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LEADERS TO MEET. GRAFTON TACKLES .EDEN. Y.M.C. A. WILT. MAY. PABNEDL. After a spell idr the 'Pluitket. Shield gam(';;'!with. .Wellington, the. ■.Auckland Cricket, Association's -senior championship will be resumed to-morrow. The principal;' attraction.::,will be the. meeting' of "'Eden (hist year's champions) .and, Grafton/the latter'-of,'whom was displaced! front; top! position!', i'lv.fortnight ago. \:\ ,':'-■. •■2)"' i "The'other Eden Park- engagements are' ParnelK'v.K Y.M.C.A.;, and,-. .'!S r arsity v. Middlemore. ..'"''j,;,','!':;-,. .''■"■'."'■'■•■r- : ''\' ..The Poiisonby-JB,iliiii, Club journeys to Devonpprl,! to pliij-.! XorUiySHore;;. ' The! point ft "i P lil ~ unes ue — Eden'27r,Gr'afton 21; .JTorthShore 20;- !i M (,' x- ! 18, V Varsity imd; Jlidd.lembr'e JO;'l'lirisdnbj-Balnior.a.l' 15V ■' Terns.chosen':'—•:.' '■ ~'"''... i EDEN.?,. <'~:.!« '■' f Senior.—Posl.le's, Milts, '" GV>',L'!:iWeir,.Carson, X.'Mciralioii. <:. ;\V.;;Bur?ess,-''Caritl'ay,: H.. J. .Harrison,'-.Thompson, C...V. Sneddon; b;-.h;. smith.--;. ■■;.:.-■:■.■...::.■; . ';., ..< ";■..■;■ . . ; ;'Senior.; : 'B. .lelih^flii.: - - Hlgglhs', R. Barber, Lewis, Freeman; JamcAVK.'.iPrice, A; H.; Smith.! ■"'■".',■■.! ;!:,!!,■'!,..,:>-/!;! : :.-. GRArrox. -■ !:. !;-; ■ ''vSenlbr';—Emery Burke,-' Mart'in.'-'-Wallace,; Byerlcy,,'Turner,.'j-Cowle, -Felts, McMttlioiii' Ritchie-, Williams ,-„. ..,:::. .\-Scnlor. ,f, B:—^H , orspool.■'■■•^^oltzorVA; ,, Piitdji',■ ,;Prlncl■; ,'Ro.wntree,' :K»tiiiii'e. Brown; Bentley;- -McLean,: Dowding,, Andrews,.-■..'"":■" Second : Grade;—Dowding;. Child;. Kent, Kollcy, '.Walbrau :" (2)-;. .V.Masso.v;.: Donald,: Wlirn, -Hnouster- : Sorcnsrm : , ■Hr«lih::rof.iv' .-.-.Third''-'■.Gni(le.—{.'liiiri-]ii11,, ; .8.-iiTett,'.'Pea-: lotti. Moltz'oi, -McMiilion (2), Wellington,. I'Biirelny,,Miliar; Mr M. Tones, Dawson,I .■'.!.!.-'.PAiUXBI/t:,-:..'■ ....; : ..: ; '.. y-y< 1 Soiiior:—Hiii Carroll M Clark; Ctopliain, -Holier,''A; K.!.Maclean. Mutton, Warner/'H. G-. Vivian.'W. M. Wallace,-Whitelaw. ,-,... Senior .'B:—A'.j.'Siddall; Brooks, !.;.Fors'mah, Fannlrig; ■"' Ga'scbignc';. ■ Hauibrook, ;Goodsir, Marvin Sags! X = P Smith,.; Worth,, ■■ Catch 12.'15 pra., ferry.!;-: .''-. ■■::■':■ '.'-J;■-■-■' ;-<r :■- ■■'; ■■>■' . Second ..'Grade—Lord;:Baldwin;. J..Cooke, Cn'lslcy (2). .. Jutlson,; Stlclibury," Sandman, iStbriex, K. s; Taylor,- rearmnn;. .Bus leaves terminal;';-'.'.,.'.:' -v-,-:■;..P'v.;. ■!'■■= , "- -'.:, ' 'Third 'Graitr:—Coime;i';(2),:-niuic:i.n. Burton'; .Mc'Co'r'ii; McKay."-Liu-sen! Mnloughney, Chalmers, Jerrain, Piatt,'B. Wilson. ■ '.■■'.-'.-,..".■.." .;Y.'xi:c.A. ; ■'■■',',■■■■';.;':;';-\''!;:!-!!;!; ■Senior!