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Shipping News of the Port

NIAGARA ARRIVED. AWATEA DUE ON WEDNESDAY. NAUMBERG TO LOAD. : KOTOR.UA SAILING FOR LONDON. 1 i Tlie Canadian Australasian Royal Mail . j-tcainer Niagara, which left Sydney on ' i rhuisday eveninjr, arrived at seven j o'clock this morning with a large number of passengers and berthed at tiie L - , Queen's wharf. She will sail at 11 a.m. ■ to-morrow for Suva, Honolulu, Victoria. 8.C., ami Vancouver, at which port she is due on December lti. The IJnion Company's express passenger liner Awatea, which left Sydney at 5 p.m. on Friday, arrhed at Wellington at 7.:>0 a.m. to-day. She will arrive at Auckland on Wednesday morning from Wellington and sails at "> p.m. that day for Sidney. The llamburg-Amerika cteamer Naumburg, which arrived early in Octn'ier < from (iulf of Mexico ports, completing > discharge in the South ami Aii-tralia. i* will arrive from l'ort ] > irie at 8 a.m. i nn Wednesday to comti.em"! loadingwool fin- the Continent. .Mes-rs. llcn-dcri-on and Macfarlane. Limited, are local . anient-. 'J'he New Zealand Shijiping e t ompany's steamer Rotorua will com- (. picle her loading to-night for J.ondon and Coa.-t port-, and will i 1 at e midnight. She has 25 passengers and a | large general cargo, and goes via „ Panama being due at London on January 7. Fiona sailed from Chelsea on Saturday afternoon for Suva to load sugar l'or the Colonial Sugar Company. (C.S.R. (<) '> ' 1 Cumberland completed discharge of s r Auckland cargo from W'e.-t of Lngland J ports, and left for Napier 011 Saturday k evening. (N.Z.S. C'u.) 'j Waimarama is discharging cargo from r Liverpool at Prince's wharf and will 1 leave for Wellington on Wednesdav. ; lA.S.P.) 1' Kaimata will arrive on Thursday f morning from Wellington to com]ilete ' her loading for New York and Halifax. (K.Z.S. Co.) ) Kaipara is discharging Montreal cargo 1 at Prince'* wharf and will leave for e Wellington 011 Saturday. (N.Z.S. Co.) Glenbank, a Bank Line motor ship, will arrive on Wedne.-day morning with sugar from Java. (Spedding, H.M.S. Wellington arrived early this morning from Picton after a \isit to Southern ports. (Naval Dept.) Trojan Star, which arrived on Saturday from Opua. is loading at Queen's • whaif for London and Wii7 leave for Wellington on Thursday. (8.5.L.) Port Townsville is loading for J>on<lon at the ( entral wharf, and i> expected to .-ail on Saturday, via Cape Horn. (F. Loop. 1 i Mariposa, which left Auckland at | 10.4") p.m. on Friday, arrived at Sydney | ! jat 10.4.") a.m. to-day. (11. and M.) I I Aorangi is due from Vancouver on j ! Suudiu , December 11, and \s ill sail for , Sydney at J1 p.m. next day. (L'.S.S. to.) Port Whangarei is due to-morrow from Diinediu and will sail on Friday lor Suva to load Christmas fruit for i. Auckland. (L'.S.S. Co.) Canopus is having a rough passage n from Wes-tport, and will arrive at 7 p.m. n to-day. lie; thing at the Western wharf. W.C. Co.) e r ARRlVALS—Saturday. ■T Duchess, from Oneroa. 