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Amusements Reviewed

[ SPAWN OF THE NORTH " I IIKf.K vr. | l'\|or linwsi iii i,...ir2>- Itti ft Inn Klinnu'rl.-p H.-nry l'..iiila j M. ki lin rii I Ih.r.illiy l,;im..iir ■ 1 "" r flutr i Wimli 1 ' Tllr|iiii Inhii M.irr\ninri' 11-<1 >k.iin Vkim T;i niir«.lT IHr.-'ior Henry ll.itlin u.l \ . I'u r i in. »ii?i T. \ vni .it .it iiiul mil pii tm • >lais I'M lin oil in tlir I'.it .iiiioiint 1• i I.iilr. S|..iwn m: the Nmtli.' »lm h ~i, ■ | In-.- .in.lii-iii iv t,, t '11' I.Vin-nt lln ,ii 11' | 11 n in- In •I ■ > -i. w iuli- ii i~ iin i rii t ,ii tin. J lln .iii.- 11. -.- i- ,i |■~ tui • ciiiii 1 linrpi l"\ . . .11 111 >11 . 'I'll - Ik 11111 illl in t I'l out. , \ I.: Ml 11.1 mm ,|||.| t 111 ill.« 11l I I'''' l ll \ . 11l tin- fl 1 111 IS smiirt liillt i' 1» I ' ll'' .in.ll. 11. .- ..II tli | j.- i,! t In- j ' -".It. I lull I•'• . II -I I | |.|. U I'll . VV '.lilt' i I .1" It I. It -.'lt 111 till' I'. 1111,1 111 I'. .1 111 I ; ilu'ii hiii-. i' ,i 1111 iii 11 • 1111• .is 11»|.111 ]in 'I. lI.'IIM stllM. Sill Ii a 1111 -1111 I' IS j ' Sp.l H|| 111 till. 11 . " \* ll U-ll |fa lull's I I . I.pill's 111 11,1 tHI tnt,lll\ lllfll'l I'll | ' * .Is I rt'n till'. it' nil! lll.>ll' Sd. ,|,S I'm i*i iiu.' .uui < .inll.iui .it nm in |>i. 1111 • • '. '-i i. .1- " l"i o." " l lii. 11 hi n--1 ■ " -in.l "In 1)1,1 CMi-aiii.," I'.ua . mi.nnl ..\'ci two i.-ais in uiiUiiil: i!iis 111 in llu 1 I i.i i U i. .i iin I i-. ti -■ 111 n: \1.1»k.l 111 till' I I.i \ • "I lullL' .l'_'-> . I 1111 till' : .u li< .ii iiniihi's. in s n 111 .i! I \ iii* w tii ill •• i , I ..i nn.t uui pu thi i' i v|.lint a t imi. a 1.. ut , Ia i I rni |.tut -ut i. na 11 - 1.. .-.I i'. 11 tin- .a t. !i ■ - j ..i luiiu M ti-11 f I 1111■ 11 Tin' i-liim is pai l Ui'il ' "it Ii in I'M tli inu I iia I in ,i ml u 'in ■ t 1111111 , iii'.iii'. .iii-! K mill.-I !rc air t lull. ... Ii u-iuls mil ii I >,m s. .11. I' In I I ' I • In. i,i 11 u i iv. tin li. tu lisli ;. 11 a, \ .11 .i u I in.- Sk.iin * :• in.'. ll.niM"i , - u.| j \\ I • 11111' 111 In Kinilii'i li'i' 111 an I■ \. 11 111LT ti'-'ht I.l't 111-1 II tlsll.'l llll'll 111 . I |Ui.lll - I-. I I'lli.'lll ill in ».r 11. |I||«Ml|| pilots till' I' .1' ill.' Ir.nlri in*• • a <!,n n't. knliuu 111111~i !' . ami Sk ain Kill I- pi-l lot IIIHIU I's all' I 'I'll In all llu- stars (ipot>tp Ixatt, 11 imi i v I "ml.i. I>i 1111111 \ I .amour. Aklin l-unii oil. ■ li.lin Itai t i hum i'. l,oiiisi' Piatt ami Inline II v i'i in an . llu' imi in i-oti flirt is l».'t it i-i'ii Mi".on ami K imlii'i li'P, wlio. as i li.sf | liifiiils, pal t i.mipa n> . .fin' tuiniuu to , I'll. 1.1 ami till- ut ll it liplmliliuc law ami 1 I'l 111 • I I). 11! 1111 \ I,nin on r is SI'PII 111 a inlr 1 .litf.-i imt iioiii 111osi' ivliii li lia\ " 111a111- \ 11. ■ i a pi inn- l.n ouiiip nitli niotn.'i |.ni -11 i ■ | ;■■ ill i.' I a 1111 ri iIV veil null ;.mti,ns| t i ill,i moiis' as tlir t'u-sian Ir.uli'i ■' .I li..' tisli puati's. iiml llai i vinoii' ami I I>'.ain i n Inn !■ tlu' i oin ir ri'li.'t pat ts. j I '. i.- is a !im- .iinpoi t in.' i as" . I'l'.- ni• m pi iv." a inini' ut soi iimlaM film sn'n-i's in hull- a most ain 11 -»-i llu "I'npi'.ii'" -"i'i ni 11 i'i I i ,ii toon. Harriot Parsons show - | i'i- llm latest ilmi.'.'s ui' film in j -111-.tlu'l' 111' tlO * "Si I IM'll S lla pslu.ts Sl'l'ii'S. ; I I ui i iiit H'orlil happoni m_'s at o ih'pirti'.l in i tin- P.iranioutit \ir Mail N'ows. II STAR, KARANGAHAPE ROAD i llu' Htoi'.i ot a woman unjust i \ in i u.-»*l i oi iinitilor, w llu realises that she wi'l lie ■ i 11ti\ ii toil on iiii ri nlen. ii ' silo pioilnnis her iiiihiii'lk e. wliei ,-,is lei iittoini'.v hiisliatul ean save her hi pleailimc .Inst I till I>l f lionilinlp in iliivmr ot liei ihastiti. i- the 11 ll Ufs nil I tlienir oi "Tine t initOßSHin." now showing at the .