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' New C.P.O. Clock. ■;-.-.- -—day. Fit-• .1 int" a -•■■:ns ::.'.: ,!r :■•'-:.-: above tiv centra! a ' ,iy. it -vaO'"*-"'' wharf. With aii-ete. • i- :::".;hani-rr. £17,000,000 Behind. i "We ar>' i !:.<»>><••>" in a- ; j jr. 1.-:!'. '. I ;■::•.. Mh-i-t'-r. 'he I:-. 1f..!.. ?! '. <«'\ ..•_■-'.*!,': ;*•■-•- <•:?:■■•:.!; .-.;.!'•■_- of -:-.-■ ■,-,.■.*.< ■• .k.-i s j-,..,: .i-::>-v:'.l\'-< we » ,n:. W... 11--. i • ■:; w»,. uiii Butter for Malaya. '■■"'■ ".."•- .-.«<»•■•• • ~ .. :■.-'* :.. \. -» Monument In Trees. ■ '*' "X-n:!i- •:, a*': ••■■:.. '.. ■'..-■ !'". H-.r-. M.'.T. -.'■..:•_■'.-. the !! i' :.-r !'•■:- V.-.i /. ..;.,,,,| ;„ i.,. ; ; , . •.;.. v,\ .: ! I.:i'...iir i fr W;l . . i-t -. | t i, at ■■..., , I >■■„'. t-] w.n.'.l 1* ii' ',!-,,:;■" bv th" t'i-v ' •■•:.•.« "■ -aid »:■■■ V ■ -.v.. r.,,,.. r I>.i\'.-. ■• •:. • •:■.■•'.: '■:..-■ :.-. m- ,■:.<),;■■ , it} '*he ir iv 'Mi** I *.

Mr. Savage in the Ring. The Pri»!o Mir.i-ter. the I:-. IT..:i. M. J. entered the wre-Hii _• m:.'l' at tV Hail on Saturday nii'ltr. '■••it he «.p< no-. "—*i -. cr hi- »tr.-ii'_n h for !•':- •■' cth'n battle later in the year: it w,»- n: <•:■•.'v to he intr..--Ihi-♦-.! t" Lofty Blnmfi.--].. and p'..t F-ii-v. the contender* for that nii-hr. It v.a- t"n.- tir-t f«-. ;( - : ,-,n Mr. Savage Jitul be. v in attpndanc •i- the An-kland a- Pri" • Minister, arid he v..)- L'iven a n ■■;•? i- .ri ?:..!'- \\.i< c\.-n warmer than ;i.-.T.r!r-.l TI:. .'?i*j--l-l — and :*:i' =«vi?ig -ii'net hi."-.'. AT-. v. .i - ac-,.:,,;.anie"d bv the >,:.ii-t, .- ,-,f I n i.c.:ii! \;f.iir-. the I|,,'n. \V. F.. Parry, nn.l the -■-■■• Mrv '.i the N.-w Z...,:an.l T.;',! 'i- !-mv. \\~. 1). \Vi:«.n. \ <-ry r,f '-Thrr."- \l-.' <~\- .i•_-.•■" ;i= he f-7itere.'l drew <■'.<■• ritiL'. «!ii.': \va< renewed a- Rlumtl.ld r..-.- {>>■'.» hi- c.rn.-r mid went over to shake hand-. IT,- 'nade .-i.m ■ remark; a= he jrrr-eti'd Lofty ofTn-ially latr-r on. hut they were inaudible m the aj'phiti-e. Breeding of Pheasants. Individual nien:iiers of the rod and :mn clubs of the Rotorua district who wi-h to undertake rearing of'for liljeration are to he provided with pheasant e??-. Tiii< i; arran-jod under an extension of the activities of th" State jrame farm at Eotoma. The innovation was announced to-day by the Minkter of Internal Affairs, the Hon. W. E. Parry, who said the placingr of surplus ejrjrs for hatching with members of the clubs seemed a useful way of encouraging the breeding of ?anie birds for liberation. The only official condition would be that when the birds were ready to be liberated an officer of the Department would be sent to inspect them and to -;ee that they were given their liberty. The breeders would have the to name the aria, in which the pheasants were to be set free. A club member who kept a few domestic fowl*, particularly a broody hen or two. should do well in pheasant rearincr. Mr. Parry considered. Wheat Farmers* Plaint. Wheat farmers in Canterbury are becoming seriously perturbed over the effect of til- | continued heavy rains, reports a Chri-tehurch j correspondent. Not only has the rain retarded! sowing in some areas, but over many thou- j sands of acree of the wheat lands saturated ground, with water actually lying for days on end over the paddocks, threatens the wheat already sown. An excess of moisture drowns the germinating wheat, it is stated, and if the wet weather continues, a great deal of the wheat already in the ground micrht suffer in tliis way. The rain has put a stop to all work associated with wheat growing. ju>t at « time when prospects appeared favourable and farmers were responding well to the appeal for more wheat to be put in. Xow much of the wheat sown in late June may be endangered, and may possibly have to be resown. Unless there is a marked turn for the better. there appears to be little prospect of muci more wheat being sown in July.

