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(By SC'RtUK.) The t-e\enty neeontl annuo! installatioii (, I Ihe Loyal Dtiko of (.'a mbridgc l.iicr.e, M.I .1.0.0. K., was held in the Odd'cllous Hall (in Saturda v evening, 'lit" N"ble '.rand. liro. T. Myers, preside! over u gathering of about 114 niembei - ami visitors. Among the latter uc" ili.' District I; rand Master, Hro. \V. I . 1' t es, of \roha; Hro. R. T. Scoii. I'D.ii.M.; Hro. .1. (irav, P. 0.; tuiil I!'" 11. Attwood, |\<;. These officer* weir ill 11 I emla lice to conduct I lie installnti"ii • "ioniony. which was duly carried out wiiii o 10,11, and dignity. .Among I lie other lodges represented were Loyal Hamilton, Hot Springs (I'e Aroh.i), Morrinsville, Fruiiktoti • tunction, Kiiikiriroa (Hamilton), Sid wvn (Puta ruru). Remuera, Wliakatane. lauwuare, N'garuawahia, I'.xeelsior (New Plymouth). All the \ isi tors were welcomcfl and rece i ved the li.>ll <>ur s n| the Order. The D.0.M.. in a very interesting iiddress, congratulated 1 lie I.oval I .1111 bt iibjo|"o and the Kai I'.ilsi lii.inch upon their progress und d vvoik. liro. Hates t-|iokc ot the a Kent of the social security selieme and pointed out the very lar»e amount ol Murk done iiy friendly societies, who had given big benefits for small payments, He advised tin 1 mciulicrs to retain their membership in the society. Ihe officers installed were:- Loyal Cauiliridgi' Lodge: VO.. Hro. H. "A. I'icccc: \ Sister Osborne: K.S., liro. A. Myers; 1.1'.N.C.. liro. T. Myers. Kaipaki br.l ni-lt: Hro. 11. H. Harvov; \MI., Hro. S. Kite; K.S., Hro. L. .1. Harvey; 1.1'.N.i;., Jlro. Cunningham.

Tlie retiring 1.1'.N.d. of tlio Cum-' bridge Lodge, Km. K. Shemictt, was presented with mi illuminated frained N.<i.'s < 1111 > 1 0111. whilst Km. \V. ( unningiiani. iif tin l[>iiki braiii-lt. received a Past <.rRin I"jewel, tributes being |mirl tn 1 lie scr\ ices rendered liv Until officers. The iill*lill >e r s of both lodges united in presenting ''in. W. Denton. P.(1., with :i fireside chair in recognition of his ">() years' associution with tbe lodge. The U.C.M. said it was an honour to lie associated with the present;! t ion to such ii good and faithful worker for the Order. Km. Denton had twice passed through the chairs of tfie lodge and for the past 17 years hud been a trustee of the lodge. Another feature of the evening ivan the use of the new regalia I>y tin- t a mbridge lodge, the old regalia li \in p: nerved for the Irst •«' years. ,\t the close of the business supper was served and the evening closed with a most enjoyable social and dance.

The Auckland District Lodge No. 3, 1.0.0.T.. met in the Kden Terrace Methodist Hall. the district chief templar, Bro. F. Pace, presiding over a good attendance of representatives from the bulges of the district. The reports of the various officers showed that the linanees were ill a healtliv coiiilition. although Loth senior and juvenile departments sltowed a slight decrease owing to the purging of the roll*. Encouraging M jortK were given of the progress of various temperance activities, and the members learned with pleasure that the t..(.T., Bro. \V. lies, of Dunedin, was progressing favourably after .his recent -I't ious illness. At the. conclusions>Lthe business supper was served, thua bring--ing a busy session to a close.

