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RESERVE BANK RETURN. EXCHANGE £500,000 LESS. ADVANCES RISE SHARPL^. (By Telegraph—Press Association.) ' "WELLINGTON, Thursday. The Reserve Bank return for the week ended Monday, J„l v 23, was gazetted to-night. The statement is balanced at £26,998,326. or £985.067 more than at the close of the previous week. An increase of £1,120.614 in the level of Government deposits is the chief movement in assets. The deposits of the trading banks are £197.202 lower in value. Therehas been u rise of £17.813 in the note issue, while other demand liabilities are £40,074 higher. On the assets side, the most notable change is an increase of £1,300,000 in the level of "other purposes" advances to the State or State Department*. The value of the sterling exchange reserve has fallen by £507,272. Advances to the Primary Produce Marketing Department are £198,fr0 greater. The statement with variations compared with the week before is as follower — LIABILITIES. Variation 1. Gen. reserve . . 1,500.000 Same 2. Bank notes . . . 13.563.672 +17,813 3. Demand liabilities— (a) State 3.710.164 4-1.120 614 (b) Bunks .... 7.77.-,.100 —-197.211:! (c> Other .... 315,409 +40,074 5. Liabilities in currencies other than N.Z 7,838 247 6. Other liabilities 126.143 +7.015 Total 20,998,320 _ +955.067 ' ASSETS. 7. Reserve— (a) Gold 2.801,791 SamP Sterling .... 22.129 20,859 15.105 Subsidiary coin 190 112 22S 10. Advances— 1. Market i n g Dept 4,165,844 +195.010 2. For other purposes . l.nori.oon j-i.300.000 11. Investment .. 2,732."65 Same 13. Other assets . . 64.577 —142 Total 26.905.326 -r955.007 Proportion of reserve to notes and other demand liabilities, 70.57 per cent (75.489 last week). Thre« Years Compared. The following table shows the position of the bank's funds at this date for the past three years (in thousands of pounds): LIARir.TTTKS

ana orner demand liabilities 06.52 79.58 70.57 Principal Changes. Compared with a year, ago note issue is nearly £1,000,000 higher, while State and bank deposits combined are over £4,600,000 lower. On the assets side the chief move- , ment is .in sterling, which is lower by over £5,700,000.' Compared with two years ago sterling funds have decreased by over £7,000,000, but as a partial set-off is the item "Advances to the Marketing Department," which ie over £4,000.000. The proportion of reserves to notes and other demand liabilities is nearly 26 per cent less than it was two years ago.


INCREASED CIRCULATION. (Received 10.30 a.m.) LONDON, July 28. The Bank of England returns for the week ended July 27 are as follow, comparisons being made with those of a week and a year ago, the figures representing millions of pounds: — ISSUE DEPARTMENT. July July Tear 27. 20. ago. - £ I Notes iseued— In circulation 493.3 487.1 498.3 In banking dept. . 33.1 39.3 28.1 Other Govt, securities 189.0 188.5 185.1 Other securities .... —■ 0.5 3.9 Gold coin and bullion 326.4 326.4 326.4 BANKING DEPARTMENT. I Rest 3.5 3.5 8.6

Rate of Discount. The Bank of England rate of discount is 2 per cent, to which it was reduced on June 30, 1932, from 2% per cent. CONSOLS AND STOCKS. BRITISH FUNDS EASIER. COLONIAL, ISSUES STEADY. (Received 11 a.m.) LONDON, July 28. The following table gives quotations for consols and colonial inscribed stocks compared with those of July 31:—

1936. 1J)37. 1938. General reserve 1.500 1 5oo 1500 Bnnk notes ... 10.178 12,591 13,503 | Demand liabilities— (a) State .. 9.129 6.118 3.710 (h) Bank .. 0.372 9.702 7 77.". (c) Other .. 150 902 315 : Other liabilities. 94 106 8' Total 27,423 31,339 20.99S I ASSETS. Reserve—- ! Gold 2.S02 2.S02 2.S02 ! Kterlinsr .... 22,129 2,802 2,802 Subsidiary cain 190 112 22S Advances to State— i Marketing Dept. — 4.278 4.100 I Other purposes •— 300 1.000 Investments ... 2,035 2,900 2,732 Other assets . . 207 82 04 Total. 27,423 31,330 20,998 Proportion reserve to notes find other rip.

