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WESTFIELD SALE. PRICES GENERALLY FIRMER. SMALL ENTRY ALL ROUND. Fat stock prices were generally firm at the Westfiekl Kaster sale yesterday, held a day earlier than usual to allow stock to be killed in time to supply the retail demand for the holidays. Offerings of all elates of stock were smaller than usual. Prices for prime beef were fully up to last work's quotations, fat steers realising up to £14 10/ a head, compared with £14 at the previous sale. Towards the end of the sale, however, plain and unfinished sorts showed an easier tendency. With mutton in short supply and bidding keen, values improved for both wethers and ewes. Lambs were also firmer. Calves sold freely at late rates, and prices for pifis were much the same as last week. Following is the range of prices, together with last week's:— This Week. Last Week BEEF (per 1001b)— Extra .choice ox 35/ 35/ Choice & prime ox ....... 31/ to 34/ 31/ to 34/ Choice & prime cow & Leifer 28/ to Ml/ 28/ to 31/ Holier & rough . 20/ to 25/ 20/ to 26/ SIIKEI , (per head)— Prime wethers .18/ to 22.'!) 18/ to 23/0 I mm. wethiTs . l.'i/eto 17/ 8/ to 17/9 Prime ewes ... 10/ to 18/0 10/ to 17/ 111 tin. owes ... 2/6 to 8/« 2/6 to il/9 Prime lambs .. H;/ to 2.-./0 14/ to 25/ Infill, lamlis .. !)/ to 10/ 6/ to 11/6 CALVES (per heart)— pinners So/ to 153/ 80/ to 155/ \ealers Z/ to 00/ 2/ to 88/ PIUS (per head)— Bat-oners 56/ to 76/ 56/ to 76/ Porkers 35/ to 54/ 35/ to 55/ Weaners ;-!/ ti> 10/ 3/ to 12/ Slips 12/ to 14/ 0/ to 20/ Large stores .. 16/ to 30/ 18/ to 30/ ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. Alfred Bucliland and Sone, Ltd., reports:— Beef.—At our weekly Westfield fat stock market we penned fat cattle to the number of 221 head, as against 274 head last week, comprising 01 steers and 160 cows and heifers. Ox beef again sold under steady competition at fully late quotations. Cows and heifers showed little or no alteration on late salee. Extra choice ox sold to £1 15/ per 1001b; choice and prime, £1 12/ to £1 14/; secondary and plain, £1 8/ to £1 11/; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 7/ to £1 10/; j ordinary, £1 to £1 3/. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £13 10/ to £14 10/, the latter price being paid for steers from Mr. J. H. Eyre, Onewhero; heavy, £12 10/ to £13; lighter, £12 to £12 7/6; light, £10 10/ to £11 10/; small and unfinished, £7 to £9 10/; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £9 to £9 12/6; heavy, £7 to £8; lighter, £5 10/ to £6 10/; other killable cows, £4 to £5. Sheep.—Our total offering of sheep numbered 659. A small yarding of wethers sold freely at late rates, fiwee were penned in email numbers and showed a decided improvement on late sales. Heavy prime wethers realised £1 2/ to £1 2/9; medium to heavy, £1 to £1 1/6; light to medium, 18/ to 19/6; unfinished, 15/6 to, 17/; extra heavy prime young ewes, 16/ to 18/9; heavy, W' to 15/; lighter, 12/ to 13/6; other killable ewee, 10/ to 11/; other ewes, 2/6 to 8/.

Lambs.—Lambs were penned to the number of 542, and a good sale resulted at slightly better values. Extra heavy prime lambs sold at £1 3/ to £1 5/9; heavy, £1 1/ to £1 2/; lighter, 18/6 to £1: light, 16/ to 17/; small and plain, 9/ to 15/.

Calvee. —There was an average yarding of calves. Bidding was very steady for all prime quality vealers and runners, and values were very firm on last week's quotations. Heavy .prime runners made £6 to £7 .15/ for a well-finished steer from Mr. G.' A. Findlay, Miranda; light a nd unfinished runners, £4 5/ to £5 2/; heavy prime vealers, £3 15/ to £4 10/; medium, £3 3/ to £3 12/; light, £2 6/ to £2 8/; smaller, £1 8/ to £1 18/; small, 15/ to £14/; unfinished and bucket-fed, 12/ to £1 1/; bobby calvee, 3/ to 14/. A total of 159 ealves was sold.