>tar rhoatie. Karanunhiipi' Itoiul. t arole LornImul ami Kroil Miu'Murriiy itivp tine per--1111 in a n rps in tlio leailintt lolo.s, while .ii-lm Hni i v more, I 'n«i Mpi Url. |»m trr Hall ml I/ilkiii' are tfixxl in intpoi tunl supporting rolos. Dorothy I .amour. Larry I'ranlM', Hplly (italilo ami the Vaeht C'iul) Boyn lire the piaiu i.|ials .it "Thrill of a I Litrtinip." main supporting frtitnie. w hilo iinoflu'r opisisle of the serial. " I he Mystoriiiiis Pilot, ami n "Pnppje' cartoon will also hp pri'sPiitoil. PRINCE EDWARD, NEWTON. After apppatinic in no many romantic roles that lie wan <1111> 1 ><*<I a "cissy." hain!Miitic Koliprt Taylor rptleemeil hunsplf in the pyi's of iii ii Ir- Hlm patrons with a virile fiot to? ninnee in "A Yank at Oxfnnl." now show iiiji at the Prince Kdwat.l TliPatie. Newton. In this picture, lie i« an atlih te anil m physique, action ami itenetal appearance, lie looks the real t',un*r. Maureen U'Sullivan uives one ot' thos-- ' ileliuhtfully natural porttnyals as a ioiiiil' co-eu at llxloril I'liiveittitv. of whi' h on I> she is cnpable. Taylor plais tlip part of ait olinoxioiislv Iniuiptioiis loiinu num. hero of a small town m America, who noes to Oxford Iniveisiti when he wins a hcliolarship. To his sill prise he limU h" is not iiloliseil In all til.* .students there, and the way iii wliii h hp in educated until he ha* ji proper iiih ou n import- j anco make?* an cntrrtainiiitf Ktory. "Canmiily of Bar-20," with William Boyd, is also showing. MAYFAIR, SANDRINGHAM. One of the most spectacular storm see lien ever "faked" for the camera in included in "The Hurricane," now showing at the Mayfair Theatre. Sandringhnni. Jon Hall and Dorothy J ..amour are the stars. "Km hidden Valley," with Noah Berry. .Fun.. a.nd I'rancea Kobinaon, ia on the same programme. NEW ROYAL, KINGSLAND. William Powell and Myrna Lo.v are '.ho stats of the entertaininir sophisticated roiuantjc. comedy. "Doulile Wedding, at the Now Hoyal Theatre. Kintfsland. The dramatic ".fury's Seerot, ' w;th Kent laylor in the main role, is also showing. STRAND, ONEHUNGA. Handsome Hamon Novarto lieads the i-ast of "The Sheik Steps Out," main feature on the current programme at the Strand Theatre, Onehunga. "The Nurse From Brooklyn." co-starring Sally Kilers and Paul Kelly, is on the same programme. which also includes another ppi- *<*!«• of the serial, "Flash (Jordon'a Trip to Mars." AMBASSADOR, POINT CHEVALIER. Patrons at the AmbiiKsador Thoatre. I Point Chevalier, this evpninw. will Ms one of the most light-henrtetl musical comrdies of the year, when "Kadio City Bevels is shown. Kenny Baker, Jack Oakie, 800 Burn* and Ann Miller are some of the leading players. "Little Miss Houghneck." with Kdith Fellowcs, is on the aanic programme. REGAL, PONSONBY ROAD. Freddie Bartholonirw. Warner Baxter and Arleen Whelnn are thp principals of the film version of H. L. Stevenson s his--1 torical romance, "Kidnappetl, now at the | Hegal Theatre, Ponsonliy Koad. "1 Met M.v Love Again." with Joan Bennett anil 1 Henry Fonda, is on the siune programme. AVONDALE THEATRE. i The dramatic "StUla -Dallas." starring . Haili.ira Stanwy k. Ann Shirley and John I Holes, heads this evenings programme at ■ i lie Avondale Theatre. "Mimhh Steps Out." featuring the veteran Alice Brady, comprises the other half of a well-balanced pi ogramiiip. LONDON, CITY. Madeleine Carroll, Tiione Power, Sir tiny Standing an.l Fieddie Bartholoniew .no the shining lights in the strong cast oi' "I,l.nils ot London." main feature on tlu- prou'iinuiie at the London Theatre, ' ity. James Olnor Curwood's famous t anadian roiiiam e. "The Country Bemud," is alsu showing. SOUTHERN CROSS, ELLERSLIE. Barbara Stanwyck ami Herbert Marshall ate tin- co-stars ot "Breakfast For Two," now showing at the head of the proUiaiiiiiie at tl,e Southpin Cross Theatre. I", lersliP. Ill,' spoetncuhir tilm. "In Old I ln« \Nitii | yrnn,. powrr. Alice Faye and Doll Anieehe, is the associate feature. CAPITOL, BALMORAL. Hip popular Australian comedian, ' V " ,il ' '« "P to |„s „hl tricks ui < ,eoi ge |)o It, now at the Capitol Iheatie. Itahnoi il. The entertaining I hill ne Smith coined! . "Topper " with t onstamo Hennett. Cary (irant and Kola ml 1011 n . i«< also Hhowing. DORIAN CHOIR. 