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A»on Club (AvondalP^—The second pirn-Pi from our Avoiir!,iJp rrlpnds container] an attractive cot ctullt made up From siniill patches or ruse inul blue satin, warmly padded and lined with pink wlnci'jctio, ii knitted aquatw. a "home" complete with knitted ciivpp, a knitted singlet, tliref l-ivr-l.v b.ili.v bonnets, three pairs or bootee-. ,-i [niir ( >r mittens, a pair or pyjamin. vi-rnl other little baby garments and the tine jum or 5/ for the lining riind.

Bluebirds i - - \ bunny blanket, a Jolly little pair or r-d μ-umimots. ,i cover ror a ■■Mottle." a ..-an. a collection or warm nothing, and :.' ■■. P r the lining run.l arrived in one pin-el, ,rid a pa'r of warm p.vj'imas. n Moral wincevettp rnntlnee Jacket, twr, pairs or bed sock-, a pair or socks, a woollen Jersey, u tin or cocoa and a/ ror tho lining rund In another. ♦ • • •

Briqhteyes ( Epsom)— The first girt received from this club was hailed with huge dellKht not only because they are newcomers, hut aNo because or the quality or their (ruts. seventeen splendid large prtfhe*. vi-ry well knitted, a most delight nil and larjre knitted "Donald Duck" and no le-s than ri t/i ror our *nver lining ruud we roun I in one parcel, whilst In tlie other there was .i perrect iinlltiPd single bed tiuilt made up or 70 patches in tonlnjrs or blues and bmwns. and another almost as pretty and equally as well made larffe cot nutlt made rrom strips or knitting eciual to 63 knitted patches. Mldnijrnt blue with maize and brown provided the colour scheme. With this girt there also arrived six pairs or knitted =llppers, two pairs or bed socks, a pair or bootees, a pair or mittens and a bonnet. Tnis xvts a very wonderrul parcel, girls. •«• ■ •

. ■«•» ■•»• (Onehunga)— Three dozen knlttPd patches, a knitted bonnet and a hot water bottle cover to thank the boys for this week.

Cherry Club 'Rlrkcnhoad) — \ Jar or Jam. ,i tenpnt «tnnfi worked In wool, an unfinished fjullt (you must take more care with thp Joinlnjr or the patches, girls or else the work will come to pieces), ten loose patches and a winter coat.

Coloured PatetiM (Heiensvilie)—A nice little crocheted petticoat, two pairs oT shoeftes. a pair or stockings and n pair or bed socks arrived in one parcel and 15 knitted patches In another.

Davonport Merry Maker*—A parcel or warm and very useFul winter clothing: was Followed by 22 well knitted patches, a pair of bed socks, a pair or bootees, a nice winter coat and frock, three tins of miniature toys, nrtrt, last but not least, 4/ Tor the lining rund.

Kauri Kon«s (Tltlrangl)—A very nice parcel Included live mtlp pairs or hoys' trousers, two tweed skirts and a pretty little embroidered Frock, all new, us wfill as a tine single bed quilt made Horn tweed patches, with a pray floral linJng , , and a Ultle cot (|ullt. warmly patlrled. Several used garments completed the girt.

Kittens (Pamela—Representing the firth wonderful quilt donated by two anonymous rriends. there arrived at Sunshine House during the week a beautirul single lied cover made rrom fl6 gaily coloured patches, each one bordered with a black crocheted edging. The Whole was lined with a warm woollen material. The Kittens were nominated by the donors as the club which was to receive the points value or the girt. The club's own contribution took the rorm or a hot water bottle complete with cover, a pair or knitted bed socks, a large tin or cocoa, a tin oF salmon and a packet or cereal rood.

Krm-wftt (Takanlnt)—This week's parrel contained a nice knitted slngrlet, two pairs oT bootees, a pair or (falter*, a bonnet, a w.-irrn Jersey and 3/6 ror the lining rund. Sorry, frlrls. ljut spare prevents us from publishing any names other than that or eacti dun's cmtaln. • « • •

Nowhal Golden Star* (Kowhm intermediate SehooJ)-i-We thank the Stars ror 51 knitted patches (there were some tiny otiT>s. girls), a Jersey, and 2/ Tor the liningTuna.

Lavender Sunbeam* (Takapuna) — Thirty knitted patches, two dainty singlets, a'pair or ."hoettes and a pair or bed socks From our rriends the Sunbeams.

