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OLD GRAMMARIANS' CLUB. FIELDS nil; TO-MORUOW. Tho fifth points of the Old (ir.immarians" Aiiiaicur Athletic flub wU4 l>o In-11l at tlip Mountain Itoail ground t<>inorrow commoncing at SATi. Iliiinlkiips : — 10(1 Senior—A. J. Saycrs. D. l'l<-ii. sir: 1". A. I'iiiliiyson. f. t.'. Spittal. M. Iα Mill. L' : (-. A. Kingston"'. J. Kirk .unci. A. S. I'oiiglililli. A. Brown. T. \V. Hiir-li. ;:.\(is: 11. c. I'rai't*. X\<l*: I- 11. ■InliiiMi'ii. 4.v(ls : K. I'. < oliinaii. K. IC. Hill limnh. .".yd* : .1. K. Lugnn. V. K. Moit.ii>eii. K. S. Mills. J. .Spuoiier. V. Conn.ll. K, f<, rin-. <;. \V. Sheehan. D. M Iliirrlw. ( y. K. Itrld-n-ux. D. Siott. A. 1.. <;. Ni.-kl.s. l>. V. Cariiaehai.. Tmls: 15. 11. Birtwlstlf. 11. I-Vrjfiison. -A. H. 1:.,n,.. s.vils: s. L. BriiiUi-y. «;. N. Ilili. !iv<ls: I. S. MeCartni-v. IKyfls : .1. Wntson. s. w. Whir. Hy<ls: F. K. Watt, layilu. Too \ :l r,is .liinlnr.-- 1). <;. Crichion. C. 11. si.wait, sir: V \V. Thom. .1. Brasso\. K. MeAlM'tiy, K. 1.. Mark. A. S. fro". M. I-:. I'arkiT. il.vils; I). 11. Ciirow. M. M-PI 11. \V. Vaile. 4yils : C. A. Ken ton. [•'. l>. Ciiiitwell. r.yils : \V. M. Snu-otoii. c. It. (iirimrlinii. 11. IMikson. N. A. MoMilliui. i-.v.|>: 11. Kiiss.'ll. .1. Mnl.-ock. 7yds : T. X. Hill, syils : \V. Clarke. «». M. Murpli... l(i\ils: A. 11. A. I-"nri|iiliar. 11yds: A. L. Cantwell. rj\(!>: .1. O. Bayort/..' ISyils. 4JO .Iniiior. 11. W. Vailr. .1. I!rii>s.y. sit : l>. 11. Cnrfw. C. A. Ponton, M. K. I'arkiT. l'Jrds: T, N. Hill. X." Mi Mlllaii. 1.-iycls; 11. Kiikholl, 11. UlckKim. (;. M. Mnrpliy, A. 1.. fant well, .".(lyils. ■140 Yards Senior.—A. .1. Snyors. scr: V. A. Kiiiluyson. [.. 11. .lohn-it-oii. 10yds: K. KoriiP. M. 1.. Hill. J. Kirkland. K'.yils: I-'. It. B'll Booth. I). M. Harris. F. S. Mills, i;. \V. Slieehan. ISyils: B. 11. Birtwistle. .1. Spoon <r. .1. K. \.. C. Nicklrs. L'oyils: S. 1.. Braillev. 11. K. Fi-ransmi. <:. N ' Hill. B. 1 , . Coleniiui. I. S. McCartney, : A. Dnrroi'li, F. E. Watt. UO>«1«.

One Mile Open.- 1.. 11. .Tolinston. I». M lliirri>. K. Korne. 1!. 11. Birtwislle. V, V, Watt. s<r: H. W. Hill. S. L. Brndlry. :50yds A liiirroeh. X. F. ClmplM'U. 4»yds : 1.. «• Niekle-i 4.".vil>< : \V. Clarke. TiOvds : T. X Hill. .V.vils: 11. ItiiHSfll. 7<'ytl«: X. M.: Milliui Dtiyils: (.. M. Murphy. loOyds : A 1.. Caniwe'll. IJOyds; A. B. A. Farquhar 1 lovds.

Ilanilii-aps for tiio long jump and putting the shot will 1.0 declared i.n the ground.



