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[ Tlio Loyal To Puke Lodfrc, J M.1'.J.0.0.F.. met in the St. Andrew's j Ifiill on Thursday la«t. an extra large ntteiidance. presided over by the N'oblo (Jraiid. Sister M. .Mugridge. Four iiiiiniiintiiuH for membership were received ami lodge honours conferred upon Urol hers<'. K«piti, K. Schick and W . Siin-isey. The routine business was •inickly flt-tilf with and the l.«l-re •■'"'y '" older to hold the annual kin.|net. Vinittn-ri were admitted from the local I.Mlye of the American Order. r.0.0.1'.. Ancient Older of Foresters and I unci Ancient Order of Druids, also lepivsentative.i from Tiiiiiauira, Kotorua and Kanjfitsiiki Lodu-e*. All were -riven ii hearty welcome nnd t lie com puny were ("mil seated arouiKl the Well-laden'tables A leiifxthy \m\*i !i-t w M lionoure.l. IMJ. Brother I,". .F. Tanner acting a* toastniaster. At intervals soiil"* were "ivon >.v Sister H..d»<o n . Hrothers JH(Tally ( ' K - n,V|, '""I Boiilc. <~n- nn<l banjo '*•'••' l«y Sifter and Hr..t her Hlundell eI.K-iifioi,,,ry item by Itrot |i, M - W. Baker ■Mii-ie uiN Mipplicl by Si.-t< M - \\\ Harris '■•'• dancing An exhibition of (.-,,, diliciiiL' was frivon by Sisters M ami M. Jacks,,,,. w ],ilW »'•••«';••• <'■■ \VeMHT ph,y«,l his piano->W'-oidion The .Monte Carl,, w,,\U was won by MLh I!. Smith and Mr. C. Hint/ It whs •■ertainly a «,-,.„, evenin-and the -x-ial committee are to be congratulated «i|H,n the success of their j

~,,'<> Y,, " f,,f " 1 Knton,r!*P Juvenile 1 ;»■!••■ 'net on riiursday evening, a -~,.,! " i "" ,, :'" ,< ' ,'"•"'- l--ide<l over bv'the h.ef 1emp1,.,-. Sister X. Warren." The """""■r " f »»• <-veiiii. K was chiefly ~f ■J r»»t»«; nature and «a< efficiently ,1, " ,1 : «•'•"■ ' I lie programme for the evening !,■„« in t | l(> ~.,,„,„ ()f SN(( , ra j «"•> M. Smith, a number of game* an< j competitions being enjoyed.

Tho Li-lit of Manuka,, Lorfire. ( .A.0.1)., met hi the C, n ,y street ]od"e mom on Wednesday evening the An-h Druid. Unit her Ashforth. presiding over ft good attendance of members and visitors, n,,. members arranged („ P av official visits to Grey Lynn and Star of Otahuhu Lodges, a good number si-nify-uijr their intention ~f „„;,,„_ T ,, (1 news was speedily dealt with ami a we]com,, t-ivci, 1,, members of Onchimga l>.s.A. Kefr<vhmerits „,.,,, S( .,ved and an excecduiL-ly pleasant time spent at llHloor bowls. '

The combine,! Oddfellows' Lodges of Helcnsvill,. ),<.],, tlit-ir annual ball on r.ursday liiHl in the A. and l>. Hall, which had bee., prettily decorated with ho IWM-kHI, colour, of pink and green. Over Mm dancers took part in the proceeding, the lodge regalia* and pretty f'ocks of the |adi?s. making the animated scene a very pay one The grand march was ]~,] j )V , ) M , SP , lior ,|; K . Irift officers. Sifter Kinton. L I) I) 0 M ami Bro. A. K. I).,dd. !).!).<; ;\r Theso were followed by the two noble Trawl* Swter Molloy and Bro. O'Brien. " Other district officers present were Bros Wakey and Francis. The music was first the floor perfect and the simper left nothing to be de*ired. a combination of circumstances which led to a most wonderful and enjoyable evenin".

Lodge Pride of Matnmata. U.A.0.D.. had an extra lurgt> attendance at their installation ceremony on Tuesday last. This important ritual was carried out very efficiently by the rhV.riet (.resident. Bro. J. T. Barlow. The new officers for this term are: A.D.. Bro. T. Phillips; V.A., Bro. U. Deed; T. 0.. Swter Thomas! 0.G., Sister Franks, A.D.B.V*. Sister Cook and Bro. (larry: V.A.B.'i. Bros. Priest and Emson; M.C.. Bro. Thomas! At the close of the business, a pleasant social evening was held. Musical items were given by Bros. .1. Donovan (Morrinsville). and Priest (Matamata). Supper was served at flic close and brought a busy but happy evening to a siicec«nful conclusion.

fironp Xo. 17 of the M.T'.T.0.0.F. held (heir installation ceremony at Kotorua, a large nunibr-r of memljerri and visitor* ibeing present. Fifteen linlges were represented at the ceremony, which was ably carried out by the U.(;.M.. Bro. \V. F. Bate*, of Te Amlia. who was assisted by (he group officers, P.G.'s Bros. K. T. Stanley. Attwood, and A. C. Crawford. The. officers installed were: Xoble grnnde. Bro. Tt. Ruahina (Mokai), and Bro. M. Wiggins (Botorua) ; vice-grands. Bro. R. Paerata (Mokai) and Sister M. Savage (TJotorua); elective secretaries, Bro. N". Frnser (Mokai) and Bro. W. Anderson (Kotorua);'g. Bro. W. H. Veddere (Mokni) and Sister li. Bell (Rotorna). Bro. Bates, in the course of n most interesting nddreea. urged the members to continue to biinrr in new members, as in spite of the social security legislation friendly societies were still as much needed as ever. Lodges fit]]] provided (lie cheapest means of security, with benefits l>et(er an;l easier to obtain. Lodges did not keep their meml>ers ill seven days "Without benefits, and they had in addition the fraternal side, which was of paramount importance. Bro. Bates said. "It behoves all of us. to strive to place the ritiml on its proper footing, and also to give (he social side the importance ; t deserves, for then only will we be able to keep our membership percentage up to the high level it has enjoyed in the past." An official welcome was extended by the !).(!.M. to the newly appointed group officer, Bro. A. C. Crawford. I

The Star of Newmarket Lodge. U.A.0.D.. met in the Alma Street Hall on Wednesday evening, the Arch Druid. Bro. M. Polkinghorne. presiding over a good attendance of members. A very warm welcome was given to Bro. Wade. the popular lodge, treasurer, who had been absent on sick leave for some time. One new memlier received his initiation into the mystic rites of Druid ism, the ceremony being well carried , out. A good deal of business was dealt with in the usual efficient manner. Refreshments were then served and the brothers went into harmony. Ttems were given by Bros. Young, Main, M. Polkinghorne. J. Polkinghorne, t! Wilson and several others, all of whom were well received.

The Mizpah Rebekah Lodge No. 18, 1.0.0. F., held a very successful social and dance in their lodge room, an excellent attendance being recorded. A good number of visitors from sister and brother lodges was present arid received a warm welcome. A very good programme was presented, including items by the Mizpah Choir, the canoe poi song being particularly well received. Vocal solos were given by Bro. E. Newling and Mister Freda Kvans. Dancing followed and the evening was brought to a successful conclusion with the serving of supper.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 157, 6 July 1939, Page 26

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 157, 6 July 1939, Page 26

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 157, 6 July 1939, Page 26