'I 111- gieat Christmas Oratorio |,y H leh Hill lie presented in the Auckland Duri in I'll"" 111 the (mil Pit chamber of the lon ii Hall oil Thursday next, December *. -I * p.m. Mr. Albeit Briant will eonduel the clioii. while Mrs. Hog. Hoed wil lie the accompanist. Miss Mmiol Colli. , Miss Doiotli! I'ren Mr R i.-.'i 1 l-.ri ington and Mr Hubert Simmeis ni. ithe solo parts, arrangement* advertised.

"ALCATRAZ ISLAND." M.WKSTK". "(,f«t Itrady Jolin I.itel t"A11--ii \nn Sti«Tii|an Ann Mary Mnguiro i "l£.-il" l arrull Bon \Veld.,n i I- ro.l Mai-i'laiu- Vil.lison Kieliards "IV'irp" Sa ill.-II Dick PiireeU 1 I >ii'.-rior : William .MeCiiinn. Warin-r Itn... ; Al-.. lIIK I.I.AHIATuIt." w iili 1 I - ,. Itr.iun and Man Mountain Jioan. ' Aa,i 11 a/.. I lie I'i-d.'ial pi i.on ;n San \ riami.-.o It.ii. tliioiigh detcitne and . j newspaper r-toiu... iia.s become as iamiliar!. 'l' l ' J'llhlii ill 111:1 a.. li.ive liei oiiii- the ( I' ''del a 1 operatives dubbed (i-nuii. origin- .. ; ,l ''i b> the il li. 11' i woi Ii 1. iu inaii! ,~iii I-C..S- | I I'll I' aI i n i's. For that mattei there have ; i been in III! prison stories that have packed i" the Ihealies. With these piuved antcci- | 'l»'iib.. "Aliatra/ Island" pimi-s I'alunbli' j | ; 'I theme and title, and besides there a i ~'" l v . oiiipimeiit which emphasised tlu- , 1 usi nll ■ lm ce ol pa lei nal love. A l.uge ' , at ten.l,nice at the Majestic Theatre last ] eieinii- gall- the put ui i ■ an excellent , 1 cpl 1011. ( ompi'teiit pi iI oi mam I'S ai e , giicii 111 a cast lu-adeil In John Luc! and I Shell.l,in. and then- i. an outstaud- I juvni!,' lead :u Man Maguire. The , I >l " 1 > a i 1111• 11 at ;,n e\ ion of the . ' '! !! oi kl„gs of the, l, pi 1.0,| and , III" -1 ■ . .1.1 iu H Ih.-Ii It I. lu-ld In the uiulei- ( I ;d. wealt'n I a cket eel- is 11 i | >[•<-. Iby , ,ni 1,1 t,i \ i ii< I irt incut .1 ml i< sent to , A -'"'f-t'i i■ll e 1111 a t tempts p. kid- , 1 1 all g 11' e i ami i. sen to the same . j '."ii. both being transfei led to \ i 1 "• -;i"gsti-|- is Stabbed ill cii. iim ■-'•""."t " appear to involve tlu- , i aekeieer as the iniirdercr. In a diamatic i-liii'.' x a (.-man and a distiie: attorney), "illi whom the daughter, now a young woman, is in line, obtain Ills ,u<|iiit tal. ( (o-stiumg on the progranim,. is "The I • "i-liator. which must lie ranked as one I ot .100 h. Blown s most amiisini: pi( tui« s It is >< alee!! liecessai 1 to sal that he is ' , the whole show, although .Man-Mountain Dean. Lncieti I.ittieHeld, Jimp Travis. lin km Moore. Kddio Kane. Hobert Kent. | htho, W iilcn anH Donald Douglas contri- < j bute mu li to the hi lai it! . Hrown has his !' | '!" " " -'. v "f putting over comedy, and the j i . him should enhance his populariti. Addi- I ; I tiima li. the story includes a little mean- j, | "»'<■ 'nte, est as well as ~ vein of ■-i In -st in ing interest. Brown | is the principal figure in building up and I welding all the elements', and he is the , mister ot all situations ~t all times \„ I amusing attraction for the fau,i 1! ' that I .' V* ! '"gh. The ciadiatoi" also is' i ill"-" .(iialties which inakei, Brown a m imp laimirite with the !oiingst i iim .iiding the topical into: est in wrest Img. ST JAMES'. The widesptead fame of Heig.-n and his top-hatted dummy. ChaTlie Met ait h.\, alone would have been «ulli- I j cieiit to draw the clowda to the St. .lames' ' I I heati e. whet e their latent film. "J.ettci Ot Intiodiictioii." is showing. Not content with this, however, the producer added a powerful story and a hand-picked cast of 'ugh-i lass players, as well as having netgeti mtiodiice another dummy Mortimer Sneid. a country boy whose loutish--11.