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Anch. Bar. Board, A »/7/47, « p.c 100/10/e .. — Ancle. Hnr. Board »/J/«. 4* IM!. ....101/O/O .. — A/- , , Hnr - Board. 9/</02, 41 p.c 101/0/0 .. — AncV. Hnr. Board. i?i /A? f Auckland, ii.yWhStji.ißß- ioo/,)/o •• - ~ " 103/0/0 A.^ p Tr a -,; 8 ;-B;;;a: ~ ■• **/<>/» 1/4/44 48. 4i p.c. . 09/5/0 .. 101/O/O »•*• •....■. -au _. 100/0/ a

Mr. Albert, 1/7/68, 4J P.'- — .. 101/0/0 Maiiurewa, 1/0/61. 4J p.c — .. 101/0/0 New Lynn, 1/0/63, ■H p.f — .. 100/0/0 Tiiknpuna, J/7/SQ, 4J !»-•• — ..103/0/0 Te Kulti, 1/4/58, 4* P.C — ..100/0/0 AVhsinsnrel Bi>r. Cell, 1/!»/.-»4, 4i p.c — .. 100/0/0 Abraham & Williams — .. 85/0/0 Uls. Slici'prnruiers, :il/8/41, u* 1..C. ... 101/0/0 — — Williamson Picture, 5/6/49, "i p.c. .... — .. 9ityo/0 UNOFFICIAL STOCK. Buyers. Sailers. Assoe. Motorists (pf) — .. 1/10/0 Ak. Farm. Freez. (£1) 1/0/0 .. 1/2/01 A'ick. Trotting Club, i .1 /»'3O-44 W .0/0 .. — Itritish Neon — .. J/« | ISrunner Col. lord.) . — .. T>/<>' • I Hive Ynuiwlf — .. l/0/o' KliM-tric l'roUnctri ... 14 0 .. 1/0, nj llclliiliy'a (."> p.c. prf) — .. 1/1/0 i Henderson & I'olliird ::i /."i/89 85/0/0 .. — Henderson A Pollard, islnires) ."'6 .. — KniiiKiiruii i'i/ <J .. — Majestic (Anrk.) ... — .. 70/0/0 Multicolour Siyns •• — .. 50 Nnlloiml Tolmco .. 1/15/0 .. — I Niittmial TraiUnt! ... — .. 11/-'! N./.. I'crp. Forests . 1/11/0 .. 2/O/O X./.. Perp. Forests (4/ pulil) — .. 14/0 X.JS. Wnolpack — .. 3/6 Xikilll Huron — .. 1/10/0 Xikiiu Harmi (pref.) . — .. 1/3/0 l'liotolliatic — .. 4/01 Ileuiiwn Col., 1/3/54 ! il n.c 1)2/0/0 .. 100/0/0j Smith Wj-lllu .".,0 .. — Sllkuit — .. 10/o .-oiitli. Cross Assiir. . '2/0 .. o/0 ) South. Cross Invest. | ami Hur. I'i'v. Soc. 4/0 .. 4,'<l| South Wwl. Instates . — .. 12/0 Tiirnliull, Junes (prfj — .. l/u,n Vacuum Holdings ... — .. 11, o! Wiiikiifo C nrlion., 1/4/41 03,0/0 .. — I W'jjton Publishing . — .. 1/15/0! Whakatane Paper -Mills lord.) 3/O .. — Whakatane Paper Mills (pref.) — .. 9/0 Wilton Col. (shares) — .. 15/0 Winstone — .. 10/0 Wool worth Prop. ... — .. 1/6/B SOUTHERN EXCHANGES TO-DAY IN CHRISTCHURCH. | j GOVERNMENT STOCKB FAVOURED. AVOOLLEX SHARES FIRM, llty Telegraph.—Special to "Star.") CHKISTCHUKCH, this Jay. I'p to yesterday, with half a week gone, Kali's of shares on the Christchurch Stock Kxcliange totalled lew than 1800, tiic Hinallewt turnover for euch a period in many months. The morning xall did not see any revival, the total * number of shares changing hands being only 250. There was reported, however, a sale of .