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Sergia's Prospects In Rotorua Cup


Palustre Favoured in Sprint - Several Horses Have Dual Engaements.

The HighweightJ ''-.' Twenty-one Acceptors. ;* Good, fields have been drawii. by the: ■ Ratorda Racing the, opening, .of its. liiiiniiier itiectiiipr,. to- be held" at .■■Aia'wa lVi'k to niorrbjv and'- Mond n arid'.',.sonie: interesting, racing is promised; .Betting will lie on the .win and. -'place. system anil tlic-'lixtnre . Innilt! be a jnost : :6.ucccssful'.-ftne.; ;K.\ii--;.\ ; : : .V MM-M : .-- ; ' '■-' -A very J.uijrp .'lit'i<i, liaii 'i)cc>i ; a'Ursctcd for' tin* Pohiit.u Highwcight Handle,!]), with which the .programme ■ opens, Inquisitor-was, ~'second', dp; .Miss' Appellant in the Waitimiata Handicap, one mileand a quarter,, and also to Ajiispeiir ..'oveiy'ia. iii'ile'.'at'' the .Auckland siimmefMnecting. Miomani and Kacelinc have■ .!):!.'!..■ lint "a'ft'ei his- success .at Mat it'-: ; li'i.ata' 1 last''' 'iv.eek.tlie,latter ~]&■_; .to,.;.be preferred. British B.annci accounted foi (.lie Anniversary "Handicap, seven furlongs, at- Ellcrs'lie last' month,' and will li ix to hi con ickiod H till 1 01 h i ii iccent foim. but Mm 1 i tfolio was Hiird iii. ilie- Tliaines -'Hack -Cup, one mill ind liis been L'oing «ell at T.e I i|> i ml I I ii il, up 3d to do liis'lii' ,t In .1. elm nee, mr he lias i in. ihm'il V.i.ilso i i I mil tu ha\e ■■b.'on. doing, well at Ayondale,' while :-.Spinning.'. Wheel most of the .pitlicr .. "'T!'i>' chief fancies may be BRITISH BAXXER ■ RACELTXE •.:■.•.■..' XGAKARU. WEI ll'X-EGI 4.GE; Tlie A lim int'ii .Si il i's i an iv< nf piii i Tin In. iinl Mi nl 'ii i i In i > loi iii,mli ii hoi e Uoyul Ales i;'e .ami Rival have both shown hi h I I i i i |Ii linn i event .it the 1.1 I Wail ifo meeting and showed"up at: :lbeMAuckland:-,vsuniriier' iixture. General Risks was in thenioncy. on several; occasions "last, season; Hun--1 p , I'p.-i may be the pick of the remainder. ..The favourites may be. '..''■'. ' ! '■"'■' s? r " : M''-' a.;..-: % ■ "■.;: ■ £*iuyAL.';.;*^^ MOKOIA HACK. - Maxam, who Ms .it .the..head of tlie Slol mi II i I i ci pi cd md i i ,i v, him i ii the 1 Innu lixtuti > oitaro ■was-plaeed at? Stratford'and Ellerslie recently, while High Delight Von ■ at Thahiesahd alsojat Kllerslie last'month, lnit'liae.n later engagement.. Town Section ; was successful over six furlongs and a mile at Thames, while Ohmaha was placed twice at the same meeting, and Little. Ruse, after being placed at Stratford, was narrowly beaten over six furlongs at Matamata la6t Saturday, and will again have to be considered. Silver Eagle was successful over six furlongs "at Thames, while Kenneth Robert,; Treyacc and Fleetwind may have most friends-of the others. A trio that may be'supported is 1 .■■■'.: HIGH DELIGHT XOITARO '";:■■■''■ ' : '' i "" A- ■ ■m: : -v-' ,;aiotle: ; euse:'-m •;■ -:: : , ■'■ p,,. THE PRINCIPAL RACE. ,-, KingißeyAwho is at the head of the Cup/his no recent form, while the ,same, applies to Kcna. Scrgia has won.over the distance this" season, and was.tliird.'at. Ellerslie . last..month. She is'reported ', ii. fit mare.'" To Hai was a winner, ovor. seven furlongs' at Thames .andMllack.Ahisk',; after/ winning the Cup at Thames, was third m the Matamata Cuji;\A He', may again he •troublesome. .(! leu .Abb' was .second.over nine ■ furlongs' . at- Thames, to? Miss Appellant, who 'is had his attc.nlion .eonlined to sprint distances, but Hiera'is nothing" to say that he will not 's.eo':,;b.iit,.ft.;niile.'; a .quarter, for he eome's'sfrom .a-Ag'veat" family. Forest Acre, after. his'second at Matamata on Sataudayf Appeals most; of ..the. remainder. ...There who may have, friends are.' SERGIA 'ANTON ><"ft-A BLACK MUSK. '•"'' •■"., - .