The Otahuhu Amateur Alliletic Club will hold a further points meeting »t Murers Park on Tlinrndny evening. I lien- will also bo iioints eyclins. Handicaps declared:

100 Yards Senior. Blo.klev. 4yds: Ozannr. Kees. .".yds: Ix.vell. Amoretti. Honors. Bassett. tiyiN : Ail-ken. B.issott. I'arkps Coosman. 7y<ls : Cuiinincliam. Syds : McDonald. Morgan. Bnrsess. Samp son ISooiiison. Cochrane, ttyds: Ihomson. l.ipseomhe. Kickards. Straelian. Whye. lovtW; Choar. Mathie. HyiN; IHiran. Far rellov ''revi-na. Buelianan. McKinven. Nation Itaivl*. Mclnnos«. MilUcnn, .lonP». Horan. Whitniorp. l-'yds: Kemp, I'otter. Bryan. 14ydg.

440 Yards Senior.—Blm-kley, 10yds: Ozanne. SOyils: Parkes. lSvils: (iooxnian 'J.ivds; Itees. Dov.ll. Aiuorrtll. 24yds: Has s<-tt. Uogrrs. Uflyils : Alcken. 2Syd< ; Bassrtt :tOvd«; 'Cunningham. Sampson. 3-yds; Whve. Robinson. :;syds: McDonald. Mor run' Burtfpss. Cochrane. McKiriven. ae.vilx: Thomson. Mpsefimbe. Rlrknrds. Straohnn Mnthi«\ piiran. Honin. 4<>vds : Far relley Treveiin. Buchanan. Nndcn. flavin Melnne**. MiU'tfnn. Whitinore. Bryan Kemp. Potter. 45yds : Jones. SOyd*.

On" Mile Senior—McTnncss. scr: C.liu ffr>w. 40yds : McKinven. 50yd« : Whvr 55yds: Amorettl. KOyiis : Coosman. 70yds: Strncliiin. 7.*.rdn: Tyson. SO.vds ; Potfer !»r>yd»- Matliif. Morinn. Cochrane. 12Oyds: Mo'riin. Webber. Wliifmnrp. irtOvds: Thorn son. Krrnp. Chont. MilHsmn. T>avis. Far rellev. Rlckard*. 140 yds: I.nnhnm. Pascue 150vds: Bryan. l«Oyds.

Junior 75 Yards. 120 Yards and BRO Yards.— Kendrick. 2yds. 4yds. 14yd*: Hfditr. r.ydM. 7vds. 30yds: Bennett, ".yds. 7vd». 50yds: Cowley. 3yd*. .".yds. 32yds: Nicholson. 4yas. firds. 32.V0S : Taylor. 6yds. Byd«. 45yd!): Hasllp. "yds. Jtyds. 50yds: Cooper. Byd*. lOvds. .">syds: Crowfher. Rv<K 10yds. .-.(lyds: MrLnehliiii. Ryds. Oyds. ."."yds: Robertson. Byds. 10yds. 50yds: Wellborn. Jtvds. 11yds. ."J«yds: Sharp* l . 10yds. 12vds. .Itir<]« : StnnW. 1Ovd«. t2yds. 35yds : McLean. 11 vd«. 14yds. r.Oyds.

I.a(lie«" 7."i Yards and 120 Yard*.— MWhp* l>. I.nnilev. hit. scr: L. Mall. -'Ijds. 4v(Io: Grinilrod. Uiytl*. 4v.N: Mulling. M. Monr«. HMI. Hyds. 12yds: K. Mfars. njv.U. 12yds: I'. AinorWti. HindmHn, lOvd*. 14yds: Lowe. Bell. 11rd«. 16yUe. OX THK WHEEL. Half Mile and One Xlile.—Taylor. 15yd».]« bhd : I'ntrlck. (irjH-ii. Crawford. Trinpr. ldyds. 20yds: Bayly. syds, l<lyd;<: Cunningham. T. ItiildWl. lO.vUh, 2<ly(Js: Keith. Kenwlck. Clark. 15yd«. 30y(Js: Curler, I.udlam. l»'<;onn«n, Wright. Brown. Smith. .1. i-nrtri<l«c. M. .lohneon. 2.">y<ls, .">(iyds : I. White. Ward Ml. Waterman, 30ytlt, fiOyds . Beehre. K. Picknell. Wrnall. Mudg wav. A. Vost. 3."iyd«. 70yds: Glenillning. Harliind. \'oiinsr. 45yds. IMtyde: Kay, 55yds. 110 yds: Thompson. Barclay. Olwen, Blnns. FnisiT. Moore, Winterbnrn. r.Oyds, 120 yd«: ('. Picknell. Crawford. «syds. I,'iOyds: Tucker. .lames. T. I). Taylor. MrDermott, Diikie. Fowlor. Hayes. J. Riddell. Sam MflyMlan, Coombes. Tnnflelil. Partridjro. K. Johnson. I. Vost. 70yds. 140 yds: K. Vost. OShanshnrssy. McDonnell, "."yds. 150 yds: Auffiistine. Could, C'hcUcw, R. Tanfield, 110 yds, 330 yds.