-SH riles the nophisticated Charlie - 1'"'" art In to a point where he almost wants to break his association with his owner. Andrea Leeds. Adolpbe Menjou and l.eoige Murphy ate the puncipals on! the diamatic side, and thev handle the gnpping story of the pitiful downfall of an ageing a, lor with sympatli! and eon- ' Vict lon. Menjou is the actor who. through I a letter of introduction, find* that he has a grown daughter i Miss Leedsl. and. alter keeping the relationship secret for protessioiial i easims. almost ruins her life and dies bctore he can rei oal the secret to the world. Oeorg'e Mnif.hv is Miss I .cols sweethoait. with whom she Hnds ! solace alter the d.-nth of h«n- father. STATE, 'SYMONDS STREET. j . Those who attend the State Theai el Sy 111 oiul s Street, this evening will see, » hat is p, obalii! the most mumla, I stiaiglil conii'd.! ever to have be. n 1 shown in Aink la ml. "Meiril! We Liu-"! enjoyed a record inn in tie c:i\ a lew weeks ago. Brian A heme and < (instance Bennett head the ■ompai ativolv .small, but superbly competent cast which also includes Billie Burke, Aim .Mown,;.! loin Brown. Bonita Granville. Patsi I Ke ly and Ann Dvorak. It is hard to pick out one pla.veT as being superior to I u-M- oti » rs -,'V l ' the V -tH excellent, but I Bilhc Burkes portrayal of the "daffy" mother of an irresponsible family, with a penchant for collecting and attempting to rehabilitate st ray tramps, is, the highlight of the production. The usual entertaining selection of featureltes makes up the balance of the programme. CRYSTAL PALACE RIALTO. Sabu. the darkly handsome young Hindu la.l who captivated millions of theatregoers with his pel lorniatu e in "Klephant -"' V 't heads the cast of the film version A. K. W . Mason s famous romance, Ihe Drum.' now at the Crystal Palace and Hialto Theatres. With the story set against the background of the lawless noi tn-\N est trontirr ot !n<lia. the picture j is (ilnied entirely in Technicolour. anil some of the scenery, notably that of the rugged country lying beyond the Khvber Pass, ia magnificent in its grandeur. Ro«er Livesey and Valerie Hobson are the romantic principals, in their roles of a young LngliMi army officer and his courageous wife respectively, while Raymond Miinsey. as a treacherous tribal chieftain, is as villainous as only he can be. The story is of the struggle between Sabu and Massey for leadership of a small native State an<l the abortive attempt -by Massey to lead a huge native revolt along the frontier. ALEXANDRA, GREEN LANE. Alice Faye and Tony Martin head an unusually strong cast in "Sal!.! , Irene and Marv," now showing at the Alexandra Theatre. Green Lane. "Blind Alibi,'' featuring the virile actor, Richard Dix, rounds off a well-balanced programme. ADELPHI, RICHMOND. Four brothers pursue their father's murderer half-way across the world in "Four Men and _ a Prayer," at the Adelphi 'Iheatre, Newton. Richard Greene, Loretta Young and George Sanders are the principals. "Having a Wonderful Time," with (finger Rogers and Douglas Fairbatiks. jun.,*is also showing. i DE LUXE, MOUNT ALBERT. Merle Oberon and Laurence Olivier are the principal* of the amusing comedy of mistaken identity. "The Divorce of Lady X," which heads this evoninjr's programme at the l)e Luxe Theatre. Mount Albert. "A Trip to Paris." featuring the popular Jones family, is also showing. EMPRESS, NEWTON. Action is the keynote of "Four Men and a Prayer." featuring Hir-hard Greene. Loretta Young. George Sanders and David Xivcn. main current, attraction at the F.mpress Theatre. Newton. "Mr. Moto's Gamble," with Peter Lorre and Keye Luke, is also showing. BERKELEY, MISSION BAY. Cecil B. de Millo's lavishly-produced . action drama, "The Buccaneer." with Fredric March and Francisco Gaal. heads this evening's programme at the Berkeley rheatre, Mission Bay. Selected featuveHes , make up the balance of the programme. ' TUDOR, REMUERA. ; Beautiful Danielle Darrieux. the . rreiich actress, made her Hollywood I screen debut in "The Huge of Paris," now at the Tudor Cinema. Kemuera. Douglas' ran banks. j,,n.. is great at the head of the siipiiorinig cast, while Louis Hay-' waul Miselia Auer and Helen Broderick ii Selecteil feuturettes make up the balance ot the programme. j r WINDSOR, PAPAKURA. 