4.H) p.m. II Onewa, from Ostend. 0.15 p.m. >' llauiti, from Surfdale, (i.l.j p.m. » Haroona. from Omiha. 7 p.m. n Kavvau, from Thames. 8.45 p.m. • l'oolta, fri«n Westport, 10.5 p.lll. d Yesterday. Otimai, from Whakatanc. 6.20 p.m. Margaret from Kiist Coast, 0.45 p.m. I.xcursioii steamers l'rtuu all resorts evening. This Day. H.M.S. Wellington, from I'icton, 5.15 a.m. ( H.M.S. Wakakura, from the Gulf. 11.30 il «■'». 1 Haroona, from Motutapu. 10 a.m. J- Niagara, from Sydney, 0.45 11.111., with the lollowing passengers:—l-'irst class: Mr. ' R. M. Aitkeu, Mrs. K. Aitken. Miss J. Allin--011. Mr. M. Arnold, Mr. L. Hailev. Mrs. L, '. Hailey, Master Bailey, Mrs. C. Bedford, Mr. f \V. Benn, Mr. K. Bennett. Mr. I'. Bibron, : Mrs. T. Bignell, Mr. J. Caldwell, .Mrs. Caldi well. Mr. ti. Campbell, Mrs. Campbell, Mr. C. Carr. Mr. S. Chambers, Mrs. A Cuni- " mins, Mr. H. M. Dalliuiore, Mrs. Dallimore, [• Master H. IJallimore, Mr. R. Dennis, Mrs. '• K. Denton, Miss J. Douglas, Mr. G. Dralle, Mr. M. Fisher, Mr. 1). Fraser, Mrs. A. Gibbs, Miss J. Gibbs, Miss D. Gibbs. Mrs. T. (irant, • Miss F. Hall, Mr. R. Markness, Mrs. Hark"ess, Mr. F. Heim. Mr. T. Higgins. Mr. T. Hodges, Jlr. 1». Hunt, Mr. Ij. lnveraritv, • Mrs. K. .1.-ieot»s, Mrs. K. Joseph. Mr. I). . Joseph, Miss K. Miss B. ry '• Mrs. \V. Miss M. Mace, Mr. H. Mnii- . deno, Mrs. H. Mandeno. Dr. J. Mark, .Mrs. • Mark. Miss J. Mason. Mr. C. Meinrath .Mr " A. Miller, Judge \V. Mocatta. -Miss s'. " Molpliy, Mr. S. Morcli. Mr. W. Macindoe, f Mrs. M. Mcl.cod, Mr. K. Mc.Millian, .Mr. C. J L. Nayar. Mr. B. Oborn. Mrs. K. Oborn, ■' Miss N. Oborn, Miss M. Oborn. Mr. H. M s O'Connor. Miss M. I'rennll, Mr. B. Rafter, h Mr. \V. A. Kennell, Mrs. Reiinell, Mr J Rhodes. Mrs. Rhodes, Mr. l\ Roach. Miss M. Scott. Mr. C. Sewell, Jtrs. I>. Smith Miss K. Spurways, Mrs. S. Stevens, Mr \ Storey, Mrs. A. Storey, Miss N. Storev. \lr G. Waller. Mr. A. A. White. Mrs. White, Mr. J. Wilkins. Miss H. Woolston, Miss M. I'arnton. Mr. W. Tatuian. Cabin class: t Mr. H. Alien, Mr. T. Allen, Mrs. T. Allen, Miss J. Anderson, Mr. S. Armstrong. Mr. B. Beck, Mrs. I). Beck. Master D. Beck, Miss A. Bell. Mr. AV. Booth, Mr. R. Brandon, Miss S. Carrington. Mr. <;. Carter, Mrs. Carter. Mr. J. Cartlidge. Sir R. Cochrane. Miss R. Coulter. Mrs. M. Cripps, Miss K. Cronin. Mr. A. Dodson, Mr. E. Dver. Mr. R. S. Edwards-. Mr. H. Evans. Miss* D. Felsch. Mr. A. Fenn, Mrs. A. Fenn Mr W. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Fitzgerald Mr m" Fitzsimmons, Mr. V. Fitzsimmons. Mr. H. . Fitzsimmons, Mrs. M. Freed, Mr. \V. Fuller '• Mr. W. (iore, Mr. <;. S. (iraliam. Miss S. Glover, Miss D. Gourley. Miss K. Hamill •") Mr. R. Hayinan. Mrs. M. Henderson Mr D K. Hinn, Miss M. Hickey. Mr. W. ti. Johnson. Mr. S. Katristsios, Mr. W. Kelly Mr ~ T. Kennedy. Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. K. Gilgour s Mrs. K. Gilgour. Mr. M. King. Mrs. J.! Rev. 11. I .eng. Mrs. H. I.eng. Miss E. I.evy! Miss Ij. I.ewis, Miss M. Divingston. Mrs • E. Ivove, Mr. It. A. Lynch, Mr. J. Magill, Mrs. N. Mancel-Knox. Mrs. A Ma tear Mr 0 W. Meek. Mrs. W. Meek, Mr. .1. Miliier Mr. C. Morgan, Mr. P. Moore. Mrs I. Morrison. Miss A. Murpliy, Miss M. Murphy. „ Mr. I. Maekay. Miss E. MeCnrtliv. Mr il ° McGwire. Mrs. McGuire. Miss M. McLaughlin, Mr. C. Oxenbridge. Mrs. Oxenbridge Mrs. M. I'aterson. Mr. G. I'aterson, Mr j' r Pan 11. Mr. A. Panll. Miss I>. Phillips. Mr. ci A. I ritleuux. Mrs. M. Priileaux, Mr B. Quill Miss 1,. Reaney, Miss B. Reid Mrs e" ,- Rhodes, Mr. J. Rillstone, Mrs. Rlllstone,' z Mr. \\. Roberts, Mrs. E. R.yssi, Mrs E ,1 Russell Mr J. Russell. Mrs. J. Russell, cl Master L. Russell, >Irs. M. Slater. Mr. K. e Solomon. Mr. G. Somoiervilie, Mr. r. Stanley. Miss C. Stewart Mr s S. Stubbing. Mr. B. Story, Mrs. Storv. Mas--1 . ter V. Story. Master B. Storv, Master B • 1 Story. Miss C. Story, Miss C. Storv Mrs' A. 'I anner. Miss A. Templeton. >ii<s M z Thomas. Mr. S. Trigg. Mr. A. Tickwell'. | Mr. (.. \\allis. Rev. H. Why to. Mrs Whvte t. | I'll ml class: Mr. A. Ball. Mrs. Ball Mr' i' rNennett. Mr. J Boyd. Mr. H. Brinkworth'. s j Miss I-,. Butt. Mr. R. Casev. Mr J Cli in- • I man, Mr A. Clarke. Mrs. Coleman. Miss r \i T a iV ir ast *7. C()I, : l »« li . Master Coh uum. , r r - A. Collins. Mrs. Conwrfonl. Coinor- >. flird, Mr. I-:. Connew, Mr. T. ( lifts. Mr. J t Dunne, Mr. P. Durkin, Mr. T. (;illespie Mr ' I l ' M J- F - ««■«>'■ Mr. M. Guthrie.' Mr! '• J. Harrington. Mr. V. Hamlin*. Mr C T n Haynes. Mr. ti. Hill. Mrs. 1.. Hill. Mr. Il" e Huggett. Mrs. Jameson. Mr. T. Junor Mr (; . Kindherg, Mr. B. Kogaika. Nrr. J Li'ndn say, Miss D. Maher. Miss J. Mitchell Mr W. MacFarlane, Sister Olsen, Mr. A. Par-

fitt Mr L Pe&rce. Mrs. Penrce. f '* s . -J*Radio. Mr. T,«ex. Mr C. »«£*«■*»■ Robertson, Mrs. Robertson Mr J son, Mrs. Y-. Pvossiter. Miss V Rossit-r, Miss C. Ryan. Miss M. St ama n.M iss Sk > ffington, MP. A. Smith. Mr. I. -Jr. A Stuart, Mrs. Taylor, Misses TaUnr i- . Mrs. and Miss Tonge, Mr. ling. Mr. K. Wright, two Chinese and 1Yugoslavs. DEPARTURES— Saturday. Fiona, for Suva. 2.40 p.m. _ Ranginui. for Tauranga. «.Li> p.m. Cumberland, for Napier, i .30 p.m. Yesterday. Excursion steamers for all resorts. 9.30 a.m. Miena. for Portland. 4 p.m. Tulioe, for Paeroa. 4.10 p.m. This Day. Baroona, for Mntutapu. 7.30 a.m. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. TO-DAY. Canopus, from Westport. 