J. McINNES WINS HANDICAP. The annual sports of tho Papakura Rugby r-pnsue Club wptp hpld on the old racecourse nt Clpvpdon during the week-end. Numerous visitors were present from Auckland, among them being Mr. I). Wilk;e. representing the Auckland League Board of Control, nnd Messrs. W. F. Clarke and I. Stonox. Hip junior board. Rpsults : — Girls.—Undpr spvpn : D. Reid 1. P. Rudjro 2. I'niler 11: M. Hogan 1. T>. CJrcigau U Inder 14: A. Hough 1, M. Oibeon 1\ Boys.-—Undpr serpn : R. McDonald 1. .X. Smith '1. Elpvpn yearß: B. Housh 1. IS. Robinson 2. Fourteen yurs: L. Grogan 1, R. (iiiNton 2. . Tpamd.—Seventh ffradp : R. Tyson 1. A. Osbornp 2. Fifth jrrndo : R. Cohbald 1. C. Aukptt 8. jrradP : A. Williams 1, M. Mlddl<>ton 2. Third jrradp : B. Clnrkp 1, A. Cobbnld 2. Seniors: \Y. Walk«r 1. !•. Herkt 2. Past players: G. Kerr I, K. Symon 2. OthPr rnces.— Xlarripd ladies: Mrs. <;. Williams 1. Mrs. S. Taylor -J. Sin=! Indips: V. Johns J. K. Collins 'J. Club liai--dioap : J. Molnnos 1. K. Cossey 2. Visitor* K. Kainser 1. M. Stokes 2. Committee : A Hwatchfpgpr 1. G Batchplor 2.


SHARPB AND SISSONS CONSISTENT. The Ellerslie Amateur Athletic Club held a meeting on the local domain on Monday nijrlil. There wag a large attendance. Results : — Ladlex' 7~>rcU —A. Carr 1, P. Welch 2. B. Rodsers .'!. I.adl-es - lOOyrls.— P. Wel.h 1. J. George 2, B. Rodeers 8. Time. 11 3-".s. Senior 100 yds.—P. Sharpe 1. M. Martin 2 R. Slattery 3. TiniP. !•» 4-."»s. Senior 220 yds —R. Slnttery 1. F. Shnrpp 2 M. K. I'.nker .1. 'lime. »4 4-.>. Senior 880v«l«.—fjoldflni-h 1. K. Stevenson I*. M. C Baker 3. Time. L'.n 4.1. Junior lOOyds.—B. L'ndernll 1. H. Sis»ons 2. S. Loighton .3. Time. 10 l-se. Junior 220 yds.—ll. Sissons 1, L. McCoy 2, It. OMinonil 3. Time. 'J4s. Junior 880yds.— J. Parsons 1. R. Jones 2, H. Ditkson ?,. Tim<\ 2.12 4-.">. (•YCMXG EVENTS. Onp Mile Club.— J. M'-Dermott 1. T. Moorn 2. R. Cleal 3. Time. 2.31. Threo-lap Open.—A. W. Sionex 1, R. V. Taylor 2. C. Picknell 3. Time. 1.27. Three-mile Club. — J. Critchley 1. J. Portridee 2. J. MeDormott ". Two-mile flpen.— M. C. Johnston 1. C. Plfknell 2. W. Burnett o. Time. 5.24. The club will conduct an open meeting on Monday next.


The Cnirersity Athletic Club bag *r ranged to hold a series of weekly evening meeting:* In the Domain on Wednesdays. .The meetings will be open and the support of other dubs Iβ desired. Entries will be acceptert at the post. The first of the series is to be held to-morrow, commencing at 5.30. The programme, comprises To yards and 660 yards handicap*, discus throw and a 410 yards inter-club and interfatulty relay. Each member of the team of four will run 110 yards, I

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 282, 29 November 1938, Page 18

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AMATEUR ATHLETICS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 282, 29 November 1938, Page 18

AMATEUR ATHLETICS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 282, 29 November 1938, Page 18