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WANGANELLA FROM SYDNEY. MUKO MARU DUE. 11:11.1 \.\ -1 \i: 1.11 \n- I'm; i.iiNihiN. I I! .• •1 n ,|..i -in|, An^lo-Canadian, ''" ! '<>■ ■ '•>' ■ '■•■> 1 ■ ■-, < 1 j>t,Tin 1 11 ' ' ! ■" 1 '" li'i- 1 11. i--1 ' »■ iM-< .i'i ! I'M- ill, ( ..:,-! ]~..! ' M ' 1'10,',.., ~,„| ...,.„, 1 ,1 ~,.-„„ ;,,„| wil | '" ! : ' " I'.:" •■- h1...... i'i.'!..," In-r 1,1 ' '■' " at --.In. > , I ;,,. ||,„|,|.,,t I'.i' '■-■• 1 "in|..i:i\ '. in ,!.,,• .;,-,,, Wangane'la .ill ,inii,. in,,,, >~|m . , ;m ,| \|..]. '"" I " 1 " •'! I" IH"I I"U Mil,l 1,..,i|, at '.''"' '"'■ ii.ii :'. v|„. !..,. Ji).| ~., —~„„,.,.„ '""I -''' ;i " a! . ..I-,, .iml uj] ~,-,1 ut 111 I' ■'"■ '". 11. in -'Li \ 1',.1 >\,Tiu'\ an.l Mel 1 "'' "'«'" .il»> ill I lie .-ai'ni- ii 11 111 fx-r '"" l-'-il li".---. I lie -learner Muk.. Mat n. «<•» i"i... «;,:, I, 1,.M k„i„.. .iM|,.,„. „n M-'-'l -'7 nill aiih Tlim.iliM 1.1,,1,1 "- "i'i, u -~ 1 ,-,,1-ji. ;,,,.! - ,".N| tf.l "' !«■.•»<• i"i V.Vlliii-t,,,, „„ i-vi.lav •"'"■' m—l-. ii'.i-cii ~,,,1 5.„„,.,-:. '■""" ''I; 'Hi' I'.Cll ~_•. ~.-. Tl.,' 111,,,. ,s,i "' '• -I'-.iiiii'i' Trojan Star, Sin-'.-, '"";•. ( ! 'l"'"n l-ic1i1,,,,.. ~,-,iM,| IIIU l'""li;i- i"i L..11.1..11 uii.l «,..( ~,„!, | , „ J ,' t I J. s| i«' 1- ; "'i lli.'il nl (/iii-i-i,-. wharf aml i~ *'M""''"I i" m : I 111 .-. |..,,i. ~,1 I'Viihiv " "'i ■' '.'« |ni--i'iiv r- ami .1 fill: r-ai-o.i.' Tekoa. whi.l, ~m . ,,| ~„ <~t , ,,,|av ■■"••''■'"-•" I'i.'ui l.i\.-i| '. j, ,|i.,.l,„r»ii,'» ■" '.".""..'- »:....i. -;„■ win 1,,,,,.' ,-,„ Nap'or u.'M M,.inl.i\ . 1 N./>. (~.) Akaroa ;nmn| f |'~,i ( |,;,l„„.|-, "ii „ftei n.,.,11. l H >i I hin- „ 1 ( ~„. "'"i "I'ai'f, Sl„. i~ f,„- ii„,.,| lunilinj, ~„,) "'" -'«il nl ■"' I'.mi. 1,11 Tli,i,-,|„v' with I'M -.MM I -CI- ~,„! ~; n. j,,, (A.S.P.) Dumont d'Urville, l-'n-ucli „'(,,.|,. f-nile,! ''" '" -i'i'. .M-lenliiv lur Tahiti after •' M-" "I' Iwelve ,|,., v < here , French N'mi.l Salvus, with |.!„„-|,!,;,,,. ,',,,;„ y.,,,,.,, I-I.iii,l. which w.i.. ('\|„.,|,.,| t,, ,n,,||„w, ll ' l - 1 11 .liwTlc.l 1,, New |",v 111, null ninl \V«ii»niiiii 1., <li-chaiu-e. 111.1'.c.) Forresbank lefi Nauru mi Mav hi fur Ori-ati Man,l an.l ~il,l with pliiwf.ll.lle. she i- duo her,. ne\| Sotiml.M. 111. P.C.) Mariposa left M, • 11, 1,,. t <>-<Ta v f.u Svtlni-v mill Sydney mm Kriilay fur \licklainl. She w ill ' aiiive iiexl Mmiilav nl 7, -ailiiij at ."> |i.m. fur San Franci.c,.. (||..\l., Port Sydney i~ expected to nn-he next Mnn,lav 11101 ■11i 11 -_r from Ojnia to coiitiniic liiiulino; 1',,,- 1,,,n,10p ami Wot. ( .Met. port-. (N.Z.S. ( II.) Fiscus will arrive ,111 \V(mliuv,liiv to hunker. S| u . i-, 01l n from J-'itc-piirt. I'.S.A.. to Ceeloii".. South Ailc-11'nliil. (SpiMhlin;:. 1.1 d.) Aorangi will arrive 11,-\l Moinlav from \'aiicnii\er. via port,-. She *niN at initltliolit 011 Tue-ilav for Svdncv. (I'.S.S. In.l River Lugar, which i< .li-charoins Hll"iir from .lava at (hcl-ea, will .-ail at. the end of the month for Nauru. IA.U.K.)