1- One of the few Knglisl, radio comedians " o make a rea, success on the scree-, i- •■Poigo 1- or in by. is t.he star of I S^e 'I lee. ,„! rent attraction at the Windo .or 1 healre. Papakura. "On Such a e N'--lit. with Grant Richards and Karsn jlorley, is on the same programme.

"ALWAYS GOOD-BYE." CIVIC. Margot Weston ... Barbara Stanwyck .!im Howard Herbert Marshall Phillip Marshall lan Hunter fount (Jiovaui Corini .. Cesar Koniero .lessicn Kei.l J.ynn Bari Harriet Martin Biniiie Barnes Director: Sidney Lu tultield. Twentieth l'out ury-l-'ox. Provocative of thought and arresting in its appeal to set ions consideration of the iinpulsi-s prompting man and maid iu their matrimonial enlei prises, "Always | Goodbye," which last night opened ft; ' season at the ( ivie Theatre, is a touching! ' stoi y oi a woman's seii-sacritice in the: t in tei est 111 hfl child, and ot tile conse- 1 .picnt sell-sai'ittice imposed oil the man ' she inaiiied and the man she most ilesireil! ! to nun ly. It is a sweet and reft esliiug j study oi the eternal triangle. Bristling) ! with heart iuteiest and a choice selection ,; ol tlu- problems ol luaidi-lihnod. il is a! ' stoi v incr which lemi li i lie juitlons may I ' log ica Ii! • expend the rebel ol a really ' good cry in sympathy with the chief J characters, tor Barbara Stanwy ck. Her-j , licit Marshall and the boy player .lolni| I\Usse 11 present a series of scenes which i tug at the heartstrings ot even the most j ! lolk. It is a most unusual' and stilling line story , and is supported | by ti 1 111 lea t 111 et t.-s and a Peiili Hughes j organ selection, which fill out an inter-' ' est ing ami entertaining show. \ . ( hie of the gieat features of "Always j < *ooilby e" is the pel feet balance of loua lisni sii.-ta nol In Baibara Stan-! !! yek and Hei bei t Marshall in tensely j, pathetic seelie> i.-laling to vat ions phases! ' ol 1111111 all hne. and the highly effective e 11111 a\ i s leached by the artless art of the : li!eyeai old John Russell. In I I.i i- lolei of teseiier fl (un the liver of a mother-j' about-to-be. beneiaetoi to his protege and: hei baby son. and eventually her lover. ' Hoi licit Mai shall portrays a brand of | chivalry which tlniils every feminine! heart. And his final renunciation conse111 liently drowns the natural disappointI i)i<-iit of the happy ending in an agony of sympathy, which craves the relief of tears. Barbara Stanwyck's contribution to that gland climax is marked by subtle , and aiti.tie giadatums of emotional acting which temper the finale for romantic minds, and which emloise the triumph of mot hei-line over the natural urge to igialify pel sotia I desiie. I hat highly whimsical personality. I Cesar Romero, flits lightly through the action. bringing touches ot welcome i j comedy which sei ve to throw into higher rebel the inevitable pathos arising from loinaiiecs frustrated by cii ciinistatu e. Binnie Barnes, too. is another o / filmdoiii s lovable chat actei s. who finds a place in a story that has its sweet and tender passages wliiih appeal strongly and give natural i-mphasis to the series of studies in domestic problems through which the play has its special attraction. In a highly interesting first half, the lie!! si "el items include two histoii. London ceremonials in the King's parade to the opening of Parliament and the I.old Mavoi s pi 0.-essioii. while all American i bird-hie stiulv which embraces tlm songs (o f the bit ds is a picture of exception il I (harm. A musical comolv and Penu Hughes In a.