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Hgra aw Somc Retina for Naklno Joint. Picktes awl Pwwm ,« R . ESERVE su MMER SWEETS FOR BUY YOUR FRUIT I Mm&LXIBiQ Valu& WINTER HMDS NO Wfj| 7K?^ftßyiNG Agee PAN J I ff" k | "T* *I™l I I '. ? Special Purchase of British- ™ 1 IfJ/fn f\ / I I>■ 11/ made Preserving: Pans a BEH I _ I f LmLm I y I If LJ L quality Aluminium with g I BB EQD I polished finish. 14-inch dia- m I —— __ I meter, 22-pint capacity. Cer- B I pccill TC I £ f I IT '5 I LOWEST PRICES for PRESERVING JARS V [ W/■ /I / BII2B—AGEE JARS. Finest BII3O—WIDE-MOUTH JARS. Special <^ K^ N 1" ' 1 1 \ *Ila /»f / glass, fitted with non-rust grips. (*-" wide mouth, strong reinforced shoulder, iPC3k \ / Wide mouth, straight sides IP" '■]• airtight glass-lined aluminium screw top. (| il l ' inverted lid which ! B. Fruit does not touch metal. Jl allows a perfect f|jj * J/fi 2 " *7^ Pint .. .. ill Quarts B ' /( IH?I ' m Quarts 4/6 •• •• ®/~ 12/- BIBEMj . priyvßg EXTRA COVERS Doz. 9HRip 11 j 7P|i ■un fruit, lemon juice, 2lb. sugar. or water, one dessert- mika w»mo 1 81134 TIE OVER" JAM JARS, ideally 1^ I WBBBBBBIB FS£W ZEALAND tie peaches and cut into slices. spoon butter, and the kernels or about a Doz. V™V.*"*t ""V™£"7*2 1 fcfcEEfcfaol* w , th , )alr of t)10 s ,,gar aucl !<■{« until (fnai ter of the fruit. Method: Wash, but Pints and Quarts 2/- suitable where jam is not stored lor long. . iiSfcgg; next dav. Roil till tender, then add re- do not peel the nectarines and cut each _, , r »/» i-DoZ. Doz. - "AGEE" Flint Glass Jars are inainder of the sugar, lemon juice, and into eight pieces. Put into a pan with ror E-v»auans " ' lib. .. ~ .. 1/6 3/11—8M;aMKai1ajiaaM!»;MP rum uiass Jars are t|)(l ))a ,, slonn . u „ W itli some or the seeds water. butter and kernels, and place on oik 9/ A/ tifP&Peven in thickness and free strained out. Boil one and half to two moderate nre. when warm add the 4 ** *'" 888/l^^B^Bi^^^B...l.l»V •I , , or until it l'our sugar of lib. at time EXTRA KINGS — TU 8 into clean, dry, warn, jars, and m.UI all Is 6 " „. , *><% BII3S—COVERED JELLY JARS. Oear l&pSj >0 rKe s * y are stron S» syrup for fruit bottling saucer, and if liked the juice or two |^ ntß ® n f Quarts .. 4Jd. f IMI white glass with tin lids. In pairs only, gl M|| <k ' pendable « carefully made << vrup |„ ~n sy to make, .lust heat lemons may be added. Bottle and seal as For i-Gallons .. .. 4fd. M ■■■ One each—6oZ. and 9oz^—packed inside EV " llfi I . Sfi L'lMlilHiiHlllH t0 Withstand heat, and have ~n* p> Hon " f water and when it h»iis pirt H 111 to gave space when freighting. Bf MB perfect-fitting caps. wi,tn "Vd./i^'is 1 n-miy 'fitr BII29—SCREW TOP JAM JARS. Metal TV-SJP 3/9 .. .. i-dozen pairs Hk ffMf ;^s& pouring over the fruit the jars. CRSCN TOMATO PICKLB OR COWERNOR'S sCteW top and WOOd pulp Wad. Il jJ 7/6 1-dozen pail's M^P—*?/■! BaW Some housewives hesitate to try bottling SAUCE. i-Doz Doz y m jflfp 9f bei-ji use they think it is necessary to buy Twelve pounds green tomatoes, 12 large 1 «v 1/O * «/« P ARAVFIN V AX—Vnr xcalinff Jua and nV^W naAWSk IU Ma M VM _ IM ___ special nppnratiwi, but this is n mistake onions, 2lbs. brown sugar, I tablespoon j,'°- 1/® ®/® „ . . *.™ PACKED IN GARTnMx FAR CAFETV You fun bottle fruit the oven in ordi- cloves, I tablespoon allspice, 1 tablespoon 21b 2/3 4/6 Preserves, lib. packets .. .. 