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I properties for sale. 1 ! A HAItIiAIX AT £ I'.r.u :—:>rd Section, "* .-lose trams. Kii-hmoiiil —Villa. G rooms, i in "lern -iis st..vr, lirepla.-.-s. Nice section, fruit trees, etc. C0n,,',"., paths. I'KICK - BARFiiIiT BROS., ; New Zealand In-iiraiue isldns. * TvuMINT UN It 11. il Iv Trains. NKW 1 ' I'.FNCAI.IIW, I I-.,..111-, k'elte. All eleet. •,-1 r;i —I*. lin me,| ia : p.o—, — i..|i, i l lill'i-: '7 11"". I!A Kl'"| |. IT I'.UIK.. N.Z. i i_-"£a"l'; I*•11iI di: I . Ik' 'MlNi< i.N It 11.. ,".r.l .-I -~ i'i w minutes' level walk tram. NKW ISFNOALOW " ''""'II -. k'el |e. ulasse I poreh. all flee. ."Ml ri;.. path-: i;.....i eorner seetiun. I'nee i imi. Isa i;i'*< ii i'l' iu:< is., i VZ. I n -lira ne" I!nildi li-'-'. MI s s ~\T~ \ ItTv - £1J77,. - New I :i.,-t lie r.llll L'.a 1,.w, Willi Im-;I 111 I- ; In! h.iii.i,ur view. Oarage. First-elasM el, VII led level -eel".11. 11r:111'i*!•:11 tu ..1777, r., r iiui.-k sale. Key .11 f. A R I*l II ll I'.lillS., N.Z. I ii-ii.'.' ii"e linil.lings. Mi. RusKll.l, 1 '!•.■: 1 > AI ~i I ■ -1- 11 Bunga- ; K'elle. ulll.- -"ll porell. Klee. hot water, 11 r.-plae. -. Ha rau''-. r,,nerei.. path-. ; ''''ie". :•-.*>. I'. A R I*l II I'l' J'.Rl IS.. | N '/.. 1.1 -11 ra nee I'.ui 1,1 im: ll► A I 'ATi 11: I'l U:. i~~Tir- an.l station. • * ■ l'.ll II'..":, low-. 1 1-1...1M5. k'elle mirage • Inere. I'I! 11 '!•: RKDFi'KD Tu «: sun. I I'.A i; l-*i 11 IT liKiis.. N.Z._ liisuraii... I'. 11 i 1 -1 ill -s. , |>A R NT'.1.1., Waler View. '"l 1i,,,,me,l i'.uii-.' 1 low, in piel nr. sipie -urroiiiidin-s. I'i:11 '1: 17 7*,1) or i.lVer. 1 I'.A RFi 111T !'. 1111 s . ; N.Z hl-I|T.I M'l' I', 'lil■ li 11 s ■ I»' i.N Si imi v. iTiinily Trams —ti RUOMKI) A KAl'lll VILLA. ill g .ml order. All clei-trie. Work-lion. Con- ■ '''I. paths A neat 1n.ii,... l'Rli'K i77.1l at BAKI'Uut r.i;us„ ; N_ Z. 1 11 -111 alO .■ i'. 11; 1.1 ; 11 u-. I/KM I Ki! \ WATKIfsiDK " VACANT. «rwi 1 sTi .Ri-:v *, 11,1:11 kui ii-- m 11111-:rn I. i:s I I IKM T. s I al! e.e.'i rie. I Jara "_-e. i.i:-'-i"W 1,-.-,y. 17, p.l. .Miiiutv train. I I'll Il'i-: l -117,ii. | I'.A l: li 11 IT BI.'US.. 1 VZ. I lis,l r: ne.. I! u' I. lill -s . IJIIVM. "u \K. Well I.ITTTi all ele.-lrie 1 1 I'.'Ui-'alow . -J la r-'e e... 111... -11 11 living rooms, -j good lied I'," ins, ki 1 eheii"lle. gar- . ■ p.nil-. Ilandv tram. I'RH'K l: • 7 7.. liAKFniiT liijus., N.Z. 1 lii- ii r.. 11.'.* ltnil.lT.g-. *. \ 'Ai'A.N I' n'iiW. I'.iiii-"ii|ow. line large » |-~-,|ii— ~ 11,1 ki' - '11 11. ll' . "II \ orv \ ;iluahie ie \. I ~,11. oil I.V \ 111 1 11, !e \el U.I Ik 1," ; ira,a- ~i l -hops, in 1 -1 p..ri >.t' Mount An-.'", c; in,. 11 gage o •-...::. i •,. -i, •- t:7'J. Pi '7'".",7.. r. ir!.,..i Hi-..-,, N.Z. I ii.-ni-an. e. ■ ; "(Ti"»il I'STK!'•!,-sff FTMN I* cill:\ AI.I 1:1; I .1 \V.,|.TM"W K.-1.1. r.lillg .1 l"W. 7. : r..."i.5. hp. range. 