-ket of organ solos anil songs complete a title programme. VICTORIA, DEVONPORT. '"Sniilin I hroiigh." the impressive drama which has been having a successful return season in Auckland theatres lately, heads this evening's programme at the Victoria Theatre. Devonport. Fredric March and .Norma Shearer are the stars. I "Leave It to Me." starting Sandy Powell, j is the associate feature. GAIETY. TAKAPUNA. 1 Joan Bennett. Winner Baxter and ) Miselia A net" are the principals of the spectacular Technicolour production, "Vogues of main current attraction at the Gaiety Cinema. Takapuna. BRITANNIA, PONSONBY. I Claudette Colbert and Gary Cooper are ' the st-ais. and Finest Lubitscli the .lire.I tor. of the Parisian coinoly. "Bluebpard's ' j Kighth Wite." now showing at thp Bi iI tannia Theatre. Ponsonin . "Air Devils." j | with Dick I'm ell and Larry Blake, is the associate feature. j " BABES IN THE WOOD." ! Miss Kathleen Boyle presents her piifi'ls •n a pantomime entitled "Ralies in the Wood." in the Town Hall Concert Chamber on Wednesday next. December 7. at 7.1-1 Booking arrangements are advertised. } ASTOR, DOMINION ROAD. | Barry McKay takes up the mantle i Leslie Howard laid down after "The I Scarlet Pimpernel," in "The Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel." main current attraction at the Astor Theatre. Dominion | Road. "The Crime of Dr. Hallett." with Ralph Bellamy and Barbara Read, is also j showing.


CARLAW PARK—Wrea-t ling. Lofty Blomflekl v. Brother Jonathan. H.M. THEATRE--The r.reat Nicola. PICTURE THEATRES. CIVIC —Barbara Stanwyck anil Herbee-t Marshall in "Always Good-bye." I MAJEBTIC—-"Alcatraz Islanrl" and Joe E. Brown in "The GlKliator." BT. JAMES'—-Andrea I.eeds and Adolphe Menjou In "Letter or Introduction." MAYFAIR—Michael Wtialen and T.yn Barl In "Speed to Burn" and the Jone3 Family in "Safety Numbers." EMABBY-—Robert Montgomery and Virginia Bruce, in "The First !0<» Ye«rs." STRAND—Gary Cooper and Frances Dee in "Souls At Sea." ROXY—Chester Morris and Bruce Cabot In "Smashing the Rackets" and Ronald Regan and June Travis itfc "I-ove Is On the Air." REGENT—George Raft and Dorothy I.amour in "Spawn of the North." LONDON —Madeleine Carroll In "Lloyds of London" and "Country Beyond." ADELPHI—"Four Mem and a Prayer" and "Having Wonderful Time." ALEXANDRA—"SaIIy, Irene and Mary." ABASBADOR—"Radio City Revels" and "Little Miss Roughneck." ASTOR—"The Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel." AVONDALE —"Stella Dallas" ami "Mama Steps Out." BERKELEY (Miaaion Bay)—" The Buccaneer." BIRKENHEAD —"Every Hay's a Holiday." BRITANNIA —"Bluebeard's Eighth Wife" and "Air Devils." CAPITOL —" ueorg-e Do It." CRYSTAL PALACE —"The Drum." DELTA—"Hawaii Calls" and "When Vou'-re in Love."' DE LUXE—"Tho Divorce of Madame X" and "A Trip to Paris." EMPRES8 —"Four Men and a Prayer" and "Mr. Moto's Gamble." GAIETY —"Vogues or 1038." GREY LYNN — "Arsetie Lupin Returns" and "Laughing Irish Eyes." KINGSLAND—"DoubIe Wedding" and "The Jury's Secret." LIBERTY —"Romance in the Dark" and ■Wise Girl." MAYFAIR —'Hurricane" and "Forbidden Valley." ; PEERLESB—"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." PICTUREDROME — "Bulldog Drunimond's Revenge."' PRINCE EDWARD—"A Yank at Oxrord" and "Cassldyor Bar 20." PRlNCESß—"Kidnapped" and "I'm From i the City." REGAL—"Kidnapped" and "I Met My Love i Again." REGENT (Epaom)—"SalM in New York" and "Bringing Up Baby." RIALTO —"The Drum." STAR (Nawton) —"True Confession" and "Thrill of a Lirettme." j STAR (Papakura)—"Dinner at the Ititz" i' and "Dodge City Tra'il." STATE (Devonport)—"Vivacious L.n 1 and "Sky Giant." STATE (Symonda Btra«t) —"Merrily i Live." STATE (Onahunga)—-"Perrect Spec.i and "One Wild Night." STRAND (Onahunga)—"The Sheik s, i Out'' and "The Nurse From Brookly • TlVOLl—"Smashing the Rackets" i i "Love Is On the A4r." TUDOR—"The Rage of Paris." i VICTORIA—"SmIIIn' Through." ' WINDSOR (Papakura)—"l See Ice" and "On sucii a Nlfrtu."

