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MID-SPRING MEETING. VALAMITO WINS CUP. MAJORITY TAKES THE SPRINT. Sonic vn \ fine finishes were provided •if. I'.llors! ii' mi S,i liiii Ii \ when the Allck!>*ml l{,icing ( lull opened its mid-spring trior I ing. I'M m .ill lint, two instances the margin 111 the winners favour wag i>nl\ half a length or less. There wpip two ha If-Ii o, i c.l ,iii(l two head derisions during the .il tn iiniiii, to that there was plenty ot good r.n 111 k• The Almon Cup, the chief event of the rlay, went to the consistent Valamito, who was second on two occasions at 'le Rapa during the previous week-end. Birthday Boy looked as though he woflld ■win half way down, but Valamito and Knight of Australia finished just a. bit too good for linn, the former beating Kniaht of Australia by a head, -with Birthday Boy a similar distance away. Knight of Australia was one of the outsiders of the Held. Black Musk, who wn* at even longer odds, was fourth. High Caste, a half brother to Stretto and Ma/.ir by Bulandshar. whose stock | are racing fur the Hint time this season and doing well, won the Cambria Handicap, an event for two-year-olds. This wan only his second appearance, his Krst bring when he ran third in the A.K.C. Wrlronio Stakes to Anopheles and his stablemate Konneta. at KUerslie lust month. He wan installed a very warm favourite and was always handily placed, Orrlio was in front when the straight was fairly entered upon, but High ( aste soon ranged alongside him and beat him by half a length. Mean Repaire, a half brother to Royal Chief, by Beau Pere, ran his best, race to datr by finishing third, while Ulen Connell was fourth. The Takapuna Plate saw the hot favourite Halinavar narrowly beaten by the third chance Oriental Bay, with Maxani. the second favourite, A similar distance away. Maxam marie the earl.f running and was joined by Balinnvar shortly after the straight wan reached. Thin pair were fighting it out, when Oriental Bay. who had been at the rear when the home turn wan rearhed, began to rome through on

t.lio rails, and continuing his run he headed the lenders to bent Balinavar by hn If A length, with Maxam a similar distance away third. Son Acre, wlio had shown up well during the running, was fourth. The open sprint, the Cheltenham Handicap, wan won by the N'pw Plymouthtrained Majority, who after being prominent nil the way, beat Paddy the Rip, the favourite, by half a head, while Toole.v Street, who was at long odds, was a neck away third, followed liy Surella. Therp was a (treat finish in the Ponui Handicap. Mawter Appellant, who was one of the outsiders, was soon in front and stayed there, but over the last part he was challenged by Melvanui. Dauber, High Sea and The Trimmer, the judge declaring for him by a head from Melvanui, with Dauber a similar distance away, third, and The Trimmer and High Sea right up in line next. After rain during the morning the ■weather cleared about midday and except for a shower just after the seventh race it regained fine. Therfl was a good attendance and the totalisator handled £.17,744, compared with £43,957 for the first, day last year, when the Takapuna Jockey Club conducted the fixture under the win-and-placo nystem. The decrease wan £<121.1. Later re»ult« werei — TIRI HURDLES of £350. Two miles. 