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PROPERTIES FOR SALE ATII.M Q r!.,!r S BUNGALOW •'••'Ml .Ti'o M.chenctt, I*' *'• 1 ' * I- 1 -- Phono 40 0.V,. ] VTTit Ai' n v!•; iii ■ \,; \ i -.... ; ' L • N,, ALO\\ , lounge n- ii->- ' itnl iT '"'ilrnis., k'ette 'jvi\ • •• " ; mißuildings ' ' 11 ' 1 ll """ "~m. I'rl. 12-07* r I ""• 1 1 bi.'li»r»? L' t after o p.n j;<~'~u ■ T;r.v~ l: -~^r7—; J J'- u "7 ' . , M:\V • ' 1 - '■ 1 1 < ■■ll \ i<■ iH .■. ' " illl'l S. I. »• n•• i < ,-,| u \: i ?.!}■' •'». i \ :AS " , ~ , N;u bi no AI.OW ' ' I" -If I .. I! - . 1,-;-. ,|. 1 I"'"" 11. 4 5,. 7. J*. J.' l-JJ •JJlLili' I'-lrj.". xl i i- cl u I ii' " i 11 ' ''' s ' ' ' u , i>lliitjc-r. I'd. L' 7 on; I>' ""ii porch. iil I 1 l,! ' r '"j ii .. it.i ud.\ Hi, Hl*. gi.oil sir.: £000X |' ' "ii'i-s. I.nmj Agency, 41 JV in'. 1,11 . '"I'liiin 111,, lli " ' 1 1|;. ;111 < i riilivs., P. 11. \v., garage I ri. c i yju, can.v term#. 11'ZKi; AM, lU/.KI:. A~' Ills. H.n linnrii 1. I'll, i| ■ 1 ,<j | ] IV : :'V' XI ;; ,U .J"'. ' ''Ii r. .i ml '■ i ( Mi . A l.lillic l, Bungalow, nn s ; , toncrj II ■• !' 1 1,1 • w i i.i.i u liiiiiv, ' "" kl, * r>iiiiiiinu>. HM,;,. 17 07 '■ (V" »'l n S'.-.i,. ri77r~H, II - mill I■ ■ \ I'ly k I'l 11', elect rio 1.10 ''' l"»• • • ii<lill iiinici'iiriiil 1 . 11 .11 , 11 ..I I as.i. |I:IIIIn,.|. „ s r ,.|, ti ~ „ "• '■ I'AIU.SUN, *J' ;I _L l ; J- -7-,"so i I>'•j 1 '■" .I 11 .\ . I.H'II ; Itrar .\ \■ \\ I '' l ''V 1■ 1 ■ 1 I"'" "'■ iii'iiii', ii p. .iii.i j.'.ii-.ifi - ' I - ' ll -y '■' i' : 'i-• \Vc p. iMiimiciiii i...,11 Hi'" 11■ • 111• -. .riNM-jss. cirv iceii ' ; " 1 i ; A-.ii-> . is, 11.,1, miwc'i A\ . I'll. JS.C.7I T, 1 1' s11i. ™7T~V. -r Mini 1.11. T. iiuuftp. : ' ''""i.i ■ i in pyrrii. j,-iini L.-I-. —w. 17:: I,l' >'' .M - Muilrrn nil r-1.-t-1 rii* 11 [111L':l111\\. I'l ' . In iu ||v rci|i|rci|.—-S X 1 ' Sl " : 1( \AC.\>:r i'i >ssi-;s>iu.\ liiin.'.ll'>»-. r. p.a.nis mill riilivs,. i'.li.w I'l'' l I. ''>■ 1. \ 'J.iJn, '11 11. ■. i i 11 hi. liiilnn. <."U. 1.1.11 r,-ni;i\ I I'M si: y AM, ~, •I. M 11;ni;.iii i:■ i. 11. 'js i. I,' 1 SUM |{ hSIIH-.NC i'J, Pi,oms, L' slopf V wi'iiilr-itul m,. w „f 1,1,11, hurbourV iiinilirii !:i t'vny ».,)•; cuilil !,<■ onsiH '"VMM - I 111 .1 l»:l r I nif-ll I -I. I'licc t2:|."il), CasL s I-, i, i; Ij | \ \\]J junks. 11 11 -, liy Ulilur... f,|,|,. ( M'.o. ( INK >ai I;1 1-1 TF;. M 7, AU^T I i 11 11 If. 11 H\V. Z I>" 111" I>i 11IIH. Mill poprll. <.|| I Ii w. (•.iriia... Alll - I lie milil. V.ninil. I'irsl ' I.ism i•riJ i• r. 11 1111... I |r> C s7."i. C Jin I <-a-h '• 11'in'i' !