"SPEED TO BURN." MAYFAIR. Matt Kerry Michael Whalen Marion Clark Lynn Bari Tim Turner .Marvin Stephens Papa Gainliini llenry Arnietta Sport Fields Chick Chandler Hastings Sidney Blacknier 1 lire.'lor : 1 it to Brow er. Twentieth Colli It ry-FuX. Also. "SAFKTY IN NI'MKKKS," featuring the .1 ones family. The story of a racehorse making a comeback aii.l winning provides the basis of a tin tiling racing romance and yrand entertainment piescutcil in "Speed to Burn," one ot two excellent pictures screening at the Mayfair Theatre. Horscraci ng can always lie depended to arouse the keenest Intel est the w oi Id over, and "Speed to Bill ii depicts the .-port of sports iu all its intensely exciting incidents. t he boundless hne ot a young man lot a gill, and the danutiiss 1 il it ii of tin- young man in the ability of a gallant thoroughbred are the main ingi e.licnts. Michael Whalen and Lynn Bari are the principals :n the story built around a laceliorse. War Paint. The horse s tall from grace, his roan ill.'lit and subsequeirt career in liio police "department.' and later i el urn to capture fresh laurels on the thus justifying the contention of a girl who is detei mined to expose a gang of hoise racketeers, ale unfolded. It is an excellent story, and one to satisfy any audience. "Saiety iu Numbers" is a screamingly tunn.!, breezing along, ci eating a laugh a second, and depicts the life of the Jones family. And what a lite! From the moment Mrs. Jones is botiotn ei I as the "best mother" in a i all ii> contest, and goes on the air to advise about- domestic problems, the fun begins. At home Mrs. Jones gets into all sorts of domestic tangles. A son plans to elope, the father invests the family wealth in a mineral water scheme which docs not retiiln enough to till a lemonade bottle. However, when niatteis look their worst, the family tallies round mother and the tumbles are smoothed out, proving once again that there is safety ill numbers. The principals in a strong cast are Jed Prouty. Shirley Deane. Spring By ington. Russell Glcason and Ken Howell. Disaster caused by Hoods and fire are two thrilling items in the ncwsreels. and "Travelling the Road" is an entertaining turn contributing more than one song hit. RIALTO, SUNDAY. Be'a Lugosi ami Shirley Grey- ate the principals of the thrilling "Mystery of the Marie Celeste." which heads a iloubleteatlire programme to be presented in the Hialto Theatre to-morrow evening, proceeds train which will go to aid local charities. "Father OT'lynn." with Tom Hin ke and Jean Adrieuno. is also show ing.

ROXY - TIVOLI. Square-jawed Chester Morris and pretty Frances Mercer form Hollywood's latest romantic duo, heading the cast of the thrilling gangster film, "Smashing the Rackets." which has been showing to good houses at the Rosy and Tivoli Theatres since its opening last Wednesday. Morris is noted for liik virile screen portrayals, and in this film lives up to the high reputation he established with his fine performances in "Sky Giant," "Princess O'Hara" and "Flight From Glory." Miss Mercer is a comparative newcomer to the screen, but has been rapidly climbing to stardom through a succession of recent films, including "Crime Ring. ' "Blind Alibi" and "Vivacious Lady." and shows her worth with a high-class piece of acting. Rita Johnson, who also has an important role ill "Letter of Introduction." Bruce Cabot and Kd Paw ley are the principal supporting players, and the story is of the successful efforts of a courageous special prosecutor to stamp out the racketeer menace in his city. Ail entertaining melodrama set in a big radio station. "Love is on the Air." co-starring Ronald Regan and June Travis, is the associate feature. STAR, PAPAKURA. The lovely French actress. Annabella. made her American screen debut, with I'aul Lukas. in "Dinner at the Ritz." main current attraction at the Star Theatre, I'apakura. "Dodge City Trail." starring the original "singing cowboy," Charles Starretl, is also showing. DELTA, NEW LYNN. Sweet-voiced Bobby Breen heads ilie cast of "Hawaii Calls." the music il romance of the South Seas, which heads this evening's programme at the Delia Theatre. New Lynn. Another great singer, in ( Moore, is the star of the associate feature. "When You're in Love.'' GREY LYNN CINEMA. \V alien William. Virginia Bruce and j Melyvn Douglas are the principals of I "Arsene Lupin Returns.'' main feature on ! this evening's programme at the Grey • Lynn Cinema. The Irish musical roiiiaiic". ? "Laughing Irish Eyes,*' with Phil Regan and Fvelyn Knapp, is also showing. STRAND, SUNDAY. "Propaganda in the Theatre" is the subject of an adress to be givn by Mr. A. J. C. Fisher in the Strand Theatre tomorrow evening, under the auspices of the • Auckland Rationalist Association. "HeadI line Woman." with Heather Angel and i Jack Larne. heads the supporting picture . programme.

