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' AUCTIONS. | -*r pRO\ VIES FOR SALE BY AUCTION". j IJCO-MORROW mUESDAY, j AT 10.45 A.M. j In Our T.antl Sale Rooms, 101, Queen St. TAKAPt'NA. —2 Kino Building Siti'S, Corner of KnH'knn Ave. ;un! Lake Ktl. f f'ithcr Husinoss or R«».-«iilHntial. DKVOM'OKT.— (ioirtl Sito, ( to I.nke Kil., closc to Bank St. : — Section Xo. 414, | to I'acilic I'arado, opposite Recreation i Reserve. SINN WALK (OKATIA), Adjoining Railway LiiM'. do so to Railway Station.— ACKKS. Sululividrd into 4 sections. <\an be sold sepuratcly or in one lot. "\r.\XLY. — Sfasido S«vtion, Xo. !*»(), to Sea View Rd., I*olkingliorne Bay. JJICHARD J^IMITED, 101, QL'KKX STREKT. Til OS. B. AKTfICK, Auctioneer. 2S JJICHAKD Y'tTHUR, | l I Jj NREI)EE M)C l> |>LEL) GE S. FROM rj-MIE l.\N y^TD., oSS, QUEEN STREET, Instructed by 11. J,. SOLOMON, Manager. J > I CHARD J 'ID., WILL SELL AT THEIR ROOMS, J:»i. (JUI:I;N STREET (Next Power Board Buildings), ON DAY -y EXT, J ! AT O'CLOCK, J jJN REI)E EM ED pLEDGE S. I Oct. -Jlst. 5111, Bag and Coiils; . Nov. l.itli. c.:17. Basket anil Service. l;i3,'i - ■March Till. lie,7. (LII. Watch. Chain. Brooch : April I'Jth. 1350. Bag. Rug, E P. Ware: June sth. 1530, E.P. Ware: Nov. 3rd. 2U.54. Case and Conts; oth, 211113, E.P. I Ware; lliti, I'lisT, Case: l-ltli, 20!M>, E.P. W are, 171 h, ■J'l'.l'.l, C. Sticks. I!l3l—Jan. i 7. 1 -I®h.1® h. Sense: Fell. 7th. 23<i!>. W. i l\ ln ~ '. LJtli, o.'ltMi. Knives. Forks. Spoons; I May 3rd. 2til3. Brooch: June 20th, 2,soii. 2 Brooches and Bangle; Sept. 7lh, 31155, 0.1'.G. Watch anil Chain; Dec. 31st', 3414' D. Ring. 11135 .March 2Sih, 31.55, lfa>Pipcs; June 7th. 3!>37, 1). Ring; Sept. 24th 421M1, 'Teapot: Oct. 21st. 4.3N7. Bag Pipes, Nov. 11, til. 4417. Bag Pipi's; Dec. otid. 451! l, Coin. Iti.ti; March oth. I7NK, Hangle, | JJ 1 ' Necklet, o I'a i r Earrings: 30th. 4(1 .rushes. Mirror. Spoons: June ,K|h. 255, 2 Brooches; Sth. 25!1. 2 Rings and Bangle; 1-lh. 2' 1, Links and Cig. Case; July lr.tli, Aug. sth. 41". Sporran; Jtlth. 4 IS. s.II. Watch and Chain; Nov. titli. 035. Links; Dec. 4th. 0'.)4, Bat; 4th, (i!) 7 2 Rings. 