An Improvement. A :"• :--:re ■•:" :■•.-? M.-tr •■: "I'itan n l:n C"-i::/> "f ,v -- ■::.'.- a: Ma:".r-.c- ■■.;- the eiectricaiiy- :••:• r:\tv i --,■ t t:vi' -. v.i.i ate een-iierabiv i- ■'■■ t w tt. - - s:._- .; ntr. iiri frrmi ,1 switch-ir-tantan.-. r-iy. v.iiiie •' -• >- -t t em aiso be. h -u-eJ in the sa::..- she ". a- tie ■->:•. I Early Lambs. Earlv have r.'.,ide their appearance ; :• the Wai.r: ;, a . Pararat.i ar,..l Knaka .'.it.■■*.«=. a:.l aithou;:; ti:e :irt-t of the >ea- >:i :i'.if "Star'-" Pa:aVura ,- :tc-:- u lent. 0:i :.'t::. ..•■; t ; . > Ku-.ti-, i a *» 'tit:: 1 -wn -we whi'-a ' • lay of ewe- wi;i.;i; i : ad nt : ■•.-n affectrd. j Sportsman Praised. "'He'- a wottiierf:;! :? a:-.'' ?ai«l the H in. j W. li. I»ar.-y. Mini-ler of Interna! Affair, of; M.-. «'. A. \vii:;n-y. The remark wan mail- j ■it t.-. e.-iDciii-i'in nf a -;!■■•■:. in which both; •:•■:: t a-; : .-i;.a: ■.' ;\ft' - -r the '■!?!•."al of ' •V- M ■•; -' •; -'lit >:i iJu:i i :u':.'- n'-w lo'-nind- at ! M.u.L'-re by the M::,'-!-r ■■!> ■Saturday rtfter- ; :n- •!). Mr. Wjiit:.--v. wiv i- 77 vears of aire.! :.'■ •.•■!•• >■'•'■.•■ -■%■■ i.-ir -).■••- in r-j-it>"• of the j fadini' tin?;i takimr about! Could Have Beaten Record. j W'iaen ti-i.- A\vat- V a avriveil from Sydney! yi»-t.T.!;iy riL'ht l!ji to time, in spite of we-t-i .'.■ r' }.-vs ;■-•■■:', v w;n<:- and heavy sea.-, her! :■..-; r. i .s: t.'■.'.:- A. H. Da\ey, -Aid >he could e.<-;.y L.'.i.- I.'ateii li'-r i.wn r.--«/rd f<>r th.'j u ■.■••• in ii---. H;- ?' it !ieit---ary to -la.ken ■;--••! .'t ii... ;i .-ii Saturday. .:jain at fi'cl«wk i :}..■: li.-i.*. .::•! --'ii! further .-.-,. 4 a. - :>. y.^t,!'- 1 ilny. -•• -..- .•.■•> t-i arrive <•!! .V.irth Head. Church Finance. }-'■■•• }■■■:- a.'.. '••n7.ia-= nr. 1 , -i'r.i'ir func- ";. ■ x - ■ •!■■. ;■ I-:, ■ i-ii in fa : .lir >.f dire- ■

