, •fritting his t<-<' 1 h as a spasm of pain wrecked his bruised head. "Jt will take us two days, though, to get ready. 'I hat motor bike I bought is fitted with a few springs and counterweights and other such gadgets, and these will have to be removed before we start." "100 right!" Trot man agreed. "It won hi he funny if the jollv thing began to buck or jump imaginary hurdles as we were speeding along. The chap in the sidecar wouldn't have halt an exciting time." "It's bed for you, Bonbon," Tommy ordered. "Trot and I will also retire to keep you company, to ponder over our coming adventures at this inlet that once existed." " 1 lie treasure, Benbon reckons. is now lying buried at Pirates' Cove," Trot mail suggested. '"Anyway, thnt name is as good as any, 1 reckon." "It'll do." Finlayson agreed. "From now on our thought* will be focused on " Trotman was determined to hare the last word—"Pirates' Cove," h' said as he hopped into bed. (To be continued.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 219, 16 September 1939, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Dynamite Valley Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 219, 16 September 1939, Page 8 (Supplement)

Dynamite Valley Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 219, 16 September 1939, Page 8 (Supplement)