3—TOUR, b g, aged, by General La tour—Olenval (Mr. F. 8. Hilll, 11.4— H. Thompson 1 B—Kl LHEMS, b Jr. aged (Mr. H. D. Caro). 11.2—Brady 2 »—Bill NATION, ch a. It!red (Mr. J. H. Clreonhead), 13.8 —Mulr 8 started : 1 Mia Acrea, 10-T (Walters) ; 4 Electric Flash, 0.10 (S. Watson) ; n Chlknrn. 0.10 (Turvey) ; 7 ," 10 (Aiikf»tf) ; 10 Baldric. 0.0 J* Makni, 0.0 (Baker); 0 Btrnthlro, on (Sinlnn). Two lengths; Ilirer lengths. Time, 3.47. inata r trnl " c<l l) >' R - »'• Martin, Mataamson cur of cnoo. illUls And n quarter. 1 VALAMITO, h g, n.vrs, by Vnnls— bo n iv ra, w r J Mr - r - Smith), _. t' W McTavlsh 1 11—KNIGHT or ALSTKAMA, "br" g (Mr. A. Toonian), 7.3—G Smith " a—BIRTHDAY BOY. br h. "ir, < Messrs O. Nicholson ami Hon. B. R. Davis), 7.4—\V. Thomson 3 Also started- r» Round IJp, 0.2 (W ttartie) ; 7 Jonathan. B.n (McKcnilc) • li Master Brlerl.v. hi) (Winder); ■> tl'iirk Shadow, 8.0 (Broiiithton I ; 4 Phlle.mrt 7 11 (Wiggins); 8 Aussie Ita, 7..'! , Vnughnn I • H Shy. 7.0 (Messervy) ; 10 Fldells, 7.0 (nil' clirlsl ) ; 12 Ony Kehel, 7.0. car. 7.2 (Long) ; 14 Black Musk. 7.0. oar. 7.2$ (W. Jonesi : 13 Royal Dance. 7.0 (O. Kvans). fiend ; head. Time, 2.5 2 5. Winner trained by F. Smith, Takanlnl. CAMBRIA HANDICAP of £300. Five furlongs. I—nron CASTE. b c. 2yrs, hy Bulandshnr -The Ilegnm (Mr. A. ,1. McGoverni, R. 7 H. N Wiggins. . 1 2—ORELIO, ill c. 2.vrs (Mr. T. Impey), 8.5— XlcTavlsh 2 4—BEAU ItEPAIRE, br c, 2yrs (Mr. K. T. Held), 7.1(1 — Brouirhton .. 3 Also started; (I Foxtoon (O. Kvans), ft Olndynev (<>. Smith), 7 Brazen Hold ( McKcnzle), 11 Innovation (Murray), HO- 3 (Jlcn Council (Clifford), 7.12. car. 7 lit- 10 Chela ndry ( T renin In I, 5 Greek Otlce'n (Mansonl. 7.8, ear. 7 !»4 • 1 .'1 Hunt Inir Capo ( Sergeant i. 7.7; It biirnn va.-il> (Messervy). 12 I.lttlo Star ( \V. Thomson) 7 0 Half a 1 enuth : two lengths. Time. 50s Winner trained by H. N. Haghy. Ellerslle TAKM'IINA PI.ATK of t 100. Seven furlongs. 3 —OH lENT A f' BAY. hr g. 3vrs. by King I ,ii — ()ueen A rcli i M r <~ t,. Belli nullum ), H.o -H V WJsgms W-Iv;?»'7 ,r ' Hnm/e Emerald Crremaln'| K T? 1 ;"' Vnnlsstsr (Clifford I, 7.7. Half head each way. Time, 1.2* 2-5 Winner trained by W. Kirk, Green Lan.