THE HOT" SPRINGS. HANDICAP. . They are not a yc'ry sood lot' in the ■:Hot' Springs Handicap. Simla won over the distance „at. Rotorua last, October, >\vhich is:, her best effort this 'season. Devon' has a -prior -.engagement, but if reserved' for this event shouklbe in the picture ;.Rojnl Abb lias been placed three? times this season, though he has disappointed .lately, but if ho did his best he would be hard to.boat. Val Lu has-been placed on..a, couple of occasions ■this--; season and- looks like being in the money,, while -Nautipol showed up. at "Mata'in'a t.a'.la's't;"Sa tut'-day'"and. is. a ■likely jnip'rovev:,': ; A preference" may bosliowii for ::.. ...;. . :' :^.l■;cV"^'.;■:lyi^v6x''■:U'■;^;■;'.' !■?;■:'■'' ■''■■' ■:- i - . ■ VAIi'XU ''#■ <-'"V. : r ROYAL AB1! ; , THE GEYSER HACK. ,- :; I ight, British Banner, Town Section,-Valdene, Racelinc, Mio Fiatollo, Royal Abb and Jfgaaru,;who figure in the Geyser Hack"-'Handicap', 'are engaged in, previous. events, and their, form-lliere won the Hack [~Cup,. one:mile, at /I'liamesj and will .have j to be reckoned with; Bronze Step was successful over six -furlongs at Stratford at New Year.time, while Broriwen i i t cond nnd also won-over a s.laii'lar. distance at Ellerslio' last month. Tie vac.o has'been, galloping well and is a possibility. The public.may go for * ■ ' AYXHO ' ' ■ ' '::..,■:'■■■ -...-W'lfTSH'.-BAXXER ■■"■: '' , rJTIGH DKLIGHT. /■ , " . V'rawa park stakes. Sir Kobin lan second' to ''Max-am.: at the Thariies'm'a;'five: furlongs event and : won over> the'. distance the:next" day,.- so .that'.he-'will. have.. t0,;'in the Arawa'Park Stakes Solitary was second to him-.'arid is also engaged, but she, ■..disappointed' at Mataniata' last