1.. -\ • * >eeij,,n. Wide rr,»ll- - 'age. I.arg.- t,. v. Ili 011 -e. Ralos nlliv '77. i i• i; 11' i; •_ 7"ii. I'll..I", al l:\li I*iU >I* FRuS., N.Z. I: il ild i a I vKV. IN I'l IKT Very Aur'ieiive Semi- : I ' Hung.i 1..w . coni ai uing '1 lieilroi.iiis, :i il\.ll_" rooms, _'i;,-Mil pol-ell. k'.-tle. Kvery I liing in lir-t .-lass order. Very . plea-illll ~M• 1 . I'.lll I lw I,Milt ".111. lin meilia I e p.. . : '.;i. I'Kl.t: ii.M.Y .Cti'iu. I*. \ l:l ii. ri* I'.Rus.. | I N* Z I a-, Buildings. Kmii n'ti.N r. _ i;i,Vi,"w,.. can t i;.I'" 1111 out, I'IIAKMIM; SPANISH I'.l' M ! M.< IW. 1 Ms. U'elt". .lining ale,.v. . gla--.-il poreh. iuiiit -in halii, all electric. Two ' i in iiiul es I•• a >-ii I i • i:: i* i: cin-.0, I I I'll."., ill I'.ARI'UHT I'.RUS.. - V Z 111-lira ~iee linil.lings. M'l. KI IKN* KI'SI iM. Artistie, Well I'.uilr. - I'p 1.-date I! il li ga low. -I looms, glassed ; poreh and k'elte with aleove, all-electric. Tiled in hath. Oarage. Concrete patlis. , \'olc:inic —,'il. Oovl. nioflgage. 1 A ISA Ri lAIN AT !7 I.'! ■"">. rhoto in l'.Altl*uuT liltus.. ' N.Z. I n -'lra ne.- I'.n i 1.1 i n gs. W'Ni: 7 : iransFkri:kd afstkai.ia I rgeut Sale. RK.MI KRA ~AIOHKRN IM'NIiALUW. 7, mis., k'elte, glassed por.'ii. all el,"'.: ire-lilv papered. Laid out lilawns, gat-din. ::n fruit trees, native hus'i. 'l Concrete paths. Uovt. Mortgage £IU7U. I'RICK '71 l'J". I'.ARK I' BROS.. I N.Z. In-iaaiii'.' I'.nihliiigg. SI'RRKV CRKSCENT—Pretty Modern Bungalow, newly paintci : **, is. I ki I eheliet te. (ila-seil porch. II 111 l t ill V.'iirdI rolies. 1111"• 11 iu ciiinu cahincls. liulTet. etc.. 1 | I.arg" section. Sunny, pleasant outlook. I ('onerel e pn I lis. I PRICK £ 11IV). BARFUUT ISRUS.. ] N.Z 1 nsiirn in-e P.ii il, 1 i ngs. I*\ 'AI'A NT Nu\V" ImTmTn'iTTn Kit, I Min-'. Train. P. il ng i h.w, '< rooms. pr.-tty tl anil orange kitchenette. Dining j | room', hreakfasi ,alcove. Built in wa r.lroh, s. Two open fireplaces. Klectric hot water.. Garage. PRICK *7 tuili. I'.A R FOOT I'.RUS.. | N.Z. In-Ii ranee Buildings. :(• li.)- UoVlTit N M KN'T M oRTIiAti K. | -- » _ WEST END, Close Tram, elevate*!, sunny position. Attractive Architect's Hungalow. -I I room,s. k'ettc. large glassed porch: ali-elee. \ 7»;i ir• t • I. ; pat lis. PRICK e 11J7|.- BAItI'UUT BROS., N.Z. Insuriinee Buildings. LAROKR O O M S. rt PORCHES. SWIMMING BATH -<) x .WFT. MT. ALBERT, Bi-st Part -BI*NOALOW. all one Hour. Level freehold section 7" x •J.",'!. Sioiieless volcanic soil. Three minutes Irani. Inimedin l>' Possession. t ISilO. Reasnnahle Terms. photo at BARFUUT I'.RUS., N.Z. Insurance Buildings. nnvKR MliA'f Ml IKTOAOK. £ Id" 'I rkmikra watkrsidk. , < 'lIA I! MI NO MODKRN BINOALuW. large lounge with sliding doors lo dining room: 2 li rep! a ces : Ist liedrooin with mirror war.lrolies, with huilt-in dressing table hcI I ween. (iood "ml 1.e.1 room, sun room: nil electric kitchenette. lireakl'ast alcove. lOarige. I'RICK V 1 :sm». BARFUUT I'.RUS.. i N.Z. Insurance Buildings. Iyu M K IMI IN <; IMF FKItK N* T ! I MT. ALBERT. Charming Position. . I * 1111 sll n I Tiled Roof R.iugli Cast Bungalow, in new- condition : :: bedrooms: hnilt-in wardrobes. Pleasant lounge, built-in china cabinets. - lireplaecs; large kitchen, plenty eupbnards. 