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AUCTIONS. IV ' "NT, .IT- A,:fj T lOX n-SITIVKI.V No RESERVES. NIGHT — piiIDAV, )'}' 7 sl l \KP A 1 ' I'.M. SIIAKI-' AT S VM ( } KI;,:v S popular maim " 1 " 1 Sr '".v Stores < >1,1 IJ 1 '■ 1: X MAS ( ,i '^I;A.NVH. • v '\' 1 s mi ii: n \ ( ;s | M r , , . I:. • I-lII.MI-* 1 ' s M \ I l.i; | \, s VN " S 'i | A \'<.'r-l' 1 ' 1 A , , - ; x.M \> , ' • 1 I"11> r. ■ 11. is. Under „ """Row (Saturday S - X| ( ai , T '"N, A I{'■ M 1 N~7TTrir ~ N A ' ' ™' N li.M'ri Hi: r \ AT 7 "'VM-VW' SI ITKS," I■ I• AI. I I !; \ I 11 !N, . s W';. | yr, \i : i-'v N _ s i i;i:kt I" :,;| ' K IJ A' m:ArTIV,: s ALK - Iv" ,:1 ( 1 . ( 1AI:l: AM, S ux. n.'s,,; 11 ;;,, 1 ; 1 ,:: 1 Sli, AXI KAI ]{"■' pAItNKI.I, T" 1 I!SI 'AV J jKi KM I-.IU AT lo.:;o 1,11 ,vllll| i: "!■' Till: M, 11,1 •I. N - . x -, l: rl l: N I'll RE AMI I'I.KNISM MI.N I.N A> I ovr AINI; I. IX T ,, H A j !l)V| , "> ii""Mi:i) i;i:s11u:n<• i-;. 1 "" I'fl.iiU in Saturday's "Star." It'"''' 1 ' (\ Q AUU AXU £ON. A TTTION EE lis. ; T,IK J!K<;ISTIIAIJ I lII'. SII'KKMK C()l H'L' A'l ,'y! AT TIIW REQI: 10 .ST Of lUK MOR I'dAGEE i|, exercise of tin i,"«' '* r"\ l unl ', lill "l "I .Meinnrai; utim of Numln'r 170N123. ON JjIKIDAY, Till'; 2.0"' UAY ° l JJECEMBER, 1038, AT 2 O'CLOCK IX Till') A fTMIIXI lOX, yAIUO AM) "j^TD., Will ofl'i'r for Siil,- by Public Auction ;it lis Rooms at Xci. s.'j. Queen Street, Aiicklnml. \ 1.1, THOSE PARCELS lII' I.AND eont in. if-"-! '■ V IV!' r s vK N T F ' l:N AXI) . INI. lEN I lis PI'.KCI I I'.S more m- less In' l "!,' A 111,1111 <-ii | h seven t y-eigh t iiii,| seveiitv- ' Serf lon thirty-six of tin- City „( A ui'kla ml an,l being „n n,r land comprised ill < 'Ml I tU'n ten of Title Volume ill l.'olio -II anil Volutri(> 1110 Folio 2-'< i (A lick. Registry I Tlio properly, which Is being offered 'as ene lot, occupies a prom Inen t corner position close to Sy nionds Street and has a rrontiiiff to Wnkellpld and Airedale Htreels "I .Hi feet cach and to J.yndock Street ol I II) feet. On It is erected a brick loilUllns with slate rof»f, known as *'Fltzro.v House," comprising two floors and hasemrnt and coiiUilnlns In all 21 rooms, ha I hroorn, U largo storo rooms and washhouse. It. Is fitted with elfctric light, poricliiii] bath and basin, shower box and two ji.w.c. s. It la eminently suitable (or a ooa nl I The property is offered subject to a lease expiring on the 4tli I>cc<-inbcr, 1040, at a weekly rental of £5 per week, payable calendar monthly In advance, Jes Mir paying rates except excess) water rates. The Mori leasee's application to sell contalnini; lis i stlmate of value of the pro-P'-riy ami the lease above mentioned muy be inspected at the OJHce of the Kejflstrnr of (lie Supreme Court nt Aucklanil dtirlni; office hours prior to the date of the sale without payment of any fee. The lease unit a copy of tiie application to sell may also lie seen ill the Auction Room at the time of the sale also without payment o'' fee. For particulars anil conditions of sale apply lo I lie Auctioneer or to