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R E N D E L L Siflllll *oTmen) ™* — *■ II I 19/6 SPORTS TROUSERS FOR ■ ■MB ■» llftA IA A J H H H Grey Flannel, with fine worsted finish. Smart Ull I C BQIAP I 2/11 SPOTTED STRIPES & , P'M •111 II I 1 *■*■ ■ B English cut and latest style features. Sizes: %M W nHLr"! nlUt LUTS SHEERS For - - 1 /■■ hvUliHMil II II 32in. to 38in. waist. " Wl : Si!sStS ■■■ 25'- MEN S DRESSING GOWNS wool—Usually 13/11 to 29/6. shades. 36in. wide. YARD I B V ■I I ■ I 111 Quality Ripple Molleton, full weight. In a range *+% J Srfe Price.: 6/11 J »° ld/O SCHOOITeRGE For --- M / I \V■ II ■ 111 ° f o^ ttractive P atterns - Made in our own work " |Q 5 «—- g?S3i 4 6 V■ ■ 4'6 SUMMER SUITS for TINY TOTS INigbta Usually 6/1 Ito 2 5 '6. Note width—r>4 inches. * YARD B ■■ BHI ■ ■ ■ ■ Made from a fine, tough-wearing material in c_i_ !>• _._._, ~ ~ H H H H Fawn Check pattern and self colours. The MB oaienricc: a/f*l_ to f <*/A FADELESS K A ROT EX For - #fe *» ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ shorts button on to the shirt, making an ideal 1/41 _ . T , 3PI AA/ «f ■■ Tj n V MOT ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ play outfit. Sizes 0 and 1 only. Lengths from I II Pyjamas Usually 6/1 |to 24/6. ' Wonderful utility fabric in outstand- m\ V MeH J| B ■ I II shoulder to bottom of shorts 18in. and 19in. ■ II bathing c^ Ce: 3/5 * '° 12/9 l?tH~"S mo 1 111 I 1 27 ' 6 to 33'6 MeVsTports Coati Sale Price: jy. Distinctive fashion designs, including 11 'I|i i - ■■■ . ™__™ range of sizes 3to 7. ■ * ■ ■ say w/i//e They Last / iiSS§ -- [ The Sab of the Sale Season St^^i^^SUS? Interlock /*%»* 4/iT two-tone _ — ~""—' "~ i " -— BACK. SPORTS COATS nights ss^ssZ 7 6 17/ILsuI 7 /IL su^ E A R D ni?T PE 1/9 to 2 ' 9 Quality 29 7 11 Offered - ir?~ £ Tard BODY CARPET FOR CURTAIN NETS FOR 79/6 THREE-PIECE SUITS Price Unlikely MMtj \ 6/11 FLORAL LACE m ~~~. New two-tone effect in a rich blue | O /■■ 1000 Yards Art. Silk Cotton Nets. - . R - A INV PAB f EIIIII#<B P to be repeated. W? \ WEAVES For #1 / 11 only ' This price includes all mak " ■■ colours and Ecru shades, a job 1 /CJL KeAUT rUK JCKVIvC For . . W X°fv a nrinTr l ri Ve Cy^rfc /' d *. H ? ht " "i , I ing and laying charges. YARD collection of good quality lines at | U2 Pure wool fine English guitings in neat checks In cr eam and MLMsiV " ~ ' ~ an unrepeatable price. and chevron patterns in Fawn and Brown Mg\ - colour., f.ced JHlflfi wi h evening wear. 36in. *.-■*■-.-»- -.- YARD tonings. Well built, smartly cut suits in two- Jl 11/H with contr..i, yard CLEARANCE OF ■**■*»* button style with • DA > apel Trouserß in Q .ryle exactly a. ■ \WVtfl Wfc«-*«l*Mllf fc Mf tR >t , e wUh butt inside f braceß> JJ i::±\ o nt manufacturers'towels nueilillc nnnTJllilo e . H JZ W v and fro g f... X. */ /ffwW I Regular Keen Pricing* in the \\ Gr « d ed as imperfect, a wonderful collection of CHENILLE CURTAINS Specially *%i%\ MCKI'C CrtV CAD ?