£ 1500 of 4 per cent inscribed 1955 «tock lit £90 12/6, 17/6 more than this stock brought a week ago. Transactions in stock represent mi unusually large proportion of the business done so far this week, the total beini; i!4."KX). in addition to to-day's reported wile. There were other keen bidders in most issues, offers being an hijrh as £99 15/ for 1049 inscribed 4 per cent. ' Only ' two sellers were in and they asked par value for the 3'/4 per cent 1943 and the 4 per cent 1955. (ienr* reflected yesterday's firming in meat quotations, buyers (offering 6d more nt 12/6, Kellers 12/9. These shares were nearer biiKinese than yesterday, when the margin was 1/. Improvement in woollens was generally maintained, prices being firm on yesterday. Buyers of Bruce went up 3d to 7/9, without response. ... SALES RECORDED. (By Telegraph—Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH. Tuesday.—Stock. 15/1/53-57, 31 p.c.. £!IH: 15/4/46-48, 4 p.c. £<»() 15/: I.V«/52-55. 4 p.c, £99 12/0; Commercial Bank Australia. 15/11 (2) ; Broken Hill Proprietary, £2 17/6; Quill Morris (1930), lit/: Blackball Creek, 1/. This Day.—Commercial Bank of Australia, 15/11; Electrolytic Zinc, £2 7/9 (2). Reported : 4 p.c. Inscribed 1055 (late yesterday), £99 12/6. WELLINGTON. Tueethiy.—Bycroft, «1 10/6; Consolidated Brick. 8/(i: G. J. Coles, £3 18/1; Taninakl (HI, 7/9; Wool worths (N.Z.), 17/8; .stock, 1.1/3/39-43, 3» p.c, £90 10/. Thin Day.— Noon call : 4 p.c. rural bonds. £!•!»: Commercial Bank. 1«/ ; Gear Meat 12/8; Lcyland-O'Kricn Timber, 14/9; \V. R. Carpenter. £2 3/10J: O. J. Coles, £3 18/4 J. £3 18/0. Reported: Commercial Hank, in/: Wellington (; a s (prof.) £1 3/; 5.7.. Breweries, £-J: Henry .Ton-s, £2 11/6. Unofficial; Woolworths (W.A.), DUNEDIX. Tuewlay.—Stock. 15/2/43-46, 4 p.c, £00 10/; British Tobacco (pref) £1 VI 9: Austral (X.Z.) Mining. £1 3/6 This Day.—Rural bonds. £99; Bank or New Zealand, £1 18/6 (3). AUSTRALIAN EXCHANGES.