11)37—Jan. 4th. 750. Banjo; 12th" i |S! '. D. Ring: 13th. 701. F. (ilass; 25th ! »r' S ' Pi'h. 2"th. !HI7. (LII. Watch: , March _nd, Case and Mug; 10th !!7N i Golf clubs; 25th. O.'is. W. Ring: April'lsthJ 104 ( ase and (ilass: -Jls,. mi!». Candleslick: May lut h. 111 S3. W. If i ntr ; Ilth. lustl. D. Ring; 14th. lour,. \V. Ring; 14th I'OS. -g Rings; 22nd. 111.3. D. Ring: 22nd. » . Kln>r: '"' s| - Banjo; June 3rd. 11.ii, Brooch and Pin: sth 1115 2 Rings; Sth. 1152, l>. Ring: Mtli.' 1151'.!! - Bats: 14th. 115s. Ring: loth 1 lliti |;,i" and Conts; -_'Ist. 117*. W. Ring ;' 2st h, 'l 10.'L i I,at : 21llh. 12 00. Mt. Watch : L'Stli 120."> ID. Ring; July 01 h. 1215. Pendant: loth! ; 1 --it, lt.G. \\ r. W.'i t e|| and Camera : 27th i 1250. W. Ring: 31st. 1200. Bangle. W'r I Watch. 2 Rings; Aug. oth. 1275. Bangle ; ! loth. 1255, Bag : I.3th. 1200. D. Ring: Hub. I 1 •"•"5. (I. W'r. Watch : 211 th. 13110. G : W'r. Watch: 2'oih. 1311. •Mandolin: j Camera. Ra.-i|iie| • 2oth. t: - ,22. D Ring; 27th. 133n. Ring; 2Sf h, 1333 Gr St Chain: 2S|||. 1 S.II. W.-Ilch and Chain: Sept. 3rd. 1::i:i. Ring. Links. Wr. Watch-! oth. 13.-.2. Ring: (it li. 1.353. Pendant: lmli. j 13011. li,,xing Gloves: tsth. KM. Urn: J 23rd. 1305. D. Ring; 24th. 1.300. D. Ring: I Oct. 4lh. 1423. Gramoplioiie and Records: j sth. 1 12S. 2 Figures: nth. 1431. Br. R. G. I Watch : Otli. 1433. Decanters and Case-i ■Sill. 103 K. 2 Dishes: 13th. 1 150. Links: 10th. 11511. D. and K. Ring: 10th. 140.3. I Clock : 21 st. 1405. Bag: 20th. 1475. D. I Ring; 3oth. 1455. Ring: Nov. Ist. 14SS R G. 11. Wat.-h: Ist. 14so. G. H. Watch: sth. 1407. S. W'r. Watch : Oili. Irani. Chronograph: 20th. 1553. W. Ring; Dec. 2nd. 1501, |>. Ring: 11th. 15S0. I). Ring: 23rd 1503, Ring; 23rd. 1500. R.G. Wr. Watch; 23rd. 1507. W. Ring: 30th. 100 S. D. Ring. 103S—Jan. 4th. 1013. Iron and Kettle: j 11 tli. 1030. G. Wr. Watch: 13th. 1040. I). and S. Ring: 21st. 1001. Mt. Chain: 22nd. | 1003. It.G. Wr. Watch: Feb. Ist, 1(103. 2 Rings: 4th. 17(>3. D. Ring: 11th. IDS. S. Wr. Watch: Kith, 1728, G. Wr. Watch; 17tli. 1734, Scrv. Ring and Pepperpirt : March 3rd, 1704, D. Ring; 30th. IH3O. S. Wr. Watch: 31st. 1842. S'case; April 10th. 1800. 2 Rings: 20tli. 1870. Mt. Wr. Watch; 27th. 1883. Mt. Wr. Watch: 27th. 1885 Mandolin: May 2nd. 1804. I>. Ring: 3rd. 1800. Ring: oth. 1007. W. Ring: (Sth. 1010. Candlesticks : 10th. 1010. Bangle. Brooch, etc: 11th. 1023. Br. It. G. Watch; 11th. 1025. Brooch: KStli. 10.33. 2 Rings: 10th. 1042. Rod and Reel - 2uih. 1043. Mt. Wr. Watch: 28th. VOSS. Mandolin: .MHli, 1005, E.P. Dish: June 2nd. 1070. Chain. 1034—(let. 27th, I<>2(>. Boots. 103,11 — July Sth, 354, Plaid; Aug. lstli. 475, Shirt and Shoes; Sept. 14th, 545, Blanket and Dish. 103 V -Jan. ISth. 833. 