«"ia; q u s .r/t y II \Wm i towcls at barKain prices - «. L » L •■ ** n mciNi>auA rOK U.ually- lα , I lIIINDA DOMI I! T ° CLEA , R 6 d - 9 d " ll id - PUrCliaSed fOr Hie Sale Petone pure wool, fine ribbed summer-weight B ox su/W OS vns /'/ V WFZ t WW V wli |! at ** 2 */3Each in one shade only—a fashionable fawn marl. Sizes: ?'/71 •/•• iwfi . A /'. . / H'j $ „ . !» 101 and 11. A sock renowned for comfort and % 7/M e/ii 9/ii io/ti y K/ J "WOISDA ,, Frocks Muat be Cleared f '" — 50 Pairs Only—46 xB7 durability. & N s°/*~*/. V 6 8/. if g I I BUY BEDDING NOW lo'll 2'll and 3'6 MEN'S BRACES FOR issKJSSSiJSSL f ar^ssrii/i L !■= "r^S»S7C/o """'""—--«—• PAIR 1 7 10 j umpe r .«yl e ., effect.vely Trim- I f |AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE 7 i JS' fXD 9 , _ ' iSil— ' l vFF eT ™' ZsUp - tor J/ " " a£»a* u a I yfwrf/ , riCCTforaH 1 6'll FINE ENGLISH -5/11 Jk MILLINERY winceyette pyjamas %'> 11 aild 6 6 Lock Hit MahtS for •»/"■<■! ~ V %•;?%$£ J>' ■flllefclllfclll Medium weight, in a colourful range of new atrip- S'll I n/M ir\mr !' no mi* 3/MA ;! ,-•"-" . • * . The season's remaining smartest inga. Fully cut for comfort. S.M. and O.S. sizes. «# II FROCKS and ROMPERS L,0,-, U a,,,5*L»,«,. fa .> ./■ ..• : - tyl ".- ui r d in TT ice ' FOR TODDLERS a / </« & 5/7 i sZcks 3/8 /„ . .. MF I K \A/ FA D A variety of coloured cotton #/C !,• kf .. . , . *' **•*,'. • suai.y - |\ W W ■ AA l^ floral, and style, in size, 16 to 20. O \ ™-d- Md "*« «*' ■« { ■ ' B| \ l\ U « u -»y 2 / n For ~ W $ 5/11 Men's Shirts for -- - - */£ fe '. JS|Kfl NOW ■•t , II On.-Price Tabling of 1 W,W a Special P Urc Ka, e of Smart Stri p ed » fl|H|f S » tHe fi » J «»-« ° f NOVE |C| J ~\ *'"»»»»»»"»»"»»»»»»"™+W%%*%»%»»» W %%» %w%% U: ' buntals and Italian Braids at this record A^wcTnirftal"wlSion 7 of° f \\ I, v IM-K. J (tT" ' low price to close out the season. A big qualities. Usual selling 1"'" ' Jβ A / #-•/ IH P.- V •* ; '"eHL. FABRICS, PEDALINES and ORGANDIE FRILLINGS iffiW&jeSfr \ KLS -J\£t\ACLtlott, PAN DANS Uln. to 3in. In white, shell, and /w ALL SUMMER ■ y^tfhk;- vw^rooyand^the 8 - O/lfl FANCY RIBBONS % QuHWet CL I medium and large-size 36in. FLouNciNGs /i-~ ''' : ;VVrVv'^ t #;.:/ X - B DROOP BRIMS All-over patterns in ivory, shell . "*** 11353s 7/11 S3 "lAVRY" at REMARKABLE SALE OFFER OF ?7 U / S 6. 1C btraw " u I II scarves, cravats, rM r^\ T . LAT-BT AT DOESKIN GLOVES Section 3- SQUARES Q^s^\ X VWIMPIL %\> erne nninrci h/ lt# f ... ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL Tn all ashi ona b ie and <kr%T v\ # \ IM Imi l> 11 1 SALE PRICES! Washabte Qualities model ready to wpab« designs. Usually up to 5/11 %\v,^ I V \ Soft gauntlets, with elastic at wrist. A #etf MODEL READY-TO-WEARS Now 3/6 ' | iV PwH > special grouping of styles from »{]/ 11 In flnc quality straws, jflk # JQB NECKWEAR reliable maker. Chamois and white I ■ This season's newest I■/ II ■ ■■ '■ PIECES up to 6/11 Sizes: 6to 71. Usually 14/6 to 17/6 pr. ■■ shapes and shades. Usu- Jj || Now l/tl Y ° Ur •. M I _w. n ZTT . ' AH MilHnery is sfn? W pOST SHEETINGS SET &£&■•»? and Opportunity I fl BiflfffV -*" e Wiee C/nCS Will Lay in a \l- extra is charged for Fragile Postage. %#■■■■■■ I lllMlll collars. Ivory. bei»e and shell. to Buy! J m Supply of Reliable ™»™y *"*?