CHELTENHAM HANDICAP of £3;>o. Six i'urlongs. 3—MAJOKITV. Mk g, 4.vrs, by Mint I/t-.if—lli'llr Slur (Mr. <i. Trrmli'(t). Nil! -N. K. McKcn/.le .... 1 I—PADDY THE It 11*. eh h, nged (Mr. 11. M. Myers), S.(l—(i. Smith '2 11 —TmmLEY STIIKKT, l> g. nged (Mr. 11. Kiimal. 7.1J--I'. Fearn .... 3 Also ~ln r r : !• Whirling ( Uroiighton >. r».:t ; H Marie's Ai'n' ( Mnrrn.v I, il.o ; I 'I e Hirn ( Burgess i. st J : 7 Golden Sheila i Horiici, S.ii : 'J l-'arliind (Evan*l, S.O ; *» Arvakur ( Mi-Ta v ish 1, 7.0: 1" Surella lln > m st. it i, 7.1: IJ 'l'rilliareh (Messervy), 7.1: •"> Pirate K illif (Wigginsl, 7.4. Hull' a head: neck. Time, 11'-' Winner trained by K. Johnson, New Plymoutli. I'OMUI HANDICAP of £300. Due mile. 11 — MASTER A I'PELLA.NT, b g, 4yrs, li.v Appeilani Kilmiop (Mr. N. I'lipesi hi. 77, car 7.H -1* Kearn 1 j C,—MKIAANI 1. hr g. r« (Mr. W. I M. Sorensen 1. B.H - Winder - 1 —I»AI IiKII. tir g. 4>Ts (Mr. J. T. Crawford), >. ."i -Tinker 3 Also started : 5 Itlng Shot, 11.0 (WigSlnsi ; 2 11 lnh Sen, 8.10 (Cliffordl ; 'J ulimahn, 8.(1 (Murray); 3 The .Trimmer, 4 (McTavish i ; 4 Walloping Acre, 7.11 (Hornei; 10 Conntarlum (Longi, 7 Marheke (Ulirhrlpt), 12 Love In Idleness (Treinalni. 8 Nuipnpa, 7.7 (Evans). Head each way. Time. 1.40. Winner trained by \V. Gough. Avondale. WOTAN SUCCEEDS. MANCHESTER HANDICAP. EVENTS AT FEILDIXG. (By Telegraph. Press Association.) KKII.DI N(i. S aturda> . The sluing meeting of the Feilding Jockey I bib opened to-day in fine , weather. There was ,i luge attendance i .■ ml the ionise, after heavy lain overnight, i was ill good order. Wot an. who won the Melbourne Cup in 103(5, wan successful in u the chief event of the day. the Manchester t Handicap, which makes his second win ,• since lie accounted for the big event at f Klemingtoii, his previous victory being in T tho Keilding Cup last Easier. During the day the sum of £26.200 was put through the machine, compared with £20,2.39, an •- increase of £0031. e When Erebus fell in the Wsituna i. Hurdle* his jockey, X. C. Trillo, had hit e collarbone broken. " Later renultg are:— p AORANG! TRIAL PLATE of £130. n Weight 8.10. Six furlongs. n 2—THRASOS—S. Anderson 1 " I—OLD HILL—G. R. Tattersall " 11—PRETTY LASS—C. Cole i

II —rncji J i unso —v.. cuic » Also started: 12 Gold Petal (R. W. Savage). (I Kualtl (H. J. Callahan), 16 ()wenland (P. Williams), 13 Aurora's Star (.1. Chaplin), 17 Night Eruption (H. C. Maria), 7 Regicide (R. J. Flower). 3 Kokako (P. Atkins). 8 Daregaln (W. Doyle 1, 4 Snigger (B. H. Morris I. 10 Beach Blossom (T. Tito), 0 Culsinler (K. ( hotel. 1(t White Rajah (A. Jenkins), 5 Verey I.lghts (J. Forsyth). 15 Renascor (W. Jenkins). IH Orlnai (K. Kanakei, 2" Fiddledine (It. Marsh). 14 Mataroa, S.lo, car. 8.12 (C. Ciirrolli. Length; half a length. Time 1.15 3-5. MANCHESTER HANDICAP or £300. One mile and a quarter. 3—WOT AN. 8.5. car. B.o— (I. P. Dowrick 1 2- OA I/TEE MORE. 7.o —H. E. Bennett 2 1 — BRAZEN KING,— "• H - Morris 3 Also started: 4 Tiger Gain. 8.1 (J. Forsvth): 5 Hunting Cat. 7.0 (11. J. Callahan) : 0 empire. 7.0. cur. 7.5 (R. Marshl. Two lengths ; four lengths. Time, 2.3 3-5. FLYJXG HANDICAP of £200. Six furlongs. 2—MITTIE, B.(l—G. R. Tattersall ... 