Tekoa, from Liverpool. .T.'IO p.m. Akaroa, friun Port I'linlincrs. :t.lo p.m. Kaplti. from WhaiiL-arei. A.IT, p.m. Mariraret W.. from Kast Coast. O.atl p.m Hauitl. from Surfdale. »>..'t."i p.m. Tulioe, from I'aeroa. 10 p.m.

Yesterday. Pono, from Thames. 1 ."■ a.m. Motu. from Awaiiui. n. 1.1 a.m. Ton. friun Whakatane. a.m. Wiilotiihl. from opolikl. n.m. Iltlmnl. from 'laurariL-a. M.lo a.m. Itnroonn. from iWw Kay. I. p.m Hauitl. fr»ni Surfdale, (i.ijo p.m.

This Day. Kalmnl. from Westport. .'I a.m. Waipiala. from Wellington. 0.t.". n.m. Trojan Star, from I.yl tellon. 0.00 Kiirow, from Port Pirlc, " a.m.

DEPART U RES—Yesterday. llauitl. for Snrfdale, 0.45 n.m. Kiimont ilTrville, f„ r Tahiti. H).IT. ain Avninol, f„r Awanul. 1 p.m. Kuplli, for WhaiiKarei. 10 p.m.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. TO-DAY, Kopiua. rroin Portland, evening. TO MOKUOW. llauitl, fr.un Coruniaudel, .". a m. Wanßanella. .rnin Sydney, morning Tulioe. fr.i.n Paeroa. iiio'rnllig Kaplli. from Whangnrei. morning link.i Maru. from Japan, due. llauitl, from Snrfdale, o p.m.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. TO DAV. Hauitl. for Coromundcl. 3 p . m . Pono, for Thames. ;; | Ton. for Wliakalane. \ p.m. Clansman, for Hoiihora. -I p.m. Pitroto. for Hay of Islands, 4 p.m. Walotalil. for Opofiki. I p m Port Wnlkato. for Wellington. 4 p 111 Wiilnnn, r„r Wellington, evening. TOMORROW. llauitl. for Surfdale. 9.1."; n.m Ma run ret W.. for Kast Coast. 4 pm Tulioe. fur I'acron. 4 p.m Kaplti, for Whanu'iirel, 4 -. m otimiil, for Tauninsra. 4 i> m Koparn, for Kast Const, I p.m. Hauitl, for Great Barrier, midnight.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVALS—YESTERDAY. Konaki. rmni 11 ok i;i njrn, s.:;n u.ui. Miiiiliirii, from New Plymouth, C..4.1 p.m. Tin' lionuki soils tliis afternoon for Rug. m, ami Kuwhhl. The Niknu Is due nil \\ cilncsilny in..ruin- t'r Nelson Mini is , ;i"'""l i" Mill Hi.- sum.- ,m.v ..n her