9«L pkt. ••Mil I Ifnw run vHlkl I nary 21b jam jars if like, though peppercorns, 1 tablespoon whole ginger BHHJwaain pami ainnuiUA proper fruit bottling jars must lie used (bruised down), 1 tablespoon cayenne AND EAST CARRYING :^t ] z. P FilllilFl%llf Will Hill A fifi i TIL water to over and let stand ror twelve ■■ H II HH H VVI fc I IPa TV_ W.... litprrii tM ' ° r protection the■bottom, liquid, just cover with pure Bi || Hk ■■>■ IB H m. H |K II ■■ ■ HH| ' — Ino New AULL to keep in a H B|H IVI ■_■■■■. H H BIIAVI IHn 6 . D tomatoes are Jpfd |||| H H HIM ■ HB V HVVMMIW Slot Bottom PEACH ll "' use<l —hence Pare, rut in halves, and remove name. tvu|r*f icrewhlff An<i pits. One pound fruit, quarter to halt g MH@Ei Jupful threequarters t 0 one pound .OTTL.NQ FRENCH BEANS I tiniCPfwinor aaiv sntrar. Comnine rruit, WBifr niiti sukjh, viuucnui| CM /' n , low to stan( i ten to twelve hours to \\ash the young beans well, then string extract juice Heat slowly to boiling point, them and either slice thein thinly or cut * f . f I • | • stirring constantly, and cook until fruit is Into diamond shapes. Tie the cut beans f f\ m fl fl\f C I PHHI flfl I lIIPC OBTAINABLE AT ALL LEADING STORES THROUGHOUT wKfSHSSHHff i clear and tender. Pour into hot sterilised I and I * * 'jy • • • NEW ZEALAND. irS " 1,1,1 ti,e ~ea,,s 111 ( ' old water, then pack _. - - wMHy PEACHES m PEACHES o PEACHES liiarkberrles, gooseberries, raspberries, gill of lemon juice and two tablespoonTuls m Hi mu■■ Ev ■ ■■ mmmm *0 ■mEH V U » strawberries One pound rruit, three- ~f sa it to a gallon of water, screw on the ManUtaCtUTM py— cmarters pound sugar (increase sugar to lids loosely and put the jars in a deep pan MB |||Jf ABBI EC. TAkl ATAEC «. - , --, - __ _ _._ __ _ one pound for gooseberries). Crush and containing enough warm water to cover rLV } . ArRIWV I , AFrkE#. I I*l #% I VE# AUSTRALIAN GLASS MANUFACTURERS CO. LTD. aru'vsvr»,'s s»r:^::r. , fi.t»r£si boiling stirring constantly, and cook one jar at a time and screw it down. f i. a •111 t All TN •/ PENROSE "■—™ AUC D. to Jelly test. Seal in t, tighter. buooues Available from All Ketauers . PEARS BOTTLING BROAD BEANS INSERTED BY TURNERS & GROWERS LTD., CITY MARKETS pare, cut in quarters, and remove cores. possible, ; „ .... j.,. - ~. Leave small pears whole, one pound n un, lIS n,ey keep their colour better than other a _ ' f . a • half to one cupful water, threcquarlers mnds. After the beans Have been shelled ;.- ..•-••• _ , r - .• a.' _ . T _ -J .>_ I_M J . M I . nA « to one pound sugar. Large pears same as j,!,,,,,!, them, for two or three minutes . ■: ' ■ .?..-■ ■ — L _—-— I n*nia\i N LGdCILnO HftGS a ■ • peaches. Coi>k small pears ill inediuni ;,c(ording to age, then pack them into jars ■ w M%, 7 ** T 27 "•* ' * syrup. and cover them with brine as for Frenchbeans. Place the jars in a bowl or preOC A/"UCC a DIP ATIIFC a DFACHFC ««.noe _ _ Wl JC S v Pare, quarter. core. One pound ■■ ■■ ■■ HMB I .^1 ■■ rupfuls water. po'unrt dark colour, so open the jars, pour oif _ -— - - _. _ ,j| AM# m __ ■ Hi mt mm A Hi Ap • sugar. Steam rruit until tender "ja K « liquid, and rinse tlioroughiy with hot , ■ _B EtE Dl 11 EwE C Jk D DlrflTs ADDLES TOMATOES a ! witll brine, ha B B fl I r k VPlw* w E\a E 9 p ■ ■ ■■ • f ■ fc w minutes. Add fruit, and simmer about all(1 sterilise again for half an hour. twentv minutes, l'our into hot, sterilised Cf i r\r\l i* of 4\/nr/n A/p "frr\m All Ppfn/'/pfC ■ J highland ohotney I ARE EASILY OBTAINED WITH bUPDLieS AVQLIQVL€ from f\LL KetaLLeTS APPLE AND BLACKBERRY JAM. Take six pounds apples, one pound \ ' I ' „,!