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HAS FEW PASSENGERS. CRUISER ACHILLES RETURNS. I! K I SUA X F STAR FOR StirTH. Tsrintinir one of the lithte-- . f pa-.-enters in a Mat-ou -hip for n on h-. the Monterey armed in Auckland ih:.nioruint' from Fran ■'.-'•0. 1.0Antcle-. Hawaii. I'aeo I'at" and Sin a. berthint a; l'rinee'- wiiarf 1: :.'>ei: o'eloi k. Siie landed I'ai pa --en ami carried 207 throuth. while their noni'ierweic -welled by Aoekhnnl e'-batka-tious. The Monterey will pr-'"'i#i to Sydney and M'-ibonriie this e\ •?>iuir ,i: II o'clock. The Brisbane Star, late.-t unit of lhe tre;it Blue Star 11.-e:, no v pa y iny her tlr-t An.-kland \i- it. was -et down to clear for smitii; rn p..;-!,- a: noon to continue dt-eharte of her Live-, pool and otiic-,- YS'.l .l'.K. port ' inenl-. but her .-ailiny ha- been nut ba-'k a day. The cruiser Achilles, li it-hip of Ilea r-Ad in ira 1 the Hon. F. 1!. Dru'iiniond. (omnioilore ( oniniamliny the Ne v X.aland D:\i-ion of Ihe llov-il N ivy. reached the Devouport N'mal ?'•.!-•• to. day from Dunedin. She will tike in fuel here and proceed to Km-.—"! if' -r the week-end. The Aiiille- hi- b. mi a'o-ent from Auckland -iine -lanu r v 2'> when she left for Au-iralia. rtc •.>•::• ! 1:111 il'd by the Leander. earryiiit mi 1 full calibre -hooting practice in niidTa -ma ii before part inn eo'iipa uy. The e|'r.-er 1 lien a i-ited Suliii'v. .lervis Hay (tor nianoeia res with the Royal All-; ra'-i.. 11 Navy 1 and Mel'.ourne. later re ;or--iny the Tieman for South 1.-land p-e-ts. The Kakapo, new I'nion ( ompanv : freitliter. arrived from Westnort inorniiif and "nertheil at ( iicl-ei. The Dutch motor tanker Rotula eompb'K d I her di-cliarsp of motor -oirit f"o-u Singapore at \\"e-tern wharf a'a! -ad-d thi- moruint for Balik I'apau. 'I'iie Bank Line motor -hip Oliveb-tr.k | rea.-hed port ye-terdav from New P'.ytnouth to complete di-eharte of a ei";o of Nauru I-'and jihosnhate-. berthint at Hint's wharf. She will trail 'Vr to We.-<ern wharf to-niorrow for takint in ri 1 fuel, tra n-ferrint back to her di--berth on Monday. *1 lie Hertford. I Federal Si'-itn Naviyaiioii Line, trom 1 Liverpool and other W.C.'I.H. port.-. ! which ha- been di-eliartint explosiveI into tile top-ail s.-iiooner Huia and the | auxiliary ketch Miro at the Motuilp | jiiavder aticiiorate i- e\pe -ted to conic [to the port thi- eveninf. iierthint toI nitht or to-morrow niornint. 1 line, 1 • 111 ell i - of •the Huia and the Mi'o are uncertain, but the ketch will p -o v - abl v di-char-e her e\plo-ixe- and thetake in those of the Huia to jvermif the latter returning to the city to complete her annual overhaul. Tee Mako ! Ri.-hard-on and Company, which wa-rcci-nllv 1 ecom 111 i--iotie.l in Ihe l.a-t ('oast bav- -erviee after lindertoi' t an e\icn-ive overhaul, will return to port to niiaro'.v and lav no in Shoal Bav after lini-hint lie.- ',1 i--l;a if-. The \u. klatiil Harbour Board a,hi-e -'aat the Naval aut imrii ie- will be lay : a j nioorint buoy at the nortii-we-i ••orivr |of the new pier at Kauri Point on or aft c|- Ma I'cii 2->. I Dalfram, di--hartint basic -bit from | \n: vv erp. -hoald be <il-pa; l ;;e«l a* noon 'to-iuorrow for Xew Plymouth. (N.Z.S.