TO-DAY IX SYDNEY. (Received 2 p.m.) SYDXEY, this day. This morning's Baleß include: Com. Bonds, 4 p.c, 1941 . 10l 17 e T » fll . 1030 . 104 5 0 TOOt lift ■> |n #i Associated News (pref.')'" i q n Cash Orders (N.Z. deliv.) . i Broken Hill Propty. (coat.) 2 3 8 Marcus Clark ' q % g YESTERDAY'S BUSINESB. SYDNEY, February 7. A further marking up in prices was a feature of the investment market on the Sydney Stock Exchange to-day, which was not very busy. Barrier stocks were quiet but firm. Sales included^: — National Bank A'asia (£5 paid) 6 5 0 <;»ldsbrouK)i-Mort j u 4 Ki-lt nnd T»-xtlleg 1 ia 6 Tootlis Brewery 2 13 3 Associated Xewspapera 1 o 11 (I>ref.) 1 3 9 Brit lull Tobacco (N.Z. delivery) l> 7 (! • 'ash Orders 0 15 6 Colonial Susar 4(i 15 0 Diinlop-Perdriaii 1 0 9 Electrolytic Zinc 2 7 6 (pref.) 2 0 6 O. .1. Coles 1 3 16 3 Henry JoneH 2 8 9 Hume Pipe (Auet.) 0 19 3 Kaiulos Cement 1 7 0 Morts Dock 0 14 8 New bold Brick 1 9 « Taubmann ~. « 2 12 0 Mount Morgan 0 10 7 Business on the Melbourne market included:— £ s d Bank of Australasia 9 0 0 Commercial Bank Australia . . 0 15 4 National Bank A'asla (£5 paid) 6 6 0 Carlton Brewery 3 4 6 British Tobacco 2 7 S Electrolytic Zinc (pref.) 2 9 0 Herald and Times 2 19 3 Emperor 0 9 7' Loloina 1 0 10 Mount Lyell 1 6 6 Mount Morgan 0 10 9

BANKS— Buyer*. Seller*. I'.immerilnl lr. '.> .. 16/2 < '■ > ii i miTii it 1 (]ir«'l\> .. !' 7 i> — I mil. of Syiln.y •Jμ ii ii .. _ i l-riii'lixli .-in.I s.oiiisii .-,.;,<» .. 3/10/0 ..r N./. ... - . . - ~/» A\i-in i.niir.l . — .. 7,«>/»> \.w s h Willie .. :k» *>,o .. 31/5/0 XfW S.iiitli Walts i iS.vil. ri-ir.■ •'!" •"••ii .. — New /.(Ml. Hi' I 1/ 1H :l .. 1/10/0: N.Z, l> .Mint It I iinidl 1 •"> ij .. — ' I'lilon or Australia . — .. 8/10/0' INSURANCE. — I Nnllontil in'10 .. 16/0 Niw Zi-nliiinl i«.t iliv) l> I- , . " .. -'14 •» Sum ii I'.riii.-h - I i> . . -/.">,(> SiMiiiliinl -Ml/0 .. 2,13/0 FINANCIAL— J 1 >. 11. . ■ 1 \- — .. 7/17/0 lioni I ii\ «■ -i., I'.niik. > A»mi Kii) .. Ki/'-t Kiirin. Ann. uj |.; — .. I/I" <> I'iirin An. i. ilI — . . I-/" i nriii. An. l. i A I'lvli in <1 . . ] '1. 0 K:inii. Au. I. ilt I'lrfi t , .' ii .. - - i luililthriiilUli -M.'i-i . . 1 ii ii .. — I Newton Kins iprer.l . -• .. 10/0, N.Z. ItlviT I'Infi; ... 7/0 .. — Tniil. i-'iimiH-i' i.utit.) :;/u .. 4/t> Triul. l-'liiani'u ipnf.i — .. 1" •'• I'uit.'il l.ulld. (AlKk.) — .. l'J/'J COAL— J (ii-i'.v \ ill:.-\- (i/0 .. S/6 Kal'fnnu'iita - .. l,»» I'll! in. LI f> .. I7/H i.M-.l.l X «> .. '■>.'> llpliuwn iprrf.) - <> .. 3/U Tiiuiiirl ("I'll.I 11.0 .. — i T.iii|ilrl ipri-r.i 1/1.v, .. — ; Wi-ntiiiirt l.ti/0 .. 1/1/3 Wiwi|im t, Ktoi'ktuu I • tunl.) — .. 4/2 Weatpurt Stockton p£ — .. 7/0 CAS — Aurkluiid ipiiiil) 17/9 .. 18/:i, AiicUliUiil (cout.J — .. 12/6 shipping.— |i..