Saturday. ' Militlaw will Hot, start, while .Heroic'"'Maid would only need'-to; reproduce i.the form she ■- showed at'-.Ellerslie' ' during.'tlie summer,.niee.tihg,the money. . Jean , Quex and ..Greek, Queen 'impress.most of.the other's." .The-prin. lip l f<t nies may be SIR KOBIN ' "MEROIG-'-IM.AIDi ;\ '_" ' SOLITARY v ; \j;".: ■ • ■'" THE OPEN SPRINT. ~;, ' TJie.;,Tq'urikt' Hfliidieip- is (lit principal pi no 'I in I in" Inn ( ih iili , i lie i , :,go'od- .forni . thisvseasoit:- arcs Jdangollei] I'.ilu li" Tooh'v Siieei Mon \i-< Gali lee and' Royal Dance. Valinioen is of;ited Up. be 'li' good fettle,"-.'and-: if at In i i lie i« a likely soif. The chief il< i ions in tj be V\LUSTRE --.";-:.;. VALIMEEX "'"'-..-''' :^^:'':sSv : - - ; ;Tlie, aeccptaiK.cs are:—. ...."'■'' I" r. POHUTU HIGH-TVErOHT.''ot £ISS. ■:":■■■:, '•; ';.Onc niile and 130 yards, -liHpnKilor-. .10 ~S ..Phiakuo ;;.. 0 o ■':'-,lioiiiani'- ".-■;"■;,:" 9 13■".'■ Sub-editor " . 0 o ".-■Kaei'liiie■■■,. '";: ■:113 : Kotalii Acre 0 0 ' Urilish ■;,; ■ ~-y'':■ .'Brilliancy.'. 0 0 ; i Banner-. '." 011 c.Chlkara ;'.. '■'. flo Uallc Boy . 9 8 Docility ; . 0 0 'riiilcmup.'*.: '■'.? 9 a' Spinning 1.0n,; .Span . ".. 9 .'2 ■. Wheel .'..", Q (i ' ■ Mio :,FratollD 9 '1 Ixive in ...Advance Acre...!). 1., ; , Idleness . . flo : : ~\Y-akaru... ... 9... 0-..Tralec Rose 9 n ■: ,;Vaaliio : ';'. ..' 9 V 9 ,-",'■ ... . v ....-' ;-:I2:SS—WAiXiANGU STAKES' of f 100, \Vcighf r for-n?e. Six furlongs and 30 yarcs. ; General" Risfca.: Devon .Waltzing Lila'.--.'..'.:■■'-.':■. Koyal "Message ■'•.'■ . Miss Eangi ;,-' "'Full of Scotch Fat Boy ■■■< ■",': . Gay Poto . ■ Irisli Belle .:,--.'.' "Firing Hostess "i ...Sevciij'Scas'-'.,-s.v ... -.-Little Idea •Silver Lnnce .... Bulwark '*' ' Oro King . "Hunter's Eog« > Gay Opal "■'■■:.• . Stokowskl ". ' ..Itival.-.-..•■ .-'■■.,": ■ Forlorn / .•■■/.;.,; I.3S—MOKOIA HACK of £180. ■ : i = Six furlongs and 30 yards,' ■ ; Maxhni. i; .: 9 5 Kenneth Koitaro. . .„. 9 1 Kobert ..80 High Delight'..B 12 Flcctwlnd . 7 8 Town Section 8 4 . Clooncen . . 7 7 - Olniiaha . ;: 8 4 Sen Acre ..77 Little- Ruse .8 '2 . Trevacc . '. . 7 7 Silver Eagle 8 2 Friskland . . 7 7. Viildcine ..81 Forlorn ..77' ■ Pocket Venus 8 0 •.-.-.'■ 2.2O—ROTORUA CUP of £400 and Trophy .. value £39. One mile and a quarter. King' Hey .' 9 2 Miss Kena ;-:... S3 Appellant . 7 1 . Scrgia . . . 7■ 10 Anion ... 70 Te Hai . . ..- 7. 7 Forest Acre 7 0 Black Musk." 7 5 Poland ... 7 0 . Scotland . .- 7 4 Ureklaw •...-. 7' I 0 Glob Abb . . 7 2 Dutch Girl 1 0 Star Artls.t 7-2 3.O—HOT SPRINGS HANDICAP o£ £165. > ■ : Six furlongs, and 30 yards. Simla ..... 8 Little Idea-. 7 12 Royal Nation S 9 Bulwark . . 7 12Devon .... 8 9 Stokowskl . . 712 Royal Abb . 8 7 Nautipol . . 712 Val Lu.. '. 8 S Miss Dawn . 712 Lulecn .'.'..■ 7 13 Riff-raff ... 7 12 ■ Taunu . . . 7 12 Miss Tidal . 712 Star Vaal. .; 7 12 3.40—GE1-SER HACK of £ISS. . One mile and 130 yards. High De light 9 0 Vnldene . . . 8 2 Hacellne . , S 8 Mio Frntollo I 11 Miigshot ..86 Royal Abb . 7 7 ■ British Ngakuru ..77 Banner . . 8 G Bronze Step 7 7 Aynho ... 8 6 Trcvace ... 7 7 ' Town Section 8 6 Bronwcn ..77 4.3O—AHAWA PARK STAKES of f 165. Five furlongs. Sir Robin .92 Greek Queen 7 5 Solitary . . 8 2 Jean Quex . 7 5 Mintlow . . 7 11 Surtoy ... 7 3 Hunter's • Aetolia ... 7 3 Rose ...... 7 11 Karatokl ..70 Snare .... 7 11 Merry Vaals .7 0 • Heroic Maid 7 11 Clipper ... 7 0 ! Fine Lady . 7 11 . S.IC—TOURIST HANDICAP of £250.'' Six turlongs and 30 yards. [ 'Llangollen . 910 Galilee . . . 710 Palustre . .8 13 Noitaro ... .7; 7 Toolcy Street S 9 Royal Dance' 7 7 " liolllcker «,. 8 3 Valimcen ..77 JIOII Acre ..SO General Ruse 7 7 Tosh .... 7 12, 4 . . ' ■ RIDING ENGAGEMENTS. The following riding engagements are .innouhced for the Eotorua, Racing" Club's meeting, which opens to-mor-row:—} . ' S. Tremaiu. Star .Vaalj Aetolia. ' . L Dulieu—Tralee Rose,-, Full of Scotch, Miss-Dawn., ,-,"'■ A. Messervy.—Little Idea, Riff-raff. A. G. Parsons.—High Delight,. Rival, Lulcen, Tooley Street. . A. Murray. Message.!;- ''• x ~' G. Gilchrist.—Gay Opal,"; Fleetwind, Poland, Ohmalia. W. M. Thomson.—Scrgia,, jean ,Quex. ; R. McTavish.—Moil Acre; Royal" Abb. H. Turvey.—Clilkara.