Middlesex radios that -he c\pe.-js to anive at Optta at 0 a.m. oil Sunday t" • .ounienee her loading fur London am! W.l'.l'.K. ports mi Monday: from Optri -lie pro.-red- to New Plvmouth. AVeKingtoii Napier and Auckland. (X.Z.S. (o. , Loch Don, Rriti-h »tearner, en route from Antwerp with basic >lacr. advises 'i\ wiri'b'-s that -he expect.- to reach W'eliii.'jton on Mondav; -hould make \i: Valid about Friday'. f X.Z.S. Co A Arawa, .t-rived Sn;n 'ia nipt on February l'i from Xew Zca'ai-.d and siilc! Ml on return \ ova 20 to-dav: due ' iii'.t on April 21. ' i <>. and A. • Tamaroa. en route from S«mli;i:nii*nn. ■* E.i red I'.alboa Mar ii 7 and is due he- • Mar.ui 27 : r-ail- from AVe'lingt-in April 22 for >o-i'. ha m]• ton ami Ixui.bui. (S.S. a ii-l A.I Matua i- due liero ~n Monday morniiij tr. m the 1-hind- and -aii- -ante e\eiiing V.'ellinirton. iI'.S.S. (o. > Niagara left Vancouver noon Wednesday la-t for Victoria. Honolulu. Suva and Auckland: due here Monday. April t. and - ill - following day for Sydney. Karepo leaves Creymouth nvdnight :>■> night for Auckland. (I'.S.. Coj Kaimiro b-ads at <>, cy mou;',i a'cuit M'-ndav for Auckland and Portland. il\>.s; to.) Kairanga should clear Newcastle inday to-- Sydney and \u kland: navs oil' l'.ere for survey. (C.S.S. Co. i Kekerargu load- at Xew.-a-tle about March 01. compicting' at Port Kembla and iucv for Auckland and Wellington. ii'.S.'s Co.. Penane;, Finnish banjue. expected to .■'car to-uiorrow for Port Victoria, i A.S.P., Pert Melbourne sail- from Wellington for London. \ia Panama, March 20. . A>.l\i Wainui .-ails 10 p.m. (o-dav for ellinp'.oii. Pic;on. l.yttclton. Puncdin. Maniaru and Tiniaiu. iI'.S.S. ( 0., Elmfcank -ai's on M 'n.l.iv for Svdne\. i C.S.-. ( o. l Waictapu i- evp-c-ed to -ail to-mor-row for Xewca-tle. thence Williautstown to load for Auckland. iI'.S.S. to. i Waipiata left Tiniaru (> p.m. ye-ter-day for J.ytfltou. Wellington and A lick land, t C.S.S. Co. < ARRlVALS.—Yesterday. filivehanVc. from New Plymouth. 1.5.~ p.m. liapciniii. from Tauraima. 7 p.m. This Day. Monieri-v. from Suva. IM" a.m. I!.M.S. Achilles, from HunciHu. o a.m. Kakapo. from H'c~tp..ri. 11 a.m. Kawau. tri'in ( "riiin.ind"l. 12.!" p.m. DEPARTURES.—Yesterday. Kawau. for ('■•rumandel. 1..~.~ p.m. nrimai. tor What'L'ari i. .gr, p.m. l.yttclton. for Nnnli, <t.:; r, p. m . Pono. for Th;inies. p. to p.m. Waitnk'. for Portland. 10.1" p.m. Tulioe. for Pacrmi, 11.1."> p.m. This Day. for Awanui. 1'J.0." a.m. »'lnv!n«'r''. f««r l»;irrifr. 7.2~i a.m. Will WntHi. for a.m. IJoTnla. for Halik Pap;ui. 11 a.m. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. t< >Moi;mnv. MaVo. fr« in T«»k<»n»aru Pay. frun 'rii:ut!#'S. Tu1h»«». frt»m I'a^roa. Haiuti. t'rom Surfilalo. Clansman, from Kussfll. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. TO It A Y. Monterey, for Sydney, n p.m. Wainui. for io p.m. Kair-'inui. for Tait'atisa. p.pi. Tlauiti. for Waiiiekc. r,.:;0 nm. I'liciiess. for onrrna. c,.:; 0 p.m. TOMORROW. I'ri.-liare Star, for nocn. I'cnang. f"r I'ort Victoria, a.ui. Waiotapu. for Newcastle.

TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Dunodin. Marcli I s .— Arrived: | fr«»m \V»»HintrT«»n. 7.4."» a.m. ] NVfllinsCon. M.ircli Is. — Arrival: porr \lma. t'r<»m Nelson. T.l"» a.m. : ' ■ft'-in I.yi t» ! t <»n. 7 .V» a.m.; T«»tara. I j T«'k«»maru Pay. «»..*»•» a.m. J I I.yi tflftm. Marrh 1-^.—Arrival: Wahino. | 1 1" r«»in W liii ir f ««n. <"». 4< > a.m.: \Vai]»iaia. i'ivm Timaru. •'».:>'» a.m. : Waimarin«». fr^m ! s.r.r, a.m.: fmm ;Syil:iry. a.m.: Tain©i. fr«.m IN»rt ;chalii!«Ts, 11 ~'l" a.m. ovkkskas. | Syih'oy. Mar«li is.—Arrival: fr*»in Amklaml. v.m a.m. Sailed: Honvnii''. f.-r N-w /.'-a'aji'l. .\«\via<Tl«\ Mrirli is.—Arrive']: Kaik«rai. i"r«'!u N. w /' ..liiii'l. Nl 1 i»*»tirn■*. Mari-li IR.-«Arrivc«l : Wairun.i. f r««m Puivfiin. S:iva. M::r«-h 17. Sailrij: Matua, f«'r A m kla u«l. 3 1 p.m. j WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. ' Tin' following vw«.'l< :<r» t" II .<■ within niir.-c "f ill" An-.-kland wir.'l'-s -1.-11 i.■ 11 i"niirhT :—H .M.S. End'-a vmir. . A"r:u;_-i. K.l!in■. Matnn. N' jator". Waiiaki. ■ I!i'i-l.aii" Star. Larrlibank, Men'l.T.J. R"tlll.i. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVALS—TO-I'AV. ! IlauTur'i. fruin Nf.v Flyni.niTli. a.m. I I|..k!aii-_M. !'r..m H"kiansa. '"> a.m. MONTEREY'S PASSENGERS. i Tl..' M..nt<-r..y l-r-mirlii tli" f..ll<.\vinc pasnir< i s f..r Am kland tills morning "n li'-r arrival fr..m Suva: Mr. 11. «'aniphi > li. '""I. R. i".. 11. •r. Mrs. -.r. Mi" E. Garria. 1M: —i I;. Candin. Mi<s K. Gr.-i-iislad.-. Mr. H. 11.' liill s. Mr. U. H.nrv. Mr-. W. Hnnry. Mr. W. H..U.-111.1. Mr-. W. Holland. Mr. !.. i ll.l.i'rt-'.n, Mr--. L. lhi>"rtsi.ii. Mr. IV 1-aa.-- | -"11. Mr. K. -I.'nsui. Mrs. E. J.'ii«-n. Miss E. . K>t. Mr-. F. Kisson. Mr. .1. Lanir. Mi--!E. Martin. Mr. W. Miliar. Mr. 11. Milii")iland. Captain. .1. Miillins. Mr. and Mr-. E. j N-1-i.n. Mrs. L. I'ark. Miss M. Park. Mr. and Mrs. I; Rlililps. Mr. and N!r-. T. R'l--i-f'll. Mi-s B. Kussi'll. Mr. .t. Kik-011. Mr-. .1. K us"l I. Mr-. A. 51...M1111. Ma-i.-r R. jS]i. cll in. Mr. B. \*an.|prt."si'li. Mr. W. ' ! Mrs. w. Miss M. Yost. Mrs. A. j W"liiI <•. : Mr. W. Andrrws. Mr. A. | llaffi'rt. Mi-s E. Ki-attin. Mrs. .1. Cope. Mr\ ,11.. Curran. Miss A. I>ani<-1. Mr. T. i iad-d'-Ji. 1 M r-. (C.untiiins. Mr. K. Griffiths. Mr. H. ~1 .-ilk in s. Mr. L. .1.-n-on. Mr. I'. M.-Kay. Mi-- F. M.rvillo. Mr. A. M.<fn. Mr-. A. i Morn. Ma-tor .1. Mofn. 11r. .1. Mndd. Mr. G. M.-rl'ditli. Mrs. a. Nfil-on. Mr. A. N'.-.1--on. -on. Miss B. N'ordman. Mrs. A. IN.anaca. : I Mr. C. SliafftT. Mr. B. Silhort. Mr. .1. i I"liti. Mis- M. WolN. Mrs. J. Winston.-. , j Mr. and Mr-'. A. Vmirst. i AIRWAY PASSENGERS. Arrival-'. Y.-storday.— p.m.: Mr. IL T'irii"r. Mr. I'. Sinu-ofk. Mr. A. Itavidsoii. j Mr. I;. .Lirld. Mr. Johnston. Mrs. Snir-y. . | Mr. S. F. Harrir». 6 p.m. : Mrs. 1. Si. Bt°sI ford. j lii'pa rturi' c . This Pay. — s.l", Miss ■ j 1.. Smith. Mr. A. Smith Cray. Mrs. I>r.'--i ford. Mr. Trohf-v. N'or>n : Mr. B. Van , \ Sravrri;. Mr. \A'. X. NnrworxL Mr. E. N. ! (Griffiths.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 65, 18 March 1938, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS OF THE PORT. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 65, 18 March 1938, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS OF THE PORT. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 65, 18 March 1938, Page 4