>•■« n-iir. H. MA V 1111.1„ Sandrlns li■»m■ I'll.mi- 1 I ni I. j | MiKK.V LAN K. llriiiiiiTu All cl^rlri •* III!IIII.Iluxv ; LoOO ilrpiisll.—A.K., O'J.'Hi s r.\n. ii i J.IIKKN I.ANK — Mmlcpn N«.*w lUiii^ulo^' * " •*, ni-, nil iMXivs., Min porcli, coiutcli I'Ulhf. ;.'f»iil sort Inn, li.iuily inims; £1100 XJ.,O ili'li'i'ili l'A I!MKJIS' I,AND AGENCY, -11. Qliri n St. I T_ TEN DlillSuN. i-01l Ilip. — Spacious Una -*-*• gnlow, 0 rooms; J i ncrcs.—Tlioilc, Nc« 1. .Villi. ( 1.l Hi 11 I'uhl I Inn, .Mi. A 11... v t — Choice — lalthriilly Imilt r.iingalow, 5 rooms, l.'rttf'. i'.li.w . [.-..iiil si•<■ t i<lli, vii.'ws, l'. >s>c trjiins. S.n-rili.-'. price. Ciioo, Ii 111 W. .1. WUHI >I'llflx, "-'I. Ml. A lhnrf K'l. I' Ii ii iii ■ L'O I'l I i uLM;, liirii. : I'ri i holil ; iusureil JLSoO II ret urns l.i in/ m-H,; crjully l!ir,o. rnsv il'l'iim, or c\ .han.,'e. — I rgeut, 45>Oa. Sxau T ATKST 111 NdAl.ow, -I rooms and conIJ leniences: electric throughout. Situated liuiuly i; Merit South Knnd Terminus. i'RIl.'E ib 7.">, Good Terms. N. - R. DA YEN I'ORT. TriPlishire llimse. Slmrtland St. R AfAKRA—New Kiel-trie Collage, -I rnonis. ' ' hiitlnoi m; garagi ; sua i'ront. •— '•' S'l t. lli VIISSIuN HAY- S'lpcriur Mod. Ilouic. * ' lines! views, elcvuteil. —No Agents, 017" ■'TAH . xlfi \riSSlo.\ IiAV — Hridal Uiingnluw, ro *■ cenily I,llili. owner forced to sell owiiu to s|f,n' red in 11. ins. I'KICK £10", O. Alsi •"c'lion, rric.. A. OVERALL. 11.'!. Victoria Arcade. F'hoiie.q : 4U'll-I. I'ri vain •l.'i-fiSO. I> \JT. ALBKRT. vacant. electric: ' I'KKI down : handy.— n. d'.'l t. Star. 11! ATT. ALBERT—Modern llnngalow, four x rooms and k'elle: nil electric: srarajre : L'oftil fi,.. | lon ; price tit.",ii. — Julian, Chancerv < 'ha m I'ers. I'hone 11-1.'!.". li i AIT. AlJ'.KßT—Modern Bungalow. bed rooms, large sieepins porcli. lounge, dining room, k'elle. stove, ho-t water and convw. I'l-rCect order. f-iuit family. Handy train". Biirirnlu. tlijo. Kasv deposit. ■(ONES I'ItOSSKII. U'inslonc Bldgs. l> AIT. ALBKRT. Ni-ar School.— AltiMctive Bungalow of rooms and garage, nil ronvH. Kievated position. Price £|o.",'i. Deposit 'J."i(i. Iral. Ist mortgage. lIORNE. LTD.. Vulinn Lane. I'ri v;I le phone I l-UOK. N All'. ALBEKT—•"'-rouincil Bungalow, lii Oil. •»'*- ci.nv* . elevated position, cone, pa'hs. ■ lose trams and trains: dep. £l,">n, hnlanee 1750 n<! rent: possession guaranteed; hus'ii,er.s ->s usual.-- FEATfIERSTONE, 7 \'-w North Rd . Mt. Ailiert. C AIT. EDEN. Epsom side—Beautiful Klec. Burig., garage; il 175.— Private, 5171. Stab slii AIT EDEN" - Well-built. Bungalow, i-le-A *• vateil. bedrooms, 'ill convs. ; 3rd sc<--ll'in: f1 ion, terms. — N.E. 