'J glassed porches. New liuilt-in balli. Concrete paths. Carage. l'Rli'K £IHKI. BARFUUT BROS.. N.Z. Insurance Buildings, ti'l'. HKLIKK S - CHARMINO TILKHROOF Tl* Dull lii NO A I.UW. 1iKTuRKV. Harbour views. Handy Imsicli. Bus pa s—-, ■s. Contains lounge and dining room I with sliding doors, prelly k'elte with Terraz/.o sink bench, cupboards aml bins: .". lie<!rooms. all with built-in wardrobes, bathroom. tiled floor and built-in bath. VACANT PUSSKSSION. PRICK t 17.10. Key and Photo at BARFOOT BROS., N.Z. I iisnra nee Buildings. AI'A NT N'IIW. —KKMI'KItA WATKRSIDK. Miff frontage, 'harmingly siluiated in established gard"ti.— ITILKD ROOF RKSIDKNCK, 0 rooms. 'glassed porclH'S. Harbour views. Den. store room and workshop downstairs. AH electric. Plenty cupboards, built-in fixtures, etc. Oarage. PRICK NOW £ 157.11. Photo at BARFOOT BROS., N.Z. Insurance Buildings. 1 > K M IM". R A W .V T E R S I D E. I II RKDI'CED FROM <7 -I tOO TO €.1-100. M UDKR NI ST I.' SPANISH BINOALUW of S rooms. :t terraers and 'J porches, with heaiiliful harhoitr views. Klahorate l.atli- | room, coloured tiles, shower box, etc. Most j modern kiich "i. built-in breakfast nook. Interior staircase to double garage and workshop. -J-Acre fountain and lily pond. (ioo.l tennis court. I'RICK, £.1100. Photo at — BARFOOT BROS.. N.Z. Insurance Buildings. I"I » ]•: MuE It A WATER SID E. NKW 'J s.TORKY Ml IDKRNISTIC RKSIDK.NCK. half mill, train. Ocnernusl.v planned Willi every up-to-the-minute titling and labour-saving device. j.arge iounge Willi crescent still porch, connecting with dining room. Study. Upstairs, 8 lovely bedrooms, large bathroom, separate shower recess. Primrose colouring. Sun deck. House carpeted wall to wall. Garage. All electric. Lovely views. Price (including 2.'loyds carpet, blinds and lino.), £2850. Photo at gROS., N.Z. INSURANCE BFILPINOS. FLATS, SHOWING GOOD INTEREST ON INVESTMENT. MT. EDEN.—BLOCK TWO FLATS, £1400. Wood. EPSOM -BLOCK TWO FLATS. £2000. Brick. HERNE BAY—BLOCK THREE FLATS. £.'i4iiu. Brick. MT. KDKN -- BLOCK FOUR FLATS. C t."lini. lirick. MT. KDKN -BLOCK FIVE FLATS. £ "500. Wood. lIKK.NK BAY — BLOCK SIX FLATS. £7500. Concrete and Brick. CITY—BLOCK S AND SHOPS. £10,000. Coxmit and Brick. BARFOOT" BROS., .N.Z. INSURNANCE BUILDINGS.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 286, 3 December 1938, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 286, 3 December 1938, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 286, 3 December 1938, Page 3