4 THE AUCKLAND STAR, Fl Finance, Commerce, Markets S0UTHERN _^ CHANGES money-market. TO-DAY IN CHRISTCHURCH. RESERVE BANK RETURN ON 'CHANGE. the latest quotations. mill _ • DULL MARKETS PREVAIL. EXCHANGE £500,000 LESS. QUIET MARKET. 'T~ .."£ broken lower. sharpl*. and Scottish 5/2/6 .. 5/5/© ■ COLONIAL SUOARS STRONG Nat.'TLla &'!: ll/12/O i! 2 -*' ° (B ' Te,e^a P h —*P«*1 *« "Star.", (By Telegraph-Press Association.) ' - Np "" South Wales .. 31/n/o .. 31/10,0 PTTRTCTniT-wnr n.- i New Zealand 2/8/0 Ii.2/3/* n „ this day. WELLINGTON, Thursdav. ifr-r.r r- T . -V/. .D Mort (£1 paid; 1/9/0 .. 1/10.6 , JJuU markets this morning saw onlv a tk» p„„, d i - -METAL SHARKS EASIER. INSURANCE— fevv sales mtde > mo6t 'v at fractional , , Reser%c Ba »k return tor the we. . . reductions from yesterday's levels Though encle(1 Monday, J„l v 25, was gazett. BivinPn continues to Ml off on «,„ v'w'/'-.iimi •> 17/o " " /7 * ''V& T?' " ted u"lt ° f 1^ 38 " 52 Goveln - to " ni ? ht - The statement is balanced ;^ ! ;";i«■&•"■*•" ** ! — — -'-•••••••• ™* ■■ ™ rajrr^:: r r^^ m n^ e «*?'« ***•<** — *« at « activity « .3"? Very q: " Ct aml F'NftNCIAL- inquiry in the section as a whole, with C, °? C . or the prev,0 " s week " Mo«t A.wi ','■] ,"n • i .-. , , ,' Loin i„-,v, n.-bi selling offers inclined to ease. _ An increase of £1,120,614 in the level further .'itrh. , m.l:-a,a, S showed 1 "■•jn* est. Banking Banks were practically unaltered. Government deposits is the chief mov rxceTion'of (V, i*i c , . n , ot '! b ' p i '''•''•-'»- Au'.'t.'uT.' pa'i.'li 4 5-u " 4/15.. , An easln S in Broken Hill Proprietary J 116 ",* m aswets.The deposits of the tradii I'li-in-"' oiW* a- '(■'•■j ' '"' : ~: wn "- h lia 'l Kami. Au.-t. i£-j pnidi — " i H ii brought rollers down to 59'10. buvers 4d ,a,1KS ale i 19*,202 lower in value. The Vus'i-llinn C'V "'•' " Vi l "; i ' :s -' above, j K.nni. Au.-t. i.A prefi l/l/O .. 1 2 6 lower. Colonial Sugars sold at £437/6 llHS bcel ! ;i nse or ' £17.813 in the no , IrMi'n'r iVi. ' 'VV- !n ',' Vf " 1 " n "'iarp!v. i Kirm. A'ii-r. iB i,r<-fi 1 <> 3 .. 1/1.0 compared with £48 10 j n the north ve<- ls - suc - while otiier demand liabilities ai H,'VYw/wl ' •'>-;" ',~ i! °r r ? ? :ok -"| v7'^ n „.| K l?/0 •• - ter „ ,aV V ?he local price, however? a, *!f' 074 i '^ her - Zinc.i ,11 lost' '•■'■-.■r,' .n'VNr , i?' *■*• Guarantee Corn 4 3 " 4 6 we " ah -^ 1 " ot iast <Ieali "«« a fortnight , ° !1 the assets side, the most notab were m ir'-e-l d" • '" ' .•' ' L - vcll « j N. Ak. Kami. iA prefi —' ..' 16 0 a ?°- Three Dominion issues received change is an increase of £1,300,000 in tl Amon'ii 'n il in" a "tv- | N. Ak. Kami. (B prefi — .. lo 4 2°od support. Xew Zealand Drugs'had t' n ' ei ° f "other purposes" advances to ti ,„'„, l ;i 1 , l ".,', m.....-..- .\ ik k land Gas | ./ad. f-j.i -■■ i.-ont.i — .. 4 :• inquiry at the higher rate of 70 3. sellers State or State Departments. The value . ,l" n ; |pf;;' -10 1. 01 t icir rec.-nt , l.'.!;■- 'P""!■> J • .g •• 1"'-' 71. MoKenzies had a firmer market at exchange reserve has fallen I; VI T • 1 c\ ■ 1 ar ? ''"* e of lAuck.j 1J,« .. — 64 .. 3 and eg 6 Wilsons Cements were *■ Advances to the Primary Pr «.i— 1 . --.''o' ''•";'*""'■ "'ere quoted COAL— quoted from 17 6 to 18 9. c1uc p Marketing Department are £ Bank sh-r'pr ,v 1*a '' . ■, ■ i Peno-vn ' n n in a Metals were fractionally easier than^ eater - fWr;,!:M,'i:i;,;r'^:''':- ;alN ' nnS V i1p«"»*2 . r ;ef.r:::::: S'l ;: l°i? yesterday, but dealings were very few. The statement with variations compare -.oiling again at 1 .S ' New- In«ur'' x'" I 'i ri U/0 •• 15/3 "'ith the week before is as folio we: — arc-, e-iined a further 3d. '""j UVsrp'.'rt'!?.':'.. .'.' '.'.'.'. - SALES RECOROFn LIABILITIES. Intni-it vm lackmg in Government " -U-rt. Stockton . ' 4 .', " _ SALES RECORDED. Variatio secuntiep. no nip. pr-iahle change in quo-' u ---:i-.rt Stockton pf 7/3 .. — , _ £ £ tntion, being mad,. | CAS _ (By Te.egrapb.-Press Association.) |; g^„ k ~««J« • • + Sa 7 m | a Mcri: Do:';s Rise. ( ,„.,!,,. !,,,„ , , 0 - r CHRISTCHURCH. 3. Demand liabilities— Mort. D-.-l: rp-..o„,!-d f. the dividend | A<:--lii».| ..-ont.i !'.". I 14/- !] 14.0 Thursda.r.—Stock. 15/4/46-49. 4 per oA-Banks 7T«l(tt +1^7»l snnonncpp Pnt. ..-'vancing 1 ,.• t ;... noon, rP,lt - - 10 - : t ' om - Bank. Australii. lr.'S: (c> Other i ,'! „ . ji.'ot call to seii nr. I! . [„ ,-e,~,,/ Vhe tone j SHIPPING- National Bank of Xew Zealand. E 3 13 fi: 3. Liabilities inVurl 31 ° ,4 ° J +4 °'°' of thP m»rk»t «i firmer, but frnover ! I'evonport Ferry .... 1/0/3.. _ £ \^ h ' "J,™ '.I!? " nd * = .3/: Broken Hill rencies other •vn< still rlu-ind'i'i" 1 K:i.:>::i!t I'.