'Trousers and Blanket; March 12th. 074. Clothes, 'Tools, Dish; May 11th, 1114, Blanket, etc; 25th. 11.>7, D. Gown: 20th. 1170, 'Trousers and Clothes: June stli, 1101. Sheets: July 14-th, 12 s2, Blankets: 15lh, 1285, JOIh, i 2011, Blankets; Sheets, Slips; Aug. Hill, 1.334, Par. Clothes; 10th, ].'S3'.i, Suit; 13th, 134(1, Odd Suit ; 13th, 1347. O'coat ; 21st, 1307, O'coat; 23ril, 137(1, Odd Suit; 24tli, 1371, Coat, anil Trousers; 24 lit, 1373, Sense; 2(>tli, 1378, O'coat; 20th, 1370, O'coat; 28th, 1383, O'coat; 30th, 13811, Suit and case; Sept. Sth. 140ti, Rug. Coat; Stli. 1408, o'coat; 18th, 1420, O'coat; 2'Otli, 1448. O'coat; Oct. 4th, 1457, Remnant, etc; 15th, 1478. O'coat; 18th, 1481, Suit anil Ring; 22nd, 1404, Parcel Clothes; 27th, 1500, Suit; Nov. sth, 1512, Suit; Sth. 1520, Suit; 10fh, 1524. O'coat: I'.ith. 1540. Case anil Conts: 20th, 1541. 2 Blankets; 22nd, 1540, Odd Suit: 24tli, 1552, O'coat; Dec. 3rd, 15(53, Shoes; 4th. 1505, Suit: 7th. 1571, Suit: 10th. 1575, Blanket and Sliest: 20th, 1504. Suit; 22nd, 1508, Remnant; 30th. 1(>()8. O'coat 1938— Jan. 4th, 1015, Suit: 4th, 1020, Case and Conts; 13th, 1030, Case anil Conts; IStli. 1044. Suit: 24th, 1055. Rug; 27th, 1045(5, Suit; Feb. 7th. 1081, Coat and Trousers; 18th. 1085. Coat and Trousers: 14th. 1(508, I O'coat : 14th. 1701. Rug. O'coat. etc; March Sth. 1733. Odd Suit; 14th, 1730. Shoes; 2-1 til. 1752. Suit : 20th, 1754, Trousers. Vest, Bangle: April sth. 1704. Case and Umbrella; 12th, 1771, Suit: 12th. 1772, Blankets; 13th. 1773, Coat and Trousers; 14th. 1774. Blankets: l!)th. 1770. I). Gown: 22nd. 1770. Blankets; 20th. 1781. Blazer and Trousers: 28th. 1784. Suit: 30th. 1780. Bag and Trousers; May (Sth, 1704. L. O'coat: 10th. 1708. Box Shirts, etc: 13th. 1804, Blankets: 13tli. 1805, Bag and Conts: 14th. 1807. Suit: 18th. 1805. Bag and Conts: 24th, 1820. L. O'coat: 31st. 1827. O'coat: June Sth. 1830. Suit: Sth. 1840. Clothes and Shoes: 10th. 1841. Blankets; 17th. 1845, O'coat; 20th, 1847. Suit; 21st. 1850. Suit; 22nd. 1851. Suit; Julv 11th. 180!). Suit anil Wr. Watch: 12tli. 1873. Shoes: Aug. Ist. 180(5. Clothing. E.P. Ware, etc; 2nd. 1597. Suit anil Clothes; (sth. 18!)'.). Rug; 15th, lOog. Shoes, I). Gown, etc: 3<ith. 1028. Suit : Sept. 2nd, 1931, Case and Conts: 3rd. 1934. Suit. ON VIEW MORNING OF SALE. TERMS CASH. rpHOS. AUCTIONEER. :1

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 3