Lilybet (Kohlmarama) —Ten Knitted patches and a rew little β-arments From the Lilybet rolk.

IN EXPLANATION. Sunbeams have doubtless noticed that acknowledgments of their sunshine girts are becoming increasingly brief as the weeks pass by. Peter Pan and Wendy are extremely sorry over this etate of affairs, because they Know it is greet fun seeing a full description of one's gifts appearing in print. However, space in the Budget is very precious, and e«ch Week the acknowledgments of Rifts must be confined to an allotted "corner" and no morel We hope then that Sunbeams will understand when they find the contents cf their parcels briefly listed with no attempt at further description.

Five X Club (Mlirord) —2X was the member who sent In the 11 knitted squares which arrived this week. • • 4 m Fu Manchu (Grey Lynn)—Twenty-three knitted patches, two pairs of bootees, a pair of knitted pllchcrs. and some children's clothing* to acknowledge from our Grey Lynn friends. • ♦ • • Nappy Oo Luck* (Home Bay)—A small cot quilt containing about 60 knitted patches,. warmly lined, nnd as well 30 loose- patches, arrired rrom the Happy Go , Lucky folk. • • * • i Happy Workers (Onehuniya)—An unllned quilt or 60 very large patches, a patchwork lining"; a piece or lining- material, a knitted bonnet, a pair of shoettes, a pair or bootees, ten-lemons nnd 1/5 for our lining- fund were the contents of a welcome parcel received from these Onehung/a Sunbeams. • • 4 • Hsathsr Club (Onehunga) — Eleven patches In this week's parcel. • • « « Inaleslde Club (Rotorua)— Peggy Price Is still the captain of this 1933 Botorua club. She bits Tour club mates, and they have sent us such a nice parcel, containing a cot quilt or 42 knitted patches, warmly padded and lined with Qiue silk. Four pairs of knitted bootees accompanied thi-3 g-ift. • • • • • ■•■■, Tftlfei Smart fllrls (Remuera) —parcel of warm used clothing: and two knitted patches. • * • • ■ledfa (Point Chevalier) — k delightful parcel or woollies included a singlet, a pretty pair of Bed socks, a pair of Bootees Mff a -sonnet. Sunbeam Falflss (Takapuna)—A biff welcome trt Hs*e! TJaljrbrd and her three Takapuna Sunbeams, who are again helpIng-. us this winter. Tne Sunbeam folk sent us an opening* girt or six patches, fire strips or knitting equal to 16 patches, three pairs or bed socks, four bonnets, four knitted caps and a collection or used clothing. • • • • Sunshine Qulna (Remuera) —A little pram cover, six loose patches, a little face flannel, a bib and a frock.

Lubky Dip Club (Operau) —We dipped and found some magazines. We dipped again and found all 3orts of things, including a little pram cover, three patches arid a golliwog. Merry Pilgrims '(Grey Lynn)—We thrtnk the Pilgrims for a bunny dressing Jacket, two dainty bonnets, a tiny "hottie," a hiig-me-tlght and a collection or used clothing. The seven pieces of knitting were rather small, $irls —sln square is the smallest size that we can usefully use. • • • • moonbeam Fairies (Parncll) —A little F'arcpl of clothes and two books rrom the niries. « • • • Mysterious Three (Devonport)—This week the Three sent us hair a dozen patches and two pairs of crocheted mittens. • * * • fcgatafinga Helpers (Devonport)—We acknowledge with thanks the arrival of a very nicely knitted large cot quilt made from about 50 knitted patches and lined ana bordered with amber satin, two little pairs of new trousers and a collection or very nice magazines. • ♦ • * Orsre Busy Fingers (Orerc) —A little cot quilt of about 40 knitted patches, lined With tweed, arrived tnls week from these country Sunbeams.

Olivette (Point Chevalier) —Five beautiful little wlncpyette baby gowns, some children's clothing and 2/6 Tor the lining fund.

Pamray (Panmure) —A double bed tweed quilt with a gay patchwork satin lining, ;i little material cot quilt, sonic used clothing, a nice warm pair of bed 3ork* and a knitted beret were the contents of a welcome parcel.

l*ine Club (Cornwall Park School) —We thank these Cornwall Park School Sunbeams for two splendidly made quilts or "Star" patches and a little parcel or baby garments.