— Stevenson, Donaldson';.' Sutherland, 'Gillespie: -Wilkinson'.; Marshall','. Lund, ■Haintj';- S.cott, Harrison,-,- Cooper.. . ■ ~ ' MIDDLE-MORE. ,'.,-:'';■'■ ->.Sen'loiv—Pcarebn,Andrews!. Clevorloy.-L. E.:.Viviaii',-- Douglas, L. M. Smith, Arkinstall, •D.-D. Taylor, Williams, Mantin; Abbott. ■*.'■ ',Senior-v: 8.--tO.'- H..-. Erskine-Wilson, J.Mc-i Artbur. And , i unljj, Barr-Bro.Aii, Cromttcld/iFislior. ; Belle,; Lovery, v-Russell, Iy; r 'X.!Erskiiie-Wtts<m.;. • V''',';'? .-.:■■ 1 ;: , '!.;S;. : !.!';;;';. :■...' .';!;!fc^'hT!-'^XIVBR , ■'~';;'-■ ;.:,;.:-| !-. Scnior.v-Bu-tlcr. Bo'aden,' Cooper; Dlprose, .Garrard,'. Haden, ; J-ackmau, Lunge,'Matbeson, Siicddcn, I !Winter. 1 -./■:'!'- ; ..'. : :■ ''■"-'.-■ '■("''! "■■■■:''-.' j'i '-''-Senlor ;: ' *8.--All)ree]it,', ; .-Bc!]3 .'Crammoud. I CiiwkweU,.:. Mills, Miller; Martin,'... Minogae, Meiid; D.'-Slianl.v.'Siiieeton.'■:,':'■ :■:■-.■' ! ' : ;-'.■.'■-'..-,. :-.'Second-;-Grade!—■Baaii'tt-,--':.Biilleii,,...H«nnis, •Pvatr, -'(2)V :-'lioblnsbh;,'. Sale, ~, S cnn;'iv: W.;, siianly, Slic-pUprd;'--Siiiitli'.. Ester-1 man'.. . ! , . . .-,.■■■ ..--i Willi lIDIvP ' Senior.—( li I i a I, Dac'reV Edmonds, >l I ipson, Wnltere (2), D. Webb. '.' Senior. Adaiiis;--,Coatcs, «' ':Clear,■■'Christie."--Uowden,.-'McArchur,--Mc;. Fatridge.'ll.'-'Shiitli'.s D. Waters, Wheeler.-. ■■-...- -"';■ Second' Blue, Cowpcr,- .T. Dacre/a-'iiieii, : M'lirray, H., \icliolas, ; -H. itankin.-.T." Smibli, J.. Woollcy,: Ij. ! . Wilson..;; !:. .Third' Xiriide: Armstrong,: Bain'; Harnett, Duign«n;,Far(iualiar-iSon',v-l!izani;".Pi-entice,-' Kirhards,. L. >tcvojison; X, Wynne: . ', '■■ Fouptiii' Grade;—B. Carter;- Corbett, Cameroii;:Danby,;:Grimtlis,- Gurr,- C; Howdeu, Kendalli : :Xnur,'lUoii,: ; Swann:---.-.:-:i ■' !'^!r ; !iPOXSOXBY-B,ALMORAL,.! -, ~';.s ! "' Senior;—R.- Cleave, G Chllds, 0. Cleal, F! Clark;:-J.'.'R: Johnson, H;-'E. Warncford, M." Parkes; M.VRowntreeii P.,.SUeehau, ,U: Rowe, M.-.-BorchEmc; '-■■'-■,:■. ■■■■:■■" "■■'■:. ""■'.' -Senior B.—As team: : W. Hare, -Barber. (2)," C. Thornr'K.-,Hunt, 1 R. Loader, W. Cassldy,:!F., Br'own;-::.F. Rogers. C. Morris, R. Hastings; 8.-toam.-M.'Meßrldc, W. Bell, T ' Gregory, X. Loader, A. : BininOre, W. Mortimer,- K. Sliarrock, -B. ...Morgan,.- Duncan; C. Mason, V.. ■;-,. ■ . Second Grade.—F. Gubb, Bond; (2), G. Cook, W!- :Middleton, V; Hale. ' Bcrgin, O'Donohuc, :I/. Collins, Staples, Mldwoqd. Third -Grade'.—rA-"team:; Evans, Fabian, MeCormick, Michaels;' Healey;-, Pike,-' .TOilte, Otto, Watts, Dean, Xclsom B team: Dinv : son, Dimery; . McCallum,, Fletcher, Ellis, Calder, ■ Lynch. Hlckcy, Miller, C011in5...,. ■-Fourth Grade!— Price, Kent,, Trail, Bond, Xiekolls,--Klsniorc, Algoe.-.-:-.-Tizard,iPn>bert, : Armstrong, Jones, Proctor. :., > -.-;!■'..