VESSELS IN PORT. l'" - ".i 'ii St.-ir. iiii. miis Wharf IBS I. i I J -".i. n,ic.n\. Wharf i\.Z S Co i Kurmv. Prime'.- Wharf il'.ss i'i. i u "' >>"•'. '.' ns Wharf (U.S.S. Co I aipiaia. Prince's Wharf iI'.S.S Co i 11 ■< .i-M. . i cutral Wharf il». an.l (',. ) Akar.i.i. Central Wh.irf i.\.S V i l\"imil.i. King's Wharf iC.S.S. Co) K.iiniai. W.-iein Wharf iW c c, , Mi-raiir-l W., Kings Wharf li' Co-op) l!i\i-r'ir. Chelsea IAGK j W liakarire. in <I<>t-k iN.FI.It , 11.M.5. Achilles. Devonport (Naval Pept.) . ■ J-'' 1 "" 1 ' 1 ". Devonport iNuvul Dept.) 11.M.5. Philomel, Dcvonuort .Naval Dent i Mirulii, Hudson's Hay (R.F.A.).

UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. W.iiana sails 111 tl p. m . to-dav for Wei liiiKtoii, Pieion. L.vtieltoti, Kuni-dln, lilutf ■ml 'lima rii. Waiin nim, is expected to leave Lvltell"ii at 1 p.m. (oihi.v r,,r Auckland. via'WelKiwiica left Westport at 10.30 a.m. on Sal unlay for Auckland. Karllvi is e\p t si.<l to sail tomorrow ev nim; for Westpoi I. An.'l.i < .1 ii.ulia 11 a rrireil this afternoon. K'.in'.ila expects h. sail on Erlday for Newcstl-. I'luin Tort Lincoln, is due al M.i.v L',s. K.iriiane is dm. here next Thursday ' nim.'. After Ui.selinrne. she proceeds to l-oitlan.l. • •nana has heeii a r.a to load at EdlllilmrK. Adelaide and Melbourne early in • I une I'm- New Plymouth, Auckland. Wcllius;|iiu and Lyttelton. A.iraiiui is due at Suva at (i a.lll. ~,, liiday and sails at 1 1 the same dav for Auckland. She leaves, lore at lilldtllalit on Tuesday. May ;{n, for Sydney. TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICES. Moiunvul—Left Sydney May 11; left Auckland, May 10; arrives Vancouver June J; leaves Vancouver, June 7; arrives Auckland June JO; arrives Sydney, July 1. Mariposa—T.eavt-s Sydney May 20; leaves Auckland .May 21); arrives San Francisco June 13; leaves San Francisco June 'M; arrives Auckland July 7; arrives Sydney July 10. Monterey — Leaves San Francisco May '!",; arrives Auckland Juno 0; arrives Sydney June 12; leaves Sydney June 12K; arrives Auckland June JO; arrives San Francisco July 11. Aoraiij,'! -Left Vancouver May 10; arrives Auckland May Jb; arrives Sydney June 2. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. Aw.ilea —Left Sydney. Mav 110: arrives WelliiiKlon. May -Jl; leaves Wellington, May I'ii; arrives Sydney, May at; leaves Sydii'-y. May .;<,; arrives Auckland, June 'J: leaves Auckland, June <>. Waiuranolln—Left Svdncv. Mav 10; arrives Auckland. May •_':;: leaves Auckland, May J.V. arrives Sydney. May •_l>: leavesSydney. .Inni< , - |; arrives Wellington. Jim* 7: leaves Wellington, June h; arrives Sydney, June IJ.

TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. New Plymoiilli. Mav lio —Sailed Ailelfni Chnndris. lor Westport. c. Aiiij- '11.— Arrived : l-ort .Sydney, rroni London, 7 Wellington, May L'o.—Arrived : Macoma, from lialik Papan. 111.", p.m. Sailed: Port Alma. f.,r Dune,tin. 1u.r.0 p.m.: Kakapo. for Westport. _-.L'.-, |i.i,i. : .Narhmla, for l.jttleton. 0..;.-| p.m. Mav Sailed: California Star, for Napier. Vl.\7, ,p.m. I.yttelton. May lmi.—Salloit : l'akura. for Napier. 10 p.m. May I'l — Arrived : Waipawa. front London, 7..'in a.m. Kunedin. May I'll Arrived: Port Alma, from Wellington, t p.m. Sailed: Taranaki, tor 'liniaru, 7.1J0 a.m. OVERSKAS. Suva, May Tl.— Arrived: H.M.S Wellington, from Auckland. 7 a m Sydney May •-'-•.--Arrived: Alyubank, Iron, Auckland. Sailed: Waipori. for Lvt tellon; Kalinpi, for New Plymouth. Capetown. May Is.--Sailed: Dominion Monarch, from Wellington to London. London .May 10.- -Arrived : Waimarama, rroni Auckland. May SO—Arrivod : I'iako, Irom Duiicdlii. P.alhoa. May 19.- Arrived : Cornwall, from Auckland to London; Imperial star, rroni Lyttelton to London. KuiKston, May 19.—Arrived : Frankfurt, iron, Napier to Dunkirk. Sailedlairoa, from Wellington to London

WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to he within range of the Auckland wireless station to-night:-11.M.5. Endeavour, Kaiwarra. Karitane. Matua. Maul lomare. Wangiiiiella, Anglo Canadian, Citv or Delhi. lorn.-hank. Kiseus. Durmont HI. Mile, .Muko Maru, I'ort liowen, Salvus

CARGOES TO ARRIVE. vVnngaiiclla Mny 23 .. Svdnev '""' Muru May m . *J™JJ I'orreshank Mny 27 Nauru Port Chalmers .... May 2s ... Londo Mi,.v 29 Port Lincoln ft'?." 8 ' May 29 . Vancouver Mariposa M„y 29 .Sydney .lames Cook May 2 9 ../. M '" u, { May 3o .. Ilarotongn Naumburg May ; i0 Xew Url( .an, Kimutnka May 31 .... Ixuidon Awnleu j lllje ■> Sydney tape Horn June :: . Vancouver , 1 1 ,,r "7' ,n * J'l»C 3 ... Liverpool Huntingdon I une 4 Kevin Marl Chaudrls .... June r» s'fav New Zealand liiiic C. ..."'Bahrein lemple l'jer liiiic S . New York Monterey .|„,„. 9 San Francisco Kmplre Mar June 12 ... London Maetsuycker June 12 Saigon Port liunrdin lime l:; .. Liverpool Ut.v of Glasgow ... June 13 .. Montreal r US ? cx „ >uue 22 .. Liverpool .1. A. Brown June 2.j I'alembaun Narrlana June 23 . New Yon Monowal Ju„ e 25 . Vancouver rollen lune 28 . Vancouver loiiKariro June 29 .. I.iverpoe ?' ,S!!e . s „ '«ly 0 .. Liverpool Rangltlkl Inly 6 London Mariposa Inly 7 Sau Francisco Sydney Mnru Inly ]o lapun t'ort Halifax Inly 12 ... Montreal! fasmnn July 13 Saigon Mataroa inly 13 Southampton it.v of Singapore . July 17 .. New VorH Naniwa Maru Inly 22 Japan Niagara Inly 21 . Vancouver JJ'xmoa luly 20 .. Liverpool lioperange July 29 Los Angeles •Monterey Aug. 4 San Francisco Kan una Aug. 9 . . New York llurmmi Aug. in .. Liverpool City or Delhi Aug. 11 .. Montreal ■

AIRWAY PASSENGERS. Arrivals.—Saturday, from the South, 11.40 a.m.: Miss L. Sullivan. Mr. H. A. Jenkins. 2.30 p.m.: Or. H. and Mrs. Joseph. Mr. I). R. Rankin, Mrs. E. J. Bus sett. Yesterday. 3 p.m.: Mr. J. L. Weir, Mr. N. Dyer. Mr. J. Robertson. Miss P. Reid. Mr. A. E. Wells. Mr. P. Welsh, Mr. A. Klston, Mr. T. McGill. Departures.—Yesterday, for the South, 8 a.m. : Miss M. Beattie, Miss A. J. Mead. Mr. 11. Kirciuneyer, Mrs. R. Kirchmever, Mrs. I). R. Walker. Mrs. Rae. This dav. 8 a.m.: Mrs. M. Keath. Mr. R. G. Montgomery. Mr. .?. R. Noun : Mrs. M. E. Chaytor. Mr. Deuxbery, Mr. J. A. Howie, Miss Smale. Mr. C. M. Richwliite. Mr. .1. McKane. For Kast Coast, 8.10 a.m. : Miss M. Chassey, Miss M. Clnrk. Master S. Wills. Miss M. Tooman. Mrs. J. W. Stewart, Mr. V. H. Pcake.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 118, 22 May 1939, Page 4

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ANGLO-CANADIAN. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 118, 22 May 1939, Page 4

ANGLO-CANADIAN. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 118, 22 May 1939, Page 4