-i-ker ior-1) "70 — .Vc /- ■ *.-■{£' « ( • H - / ' ■ Mount Lyell, than N.Z 7.83S _o 4 t Bro k P„ Hill Pronnetarv. Briti-h To-1 *<£ 'J" •!» W»; "-. - 4/4 Kiver! ?$' °' ° thM "-«"«-_««« +7.01 ;o; r ;h:^ r ;;::;;;ran a, :;;; k n;j: cc having! !;„,"„„■• iiir■&,"; s^i :: Tf,,al ms^u .+ ass^ Kettrr buving ntler* in wi-h caxe'Homlnion ' " ' Hill South. 3-'/r, ( 3) : Mount Morgan ' ASSETS. Brpwcries sohl -Inwn 3<l but Tarnnaki i T'lWBEB— \iii in K **I , " rtP * 1 - s & P p r cent Inscribed. 7. Reserve— Oils were firm be'ven 13 1 m.l 13 7 ' i-,„v, i„, „„. -,- o .o 3';l 8 " 5 -' £ 101 2/6; Colonial Sugar, £48 (») (iold 2.801,701 Same t„ ,, , ,. r - , '■ I.artholomew l o/ 0 .. is/0 </6. Sterling —>i-.., -»i, avi InI the , .ankmg ;r W quoted Inland. UBrien ... - .. IS o WELLINGTON. Subsidiary coin l5o -'fr' 10 ov ft shade easier tro m in 6 t 0 lr. 5?. while - rional 7 0 .. ln/tf Thur«1av E a „i. , f v- „. , , r- n 10 Advances— SAtioj,,!. and New South Wales had "°, , 1 ? ,f « + -; ; • K* • ■ V» V , ' S'i»8 .lightly lower sellers' reserves. ?.j,po lot.™ .ort. _o/0 .. « a X*«\*&$ tl , DWt. S . 4,100,844 +198,01 Tarin-aimitu *" i-" : < '"'nzies. £3 5/; Taranaki Oil. 13,ti- — r or otner ' " l * /4S Wi.olworths Holdings (South Africa) 15/0 .. , purposes . l.noo.OOO -f-i.30O.O0. WOOLLEN < 2) - n - Invf, "tment .. 2,732.o65 Same SALES COMPLETED. ' "his Pay.—Morning call: Taranaki Oil 13 ' ° thftr assets •• tJ - , - 57 7 —14: Kaiapoi l[.aidi — .. 11/0 13/7: Woolworths Holdings. 15/9 Rel ~ . , ■ ■ Kaiapoi (pref.) — .. 16/3 ported: Colonial Sugir, £48 10/- Wool- al 26,998.326 -r-9S5.06 AT THB 3.1S P.m. CALt YESTSRDAV— aswrmct wort:-:; Holdings. 15/9 (2). 15/lOj! Proportion of reserve to notes and othe .... . , B «*-VERIES— c^ZW,r U^ Si , pe : i? nt Stock - 3/'39-43. demand liabilities, 70.57 per cent (75.4S: Last «•<«. I)om p, rPWPrips .... 1/14 , 9 1/15 3 r r' ° 2 /0 •• of New Zealand, 43/: last week). £ n d f , d '»••«»• Breweries (prf.) 1/15/0 V. Coar.nenrte.1 Bank. 16/8 (2). Thre« Years Comuarcd Com. Bank .... o W s .. o 16 7 xz - Brew « r 'e« 2/3/0... 2/3/3 DUNEDix Tll f „ Vi? Compared. N.Z. Insurnnee "17 ", " 1? 4 -n,„.».i xt *r « ..„,. The following table shows the poeitioi Consol. S BHck .: o 7 3 .'.' f) H AX "'3CEI.LANEOU8— I rKank , . ,.., of bank's funds at this date for th, M? rt rvnn rk •'•■ ? '2 2 •• V 1 -"' Alloy Steel (Ami.) . - .. ll/O 3/ ; N.Z. Paper Mills (con.T. 11/6' ' £ "P ast * hree r ear6 (>» thousands of pounds) "• LyC " 184.. 106 Alloy .. - .. 1///0 ' LIABILITIES. AT THE 10 A.M. CALL TO-DAY- Anthony Hordern '(pfj - " 1/3/9 AIICTDAIIAm n , 1037 - ]!)38 ' Com. Bank .... 0 16 8 .. 0 16 8 Kntrkan Sims (prcf, - AUSTRALIAN EXCHANGES. Ba^note? 0 "' 6 lf v -h li^ In B'= e : 2 21 o 7 S:; I r- $7'™™ ™ :: : g 9 n « n ' liies -1 "; '-; 1&&. M "' ? 14 f - •■« g Booth' 3 C(V ii - 2/6 TO-DAY IN SYDNEY. 5 >?» k: - ™ '"' Woolworth (S'tb :" British Tobacco .... 2 8/9 .. 2/5/6 . n l c) ,P t 1 ?,T, r .- " * 1 2? ? r, S " l: AW ->' 0 15 8 .. 0 15 * SSSSiSJl-g; <P0 " -V0 6 (ReCel " d 13 ° »•«" : Other __94 _100 __J AT THB 12.18 P.m. CALL TO-DAY-. Broken Hill Pty, con. 1/16/0 " 1/17/3 SYDNEY, this day T ° tal •**• 27 ' 4 - 3 31 ' 339 " U ' y9S _ _ Kurns. l'hilp — "'/IH/k ti-- > , . . «•«*• .cc-t-tc-Dom. Breweries 1 13 0 .. 1 13, 3 Brcroft, Ltd. ... _ '>/*/?> Thl " morning's sales included:— ASSETS. Morts Dock .... OHO.. 0 13 0 Colonial Sugar 48/0/0 "48/10/0 £ a d ResPr,:e — Woolworth (S'tb . " Consol. Bri?k 7/2 7/5 B«nd». 19.3.8 4 p.c. 101 \ o <; ° I(1 2S02 2S ° 2 - so - \f»*VSS. ? 15 8 •• O 15 8 Dunlop, I'er.liiau .... 1/2/0 .. 1/2/6 Ditto. lfMI. 4 p.c '.'.'.'.'.' lir> 6 3 t . r l int: 22.120 2,802 2,80-J Mt. Lyell 18 5.. 184 David .!-> os 1'17/3 — Ditto. 1044. 4 p c 10 r '17 fi Subsidiary cam 100 112 226 Elect. Zinc 2'3/6 " 2/4/0 Ditto, 1J,'.V>. 4 p.c ..'.'.'. ' 10315 o Advances to State— ' ',,-., „ Klect. Zinc (pref.) .. 2/7/0 .. 2/8/0 Ditto, 1057. 4 p.c .'.' ' BK{ 17 6 Marketing Dept. — 4.278 4.16(1 LONDON QUOTATIONS. Farl »- Trading — 1/0/3 Ditto, 105». 4 pe . 104 7 « 0thPr purposes — 300 l.noii - . ii. 3. Coles 4/1/6 " 4/2/0 Ditto. 1061 4 p.c 104 17 « Investments ... 2,035 2,006 2,732 (Received 1.30 p.m.) «rey and Menzles .. 13/0 .. 14/3 J '.'." 215 c> Other assets .. 207 82 04 , ~™T Hl11 and Plummer .. — .. 