Messieur.ICussell, MeVcauh. Macky and Jtarrowrlougli. Sou lli Itritish Uuildlnirs. Sliortlaml St., Auck., Sollci|o;*s for the M : 1 ."i L'.M)i;i; co.mii'ct of Tin-: kkcisthai: of Till; SI Fit KM K t'ol'KT AT ACCKI.AXO AT TIIK lilitil'KST OF TilK MOKTtIAiiF.I'! in exercise of tiie I'ouir of Sale con Ia i ne,l in OiitstanilIiil; I'ceil of Mortgage Number -IHO-lOIJ. ON THIS OAY OF J JFjCKMIVEK, J!t:iß, AT (f> O'CLOCK IN TIIK AFT F, HXOON, w A.Mi:Kb "^ r Air.lo AND J^TD.. \\'ill offer for Sale by Public Auction nt lis fliioms at Xuiuber B.'{, Queen Street. Auckland, A 1.1, THAT I'AIICKL OP T.AND contaln•^v iTI - TWO noons Till ItTY AND F'f)Tlf{ TKN'TIIH T'KKCIIKS more or less situated in the City of Auckland iieins tile parts marked "A" and "P." on a diagram attached lo a Plan Indued in the Heeds Register fmice ai Auckland as Xuiulier SO7 being part of Allotments sixty-two and | Bel x l.y-t h ree of S, clion ten of the Suburbs of Auckland and being all the land now comprised in t'ertilicate of 'I'itle Volume nsil Folio 1 .'it; (Auckland Registry) limited Its to parcels. The properly, which Is known n=i 2f>. Me ii vale Avcniio, Kpsnm, rmnprisoM a Ktinirnlnw of i runins on r(»nrr<»t<» l'ounrl ;i (j oii . Sllfinjj roojri with upon flrfpljK-.' jiiml xll »11n<N>iirs t'» louimo room; hrrnk* rootii wifli npi'M [ hciln-otp-l<lt f *l» »• ii o | (n. !»n |Ii r<»«i?n. pJinlrv nrul srullrry. (illM slovn, rillifi-nt. rlrclrif 11 #"»t: AVJItfT. Wnshhoiiso. tool slhml. motor ixi\n\i*r. Vorv firio spftion, with I MM't fn>nbiLr<\ Inl#l on! in unrilcn. nailvt* tries nml t'-nnis rourl". Tlo' Mori lt.j L r »'i''s /i pllll<*;i f lon to hHI ron fnininir its cstiiiuiii' «»f vnl«w of flu* properly may lo- I h»p<-<-| <m 1 ;»t t tif f>niro of tlio KrL'i-l r:i r of the Supreme <'onrt n: Aiol<hi ml ihiriiiLr of)j» o hours- prior to f Ii«• <lntn of ||n» s:ip> witli 'itt pnyiiHMit -of liny f'-e nml a ropy m;iy In- seen ill I fie Aiietior. Koom nt I lie t inif of the sale aNo wit lion: jwi vmen t* of fro. lor partieuliirs nrul onnflitions of snle npply to the Auetioneer or to Mes<ionr-« >fr\'r;iirh. M.iek.v «>'<! I*ll rr«• welont:h South F'rilish Sliortlaml SI ree; . Aneklnml, SolieHnrs for tho Mort^ngoo. : n PROF ESSIONAL NOTICES. J» A T I'J N T S AMI prtoTKCTIONS. Obtainahlc in all Coiinlries, BAl.nvriN, SON. AM) CARF.T, Patent Attorneys, Dingwall 1111111 illg «. v7-f>3, Queen Street, Auckland. A rjp IX OP. rjp J» KDMA N. ■ (Cert. I lent., N.Z.), ' I>KNT AI, Sl' Itf! HON, ' kw, nn.woi: ill BMi.ntNo, , (First Floor), I Phonn II."II. MFS ! LEGAL NOTICES. ' i AM) I Unrristers ami SolW-itora, Have remo \ r<l to First Floor, Nalional In surnner HiiiMlntr. ! <)'('nnnell Street, Auekland !. (Top of Vulcan Lanry. MTF ! - CHEMIBT9. 1 KAM'H'S licliable Kemedies. prompt mail; i order Chemist.—2ol, Symondti St., Auck. . D ■

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 285, 2 December 1938, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 285, 2 December 1938, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 285, 2 December 1938, Page 3