\..ii|in|-t Kerry 10 3 .. 1/1/6 Mii'liliiri. I'iirkiT. |irf l«n ., — Nurlli. sii-iiui (imlih . - '•> .. 3/0 Xurtli. Strain (conf.i -- .. 1/1 I', anil ii. iilef. Btoikl 1 •"■ 0 .. — \ I'tiliiti Steam (i>rvt.) — .. 1/4/9 TIMBER— i Kiutliolomow 1_' o .. 1"> O K.inri 1-J 'i .. 1 I i> Lryliinil. oltrirn ... 110 . . V< ■> Natiiinnl — .. U/O Tuiipo, Totnrn innl.) 4/7 .. — 1'iiii|in, Tulara (pref.) — .. 1.1>, 0 WOOLLEN — T.ruip 7/0 .. — Kalaiml ipai'll K» (S . . VZ ."! Km in p..i limit.) 4 u . . '< '.> Wt'llliih'liiii ipref.) .. — .. 3/J/i> BREWERIES— I liiiii-s ionl.) — .. IT. v> Uuiiiinlon tunl.) 1/11/0 .. 1/12/0 Dominion (pref.) 1/14/0 .. — Ni>w ZpiiIiiuU 1/111,(1 .. 2/0,0 Tooth's 2/14/0 .. — Tul — .. 2/10/0 •JiaCILLANIOU*— ! Entrlrnn, Sims (pref) — .. ls/0 Australian (JlasH ... •">. ln.'O .. «/0/0 Aunt. Iron. Stci'l <|>rfi 1/7/0 .. — Aunt. I'iijmt (pref.) . 14 <J .. — It.Mlcl tS.'A.) — .. 3, ii o Uiiolli Manlolinld, pf <► .. 4/O lirltish Toliaccii - * «'> .. 2'!>/t» Hiltlsli Tol.aico (prf> 1 1-J/O .. 1/1:1,41 Itrokfii Illll I'ty. ... 2/17,41 .. 2/in i> Krokeii 11 ill l'ty. con l!/4/l> .. -/-VO cianilc Noon (N.z.) . — .. 1/:V4» ('. N IniliiHtrles . — .. 1/14/0 I'olonlal Siiaar 47/ .. — t'otisol. Ilrlc-k 8/4j .. 0/0 fox I true — .. l-'/!> lirntiil anil Mpilkal . — .. V.I/U I'oiii. FortlllMpr 1/0/0 .. 1/J/O Diinlop. IVrdrinn ... nil .. 1 J i> Klrct. Zinc J... 2/7/0 .. -'7/!> Elect. Zin*; (pref.) . 2. 10/i> .. 2/1l/!> KarniiTH , Traillng .. IS/6 .. 1!>,'O Kami. Trad. (A picf) 1AV* ■• — Farm. Trail. (B pref) — .. 1/0/.T Gear Jlt>nt 12/0 .. ir./o fJ. .T. Coles 3>1S/O .. 4/0/0 (irpy and Menslca .. 11/6 .. 14/0 Henry .lonos 2/1O/O .. — Hill ami riiiiiiiuer . — .. 1/0/0 H.M. Arrmlc (ord.) . — .. 1/o/Q H.M. ArcmlO (pr«f.) . — .. 1/0/0 I.C.I. Amt. «nU N.Z. (Dref.) ...'......... — .. 1/4/O K.fV.V. Boxpk (cont.) 3/0 .. 4/3 MafiliiRW (oril.) 2/0 .. 4/0 MnoduffH (pref.) .... — .. 14/0 MeK«adrlcl< Bros, ord — .. l/o/O McKendrlck Hros., pf — .. 1/1/0 Macky, — .. 1/0/0 Mauri Brbs. (pref.) . 1/13/0 .. — ' Milne and Cboyce I (dpb. stock) 13/6 .. 14/0 Milne and Clioyce I (pref.. 6 p.c.) — .. 1/3/0 M.K. Mnniifacturers . 7/J) .. S/6 Morts Oock 14/9 .. 15/« Moturon Oil — ., 4/43 New Aiick. Laundry . — .i 1/0/B i Knrm. Kertlllier .... 15/6 .; — I N.Z. XcwHpnptTH .... — .. 1/9/0 N.Z. Itpfrlg. (cont.) (ex dlv.) 7/0 .. 8/0 N. Holler Mills (ord.) 141/0 .. l/O/O X. Uoller Mills (|>rf) 1/1/0 .. — Peters Ice — .. 