1/1/0 Tooheys 1 11 „ • LONDON, July 28. H.M. Arcade <ord.) .. _ .. i/ 0 /0 Broken Hill Pty 3 o « Total 27,423 31,330 20,098 Clutha River Comnam- V,.,,— ~. miii HM - Arcade (pref.) — .. l/i/o Colonial Sugar 48 1'' a Proportion rel«ll nl 17TM- uSSSSSI' K. J JSJfj' KDV - Boxes ( ' ont > 3/0 — Htiddart, Parker (pref.) ... 19 0 serve t0 n °t« «Il2.« i/itt ' •* l0l y neux ' buyers 10»/6d, Lewis Eadv .pref.) . — is/o • ___ nnd orhe r de•eners i/i/». McKendrick Bros, ord — .. 1/0/0 " ' . mand liabilities 96.52 79.58 70.57 '— — McKenzies _ . z%% YESTERDAY'S BUSINESS. B , ,„ t Macky. Lsgan 1/2/0 1/3/6 Principal Changes. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. yopoVdn:::.::::: ~ o/0 ;; >ffi . sydxey, Ju iy A wKThif e ot state u and 8 . M S3, 8 a t0C k) Ch ° yC * ,4,6 on S Srdn a ev' m s ° f bank deposits cZbinfd Ik over £4%M»0 «tJ*Z«. «"»• "S Choyce U/6 - ~ wUh evide'nee of wSkni." AfT* lpWen °? the aK6ets sifle thc chiet m ° ve " DIVIDENDI. (6 p.c. pref.) ..... 1/1/6 1/3/0 however Ifll il Tif i?T" r J ts ? 0C % P ent is in ? ter l'«8. which is lower by Blackwarer 6,1 .«• . '•* Dne - MK.'Manufacturers . 8/9 . 9/9 the sneeia^I h««1?- 1 higher dividend andT fveis £5,700,000: Compared with two Consof Gol7-iad %\* h .*il ■■■ J ow Morri«, Hedstrom ... 1/6/0 tne s P e « a l bonus. Sales included:- years ago sterling funds have decreased by S 8jfc£L|fc:;a!;.« >0W Xe^ 8 AS -Liundry 1! /6 " Commercial B. nk Australia *0 ,,"i ig' ff " AftJ,. Dredglnff—Id a Share .... Ana. 1 >-Z. Paper Mills 1/1/3 " *^* / " Broken Hill Proprietary .. 3 0 8 The proportion of reserves to notes and Wellington Gas—-Int., 4 p.c. Aug. 1 *'.Z. Refrlg.-(cont.) . 8/1 '" — Burns Philp •, 13 , other demand liabilities is nearly 26 per h,£»5 0 Ji*~ i ~ F,n,l!; T| pe - ,, ' ,,l 5, Ro»«r Mills (prefi 1/1/0 !i — v}!.'ll° p ; P f i rU^f u , 1 -' 6 cent less than it was two years ago. bonds 21 p.c... T.. Aug 1 Waldas Shoes ...... _ .. 6 /6 ff'ectrolytic Zinc (pref.) ..283 • v l^SS%^^^\^ : is§ 1 - Sill 88 8 BANK OF ENGLAND RETURNS. |28SSV& >^: -" VO v.* 4/0 * • f INCREASED CIRCULATION. ' *ffiSl*. A.. 18 l " Uncertainty with regard to the trend of < BecelVed 103 ° am -> A T" SjttSS* ■•'■S; — ••• «/«.'.' MeIhbS™p ma F« WM • ""f? on the ' LONDON, July 28. Bk%'NS r *±SVi;--«/VVh;-re ; ' IS? SS' ir/t'-'" M/1 JSSiTSS lS C ac a t7ve T " e » of England retu™ for the BW. Zin«^rS«X' 0 % , .nd ,r pf' A "f'' a » Woo'worth (N.Z.)";; l/o# V" included:- *' C dCahng - Bu8 week ended July 27 are as follow, com- § P.C .............' ... ' s»nt i« «oojworth (N.Z.), prf —.-%.'. 2/0/O p „ , pansons being made with those of a week ' ' ' ' • ' : wrt. Woo worth /SilVo'i V1/8 " ?*£ Ba ? k A ' asla - ( £3 ) •• * l(i o a "'l a year ago, the figures representing . k „.,,,,. CALLS. >v ondworth (Syd). 2nd relt and Textiles ' .. ..!. iu o millions of pounds:— Broken Hill Pty.—con., 5/ a share July 30 J 1 ?';"""/ 1/7/0 .. — Australian Glass 4 17 n Felt and a **; Anil 1 B. Carpenter .... 2/3/0 .. 2/4/6 Broken Hill Proprietary so a ISSUE DEPARTMENT. BjirPB. */ a share . Oetl 1 oVIMUt s«n»_ S r "? H S US 1", •••• 1 « O July July Tear Woolworth. Prop..—10/ a .hart Oct. 31 0¥ """ 8 *» «TOeB— gS. n l 0I> ; p ?, rd^f « 12 6 27. 20* ago. - . ; : ' -- - ; ■ ; -v ' ; Weolworth. .Holding. ?££«}?*£ Z, ? c , ( P ref ) -.283 - £ I •,■•-'...,.* .v.;.- - :■..••, ,.-- (Sootn AWca)- ,.f? 16/8 .. 15/0 Wtori? Xvan li* 1 * X a 6 Notes Isswd- . HA! I AD DATCO —....V. Broken 0 16 6 In circulation .... 493.3 487.1 498.3 DOLLAR RATES. aWWMW- • ' "SS Sn h S 2 X i S In banking dept. . 33.1 39.3 28.1 ■ • ■ AlexanrtBP o «i Zinc Cornor«H«n 7,2 ° Other Govt, securities 189.0 188.5 185.1 'W* X:i ■• JS ' ■■ . . "' mlmitl'"" §/? •• — i 15 ° Other securities .... — 0.5 3.9 ■■■■•' : s^-J - S dBtt 3'*f n %(ot»«"..nsB the Bifctwater":::::-•• tVA •• '«^ i .'.'.:::::::::::: ii ! GoWco,nandbul,lon 326 - 4 326 - 4 3264 .S^ z •• i beef easier. Kfer;;;::;;::: il; 2 5 225 ," 0;S.A. Canada jtotaWGoM' nVmkm" X V\ " 12/0 " Bankers 116.4 107.3 104.3 ' <i i *#5k\ eVS** Matek JuLctlon d f:.: - /4 " %% 8MITHFIELD MARKET Other accounts v 35.1 34.7 37.3 kau»m it ■-■■■-■*«-?r/l- * 1N ' Z -» Talisman ...... * Z " I'M *" RET ' Govt, securities .... 115.8 100.8 114.4 B«ning ...... T.T. 3.945-16 3.85 9-18 TaJUmian (rts.) 7/« " t a,.« Discounts, advances . 9.5 0.3 5.8 ..,„. -S&'-HH.. Bm Walhl Invest. A Exp a>6 " LAMB PRICES FIRM Other securities .... 21.3 23.1 20.8 Buying ..... O.D. 3.08 9-16 3.00 15-16 Grand Junction . 2/10 " ¥% JixvJ »- Notes and coin 34.1 40.3 29.2 . 822* %SftT • /.•••" -~ .'•' 8/1 (By . ._..__. 'Proportion" 21.01 24.58 19.18