STRAND. For those filmgoers who are not of too squeamish a turn of mind and who appieciate sound, realistic acting, there m rare entertainment at the Strand Theatre, where "Souls at Sea ' is having a return Auckland season. Gary Cooper and George Raft are the stars, and both give excellent portrayals. Cooper's reputation is so high that patrons have come to expect nothing but the best from him, and so hits stellar performance is in no way surprising. Raft, however, after playins in gangster parte for many years, had little popularity with many tans until ne showed in this picture that he had real acting talents, which could be properly appreciated onlv when directed into mole wholesome screen channels, and his caste lias gone up with a bound since "Souls at Sea" wais first shown here. Oiympe Bradna and Frames Dee. the female leads, do not figure very prominently in the story, but carrv their roles well, while Henry Wilcoxon and Harry Carey, at the head of the supporting cast, ale both .rood. The story deals with the thrilling adventures of an Intelligence officer, employed by the United States Government, in a campaign against the slave trade. STATE. DEVONPORT. "Vivacious i .a< iy. the entertaining comedv-draina which is the chief current attraction at the State Theatre, Devonport. has (linger Rogers. James Stewart ami Beulah Bondi in the leading roles. Richard Dix heads the cast <>t ' &k\ Giant."-the aviation drama, on the same program mo. PRINCESS, DOMINION ROAD. The film version of Robert Louis Stevenson s tamous historical romance. "Kidnap'ied." heads this evening's bill of fare at the Princess Theatre. Dominion Road. Freddie Bartholomew and Earner Baxter are the principals. "I'm From the City.'' with doe I'enner, comprises the balance of the programme. NEW REGENT. EPSOM. Louis Hayward i<s the star of "Saint in New York." film version of one story of the famous Leslie Carteris series, which heads the programme at the New Regent Theatre. Kpsom. this evening. "Bringing l"p Baby." the amusing farce comedy on the same programme, co-features ( ary f;rant and Katharine Hepburn. STATE, ONEHUNGA. F.rrol Flynn and Joan Blondell are the piincipals of the amusing romantic comedy. "The Perfect Specimen." which heads this evening's programme at the State Theatre. Onehunga. "One Wild Xight," with Ly'e Talbot and June Lang, is also showing.

EMBASSY. Based on a story by the producer Xor? man Krasna of the break-uM of a happy marriage when the businesslike wife refuse* to give up her business position to make a home for her h>s brilliant but hard-working husband, "The First Hundred Years." in its second week at the Embassy Theatre, has appeal for all who enjoy sophisticated romantic coined} - drama. Virginia Bruce is the theatricalagent. wife and Robert Montgomery her boat-designer husband, who gets a steady job at a Xew Bedford shipyard and leaves her when she refuses to go with him and make a home for him. Warren William is as polished as ever as Miss Brute's business partner, who complicates matters by retaining a lawyer (Alan Dineharti tn have the separation legalised, but who succeeds only in bringing the matter in Court, where the husband is awaided a'imony. The story tells how. finally, love triumphs over the Court decision, and the couple are happily reconciled. Binni" Barnes. K. K. ( live and Harry Davcnpoii are also in the cast. PETER PAN CABARET. The popular new dance-hit. "The Lambeth Walk." will be featured on this evening's dance programme at the Pei.r Pan Cabaret, where there are ideal conditions for merry-making. Lauri Paddi's band will be in attendance, and dress is optional. PIRATE SHIPPE. The customary Saturday night oVI-tini" dance carnival will be held at the Pirate Shippe Cabaret. Milford. this evening. T!i° Pirate Shippe Orchestra will provide musi for dancers on both decks, and the usual special privileges for vehicular patrons v-)] operrte.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 286, 3 December 1938, Page 22

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Amusements Reviewed Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 286, 3 December 1938, Page 22

Amusements Reviewed Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 286, 3 December 1938, Page 22