%££s' time is NoT UAIKEUAI n 1 IKICKIC 7 .? I If VJI Ell I "SAMSON" UNBLEACHED TWILL SHEETS—Bleaches a I/l C/I€ K IWnwlnifll Sμ Hn Uα kbpaauiia/i II A lAA9 PI%#IHI#A V pure snowwhite, and gives endless wear. Showroom: I "SECONDS' IvIAIDS FKIII.KS bo' Single Bed ~ U9Ua »y 6 / , L P^ l 5/11 P«ir. 1 V miKl 3/11 Pure Silk Hose for "■«■*"* iiivwi%uwv. Doubie B ed_usuaiiv io/n. s-ie 8 /n i«ir. " * » \J^B»4 ] iIJ!l M * /M r"" ,^" 11 nU * e IWr • «% /\-, A WHITE TWILL SHEETS-Of a 3tout pure quality. Launder mUSt gO tO Wk WJKSI ■Kffif 4/A ~ • 111 J l/lie-PMCe iirOUPS beautifully .ndgive wonderful wear. the First . wffUk W&S&W \ IV Pc " r Single 6 Price! 6/6 P*ir. cdfar./ 9 /" Pure silk Hwe for 18/6 to 29/6 MAIDS'ART. SILK imy.-ftiama^^^l l^ he itfi KmSam WBm \ . \ #* -i CDAA| , C I ."I Guaranteed fast colour, in smart design,. 31in. wid e lU * HEV \ \ 311 Paf > FROCKS -- - For |||# 1/_Yord36inchTWILLWINCEYETTEF -9i<« CC»TUME EFFECTS-U.uan y 55/- to \ \ to 10. *d — I U " " "*** "" **" NOW HALF PRICE V\ 8/|| Ful|y . Fashione- d — w £2SSS3E£f^^ SHEER COATS— Edge-to-edge 4tyles all ' \ \ PurO Qillr llACtt fnr 90/ ft Iα Q7/ft lIDPQCY CTVI EC Urge Single Bed—Usually 5/6. S.le Price: «/6 ..z«. inn.^y.ndbUick—Usually 59/6 to JW/ \ \ PUre 51,, C Hoße ,0F ZS/0 10 Of/0 UK 1001 OllLtO Large Double Bed—Usually 7/6. Sde Price- Cfl NOW half price 1\ &'\\ Pair FOR MAIDS - Now 1)1/ ,'!^,™s- - m Made in Art. Silk Crepe and J If Sale Price: lQld each. WOOL GEORGETTE TOATS— or ff «■ f|i Mediums-an excellent wearing Sheer in gay floral and stripe M ■ — USEFUL SIZE TAPED PILLOW CASES— * without rnllari 1 ttiMln* 5// O. stocking in line service-weight. j ■ -tu 1 j i H ™LT7" Wimom y DDirF New colours. In aU sizes. design with pleated panel or " Sale Price: (Id «dl. NOW MALr rMLC . . swing skirts. 41 in. length. ROLLER TOWELS—Made from good quality striped FLORAL FROCKS FOR MATRONS— The — - towelling. SiJe % . tSSrhttfit 9W oXOA " 6'll Girls' Patterned 6'll Children's Dainty 42/- to 55/- MODEL & SAMPLE SEI323SWASKST""" " e, ' m god Coffonfrocfcs for 3/11 locfcmr Py/amas 3/11 FROCKS --- ttSSggi etylee—Utually 27/6 and 28/6. WeH-cut .tyle. with panel or pleated .kirt «nd Tuck-in or jumper .tyle., with .atin applique. An attractive group of Model and "H|| #% ■% ■■ H ■■ a H kl/N\A/ UAI C DDirT Peter Pen collar, in shade» of »r.en, blue, pmk . a «d lace trimming. All paitel .hade.. Sample Frocks with Bmait bolero M M ■ ■ NUW tiALr I eß<l meize: 33in. to 421n. or separate coatee, also the M— ■! ■■I K I M 811B 11 I I newest floral and etriped border %0 I Bm ■■ ■ WKkW WsW ■■ ■■ YOU MUST BE PREPARED TO PUSH FOR THESE! **-'* | Karangahope Road

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 33, 9 February 1939, Page 23

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Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 33, 9 February 1939, Page 23

Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 33, 9 February 1939, Page 23