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Topical subjects in abundant supply made for several interesting discussions at last night's meeting of the management committee of the Auckland Rugby Football Union. Among the matters that arose was the allegedly rough play of junior teams at St. Holiers Bay on Saturday, the unsympathetic attitude of the N.Z.R.F.U. to the Auckland proposal to invite a NewSouth Wale* Fire Brigade team to New Zealand, and the question of management ot overseas tours. Mr. A. A. Baker preScnsationa] and unusual, the stoppage ;>y the referee, Mr. J. H. Land, ot the Tamaki-Otahuhu fourth grade match ten minutes before time at St. Holier's Bay on Saturday was brought to the notice ot* the committee when the junior management hoard submitted the minutes of its Monday meeting. The reason for Mr. Land's action was that he considered the play wa* He told the board Jie had warned tour players of each side on different occasions. .Then at half time he had appealed to the coaches and captains of both teams to ask their lads to play a sporting game. Spectators were "egging on" the players of both teams, the referee considered. At all times tackling was hard, and oi'ten it bordered on dangerous. Just before be stopped play, Mr. Land turned round to find four or five players ••shaping up" to one another. However, he saw no blows struck. He believed that ordering players off would not have been enough to bring the others to their senses. :i£. .nwjlee which ixe saw that aaVl-caba*! Jiim Jnall* k> stop the match. According to the minutes, the board had decided to defer decision, and meanwhile to ask the coach and captain of each team to attend the next meeting. Mr. O. S. Hwvey: What power has the referee to stop a match in , those circuwstances? Mr. J. Sweeney: It would come under illegal tactics, I srppose. Tjhe Chairman: A game can definitely get out of hand, through the misbehaviour either of the playere or of spectators, and the referee has the power to call it off. Since the matter was atill in the hands of the junior board,, the report was merely received. No Teem frem N.B.W. It would be inadvisable to arrange such a tour by a New South Wales team such as the Auckland Union was proposing this season, the council 'of the X.Z.R.F.U. intimated to the committee. In any case, it thought, if a team should come over it should be a recognised one. It was not thought feasible to invite the Fire Brigade team, as the council understood the Fire Brigade team in Sydney did not play in the regular competitions. The chairman said he had received advice from Sydney that indicated the standing of the Fire Brigade team. It had been defeated recently for the first time in three years, being below usual form on the day. Moreover, one of ite backs, Quinlivan, had played for New South Wales against Victoria thie season. Mr. A. Billington: That rather cuts the ice from the New Zealand Union's objection that it is not a recognised team. In view of the council's attitude, however, it wae decided to advise Sydney that the project would not be proceeded with. "There is every chance of the tour of an Oxford-Cambridge Universities team coming off in 1940," declared the chairman wAen reference to this proposal was noticed in the N.Z.R.F.U. minutes. Mr. L. J. Colgan said he believed there was also a move to have Edinburgh and Dublin Universities represented in the team. Leagae Player's Reinstatement. Regret was expressed by the Te Pulie Sub-Union of the Bay of Plenty Union at the action of the Auckland Union in opposing the reinstatement of C. Ssitherly, former Auckland eenior League player. It was stated that Sathcrly had been approached on a number of occasions by Bay of Plenty League officials asking him to play, but he had steadfastly refused. The mee'.ing went into committee on , this matter, and it was afterwards stated that Te Puke , would be furniehed, through the Bay of Plenty Union, with information they required concerning the Auckland UnionVi opposition. ( The case of A. I-letcher -was also further discussed in committee, and it wae decided to write another letter to the N.Z.R.F.U. Approval of the following reinstatements was notified: S. W. Sherson, A. S. WcWi, J. Ormeby. August 6 k to be "College Day," and all senior matches will be suspended. Training College seniors will probably play.Kaipara at Helensville on that day, if present plans bear fruit. Other out-of-town fixtures ahead are: Marist senior reserve V. Pnhoi seniors, at Puhoi, Saturday next: Auckland eenior reserve reps." v. Manukau Sub-Union reps., at Papakura, July 9; senior elub match at Papakura, August 13. Ground officials for Saturday were appointed as follows:—Eden Park, Meesrs. S W. Lethbridge and H. McDonald; Sturges Park. Mr. G. White; Showgrounds Mr. L. Meek; Avondale, Meesrs. G Orrell. A. Baker; Takapuna. Mr. A. Jensen: North Shore, Mr. B. ETwarth. A £6 17'6 account with the Onehunga Borough Council for the use of grounds for practice games is to be sent back to the Manukau Club, which had forwarded it to the Auckland Union. The club will be informed that the union is not responsible for payment for pr..ct:?e gi ounds. Reoraanisatlon Mev*. The whole dietiiet of South Auckland and Thames Valley eeeiued in need of reorganisation, as far as Rugby, football was concerned, the N.Z.R.F.U. council informed the management committee.

;i cnnuiciue in those areas with a view | to reorganisation, it was stated. Club Secretary 111. A decision to send a letter of sympathy to Mr. C. J. Williams, secretary of the Manukau Club, was made at the suggestion of Mr. Baker. Mr. Williams has been ill for about three weeks, he Haid. He had been secretary of the club for 21 years, added Mr. Bak.?r, who understood that up till his illness Mr. Williams had not missed a single club committee meeting or training night. That was a record to be proud of.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 146, 23 June 1938, Page 27

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DANGEROUS PLAY. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 146, 23 June 1938, Page 27

DANGEROUS PLAY. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 146, 23 June 1938, Page 27