Pigs.—We had a full entry of pigs, a large proportion being unfinished and light porkers. Bidding was steady and values linn for prime sorts. Competition was restricted for unfinished pigs and prices were lower. Choppers made £1 .to £3 10/; heavy prime baeoners, £3 11/ to £3 16/; medium, £3 6/ to £3 9/; light, £2 16/ to £3 4/; heavy porkers £2 10/ to £2 14/; medium, £2 2/ to £2 6/; lig&t, £1 15/ to £1 18/" unfinished and small, £1 to £1 10/; large stores realised late quotations, but smaller sorts and weaners were again hard to quit; large stores, £1 4/ to £1 10/; smaller, 16/ to £1; elips, 12/ to 14/; weanetie, 3/ to 8/; baconers sold from 6d to 6V*d per lib and porkers 5%d to 6d per lb. A total of 658 pxga was Bold. LOAN AND MERCANTILE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reporter — Beef.—At the Westfleld fat stock market we had a small yarding of beef. There was no improvement in the demand, and values were on a par with last week's sale. Extra choice ox sold to £1 15/ per 1001b; choice and prime, £1 10/ to £1 14/; eidinai-y and plain ox, £1 5/ to £1 9/; prime young cow and heifer beef, £17/ to £1 10/; ordinary, £1 to £1 6/. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £13 to £13 10/; heavy, £11 17/6 to £12 17/6; lighter, £10 12/6 to £11 15/; light, £9 to £10 10/; plain and small, £7 10/ to £8 17/6; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £7 5/ to £8 15/; lighter, £6 2/6 to £7 2/6; light, £S to £6; aged and plain finished cows, £3 to £4 IS/. Sheep,—A small market of sheep met a ready sale, values being firm at late quotation*. Heavy prime wethers made £1 2/3 to £1 3/6; medium, £1 to £1 2/; light, 18/ to 19/9; small and unfinished, 14/ to 17/9.

Lambs.—Lambs in average number* realised late values, Heavy prime realised £1 2/ to £1 3/6; medium, 18/6 to £1 1/8; light, 16/ to 18/; smaller, 12/3 to 15/6; uuh'niahed, best, 8/6 to 12/: others, 5/ to 8/. .Pigs,—We had a small yarding of pigs. There was no alteration in values, which were on a par with last week's quotations. Choppers sold from £2 to £3 11/; heavy and medium baconers, from £3 6/ to £3 14/; light baooners and heavy porkers, from £2 18/ to £3 4/; medium porkers and light porkers, from £2 4/ to £2 13/; small, £1 10/ to £2 2/. Store pigs were hard to quit, values being easier on last week's quotations. Large stores, 16/ to £11/; *lips, 8/ to 14/; weaners, 4/ to 9/. Calves,—Our entry of calvea was an average one. The competition wae steady and last week's improved values were very firm. Runners sold at £2 10/ to £5 9/; heavy vealers, JE3 14/ to £4 6/; medium, £3 3/ to £3 12/; Hght, £2 10/ to £3; smaller, £2 to £2 8/; small, £1 to £1 18/; rough calves, 15/ to £1 8/; fresh dropped, 5/ to 18/. DALGETY AND COMPANY. Dalgety and Company, Limited, reports:— Beef.--At our weekly Westfield fat stock market our offering of beef totalled 174 head, comprising 62 steers and 112 cows and heifers, against 138 head last week. The quality was first class and selling uniler a keen demand, last week's values ruled very firm. We did not yard any heavy-weight steers. Extra choice ox eold to 35/ per 1001b; choice and prime, 32/ to 34/; just killable, 28/ to 3.1/; prime young cow and heifer beef, 27/ to 3,0/; | just killable, 20/ to 26/; medium prime steers, £11 10/ to £12 2/6; light prime Fleers made £10 15/ to £11 10/; smnll and unfinished, £6 17/6 to £10 10/; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £9 to £10 2/6; heavy, £8 to £9; lighter,

£6 15/ to £7 15/; light *ow ß , £5 to £6 10/; other killable cows, £3 10/ to £4 10/.

