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. LEASE OFFERED. " ;")/ Acres, shack, handy li'i" '' s £ sulmrhan station.—l! 7 {, "'>'*«! K<l.. lu-iir S;i inlrinirhnin shops. 2JI U r p ° E A SE. ■8 r 41 CIVIC <'I I AMI'KRS/* :»7 f Kllioit StriM-t. ij UKCK Hon.M, of approw i;«;o sq ft {rd r floor), in this Modern Fireproof Buihlinir. :\ ml <;«.o<ls Lift, with aws.s to A llmtl Street. < Immediate Possession.) Also, >. I I' TO-DATK PACTUUV. rijrht at the hark '' abovy lniil«l inir, taring Albert j* Street. Self-eont nined. with through n iireess to Klliott Street*. Approx. s< ! if, --storey, and possession can be •j given on June 1 next. r A ""'- v CARETAKER. or ■j' Phones 44-111+ and L'i; (tT'J. 29 r I> I' 11.1 H .N«J SECTION IX I'AI'AKCHA > !» township open ] (ii: selection ~ OX RENEWABLE LEASE. Notice is hereby given Mint tin' lindermen i ioin-il section is open (.»r selection on Renewable Lease aml a|• ]>]ira I ions will In; ■' reecived al lliis ottice up I ill 4, on MdXIIAV. May 11 Applicants arc required lo appear personally ;or cxaniina lion before 1 lie North Auckland Land Board . at ln.:iil a.m. on MAY 17. I !•:!!». Section 74, Block XI.. I'apaKnra Village: Area. J rood; hall' jearly rental, 17 11. The sect ion is situated at the ejirner of Kins; Edward and Onslow Koads, (|uarter mile from I'apaknra. Section is tlat hut i", low-lying. Town water supply available. I'till particulars may he had on applica- ,' lion to 1,. J. I'OFF, Commissioner of Crown Lands, XoHh Auckland, I'rivale Bag, Auckland, C.l. ' O'.l I / IROWN LAND NEAR OKAIUAC OPEN - > l'oii selection on renewable ; J.KASK. Notice hereby given that the under- . mentioned sections are open for selection on lieue wa hie l.easc and applications will lie received at lllis ollice up till 11 11.111. on I MONDAY. MAY 1.-,. 1 Applicants arc reqnirill to appear personally lor examina t ion heforc the l.and Jioanl in Auckland on WKII.XKSUAY. MAY 17, PJ.'i'l, at HIISII a in J'.AY OF ISLANDS I'IU'XTY Oniapere > S.l». Section -J4. I (lock IV.: Area. 15(1 ( acres, half yearly rent, 4/. Sections IT. and L>ii. I'.lock IV.: Area, I.V.i acrehalf yearly rent. i'J S'. Weighted with tsti ' tor improvements payable in cash or on terms. 1 niprovenienIs comprise : tin ; chains fencing and t lircc ohl >.h tcks. Itenlal • exemption for three yearn conditional oil ' efl'ectintr of certain improvements. Sections art' siluati'd on the OkailiauKerikcri Road, eight miles from okaihii'i I School and Hail way Station In formed and ; metalled road. Section -J4. easy rising to undulat ing l.i in I. nearly 'all 'ploughalilo. , tolally nniniprovcd. covered in short : manuka, fern and hakea, with gorse in evidence. Soil is light brown with some ironstone. I'oorl.i' watered. hut permanent water could Iw obtained by boring. Sections jr> and L'ti. comprise similar tvpc of count ry. I hree (|tia rt ers ploit-hahle. Fairly , well watered by permanent streams. I* nil pa rt icu hi rs may lie had oil application to I. .T. I'OFF, foinmissioner of Crown r.and«. North Auckland. I'rivate I'.air. Auckland. C.l. PUBLIC NOTICES. yoCIAh SECI KI'I Y CON TlMltl TION. On M.iv 1 an instalment of the Ileitis . (ration Fee will become parable by "all persons of sixteen years of aire or over wlni are ordinarily resident of New Zea , land, other than those exempt. All sneh persons*, irrespective of oeeupa t ion. ealli"" or status are required to be rcL-i-tered under I lie Social Security Act and in possession of a hook, whether or not i n receipt of income or* entilied to ' exemption from liaynient. Details of the classes id' persons entitled to claim exoinp ''".n may I btained at any Money Order (•Mice. l-A'ery person who is so entitled must complete the appropriate form of application for exemption within seven ( days :'fier the last, day for payment of such ins(alment. 'I'he lirst instalment of (ho Social Security I'hatL'c of 1/ in the jioiind on income other than salary .r»- waL-es derived durini: the year ended Marih .".1, 1 . l, v all persons ordinarily resident in New Zealand, incliidinir Natives, who have attained the aire of sixteen years, except persons in receipt of a war pension in respect of total disablement. also falls due on Mav 1. it js essential that a «!.