4 THE AUCKLAND STAR, F Finance, Commerce, Markets S0UTHERN _^ CHANGES money-market. TO-DAY IN CHRISTCHURCH. RESERVE BANK RETURN ON 'CHANGE. the latest quotations. mill „_ • DULL MARKETS PREVAIL. EXCHANGE £500,000 LESS. QUIET MARKET. 'T~ .."£ broken lower. sharpl*. and Scottish 5/2/6 .. 5/5/0 ■ COLONIAL SUOARS STRONG Nat.'TLla' &": ll/ll/O i! 2 -*' ° <By Te,e^a P h —*P«*1 *« "Star.") (By Telegraph-Press Association.) - Np "" South Wales .. 31/o/u .. 31/10,0 PTTRTCTniT-WTx n.- i New Zealand 2/8/0 .. 2/1% „ this day. WELLINGTON, Thursday ifr-r.r r- T . -VZ. .D Mort (£1 paid; 1/9/0 .. 1/10.6 , JJuU markets this morning saw onlv a tk» p„„, d i - -METAL SHARKS EASIER. INSURANCE— fevv sales made > mostly at fractional , , Rese " c Ba »k return tor the w< . . reductions from yesterday's levels Though encle(1 Monday, J u ] v 25, was gazet Business continues to Ml off on «,„ v'w'/'-.iimi •> 17/o " " /7 * T?' " ted u"lt ° f 1^ 38 " 52 Goveln - to " ni ? ht - The statement is balanced v - M * i; — s " uth '^' :::::: ™ :: rT/0 sf sr"^5 or £988 - 067 m r than at • activity «£3"? Very q: " Ct aml F'NftNCIAL- inquiry in the section as a' whole, with C, °? C . or the prev,0 " s week " Mo«t A.wi ','■] ,"n • , . ■ , , ,' Loin i„-,v, n.-bi selling offers inclined to ease. „ An increase of £ 1,120.614 in the level further «'hYh> , m.l :-u,a,s showed 1 ''■.jn* est. Banking Banks were practically unaltered. Government deposits is the chief mo rxcco'ion' of IV, 'ii <T ' ' ' , ."V"'! ■ i F.-i'.-m. Au'.'t.'uT.' pa'i.'ll 4 3 o " 4/15.. , " An easln S in Broken Hill Proprietary J 116 ",* m assets.The deposits of the tradi l'ii-i!i"' 'ifi '•"•« t V'-'J ' .'"V w,1 "- il had' Farm. Au.-t. i£2 paidi — " l 14 n hroiurht sellers down to 39'10, buyers 4d ,aI,KS are £19<,202 lower in value. Th< V,;,'. ."•:.... V" "'•' : ' >''•>'■■*•> above.; F.iri:.. Au.-t. iA prefi ll/o .. 1 j r, lower. Colonial Sugars sold at £43 7/6 llHS ljcel ! ;i nse or ' 17.813 in the n< , i n .: 1 ' i '.,,. " 'VV- :n ','' " n ""ari'lv. I ;.'"""• A '.'!''• ,B |,r " fl ' " ''' , •• 1 ' 1 " compared with £48 10 j n the north ve*- W8,ie ' while other demand liabilities « r Vv/ 1,G ;-r I ! r0 H lF/8' Z tercl.y The local price, however .was *f' 074 '"*»>«■ Zinc.i all lost' '•■'■-.■r,' ,?,'i%i in' >"-Z- Guarantee Corn 43 " 46 we " ah -^ 1 " ot !ast dealings a fortnight . ° !1 the assets side, the most notal were in ir'-e-l d wn if' -> lf ' unt Lyclls i >. Ak . K arm. iA prefi —' ..' 16 o a ?°- Three Dominion issues received change is an increase of £1,300,000 in t Anion* Vm-iI in i .'• •*' 3 ' , ., , .. | ?•'• Ak. Farm. (B prefi — .. lo 4 2°od support. Xew Zealand Drugs' had t' n ' ei ° f "other purposes" advances to t ,'„.,;,„".:.', ' ,' " \- r : A'", 151 ?"'! C"' s l .IS"]- {.'•■ "• " "ont.j — .. 4!' inquiry at the higher rate of 70-3. sellers State or State Department*. The value lr" nl , ,r; r . t1 ; 1 Gl .7 l ;' rir rp< - n 'i rr!;V.,i J B " i i:T (A p n , S•! .I ■■ ! " - I!', McKen«ie« had a firmer market at ing exchange reserve has fallen VI t. . , /, ■ I ar ? i '"' e of lAuck.j 1,1.0 .. _ M/3 and gg g Wilsons Cements were > - Advances to the Primary Pi .;• 1 , Wl l ' ,, * > '"">••• ev»r. "'ere quoted COAL— quoted from 17 6 to I8'9. clucp Marketing Department are £ 19S.( Bank X'rr".''.'■'.'. M - -i ■ ! Feno-vn ' on in a JIeta!s were fractionally easier than^ eater - f:omn,erri!;iri 1 oidl,!g,es.e, , ;i '?■ ' l!e«"»n2 .pref.)'!!!.'! '. §'« i" 2°ll > e *terdav, but dealings were very few. The statement with variations compar celling again at 1 . H ' New- In«ur'' x'" I 'i ri U/0 •• 15/3 "'ith the week before is as foliows: — arc- s e ,ined a further :3d. '""! uv'srp'.'rt'!?.':'.. .'.' '.'.'.'. VV'il .'.' Z SALES RECOROFn LIABILITIES. IntPi-it vm lackmg in Government w-tport. sto.-ktmi ! 4 .. " - SALES RECORDED. VarjaU securitiep. no anpipriable change in quo-' "--I">rt Stockton pf 7/3 .. — , _ £ £ tat.on* being madn. | CAs _ (By Te.egraph.-Press Assoclat.on.) V Bank^7^.'.". +ITI Mcrt: Do:';s P.hi. | v,,,.-].,,,,, ,„.,!,,, , „ /0 , r , ( . CHRISTCHURCH. 