Sheep.—We had a full yarding of sheep pt excellent quality. Competition was better and last week's rates were decidedly better for both wethers and ewee. Extra heavy prime realised £1 3/3 to £1 3/9heavy prime, £1 2/ to £1 3/; medium' £1 0/6 to £1 1/6; light and unfinished la/9 to £1; heavy prime ewes, 15/6 to 17/6; lighter, 12/6 to 15/; other ewes, 10/6 to 12/.

Lambs.—An average entry of lambs sold under keen competition at full late rates. Heavy prime lamb made £1 to £1 1/medium, 18/ to 19/6; lighter, 16/ to 17/6 Calves.—Calves were yarded in smaller numbers than last week. The quality generally was up to. standard. Competition was again keen and the smaller yarding resulted in a slight improvement in values on last week's quotations. Runners real ised £4 to £6; heavy vealers, £3 14/ to £4 6/: medium, £3 to £3 12/; light, £2 <>/ to £2 18/; smaller, £1 15/ to £2 4/; small. £1 6/ to £1 13/; unfinished bucket18/ to £12/; bobby calves, 5/ to 14/. rigs.—Pigs came forward in smaller numbers. Competition was keen and a steady sale resulted. Heavy baconere brought £3 11/ to £3 16/; medium, £3 7/ to £3 10/; light, £2 13/ to £3 •>/; heavy porkere, £2 9/ to , £2 13/; medium, £2 2/ to £2 6/; light, £1 15/ to £2store pigs. £1 to £1 6/; slipe, 11/ to 14/; weaners, 6/ to 10/. I ____ ADDINGTON MARKET. FAT LAMBS IN DEMAND. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, Tuesday. There was no change in yaluee at the weekly stock market at Addington to-day. Entries were small. The store sheep entry of about 12,000 showed a big reduction on that of last week. There w<u little change in lamb values. Lambs, mostly nondescript, sold at low pricen, frequently below 5/ a head. For forward rape lambs, however, there was a good demand. One pen made 13/10 and 13/11, and others not ao well forward 10/ to 12/6- Medium sold from 7/ to 9/, and many others about 5/. Romneycross ewes did not sell so freely as last week, although a big consignment from two leading Chatham Island stations met a fair sale. One line of Chatham four, six and eight-tooth made 15/6, and another 14/6. Some of the better pens of sound-mouthed half; and three-quarter-bred ewes met a fair sale.

A shortage of good butchers' lambs produced a keen sale for fat lambs, up to IVziX per lb being paid for best medium and light-weight prime sorts. Exporters were active on the 7d schedule, and there wae a good steady sale for this class at rates slightly below those. of laet week. The entry of fat lambs totalled about 1500.

With the entry reduced from 6200 last week to about 4500 to-day the sale of fat sheep began keenly. Over the first half competition was keen for prime sorts, butchers' wethere being better by 1/6, and medium by up to 1/. Ewes sold firmly throughout at slightly better rates than a week ago, but ae the sale progressed there was an easing for wethers to about the values of last week. Exporters bought light ewes to a fair extent. Extra prime heavy wethers made to 29/1; prime heavy, 22/6 to 25/; prime medium, 19/6 to 22/; light, to-15/; extra prime heavy ewes, to 21/4; prime heavy, 17/ to 19/6; prime medium, 12/ to 16/; light, to 7/6.