1/3/0 Hndio (laiO) ie/6 .. 10/0 lteld Hul.ber 1/1/6 .. — i It. O. Knln (pref.) .. — .. l/0/o KobliiHon Ice ....... — .. 1/4/6 Him ford (ord.) 3/6 .. 6/0 San ford (pref.) — .. 15/0 Xharland (ord.) 12/6 .. _ Tnranuki OU 7/6 .. 0/0 Union Oil — .. 1/2/0 AVIlHona Cement .... lr>/3 .. 1«/O Woolworth (N.Z.) .. 17/6 .. 17/1O • Woolworth (Syd) ... 1/S/O .. 1/3/0 Woolworth (Syd.), 1st pref 2/1/0 .. — Woolworth (Syd.) 2nd Prof 1/8/6 .. — . Woolworth (Vic), prf 1/8/6 .. W. H. Curponter ... 2/3/6 .. 2/4/0

OVIMMS 1TOCK— Anst. Found. Trnst . — .. 5/0 Cupel Court Trust . — _ 4/0 Nut. Kellnnr* — .. 10/0 Woolwiirtli IloliJJnps (South Africa) .... 14/6 .. 15/6 MNINO— Big River ~ .. I/O Blnckwater in/e .. — Clutha 2/0 .. 2/6 Consul. Gold — .. ll/o Glllegple's Beach ... 0/6 .. 1/0 Golden Dawn — .. 2/0 Gold fields Dredg. ... — .. 0/3* Grey River 17/6 .. 18/0 Koumta Reefs 6/6 .. Martha 11/4 .. — Mntnkl Gold Dredff. . — .. 1/0 Mntnkl Junction ... O/6 .. — N.Z. Crown — .. 3/O Wnlhi Invest * E.ip. 8/0 .. 8/5 Grand Junction 3/3 .. 3/0 AUSTRALIA AND FIJI— flroken Hill .South .. 1/fi/e .. 1/S/O Kiiiperor 10/0 .. 11/0 .Gold Mines of Aus. . — .. 5/0 l.iilomn 1/0/0 .. — Mt. Knsl 4/0 .. — Mt. Lycll 1/0/0 .. 1/8/0 Mt. Morgan <ord.) .. H/O .. 11/1' .Mt. Morgan (pref.) .. — .. 1/3/0 .North Broken HIH . 2/0/0 .. 2/8/0 J'liuvr Development . 3/14/0 .. 4/0/0 Kjiu.uitf 7/0 .. 7/9 Sulphide Corp — .. 8/3 Triton 10/0 .. — Zinc Corporation ... 3/10/0 .. — Victoria Gold 1/12/0 .. — OOVMNMINT BOND«— 15/7/30-41, 3 p.c. .... 95/0/0 .. — 1.-./1/33-07. 3f p.c. '.. 81/0/0 .. — 15/11/38-41. 3} D.e.'.. 07/iO/O .. — 15/2/48-40, 4 p.e 00/5/0 .. — 15/4/46-40, 4 p.c 00/0/0 .. — INSCRIBBD STOCK— 15/7/.TO-41, 3 p.c. .... 05/0/O .. — 15/1/33-57, 3§ p.c. .. 01/0/0 .. — 15/11/38-41. 3J p.c. .. 07/10/0 .. — 15/2/43-40, 4 p.c 00/10/0 .. — l.-»/4/4B-4n, 4 p.c 00/0/0 .. — 15/9/41-4:1, 3i p.c. .. O9/5/(p „ — Mnr., .".0 43, Hi p.c. .. JtO/O/O ., — Sep.. :K)-4:{, 3* p.c. .. iin/O/O .. 100/5/0 May, HO-.VJ, 3* p.p. .. 08/0/0 .. — Coin. I'.omlH, i."i/ll/4i 102/10/O .. — i Com. Ilondji, 15/11/4410T{/H)/0 .. — Corn. ItoiulM, lo/H/47 104/0/0 .. — DIIINTUKIB

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 32, 8 February 1939, Page 8

Word Count

THE LATEST QUOTATIONS. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 32, 8 February 1939, Page 8

THE LATEST QUOTATIONS. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 32, 8 February 1939, Page 8