3. Demand liabilities— Morts D-'k r«..onr!-d to the dividend o-ont.i \\V. 14- V. 14. '.! Thursday.—.Stock, 15/4/46-40. 4 per (b) Banks 7 77-.10O +1 ?o?" spiionncep ent. ..''valuing 1 .• t )... poon, rPnt - - 10 - : i: " m - Bank. AusrralH. IB'K: (c) Other •! ,'IL , J^'--cnll to seii at I! . [„ ,. r ,,' Vhe too" j SHIPPING- National Bank of X, ; w Zealand. K3 13 «: 3. Liabilities inVurl S1 °' WJ i0 '° of the m»rk»t n-«, firmer, but frnover ! n-ronport Ferry .... 1/0/3.. _ s™ h r/3 t" ? -f/5. 3/ <, Brt t en f H W r , encie S other «•■■>«< ftill tlwind'i-i" . K:n:'i:i't 1'i-kcr innll "70 — .,/'- x- T • H - / ' ■ Mount Lycll, than N.Z 7 83S _o ( Broken Hill Pronrietary. Briti-h To-1 *™» "J! T 'nV 1 o " f, 4 (? »/ (sfro^cSi^i^ : Grejr °' ° thw liabilitles 12B " 3 _+l£' CthSlSrrTts!! i n .r iiir fe 1 ; :: ,BS To,al " R - 90S ' 3::u • +9SS '° ; Kettrr buying ntlers in wi-h ««.• 'Dominion ' " ' Hill South. 3-'/r, ( 3) : Mount Morgan ' ASSETS. Brewrrips so|,I ,|. 1K -„ 3d but Tarnnnki i T,M BEB— \iii in K **I , " rtP * 1 - s & P p r cent Inscribed. 7. Reiserve— Oils were firm be'ven 13 1 and 13 7 ' i-,,.v, „„. ,- o .o 3';l 8 " 5 -' £ 101 2/6; Colonial Sugar, £48 ("1 (iold 2.801,701 Same t„ ,, , ,. r - , '■ i.artunlouiew lo/O .. 18/0 </6. Sterling •»•' ]••*> •>■> svi i-.n rn the oankmgromniemal/. wore quoted Inland. UBrien ... - .. IS o WELLINGTON. Subsidiary coin "l5o _ 'ir' - ft shade eastor tro m in 6 t 0 ]r, R. , r hiln - rional 7 6 .. Ht/3 Thur«1av E a „i. , r v- „. , , 10 Advances— SAtioj,,!. and New South Wales had i5f, , 1 ? ,f « +■; ;• 2 W 3/. (D*mortl l"i a fc 1 .lightly lower sellers' reserves. ?.j.po lot.™ «ort. _o/0 .. « a ? , jAaJ L> , fV S . 4,160,844 +19S.G: Tarin-aimitu *" i-" : < '"'nzies. £3 5/; Taranaki Oil. 13, a- "• r or otner •* lj/,i Woolworths Holdings (South Africa i 15/0 .. , purposes . l.noo.oon +1.300.OI WOOLLEN < 2) - n - Invf, "t'»''nt .. 2,732.063 Same SALES COMPLETED. ' "his Pay.—Morning call: Taranaki Oil 13 ' othftr assets •• —1Kaiapoi H.aidi — .. ll.'O 13/7: Woolworths Holdings. 15/9 Rel ~ . , ■ Kaiapoi ipref.) — .. 16/3 ported: Colonial Sugir, £48 10/- Wool- al 26,008.326 -i-OSS.Of AT THB 3.1S ».W, CALt YESTSRDAV— aswrmct wort:-:; Holdings. 15/0 (2). 15/lOj! Proportion of reserve to notes and oth. .... . , B «*-VERIES— c^ZW,r U^ Si , pe : i? nt Stock - 3/'30-43. demand liabilities, 70.57 per cent (75.4! Latt Male. u „ m Breweries .... 1/14 9 1/13-'3 r-' 2/6: of New Zealand, 43/: last week). £ n d fad '»••«»• Breweries (prf.) 1/15/0 V. '- 1 * toir-nenrtal Bank. 16/8 (2). Three Years Comuarcd Com. Bank .... o 16 s .. o ifi 7 Brew « r 'e« 2/3/0... 2/3/3 DUNEDix Tll f „ Vi? Compared. N.Z. Insurance 017 n ., 1T 4 x, tT „..„,_ Th e following table shows the positic Couol 8 BHc\ .I 0 7 H I: g 1 ? 2» "'SCELLANEOUB— This Day-Bank* of'v^ 8/ y' 1 . «> o °f the bank's funds at this date for tl ?i; rt ,"f ■•- ° '2 2 •• V 1 - "' Alloy Steel (AMI.) . - .. U/9 3/ : X.Z. Paper Mills (con.K 11/6' ' Past three years (in thousands of pounds] "• LyC " 184.. 106 Alloy .. - .. 1///0 ' LIABILITIES. AT THE 10 A.M. CALL TO-DAY— Anthony Horder'n"(p'fj _ " \%m .„ CTD .. .... pvali «ai«r-« n , ] , 9 ? r, A 1937 - 193f Com. Bank .... o 16 8 .. 0 16 8 K»tri«i SJnw <p& - i." ,7/6 AUSTRALIAN EXCHANGES. Bank ra notr s SerVe v -h 1^^ N.Z. Insurance . 2 17 fi "17 q A,lst - (;li, ss 4/13/0 .. 4/10'0 S"?„* ", 0 . r . es , „•,;.• 1017 S 12,o91 13,o«j South British . 2 6 6 ;; I Au*. Iron Steel (pf, 1/8/0 .. 1/8/0 ! D T. "I 1 J >"««•- ris 6 " ? J ! g Hoot'u 3 0lV II "2/6 TO-DAY IN SYDNEY. 5 >?» k -- ™ "« Woolworth (S'th :" British Tobacco .... 2 8/9 .. 2/5/6 . n l c) ,P t 1 ?,T, r .- " * 1 2? ? r, S " J AWca >' * 15 8 •• 0 13 8 gSS* SS-K- <P ° " -voe (ReCel " (1 «° —') ' Other ItaWlIt-. __94 _loo __ AT THB 12.18 P.m. CALL TO-DAY-. Broken Hill Pty, eon. 1/16/0 " 1/17/3 SYDNEY, this day T ° taI •**• 27 ' 4 - 3 31 ' 339 " U ' y0 _ _ Kurns. l'lulp — "'/I'i/K tl- > . . . «•«*• .cct-tc-Dom. Breweries 1 15 0 .. 1 13, 3 Rvcroft, Ltd. ... _ '»/ : vo Thl * mor mng's sales included:— ASSETS. Morts Dock .... 014 0 .. 0 13 0 Colonial Sugar 48/0/0 " 48/10/0 £ a d *"«*•— Woolworth (S'tb . " Consol. Bri?k 7/2 7/5 Bonds. 19.3.8 4p.c. 101 \ o <; ° I(1 2S02 2Sf>2 - sn \f»*VSSi. ? 15 8 •• O 13 8 Dunlop, I'erdrlan .... 1/2/0 .. 1/2/6 Ditto. 1W1. 4 p.c !.'.'