In fat cattle a total of 465 late entries increased the total to the usual average. A heavy percentage of unfinished steers and secondary cows came forward. The sale began slightly better for prime cattle, but there waa little change for others. Values scarcely held over the latter half and on the average there was little change for better cattle. Some best beef made to 37/ per 1001b, and good quality 34/ to 36/. Prime heavy steevs made £14 to £15 2/6; prime medium, £12 5/ to £14 5/; ordinary, £9 5/ to £11 10/; light, to £9; extra prime heifers, to £11 17/6; prime, £9 to £10: medium, £6 10/ to £8 10/; light, to £6 5/; extra prime cows, to £10 12/6; prime. £7 5/ to £8 15/; medium, £5 10/ to £6 10/; light, to £5 5/. The entry at the beginning of the porker sale was very email and there was a sharp advance, but prices receded when the pens filled. Choppers scarcely maintained last week's rates. Baconers came forward in good numbers, last week's rates being barely maintained. Choppers made £2 11/ to £1 18 "V porkers, £2 2/6 to £2 17/6; avenicre price per lb, 6%d to 7%d; baconer ■ £2 17/6 to £4 6/6; average price per lb, 6d to 6%d. TAUMARUNUI CATTLE FAIR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) TAUMARUNUI, Tueeday. Continued dry weather and consequent shortage of green feed restricted the entry of cattle at the annual fair at Taumarunui. The entry comprised about IQOO head of grown eattle, and there was * larg* attendance of King Country formers aiul buyers from Waikato, Te Kuiti, Tβ Awamutu, Kopaki, Ohura, Raetihi, Taihape and Palmerston North. Considering -tne dry season the eattle were in good condition, and quite a number of fat and forward conditioned animals were penned. The best sale of the day was £9 1/ for a pen of well-grown four-year-old Polled Angus bullocks. The fat cattle made up to £8 13/, and good store steers and bullocks sold up to £7 14/. Rough and coloured steers changed hands at from £1 W to £3 4/. Quotations: Fat Hereford bullocks, £7 14/ to £8 10/: fat Polled Angus bullocke, £8 1/ to £8 13/; good condition Polled Angus four-yeai--old bullocks, £8 to £9 1/; other forward Hereford and Polled Angus, 2% and 3y a -year-old steers, £8 to £7 14/; good store bullocks, £6 to £7 12/; coloured steers, £4 to £6; rough coloured and Jersey-cross cattle, £1 16/ to £5; bulls, £3 to £5. PUTARURU. Messrs. Dalgety and Company, Ltd., report on their tri-weekly Putaruru sale, held on Monday, *a follow* :™Only a small yarding of cattle came forward, consisting mostly of forward condition tnd boner Jersey cowe. A pen of nine good fat Jersey cows made £5 5/; heavy boners, £3 5/ to £4 «/; medium, £2 2/ to £3 4/. Pigs: A good yarding of fat pigs came forward with a full yarding of stores and weanera. Fat pigs sold at full la,te quotations, while etorea were easier than recent sale*. Quotation!:—Good quality heavy baeoners, £3 6/ to £3 8/; heavy porkers to light baconers, £2 12/ to £2 18/: heavy porkers, £2 8/ to £2 12/; medium porkers (prime), £2 to £2 5/; medium porkers, £1 16/ to £2; light porkers (prime), £1 10/ to £1 16/; light porkers, £1 3/ to £1 10/; medium etoree, 15/ to 17/; small, 1.0/ to 15/; best slips, 8/ to 10/; best weaners, 6/ to 8/; others, 4/ to 6/. MORRINSVIULE CATTLE SALE, The Farmer* , Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, report that at a special sale of store cattle at Morrinevflle the advertised entry came forward. Some of the cattle had been grazing in the Waikato for a few months, and consequently were penned in better condition. There was a good bench of buyer* present and prices firm at lower levefe. Apparently the reduced prices tempted buyers to operate and a successful sale Is reported. The top price of the sale was £8 15/ for a pen of Polled Angue bullocks in forward condition, while a pen of Shorthorn cattle from the same place made £8 12/. Another pen of Polled Angus forward condition steers realised £8 4/, while 3%-year Hereford steers sold from £7 6/ to £7 14/; 2%-year Hereford steers, £5 10/ to £5 15/; 3%-year Polled Angus eteers. £7 11/ to £8 12/; other grown Polled Angus steers, £7 1/ to £7 15/; 2%jiteers. £7 11/ to £8 12/; other grown Polled Ausrus steers, £7 1A to £7 15/; 2%year Polled Aliens steers,. £6 10/ to £6 17'; 18-month Polled Anaru* steers. £4 10/ to £4 17'. smaller, £3 19' to £4 18/: (TiK-pfl col~n"«rl hnlWVe. £« 3/: J°reey V.,,'V'V:«, f»ff'»n £♦!♦': tvn-vmr Here-fo'-.l Wif<»«. £2 to £3 11/; Polled Angus heifere, £3 7/.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 80, 5 April 1939, Page 27

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LIVE STOCK MARKET Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 80, 5 April 1939, Page 27

LIVE STOCK MARKET Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 80, 5 April 1939, Page 27