Lite Star of Newmarket Lodge, r.A.0.D., met in the Alma Street Hall,' Hro. Todd, A.1)., presiding over a good ill tendance of members and visitors. The chief business of the evening was the election and installation of officers for the new term, this resulting as follows: VI)., Bro. M. Folkinghouic; V.A.. Kro. Main; 0.0., Bro. Morris, jun.; V.A.B.'s, Bros. Bush and Willis; A.D.B.'s, Bros. Smart and J. Todd; M.C., Bro. Jx>wry, I'.A. After the business had been dealt with the lodge went into harmony and supper was first served. The singing competition for the lodge championship silver medal was then held. Bro. Hampton, P.D.P., was appointed judge and after hearing quite a number of competitors awarded the medal to Bro. M. Polkinghorne, the newly installed A.D.

The Alpha Juvenile Lodge No. 1, T.0.0.F., met in the Pitt Street Hall, th# Noble Grand Bro. Shaw presiding. Reference was made to the abnormal 11 mount of sickness now prevalent, quite it number of the lodge members being affected. When the business had been nearly completed, a visit was received from the L.D.D.G.M., Sister (Julpitt, who \vu«t accompanied by a number of the Bebekah sisters of the Auckland dis--1 riot. These were duly welcomed and conveyed greetings from their respective lodges. Sister Culpitt thanked Ihe boys for the invitation to be present that evening and reminded them that when they joined the adult lodge tfyy could also take their Bebekali degrees. The NX!, thanked Sister Culpitt and her member* for coming along and hoped they would enjoy themselves. The lodge llicii closed and a party was held. The programme consisted of dances and items. Bro. Outrnm received an ovation for his fine rendering of two songs, whilst Bro. Strange, jun. , and Bro. l,c«son, who played the harmonica and piano accordion respectively, gveatlv (■leased the gathering with their Several games were played and then followed supper. Sister Culpitt returned tluniks to the boys and called for three cheers, which were heartily given by the Sisters. After supper the projrrnmme was continued add finally concluded with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne."'

Tito Loyal Morrinavillf. Lodge, M.r.r0.0.F., met on Thursday evening, the N.O. Bro. G. Gifford presiding over a good attendance of officers nnd members. The routine business was speedily dealt, with and nt the close a very happy social was held. Music for daneUig was supplied by Sisters C. B. Davis. K. Thompson and R. Johnstone. A pleasing incident was the presentation of an autograph album and anniversary cake to the retiring 1 T.P.N.G., Sister E. Thompson. who is shortly leaving the district. SUtor M. Yardloy made the presentation on liehalf of the sisters, who were initiated during Sister Thompson's term of office. A weddinjr gift was also presented to Bro. and Sister T). Oiddy. who veto recently married, both being post officers of Te Puninorn Lodge. Bro. H. Martin and Sister Oiddy. who nto to ho married shortly, also received n gift.

Court To Kuiti, A.0.F.. held their quarterly meeting on Monday last, visitors heing present from Te Antra and MoWnuiti The delegates to the recent annual conference held in Auckland gav« a most interesting report of

the proceedings, stating that during the ! previous year sick and funeral ftind 1 payments amounted to £402!), and the balance of that fund on December 31.' l!i:]N, stood at £71,81i">. Hospital pay- i inent-s were £148.">, whilst the total a-scts for the district amounted to L Hi, .727. During the evening three! n.>w members were initiated with due i ceremony, and three more nominations were received. This makes nine initiations in tho past two months, and, with the officers nil very keen, more new members are expected. After supper! had been served, bowls and card* passed . the remainder of the evening in a very j pleasant way. ' 1

The Cordon Tent. 1.0. R., held their usual meeting on Tuesday last, the C.R.. Sister 11. Wagner, presiding over a good attendance of officers and members. Alter the opening ceremonies the officers ot Lyiindale I'ent were officially iecei\ed and welcomed, these be i 111; in attendance for a friendly «aiiic of bowls. An invitation was received from the Onehunga K.S.A. for a series of games at their club rooms. The P.(.!>., liro. X. Ireland, presented tile syllabus for the coming half-year, which was endorsed. After business, some good games of bowls were enjoyed, supper being served by the ladies.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 139, 15 June 1939, Page 27

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 139, 15 June 1939, Page 27

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 139, 15 June 1939, Page 27