r- • ■:■;.•:■•-.'. with -Ji.".'. in iv:>i; .mi t;n>»; in ■:*;." ! :..■ '-••»;•-11 i«":: i: -_r -.•r\ i-.- ve-terdav in : !.• •: .ii ■..:■•; !■ :•.•::•! ; .:".::\.-r-ai-y ..f* the ;•';:"• 'i v '•"•■ •- ■:.-d , .i--*.«-l in the m.■ruing aivl ■•■ ::'•■■ v v..- '%. \\ l.y t:..- V--v l:.v. w. !•'.«: ■■::•. I>-Ui <.f Au.kiond. an ! ".\r-h-le.i. <ui U". •'. -; Damage by Storm. j >!■-• j■•• i- f .;.- in Aui-ki.mJ w.-re aware of :. : •_•■'!■■ "''!"'•* in.' 'a- - iiijht. )'Ut few realise '•' :■ " ■' -■•' i» 1..;-'.- it ii.i-1. Tiiis ftui iie rea- !>•.->! ui.-ii it i- kii'iwn that a window in a -h-'j' it •::•• I'ni.t nf yii".'ii Street wa- blown [•in by the j -.•••i-iir.' of the win.! and liaii :i!"-!it rw.i o' j.iek thi- v:r,:-:iin'_'. The window, a ci'ie nii<». «a-» -'tint.-:! in an alcove, and it i- th..njht ti'iat ili- w':!i.l whipping into this , narrow -;-a'-e 1 ■■]• w tie' [ane out. <;ia*s wa- ' M-nttiT" 1 everyw'lcrc lr,it fortunately a [•oii' wa- n.-ar liv. «nd. hearirifr the -•ra-h. irive-»i»at«l. Ili- -to.-d t,v the sh..p until the mi ■ .■-.- arriv.-d. Slides in the Mud.

It ':- !>.. • aiway- the players v. ho :_'••: n.'lddy "!i a n»>thail ground—a fa.-t w i.>h '■'••- v ••!' i!'u-t rated at I'likt-kohe on Saturday. ".■ln--, ill,- Iliij»1-y ground was in a very >;ii-k\ ■ •»ii<;i;ifin. First it »a< g, line umpire. Flag on high, li..' was racing to signal an out-of-rwiund> kii-k when his lens ju-t slid from under him. Tim r.-uit was an undignified crash, in tlie mud right in front of the stand. Next l«ugh oame when a patron on the opposite -ide line had a similar mishap. It took the combined efforts of several others to get him back on his feet. Rut the palm must go to the referee, who was wearing sand-hoes. Though the ground itsidf was a quagmire in -pots, he kept his feet throughout. How he did it mu-t always remain a mystery. Not Enough Nurses. The possibility of three maternity homes in Inveroargill closing? in September because of the new Private Hospitals, (Hours of Work) Regulations was mentioned by Invercargill doctors and nurses to a local journalist. The provision of other accommodation for materr.ity cases would, it was stated, become an extremely difficult problem from September*!. The weekly hours of work of nursing staffs are to be reduced to inclusive of meal times. The effect of this regulation is tUat staffs will have to be increased, but as this is declared to be impossible because of the acute shortage of nurses, and probationers, maternity homes will be forced to clos» down. It was emphasised by one nurse that inability to carry on would be due not so much to increased costs, which could lie passed on. as to tha impossibility of securing additional nurses. The three Invorearaill homes have a total of '■>■'><) patient- a year. Maori Hostel Suggested. The need for a hostel in Hamilton for the accommodation of Maori visitors from Whatawhata. Kawhia and Raglan, and particnlorly those who came to visit relatives in the Waikato Hospital, was stressed by Mrs. K. Whatu, of Frankton. Mrs. Whatu said she had placed a small dwelling at the disposal of Maori visitors for several years. Some timo- «go public attention was drawn to the need for a hostel, but nothing had been done. The Maoris had conducted a stall at the Waikato Winter Show for the purpose of raising fund* for a hostel, and i'.'!o was contributed. Th-> hope that some;bin:: further would !>•-• lone to bring about the provision of a ho-tc-was expressed by Mrs. Whotu.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 155, 4 July 1938, Page 8

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 155, 4 July 1938, Page 8

NEWS OF THE DAY. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 155, 4 July 1938, Page 8