Pleasant (Onetmnga) — Firteen nice knitted patches and two dainty bonnets arrived in one parcel and 12 crocheted patches in another.

Pollyanna Sprites (Mount Albert) —A very welcome parcel or ba-ny woollies Included two knitted petticoats, a mile kniltr-d mat. ;i cri-.ini singlet, « pair of bootee* anil ttiron pairs or bed socks.

Purple Patches (Mount Erlen) —Thirtyfour patches or assorted sizes, a knitted petticoat, n piiir <>r pilrheis, three felt hat?, a pair or sandshoes and a useful collection or children's clothing-. • • • •

Robin Hood (Ponsonby) — Robin ITood. Will Scarlet, Little John ami Friar Turk are the members or this new Ponsonby club, and or course the first-named is the captain. Lots or good luck to Hobin Hood and his merry men. • • • •

Robins (Epsom)— Two single bed quilts neatly sewn together from "Star" patches to acknowledge this week.

Rosemary Club (Devonport)—A parcel or useriii clothing and a bright hair-crown Tor the lining , rund. • • • «

Scotch Terriers (Devonport)—A small, neatly made cot quilt, comprising , 4 2 knitted patches cosily lined with salmon winceyette, a silk scarr, a strip or knitting and a bonnet.

Several Smart Worker* (Mount Albert) —The Several Smart Workers are captained hy Maureen Orange, and there are in all seven Sunbeams in the club. We send a big- welcome to them all.

Shamrock (Point Chevalier) —A second grift of patches—6o in number but only 50 In credit because some of them were rather small —came as a welcome gift from our Point pals.

Bt«rlet» (Mount Albert) —Three knitted patches and a little lining material. • * • •

Kowhai Musketeer* (Kowhal Intermediate School) —Yes. boys, I received your letters and patches, thank you. It takes some time Tor an acknowledgment to appear In print, you Know. Anyway, you are lucky folk, for "Auntie Ina" has made for you a small unlined cot quilt made rrom 25 largre knitted patches and two little knitted sing-lets.

Little Raye (Rotorua) —It was quite like old times opening , a parcel from the Little Rays or Rotorua. Pauline Fergusson is the captain, and she has three Rotorua Sunbeams to be her club ni3tes. The initial girt for this campaign took the form of a nice warm costume with hat to match In one parcel, whilst a little quilted pram cover, such a pretty baby set knitted in silk, a bed jacket, pair or pllchers, and the jolllpst little rattle were the contents of the second parcel.

Four Jolly Knitters (Sandrfnß-ham) — This Club's first parcel arrived this week; 56 splendid patches, and a welcome collection of b.'rtiy woollies, including , a knitted peHlcost, a dainty husr-me-tight, a pair of mittens and a pair of bootees.

Sunshine Rover* (Devonport)—Welcome to Elaine NeUnn and her nve Sunshine Hovers. A list giving- tho approximate number or points' awarded for certain Sunshine gifts appeared In Ihe Budget on May 20. Good luck to you all. • • • • Tβ Kuiti Tryera (To Kuiti) —A parcel fir used clothing- ;i.s one girt; eight little patches (knitted by five-year-old Betty) and more used, clothing followed. Last but not least, a shiiiins- ror the lining rund • • • 4 Three Little Maids (Bayswater) — rwenty-rour nicely knitted patches sewn tog-ether, 18 loose patches, a little pair of knitted pilchers, a bathing suit and a parcel or woollies. • • • • Three Musketeers (Otahuhu) —Twentytwo first-class patches earned 30 points, whilst a little hot water bottle and cover and some children's clothing completed a very acceptable girt.