•< la ra I ion of such Income (■•nil" or oiherwisei. lo'.'ci Iht wi:h the declaration of "Industrial and Occupational Status." be furnished dnrinir Mav by all such persons, l'art 11. of the declaration form relating ti> the industrial and occupational stnt us of the ileclarnnl must also Incompleted in all cases. Declaration forms mav be ohtain/'d from any Money-Order Ollice. The exemption of CT.O allowed to women find also all other exemptions preyiou<lv provided for under the limploviiient 1 - motion Act, 1 have heen d'isconl inic •!. and are not allowable for Social Security Ch.'irsre pitr|ioses, except i M the case of a person in receipt of a war pension in respect of total disablement. IVrsons who fail to furnish declarations as and when required render themselves liable, on summary conviction, to a line of £■"11. A penally cipial to in per cent of the ii 111011111 in vol veil i! I he incurred on any instalment of the ehnrtre not paid within one month of the due dale. Any employer who employs for mor r than seven days a person who has failed to register or who is in arrear with Ihc re-risl rat ion fee is liable, on suinmarv cue viction. to n fine of f'Jli. ''•"TV person who is leaving X'ew 7."a j land either pi-rma lien Ily or t emporaril v is required before depart lire to obtain a Cle irance _ Certilicate. This crl Hic.-i te should he obtained by ail persons whether in receipt of income or not. Appiica I ion for a Clearance Cerl ilieate should lie made to the Commissioner of Taxes. Wellington, not earlier than thirlv davs and if possible not later than fifteen days before Ihe intended date of departure from New Zealand. Application forms, with instructions (hereon, are available at all shipping otlices Employers are required to deduct the Social Security Charge from the salaries or wages paid lo employees, including the value of henelits in kind, such as food, lodging or free house provided, and must also ensure that the employees effect payment of all due instalments of Ihe Jtc't'stration Fee. •T. M. PA nic. Commissioner of Taxes. YOUK OfPOItT UNITY FOR FIJEF FLYING. Now Is time to got Info Aviation. Two tree Flying Scholarships to be awarded in April. Take your initial step into this growing profession through the Aircraft Club of N.Z. Write, sending 3d in stamps, for newFree Booklet, to AIRCRAFT Chun OP NEW ZEALAND, P.O. Box 142.1Y, Wellington. WS rjU> WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. All Orders on business firms given by P.ert JSarr.v. of J.i. Oakhuiils lioad. Ml. Fden (deceased), are now cancelled. 1!. I! AIJ RY. ! OAMKIiASIAN Sent I'ree to Parlies Weddings. Snap Homes. Children i Pets, etc. —IE eg. Lewis. 4U-4PJ. C | —^^ •— _ i CARS FOR HIRE. . A UCKLANI) Rental Cars. Ltd.—RrandZ7" ( ' ars f " r Hire. —150. Albert St ' Phone p ( . < r' ar;lvans - Trailers— Car Hire, Ltd. 4Qn. Itroadyay. Newnikt. Pit. 17-1.56. D r«AHB to Kent without drivers: brandRpniliao' Newmttrke t Rentals. Limited. Hroadwa.v. Newmarket. Phone D fIARS HIRKD WITHOUT DRIVERS < DRIVIO VOURSIOLF. LTD. ' ] Phone 4:!-r,00. 4 LOWER A LBERT STKRF3T. Week Days, from 0/ per Half Day. .10/ per Day. * * £> OARS„r.0 ARS „ r . U T° RENT Without Drivers. P Also Vans. Caravans and Trailers CADMAN'S PARKING STATION. LTD 1 Grey's Avenue. Phone 47-000. "d y QARS JJENTED - TO DRIVE YOURSELF. 56 B RANDNEW Q ARS ] Just Purchased. ALL 19nS MODELS. ALL ions MODELS. THE LARGEST FLEET IN NEW 1 ZEALAND. Week Days, from 6/ per Half Day. 10/ per Day. J gHORTBR'S QARS. s 59. SHOKTLAND STREET. f Phone 44 061. I - D S

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 99, 29 April 1939, Page 22

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Page 22 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 99, 29 April 1939, Page 22

Page 22 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 99, 29 April 1939, Page 22