1 3—LAUGHING LASS. 8.3—8. H. Morrls 2 O—(.'LESSAMOR, 7.f1. car. 7.B—H. J. Callahan ® Also started: 7 I*dy Inn. 8.5 (W. Jenkins): 8 I-one Raider. 7.5 (R. Majsh): S Taurangl, 7.5. car. 7.0 (K. Reynolds) : 1 Florence Mills, 7.4 (J. Forsyth); 4 Lifeguard. 7.0 (S. T. Edwards). _ Length and a half ; neck. Time, 1.13 1-J. FEILDING JUVENILE STAKES of £130. Two-year-olds, Five furlongs. 2 —GLOBE TROTTER, 7.10, car. 7.11J —G. R. Tattersall 1 S—SILVER STICK, 7.12 —P. Atkins . 2 I—SCANDAL, 8.8 —B. H. Morris 3 Also wturted: 10 Kilometre. 7.12. car. 8.1 (D. I/am h) : 0 Dark Water. 7.12 (J. Nicholson) ; 3 Trench Law, 7.0 (B. Stowe) : 4 Pen, 7.8, cur. 7.0 (M. Gilmore) ; 7 Lord Midas. 7.8 (R. Howell); 11 Pearl of Asia, 7.7 (R. W. Shaw) ; « I.a Bru, 7.7. car. 7.91 (J. Chaplin); 8 Evening Glow, 7.7, car. 7.8 (S. Anderson); 12 Madonna, 7.2, car. 7.3 (J." Forsyth). „ Long head ; two lengths. Time 1.1 4-j. KOWHAI HANDICAP of £150. One mile and a distance. 3—nAROTONOA, 7.11, car. 7.9J —J. 0— 7.7, car. W. o Shaw • • • • • • • • ■ • 4—roiIROBOREE, 9.0 —G. R. Tattersall J Also started: 2 Flammarlon, 8.13. car. K.lo (D. Lamb); 1 Earl Colossus, 8.« (B. 11. Morris) ; 7 Donegal. 8.3 (S. Anderson) ; (i Rovnl Tinge. 8.0, car. 7.10 (B. Cosford) : 5 shiingrl La. 7.0. car. 7.2 (J. ; 8 All Bun-hv. 7.7 (K. Cllote). | llnir a length; head. Time, 1.50. FITZROY HANDICAP of £140. Six furlongs. ; 7 —SPORTING GIFT. B..H— G. R. Tattersnll 1 • tI—WHITE (K)LD. 7.11. car. 7.0$ —J. < 'tin pi I n 2 1 —ECSTATIC, 8.2—8. 11. Morris ... 3 I. ..A 1 "." "tarted: ,T Red Cat. 8.12 (H. J. < i*lliiliiin >; r> (iolil (ilnro, 5.4 (S. Anclrrson) ; 0 Amoroso. 8.3. car. 8.0 (D. Lamb) : 2 vimaffl 8.3 (P. Atkins) : 11 Min Lu. 7.11 3. «•«r. 7.H (T. I'ondi : H Roynl Spaclos, 7 !». rnr. s.t (('. |». shoild) : 10 Patter 7 7 j car. 7 D (R. Howell, : \ > Wynar.lo. 7.7.' car! - # l (J. Ijogan) ; 4 Little Dorrit. 7.7 (R. _ Marsli i. Neck: half a lensrth. Time. 1.14. 3 KIWITEA HANDICAP of £170. l t Seven fnrlonss. ii 4-MEA MKA. 8.3. ,-ar. B.4!—A ), Jenkins r. 3-TRM'NE. B.ln -H. C. Maria •> k 8 810 |M "IK. 0.3 -O. L. Kerr ii f' Also Slnrteil; Dehlutm. 8 7 (P. \tkins) • * I 1.1ck,-m. 8.5 (11. H Morris i ; 7 Roaming'. '• 8.1. i-n r 7.13 IW. Doyle i; 0 Airing, 8.1 IK. ( 'lli >I e I ; 111 Light Comedy, 7.12. cir. "• 7.5 lit. W Shawl ; ti Fos«leker. 7 11. ear! p *< 1 1 H', P. Sliel|il i ; j Silver River," 7.11 10. It. Ta 11 er*<n 111. Neck; length ami a half. Time, 1.27. , ONLY ONE AT MOONEE VALLEY. 2 MELBOURNE, November 27. 3 The New Zealand-bred geldin-g Only Oik iLimond— M> CKvnl was successful in winnine the Trial Handicap, one mile and n quarter, at the Moonee Valley races yes i«. terday.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 14

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AUCKLAND CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 14

AUCKLAND CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 281, 28 November 1938, Page 14