5 p.m. TOMORROW. I'urt-Wliangarci. lrom Dunedin. morning. Kupiti, from niorniii^. Kanginui. from Tauranga. morning. Tuhm\ lrom muinin-. Kawau, from Matakana. 4 p.m. Hauiti, from Coromanilel, p.m. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. TO-DAY. Clansman, for Mangonui. 4 p.m. Paroto, for Kay of Islands, 4 p.m. T<>a. lor Whakatane. 4 p.m. Waiotahi, for Opotiki. 4 p.m. Kaw.m, for Matakana. ~j p.m. • llauili. for Coromanilel. •'•-3'• p.m. Kotorua. for London, evening. Kuiranga, for Newcastle, evening. TOMORROW. Niagara, for Vancouver. 11 a.m. Korowai, for Sydney, afternoon. Tnlioe, for Paeroa. 4 p.m. Kapiri. for Whangarci. 4 p.m. Ranginui. for Tauranga. 4 p.m. Margaret \V. t for East Coast. 4 p.m. Kopara, for East Coast, 4 p.m. UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. Niagara sails at 11 a.m. tomorrow for ! Suva. Honolulu. Victoria and Vancouver. I Kairanga sails at iio«,ji to-mrrrow for Newcastle, l'ort Stephens, l'ort K-.nnbla and Svdin v to load for Auckland. ' I'oolta sails on Thursday afternoon for Eytti'lton and Wellington. Korowai sails to-morrow night for Sydney to load for Auckland. Waimarino left Dunedin at noon on Saturday for Oamaru. Timaru. j.ytteUon. Wellington and Auckland. Waiana leaves Wellington at 3 p.m. today for Auckland. She leaves here next Friday for Dunedin, Bluff and Timaru. Av.atca is due here on Wednesday morning from Sydney via Wellington, and sails at ~i p.m. tiiat day for Sydney direct. l'ort Whangarei sails on Friday fur Suva to load for Auckland. Waipiata leaves Bluff midnight to-lay for Dunedin, Lyttelton, Wellington and Auckland. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. DE l'A RT U R E.S—S ATL"Ii DA Y. Taupata, for Nelson. 1 p.m. ARRIVALS—YESTERDAY. Ilokianga, from Hokiangu, 10.30 a.m. THIS DAY. Rouaki, from Hokianga, s a.m. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tin; following visseis are expected to be wiiliiu range of the Auckland wireless Maiion to-night: — It.M.S. Endeavour. H.M.S. Wakakura. Kairanga, Kaiwarra, Mania. Maui Pomare, Fiona, Glmbjnk, Nauininirg, Kotorua. AIRWAY PASSENGERS. Arrivals.—Saturday : Mr. A. Watley, I'r. W. Oilinour. Mr. M. I!. Spencer. Miss li. Spencer. Mr. E. A. Robinson, Mr. 10. Kibler. Yesterday ; Mr. J. Carpenter, Mr." • l.uke. Dr. H. T. Pott it. Mrs. It. E. Clegg. Mr. A. Thompson, Miss P. E. Pope, Mr. N. M. I.ouisson. Departures.-—Yesterday: Mr. P. Stainton, Mr. V. P. Boot. Mr. Collins, Mr. C. T. Jarvis. To-day : Mr. S. E. Langstone. Miss White. Mr. T. Matheson, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Norwood.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 4

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Shipping News of the Port Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 4

Shipping News of the Port Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 4