' ,;>.'"OITY : ':AW» : SUBURBAN. ENGAGEMKXTS AT THE .DOMAIN. T)u-! 'ii ii" matches in the secomf; round..-".0f.5.-the 1, AueklaiHt^C.ity''.'and Suburban: Cricket" '■'■": Association's;, 'senior championship';;';'will Ytormluatc:;,',at;;., the. Donniiii,.-'to-morrow; ; L .UAv,. with', .three, wickets down for 113 runs, needs 0n1y.;47. fdr a iirst innings lead over Brixton, which; was. dismissed for.. 130 in Its iirst innings. K Green Lane, the ' leading team, scored; "iS3 against Dilworth Old .Boys, which,; ; .has ■lost.'one wicket for lO.v ".'■"•'' . .■■■'■■-■"■■'..■ .■Mauukau should - beat Tonsonby, which compiled only 78 in its first innings,-- and in. the second lost live f0r.41 runs. Manukau made 7D in■■ its'fltsf. Innings;." 1 • Elevens;. selected;, for ■.-, junior;::cpnipetl-. tions:-^'',':.'' l 'v-- ;; ' ■' ■ '"■ '-'i?/' v.-."\. : ';■>'.' ••' • -...' ~ ... ; . MAX'UKATJ. ■■... ■■ • Second', .'Grade.*—l\ Sauvarln, Cardwell;' Bariiott; ; Avery, Frlcker." Cameron,.-Ralns; ford (2);;; Holt, Longvllle,; Twecdic.',■:'.".■..'■;' l'hlrd.Grade.—McOonnell',.. Stewart;- E;; Mitchell, Buck, S.' Burndrcd,-:Verrall,, Bern nett, F:' Sauvariii', Wilson,; .Bcatti*,*; C;. Eurndred.' Reserves: .Sehoen.yEurlly'......-;■■■■.'. ~ ;' .;■; ONEHTJNGA* ASSOCIATION. ■*■'': Draw- for; to-morrow's', matches'' ; In". ' : 'thd;' Oncliunga'.' Cricket';, Association's coni'petl-;. ! tlon':—■■::.' f. '"'v'.."■;.''■: : ' ■■■'!",''i'-V/.'-."' '•■.'.'•:■;■.''-'" ;■■'. Final'.of 'Section - A l -' Hellaby's'' A"v. Te' Papapa, 'ground Xo.'-I; .iMessrs.,: D. ■ Macdonald and S. .Prcscott; ! Other Onehunaa'. Kovers , ".v." .Old; Buffers.:' No. 11 ; ; MacEwans■'.' y. r.iclitciisteins.-. Xo. 10;. Fletcher Construction '<v: | Sutherland's Tannery. Xo. 7: Athletic v. i Held Rubber, Xo. 0; Held Rubber' Jndles v. Old Buffer ladies, Xo. 3. Mr. Wilsoii. A representative eleven will lie selected from the following players to meet; a team representing the Pukekolie Association nt Walkaraka Park during t!:e week-end! —T. Collins, J. Scholium, C. Wljllnms, A. Blockicy, D. Hetberlngton, W. Armstrong, T. Power, D. Horau, \V. Smith, F. King, R. i Hetherington,: W. Walker, E. Hatfield, C. 'Fisher.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 34, 10 February 1939, Page 13

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CLUB CRICKET. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 34, 10 February 1939, Page 13

CLUB CRICKET. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 34, 10 February 1939, Page 13