." lo-' 6 3 t . , ? , ;l intr 22.129 2,8(1 Mt. Lyell 18 5.. 184 David .!-> os 1'17/3 — XMtto, 1044, 4 p c 10 r '17 6 Subsidiary cam 190 112 22 Elect. Zinc 2 3/6 " 2/4/0 Hit to, UN"., 4 p.r ..'.'.'. ' ur\ i; o Advances to State— ' ',,-., „ Klect. Zinc (pref.) .. 2/7/0 .. 2/8/0 Ditto, 10.17. 4 p.c .""10317 « Marketing Dept. — 4.278 4.16 LONDON QUOTATIONS. I'arra. Trading L 1/0/3 Ditto, 1039. 4 p.<«. ... 104 7 fl 0thPr — 300 1.90 - 14. .1. Coles 4/1/6 4/2/0 Ditto. 1961 4 p.c 104 17 6 Investments ... 2,035 2,906 2,73 (Received 1.30 p.m.) «rey and Menzles .. 13/0 .. 14/3 7r° ut , h '*. •'•'.' c, Other assets .. 267 82 0 , Hl11 and Plummer .. — .. 1/1/0 Tooheys 1 11 „ • ■ LONDON, July 28. H.M. Arcade <ord.) .. _ .. i/ 0 /0 Broken Hill Pty 3 «> ({ Total 27,423 31,339 20,99 Clutha River Comnam- n.„— ~. ioiz 1 ,IM - Arcade ipref.) — .. l/i/o Colonial Sugar 48 1" 6 Proportion reJtlinVaffi' K. J JSJfj' KDV - Boxes ( ' ont > 3/0 _ Htiddart, Parker (pref.) ... 19 0 serve t0 n °t« «Il2.« i/itt ' •* l0l y neux ' buyera 10»/6d, Lewis Eadv .pref.) . — is/o • ___ and other deluim l/l/i, McKendrick Bros, ord — .. 1/0/0 " ' . mand liabilities 06.52 79.58 70.57 '— — McKenzies _ . z%% YESTERDAY'S BUSINESS. B , ,„ t Macky. Lsgan 1/2/0 1/3/6 Principal Changes. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. MomSFoii•::;::;;;; i /0 ;: -. sydxey, j„i y 28 . n £% p *ifU<& IS ■ T^ n e ot lltl ue J . "JIBS, & <*•*» ' ' on Th tb r e e of business ?!,« «tJ*Z«. *"»• "S Choyee U/6 " ~ wUh evidence of wSkni." AfT* loWer " °? the afi6ets sifle thc m ° ve DIVIDENDI. (6 p.c. pref.) ..... 1/1/6 1/3/0 however r2w*«l Tif i?T" r J ts ? pent i» >n sterling, which is lower bBlackwater fld .«• . '•* Dne - MK.'Manufacturers . 8/6 .* *%% T Tsneeia^I h««1?- 1 higher dividend andT fvets £S,700,000: Compared with tw Consof Gol7-iad*9PQ3S! ••' J ow Morri* Hedgtrom ... 1/6/0 th e special bonus. Sales included:- years ago sterling funds have decreased b Sl G .atS.« >0W XerAS -Laundry 1! /6 " Commercial Bank Australia 1 § 6 l8' ! £ A«» DredglBf—Id a Share .... Ana. 1 >-Z. Paper Mills 1/1/3 " *'J^' J Broken Hill Proprietary .. 3 0 3 The proportion of reserves to notes anc Wellington Gas—Int.. 4 p.c. Aug. 1 *'.Z. Itefrlg. -(cont.) . 8/1 " — Burns Philp 2 13 3 other demand liabilities is nearly 26 pel h/--5°i e 1 ,Hi " F,nil!; T| pe - and 5, Ro»«r Mills (prefi 1/1/0 '.'. — v}!.el° p ; P f rU^f u , 1 -' 6 cent less than it was two years ago. bonne 21 p.c... T.. Aug 1 Waldaa Shoe. ...... _ ., 6/6 Electrolytic Zinc (pref.) ..283 • 88 8 BANK OF ENGLAND RETURNS 4>0 v.* 4/0 Eui"eror yelT * « f INCREASED CIRCULATION. ' *ffiSl*. A« 18 ""- M% ov Un^ 3 int y with regard to the trend of < BecelVed 103 ° > m) C«5 W-Flnei; wffiSSL'•'» •••— •'•" W EL 1 on the ' LONDON, July 28. BW. ♦*«* Woo'worth S3» I. V" included:- *' C dCahng - Bu8 week ended July 27 are as follow, com § P-e. ............ "... ' Ban* in «ooj worth (N.Z.), prf —-••',.'. 2/0/O * „ , pansons being made with those of a week •' ' ''•"■'' ; Woo worth /SilVo'i V1/8 " ? a ,t' Bfl ? k A ' asla - ( £3 ) •• « 18 0 and a year ago, the figures representing -„„„,„„. CALLS. >v oojworth (Syd). 2nd Felt and Textiles '!... . . ui o millions of pounds:— Broken Hill Pty.—con., 5/ a share July 30 «**••'* 1-1 1/7/6 .. — Australian Glass 4 17 n Felt and \ ehVre.™ Au« 1 W. B. Carpenter .... 2/3/0 .. 2/4/6 Broken Hill Proprietary 3 , £ ISSUE DEPARTMENT. Bjiree. */ a .bare . o*£ 1 OVUMUI itatu. S ra 7 H S uses , •••• 1 « O July July Tear Woolworth. Prop..—10/ a .hare Oct. 31 0¥B ""«*» ■▼•«»— D £ri op ; p f, r(,r '? u 12 6 27. 20* ago. • . ; : ' -- ■ ' ; -v ' ; Woolworth. .Boldinsa &*% Zl ? c , (pr *> -.283 - £ I •.-■■-.<.■..„.. .V.:.- - :-..-., ,,-•- (Som Africa).." 16/8 .. 15/9 (nSorta Xva?™* 18 X a 6 Notee Isened- . nm I BD DATro —....V. Broken 0 16 6 In circulation .... 493.3 487.1 498.3 DOLLAR RATES. BmiW«—• • - Xwth fiTovJ?hiu i X i S In banking dept. . 33.1 39.3 28.1 _____ .,„,..,„ ••••_, ZlntCorSuS ? . 8 ° Other Govt, securities 189.0 188.5 183.1 ' ' -»" X:i ■• .-j- ■ •. . . ■■'' B« SS -•' §/? •• — EmSeror T $ 15 ° Other securities .... — 0.5 3.9 ■■■••' : -_2f ! J - W ,tt S'*f n %(ot»tr tht D the BifctwatV':::::"" iVA - ittt ™*m* ■..:::::::::::::: ii ! GoWco,n and bul,lon 326 - 4 326 - 4 3264 a«^wn : : :; — RC8t ba-™»a™-. l^^^&^^* . z :. : p beef easier. «fer;;;::;;;:: « " 0}S.A. Canada JSataWOoM''r»;-iV •• 12/0 " Bankers 116.4 107.3 104.3 '"'•" ■i-i-»-l '> > C i , £ P -, MatekI jSLctKrf:.: • - /4 - SMITHFIELD MARKET Other accounts ., 35.1 34.7 37.3 a-HUf- • * 1N - z -» Talisman ...... * _. " 1 /3 "«nr\ET. Govt, securities .... 