„„,o. on. oreen .Hinies °lb oh'""s, two pounds raisins, three pounds INSERTED BY TURNERS & GROWERS LTD., CITY MARKETS bll"kberr es /lib presenihg 'sugar! ""Kar, one teaspoon cayenne pepper, two ML Method lut the apple in a pan. peeled, teaspoons ground ginger, one teaspoon salt, M M —eoi'ed and cut iin llnelv also the washed three quat ts pure malt vinegar. Cut apples, —•—i—— t»inckbetries an the sugar. Boil briskly ""ions and raisins very small. Put all lit ■ l''p JCout twentv minutes preseiVing pan with sugar and other ror <UiOUl twenij ». ingredients. it comes to the boil, _ m mmmm M HIB DRIED PEACH MARMALADE for three hours, stirring frequently. TTlft fight boiling temperature IS one of tHe big S6CfetS of SUCC6SS In J®tTl*Tnalcing« 111 fl II B 11 mm I B™ m M Two pounds GAS is best for this important kitchen work t because GAS ALONE gives you Ml B B® !■ AB Iv II IV WP || H |m I ■ Indian CHUTNEY accurate and positive heat control. ■ B— B B B BB B B ■■ k wm into then Twelve large one pound dates, BI B B B BBE B ■■ ■ ■ ■ ™ ■ ■ m large pie dish with the sugar and butter, four ounces onions, four ounces raisins, Ritl- nut all t-rirlra wifk vntir fam finilincr »nrl V>#> StJRP OF SUCCFSS hv 11 aitier ~—— anrf g( ; t |n a cnol nvpl) Cnok U|l(il lrnflrr nvo otinc( . s (friend ginger, one quart pure, KUIe out aU tricks with your Jam boning, ana oe ownc. yr ay using A MM■ ■pa aa EE I■ I a ß a ll BBf l' ns ' s through a sieve, and use for filling malt vinegar, one pound sugar, four ounces Gas .. . the perfect Heating Agent. Gas puts the O.K. itttO Cooking . take* B 7a" ■ B ■ ■ UII ■ turnovers, topiiing trille, or ror sand- .salt, hall' ounce cayenne pepper, one tea- i CT 1* I I I IVIUI I • I nil I wiches. spoon mustatd. Peel and core apples, chop tne anxiety out or JaHl'lliaKlng Hf | I I EI mm I ■ aaa I ■ ■ very line the other Mgredients. MW TSfIT __ __ _ _ __ .._ together, then boii till quite soft. Seal _ . — jK\i\ "i havec tup n pprßrNnp »m» P o„«, *°" u •""">•• //Miss'. v\ mM I B B Ul I r Lll t lau L sugar, two one ounce blanched / \-\ IlinitaiW B■ ■ ■W uu m m m •m-w ■— almonds, rour pints boiling water. Wash MUBTARD CABBAGE PICKLE mm m mm. m M « M tm tm That is why you should always use D.Y.C. FRUIT BOTTLING IN YOUR Pure Malt Vinegar. Its pure, mellow flatour l'"* ? n to rotir nieces and «o stand i 4 hours. Drain and boil twenty ■. ■ B B B " m " imparts a delicate taste, while its strength boll for tw ,V, v rill „„, os with 'the ien„,n , :i i i n v ,,t L s I f i, V I ["'' ensures that your pickles and sauces will iinK:;Kir i^n r ;d i ' H boi l •"nl.ickiy iT/v cu ">' two — -- - m m B 888 Ek. B If remain in excellent condition for many Jninutos.' or until tlio jam sot? \vhon »»*stapcl In two cups of vinegar, put in mm C^B mM 11 months. D.Y.C. Vinegar is carefully brewed caiibagre, and boil for Ave E tOC< JLe I You bu y D - Y - C - Vinegar, hygienically Thrpo P "J" * M ® s !S U " """V e„pf„is viiS. nn" r r«rv'newr Putting away a supply rf fruit and vegeI f® I packed, in the new " squat . bottle with ( ijih) i taiiWpooiifui lemon juici-. finely chopped onion, iiair cup sng-ar, tables fat Winter is no bother At all When I I •▼ •■ • B screw can. or you can now obtain D.Y.C. i Jj>x powciorwi fruit poHin. quarter pound chopped raisins, one ounce irou use the GAS-OVEN method. Preserves ■ | I | a I NE" . I .., . K ' * _ _ I* _A.