.F. Fergus.—Spinning Wheel > . L. Clifford.—-valdene, ;Keriay-'.'General Riskc, Clipper, Llangollen, Bronze Step. P. Brady.— lnquisitor. - : , : A. Curwen.—Palustre, Bronweii. '"'. H. Long.—Stolcowski, Sen Acre; Star Artist, Xuutipol, Noitaro'; iSurtoy;. ■ ' F. Hain.—Anion, Roval..Daiice. J. Winder.—Mio,; tratollo (Highweight), Gay Opal J. McLaughlin.—Kotalii.'.'Anre. W. H. Jones.—Glen Abb, Miss. Rangi, Mh> Fratollo (Geyser .Handicap)'. CLASSY FIELD. C. F. ORR STAKES STRETTO TO COMPETE. ' • , -■■ (Received 0 ■ ; ' MELBOURNE, this day; .'Although Ajax was notaccepted-'for in the C. F. On; Stakes at"tliei'Wiil'famsto\v.n. meeting to-morrow-, the field "tnenvise Is:c!aesy,'.thos"ecii?a2C* being Manolive, 9.2; Marauder. XullieUl,; S 13; atretto, 5.3, and'Carpciitier.Vi'r.'T..;"■■,'-".'■'. ANSWERS TO :; CORRESPONDENTS. MM. (Ponsonby)—.£« ic/,-. £2 S/. WILLIE (Grey Ly:in)-(a) Buzalong 1, „ St. Constant 2, Marauder •?, were the placings in the last Caulfield ■Ciig; (b) Aoj (e) The Metropolitan Handicap.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 34, 10 February 1939, Page 12

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Sergia's Prospects In Rotorua Cup Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 34, 10 February 1939, Page 12

Sergia's Prospects In Rotorua Cup Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 34, 10 February 1939, Page 12