115.8 109.8 114.4 Beninf ...... T.T. 3.04 5-16 3.95 0-18 Taltaniatt (rts.) .... T/« " ?<« t a,.« Discounts, advances . 9.5 9.3 5.8 ■-•I** ■#£•■" 5!Si«- Bm Waiht Invest. A Eip r>>6 " LAMB PRICES FIRM Other securities .... 21.3 23.1 20.8 Bnylflg ..... O.O. 8.98 0.16 3.90 15-16 Grand Junction . 2/10 " ¥% JixvJ »- Notes and coin 34.1 40.3 29.2 ssmbtw;; v£ ::J8 <s ' Mm " m -— a " p " p<> " 1 °""r«.«d^, m ' S8 W18 GOLD and sterling. !=?'.:::::::::::; ,ffi| :; = _. *™?»?™>- «■- «r. n. B „ k S*iS * d»«.u«.. I • «'• ???!,'"•< 4/0 .. _ «L,i .J"? . Zealan d Meat 2 per cent, to which it was reduced on <Bee..T.d ».3o.1, ?l&„» :::::::: W :: 2 » £*STw^a.rjffiKSS et June "• 1932 ' from2%per cent - Gold lr quoted at £7 1/5 per ounce. gS " II and - KS?' "S CONSOLS AND STOCKS. *2& American dollar ie quoted at Zinc CorF ? "" " 6/0 easier <>«'ing to heavier surAbe. 7Z\ i French franc at 178i_ •OV«H M «.p JT 0 ptffiflE^V 5 BRITISH FUNDS EASIER. _Th. following la.a eummary of the r^gSHj?-;.■.«*» .. _. with light-weights sKy 2£ The — " ~ : uZSngedf baCOnCT W-.-TSrt Sd COLONIAL issues steady. Blffbest prle'e,-^Jnly '&"..J.*-\[& : ' momto inc*^' : - ~ ° ■ " ' «^S^tW^/ or N !! r «MJ Seala,Ml (Received 11 a.m.) " , iZ n 2i P t '- ? A ? S- »/T/8IMl.!iJ?.-.-.., 98/w/o «»^--3 Sunder 6%dT 49^ ? tb LOXDON - July 28 " July 27 ...'!.!... T 14 WtfJ&iS' f P c - ••- — .. 102/5/0 Australian, Victorian first amlHrffli consols and colonial inscribed stocks, comJnlJ &,'•-••••:•••••••••% I J ,„....■ J5/S/5 2 " 83 ' 4 P«- ••...' — ! 102/o/n to 421b 7%d X«r VuTi q i ty ' • b Dared with th °Be of July 31:— i»uiy dB.. ,v,7 i ;*••..... 15/0/41,43, 3* n c 100/lo/rt iW /0/0 "» «*»> JNew Zealand porker pigs: Varla- , '. - ■.-•■■i. ;.„.::>. ; Vi. Marf, 39-43, 3J P p.c. . W%% - 100 7 7/fl &* «? ri,t JT/ 61Ib *° 8<>Ib 6%d. Chilled Price. tioS. - ' liejnerr.r.f.. < • vEZStQ-ft 101/0/0 10^ 7/6 Ktf. "v t«MT«faB8te average for the t n. d. s. d. UNOFFICIAL STOCK. . May - 30 " 2 - 3* P .c. ., IOI/O/O .... _ JS e ,V : A A ? ,r 1 / e,,Ia . nd J h ™d» 5%d, fores Consols, 2J per cent ... 75 15 0 3 0« .-.■■ ...■■ . ■. - , :.,.- ■■■■ar-ii--» , jg-taj. Auetrahan hmda 4%d, crops 2%d- Fun( ling Loan, 4, 1960-90 114 5 0 5 0* ".'!-1 ■•■■•■ , • „ t Sout^ 'African hind. 5%d. fores 3d; South' War Loan, 81, 1052 ..10217 6 2 6* ■uyere. Sellere. '. W f Ufilgpf Bl - P - B " c . rn »«odeeian hinde 4%d, fores 2%d- Conversion Ln., 31, 1961 103 15 0 2 6* {fir t&S! " 1/6/0 ' 10#/t>/0 •• 1 ° 7 / 1 °/0 Sd" 8 dj Ur Sd8 Co^ W y eal?h°. D tl»45.75-: ol if . _ S Ak!-Km F?l« In "Z r, 1/% U W ' & P«- V. - ..95/10/0 Others unchanged. Com;wealtb. 4 1943-48 . 101 18 9 13t ' Atfc«!"T?ottlntf"felub •• ** Hamilton B.C.; 1/7/43 ._, ..102/15/0 rp. , „ . Com'wealth, 3J, 1948-53 . 100 0 0 2 8 1/4/im.Wnc 100/0/0 Hamilton B.C. 1/7/48 - , 7 he Allowing table compares this week's Com w ea"th, 3J, 1956-61 oo 18 9 l 3* L'/^CaTonrettere''' Z " iX/o 0 P-c. (Auck.) ..7H 97/0/0 lOO/10/n .i 2 V ago - Queensland, 3, 102247 . 95 12 6 2 6* JMI Kauri !::*?.." Z "^■\-^T^ A _^ 8 * 7 <° Lamb— d " d " d Queensland/ 5. 1940-00 . 104 0 0 Same 1/0 :: > /0 //l - "" " : 10V<V0 -' - abouV 3U b l\ l\ gf W a s^!ar ,, 3 a i ', «« iT 1 0 6 5 R g«MoMtT«bacco (pf) 1/9/0 " ~ Mutton-- .. . Tasmania, 4, 1940 50 ... 100 15 0 2 6f M» o ••?• forestsr! l/15/o " 2/o/«v . •»--,.....;. ■ - Wethers, under 481b . 5J 5| 55 New Zealand. 4i. 1948-58 102 10 0 2 6t "•"IA«n>. Pore.u (4/ V •" 2/0/0 DECLINE IN UCTII C Ewes - UDder ' 48I » •• • Si 3! 4 New Zealand. 31. 1940 .. 91) 8 9 13* KJuH* **££>• ••..... — 1Vft '-•. -*Y- ™ C ,,i .WtlALS. Ewes, 49-36Ib . ,■ 3 | 3 J |i New Zealand. 3. 1945 . 94 10 0 5 Ot ■Bft-aSSS?" <pr) ' ~ '.' :,f^—; ' CbiUed ox beef- . tHIgher. 'Lower. 50t »«k«.u BecoS („;:,;•• ~ •• l/W* (Beeeive* 11?. m » Hinds 5 j sj 5 —

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1938, Page 4

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MONEY MARKET. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1938, Page 4

MONEY MARKET. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1938, Page 4