__a»i«,_ u.if. To prepare juiee cut in pieces (without white mustard seed, two ounces powdered t tLi. «... i_ n ..f n . t aJ A kJ I Vinegar in an exceptionally attractive nal peeling) and crus-ii nimirt 2ii> ripe peaehes ginger root, one teaspoon salt, quarter prepared this way keep in perfect con» n~"—i I a I gallon flagon. Remember, always use D.Y.C. nnd lib ripe plums. Add three-ipiarters of teaspoon paprika, two tablespoons grated Ejfiydition for years. ME LIOWIO rtatflrt* ' I Pnro Malt Vineirar it is a superior product a cupful of water, bring to a boil anil lemon rind, three tablespoons lemon juice. 'IW—. * _«u„_ ..iiio<rarc Rimiller, covere<i, ten minutes. Place fruit Peel the peaches, remove the stones, and a a.i,_ _—i./y * that costs you no more than other vinegars. j n j ( >iiy eioth or bag nnd squeeze out. juice, rut in large pieces; add the two (juarts or Apart from the fruits or vegetables, only Am l/£— (If there i« a shortage of juice, add small vinegar and cook gently until peaches are water and the jars are needed—or With \JfI4K4/ flHfll • amount of water to pulp and squeeze sort. Add the additional cup or vinegar, fruits a sugar syrup may be used. SIX hj si»gar and set aside. Measure and 1 cook .Mowiy.'^i'ntil'u 1 thickened! qiiart bottles f VfUHJWU juice into a three-quart sauc<'pan. adding pour into hot, clean jars and seal at once. for LBSS THAN ONS PENNY FOR OAS. I ■ + 0 I j:? ™*" — "'Tn 1 "? 1 mMt ■ ( EiCS^HSi'S 6 FREE Advice from Mr*. Mam MALT VINEGAR \ Make more and better ask. Phone our Home' Service Department— DOMINION COMPRESSED YEAST CO. LTD., AUCKLAND and CHRISTCHURCH 11-/j||I 1 -/j|| Jam With ZETT m hi■mbmmmft fflt it you have never made jam before, ~ ' J — you can now do it with complete sue- 0 —WE ALSO— cess. Zett has simplified jam making! I I MM fa | | B% o*£. ML ~ > manufacture in N.z. KcFKIGCKATION BY uAb Ipg I | | REIDRUBBER •?• r reduce FOR KEEPING FRESH FOODS FRESH * (or boiling to as little as five minutes. BiHP\ rrMilT nrrcmt/llilla VD C € Vcl.-' J (Hg»P'|| Nothing is boiled away when Zett is Fruits, vegetables, salads, meats and all other perishable foodstuffs are kept whole- \ HaE/l 1 jE:Ea E v UlliLE IVIf E V 1 use< '* There is no risk of failure, no some through all weathers by the ELECTROLUX Gas-Operated Refrigerator It's IraiEp \ JAP PINGS REIDRUBBER s^rsi \\V\ ... — ~e « T rtiiAi I*v —BBOVIfS*--™fi"«1 1 1"o"~™ No machinery, no noise, no wear-and-tear — perfect, silent Refrigeration at the \ ; \ TACTCI FCC TEIIIS BALLS LOWEST COST from a small Gas flame! No attention needed — entirely AUTO- \ WEB B B ■ ' MATIC. Get particulars of the three ideal household models, available on EASIEST B B imm TERMS. Call and inspect at our Showrooms, or ask us to forward particulars. ISSSSWSTSSR „ ffl» auckland gas co. Ltd. REID NEW ZEALAND RUBBER MILLS W wyndham st ~ PITI st -- ANPBRANCm "..:. i \ PENROSE " ' g— —

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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 31, 7 February 1939, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 31, 7 February 1939, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 31, 7 February 1939, Page 13