'i"JSO. ST\n. lf> \fT. EDEN-- Va can t I'osspssion. £875. 5-Roomcil Villa, new paint and paper, rlevatcd: L'nd section. — \Yc-lls, Mt. Eden. Phone 'JS-liil. B \ 11'. EDE N — MIJD E1 i N KB EC. HOME. J -■ *- bedrooms, sun porch, latest eonv. lounge, dining room. Oulstanding Value. 11050. DEPOSIT £L'3o. STACKY AND WASS. iiil.', Dilwortli Building. D AI T. EDEN.—- All-electric Bungalow, 5 rooms, sleeping porch and ofllces. cle\.ilrd, (select street. Garage, (ilasslioiisc, 1:t .x Hi. Concrete pa Mm. fruit, and garden. \ll iliwt-cliass order. PRICE C 1550. Terms. Norman Weils, Mt. Ktlen, sole agent. I'S-Hi-l. S Farms. Houses, Sections: vnlnntlons ninile.—Ozicli. Henderson. B Q T A II U II U. M<»DRRK BLINGAI.OW, hedroouis. lounge, living room, sun porch. £850. Deposit £150. ■STACK V AND WASS. ;il i 5. I >11 worth Bldg. D ).\ UNKKB I-'BATS.—Two Sflf-containeci « Bungalow Flats, delightfully situated. Close to trains. Tastefully furnished. Lovely gaidens. PRICK £1550. including all furnishings, — Ring DUL'CLAS YUCNi,. Pi IUII. Sole A gen I. !_' ;NRUSK.— House, 4 rooms. k'i-tte. ailelectric, all convs.; garage; pr' l ' l '- 750 : smail dciiosit. — l l '. -ISO'i. _1S i>RICI'} £'.150 MOt'NT ABBER.I 1 " Hl'N'tlAl/OW. A Genuine Bargain. Kasv Terms to Approved Buyer. T. R. I'l NT,A Y. A'ulean Bldgs.. Week-end I'll. •J4-23H. Ring now- xli' IH/.MCKRA. I! Rooms, reduced price £1050. J| bargain.—George Walker, Ltd.. Queen M X IS LjT. HELIER'S BAY-All Ele-trie Bungalow. liariioiir views; £U-,0 deposit, lt.s. V . (i'-':!-'i. S r.\n. ill rn,\ KA I'l 'NA BEACH - J' Bungalows. £si'<' ; fcliuni: possession.—7<t. Kal<e ltd, xl * rPAKA IM'NA Immediate possession. Bungalow. I room.-', sleeping sun porcli. hot water, garage, good order, mln. o'l-. l .-a.-h: ch-ap. - Apply Staii »"5. ii!' rriTIRANGI— 'J Acres Bush handy, sbol- ' tered. £500.—Tliode. New Lyun. _C VACANT ilouse, 0 rooms; £830. deposit £100; outgoings, reducing principle, _•>/ weekly.—Gilford. Vulcan t.anc. _xlt» AT Kit FRONT — NARROW NECK. I.nrge Section wonderful views. Steps to bench. HOUSE, oil conveniences, not water, e.1., gas • 1 minute from bus. G. A. HAYDON. no. llohson Street. 0 ROOMED House, nil conveniences, large section, in good order; cheap to good buyer.—Apply Mrs. Todd. 0. Turaklna ijt.. Grey Lynn. Auckland. i/ Xl 5 ROOMS, city! suitable residence or ® iiuslncss; cash or exchange. — ZiO

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 219, 16 September 1939, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 219, 16 September 1939, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 219, 16 September 1939, Page 3