t The Truety Four (Devonport)—Two cosy hug-me-tig-hts, two pairs or bootees, a knitted cap and an embroidered apron. • » » • Wairiki (Mount Eden) —In the first parcel we found it lovely large single bed quilt made from tweed pieces, neatly lined with crimson satin, and a useful cardigan. The quilt was a fine piece of work, girls. A further parcel contained 19 knitted patches, a knitted hot water bottle cover and a parcel or clothing. Other gifts Tor the week were two pairs of , cream brushwool gloves and two welcome "hotties." • • • * Water Nymphs (firey Lynn)—A little cot quilt made or 30 knitted patches and lined with striped flannelette, a little jumper and a skirt were the contents or this week's parcel. • « * . Wendy's Band of Helpers (Devonport) — This new club's first girt arrived this week. It took the rofhi or a largo collection of useful used clothing. • * « « 1939 Helpers (Ellefslie)—Five parcels to open this week rrom this Ellerslie club. In them we found seven knitted bonnets, three parcels of very nice lining material and -io well knitted patches. • ♦ » • Dazziers (Green Lane)—three cot qiiitts arrived during the week, ' one of them made from 3 5 large knitted patches lined with Silk, the other made from three large strips of knitting flftd also lined AVith Silk, and the third from tweed patents with a similar lining. A parcel opent-d later contained a patchwork cot quilt, an attractive pram cover neatly embroidered in scarlet herringbone stitch. Tour waterproof sheets, three singlets, a nice relt hat, a pair of slippers and a splendid donation of 10/ Tor the lining fiind. • • • * Nimble Knitter* (Mount Albert)— Sixteen patches joined together, a pair of mittens, a pair of bootees, a jumper and a Beret —Which just goes to show that the Nimble Knitters are living up to their name. • • • • Fit* Start (Takapuna)—A little cot auilt made rrohi 4B knitted, patches une lined with silk material squares in one parcel and in another a collection or ■ lovely new baby clothing, which included two singlets, a petticoat, a frock, live bonnets and two pairs or bootees; a third contained three pairs or slippers, a pair or bootees, a pair of mittens and a little box. of clotnlng.

: —^ Sunshine Club (Grey knitted patches and a little. woollen liug-me-ttg-ht i'rom fancy's Sunbeams. • • • • Goodwill CVewmarket) —A very nice Jingle bed quilt made rrom material patches, a gay cot quilt of crimson and blue, and a little quilted pram cover made rrom apple green satin material arrived in one parcel, and in another a nice collection or toys ;md books and two little bags, each complete with hankies and pennies. The final srift TOP the week took Hie form of a single bed patchwork quilt, a cot quilt, a nice collection or clothing 1 , some valuable provisions, several books and eight little bags of marbles. » • » » Bellbirds—two dainty pram covers, a small cot quilt or "StSr" patches, one knitted unllned quilt, -44 loose patches, a bag- or fruit and vegetables, a collection or used clothing and 1/ for the silver lining Tund were the contents or one parcel, and in another we found 43 knitted patches of varying sizes and * collection ol children's clothing. • » • » Mindly Givers (Takapuna)—ln the first parcel opened we found a nice little knitted pram cover, warmly padded and lined with apricot silk. Another parcel brought I 1 knitted patches, a nice piece or patchwork lining, a woollen jersey, a pair of gloves ana a little cape. ••* . » Jolly Musketeers (Devonport)—A large cot quilt neatly made from material pieced, Jwo bonnets aod a couple gf toys. 8t Aidan's Brownie f**ek (Remuera) — One hundred splendidly KnlttM patches represented the efforts or these little people over a period or mdny Brownie meetings. Truly the Brownlfe folli have "done their best."

Lily Pair (Kaihere)—A shilling Tor the lining: rund accompanied a comic book and a paten. • • » * Tom Thumb Club (Mount Roskili) \ square or 25 nice patches, such a lovelv ?nrt "^V 0 a » ttle Pair of shoS Rolkill m ° Ur rriends at Mount • • • • now-o?**? .Sunbeam* —Another beautiful parcel! Init we round a single bed quilt made or Shadow tissue and warmly padded rr«?m n h, P C h l qililti! ' some of made rrom brocade, some rrom wlncevette and some rrom cretonne, Tour bunny blanket* nye pairs of coSy bed socks and a delight-' • • * • Aotea Club (Birkenhead)—We found a little pair or two knitted Parches, a pair of shoes and some u'ld clothinjr In one parrel, and an sttrartive pram cover or 20 knitted patches lined with lioral winceyette, and three nalM of warm iiyjamas in another P f • • • « Three Helping Hands (Mount Edeni A most delifi-htful ltttTe pram cover knitted m,an .•.ttractive design in creath wool Vliia week earned our special thanks. • • • t,i'«AX J 2 e Club < M °Unt Eden) Twelve squares as many points bJSIH* Bu !! be *"»e (Takapuna)—Firteen touted patches and some material for

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 165, 15 July 1939, Page 2 (Supplement)

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CLUB NEWS Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 165, 15 July 1939, Page 2 (Supplement)

CLUB NEWS Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 165, 15 July 1939, Page 2 (Supplement)