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■ CHILDREN'S BOOKS Bu Popular Library series. Twelve 11 different titles, comprising all JBpV WSM Hi HLW Hi types of interesting stories for Jfj ity U I >^l ■ "DOLL Y" EMBROIDERY / SsSSSSs ML § sones included for working. «■ V m PRICES. Every conceit ■ ■ W Usually 1/6. ■ V able item suitable for gifts TO-MORROW Only at %/. Each . >^^0^ <JL. ■ • ■ CORK MAT SETS-Attrac I—lll . ._.. HjiT wHh '£?H£t --_.„ tive colouring and Futuristic KCS**- g amazed at what you IVIM SS£SS3! HZ" HUMGARIAH BLOUSES f . WM Gi S s fw the ML White Art. Silk Blouses, gaily decor- gam / & Attractive British made Hand- a a a ■ PAPER LUNCHEON SETS— Wα "'"o^ 011 ea f^ nt T embroideries. *V% / kerchiefs. Effectively packed in i^jgl Daintily boxed Serviettes and V T^Moi^ow^ljliß^' 7 mi ' W# " i UsU^ y I SSI DRESSING TABLE SETS— lace d'Oyleys, in three useful L 7 ' ' i 2/6. BARGAIN PRICE 1/6 Box K| DaintUy worked Art. Silk Set*, comprising oval Sizes. Floral, plain colours, or ft <f A /*% ■■ ■■»aa m■ >■ ~ 2 B*"%*e Ce ll *" s 1 tw <> Mats- Pastel shades of blue, green white. Usually 2/3. | IZ/6 MAROCAIN COATS i ■MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS &»£! an d pink. Usually 7/6. BARGAIN PEICE 5/9 Each TO-MOKKOWO. y a tI/11Box I K DRESSING TABLE SETSdelustred rayon. Sizes: 6, 61, 7, ■ SSp^W* o UsuaUy 12/6 - Tol ™ BARGAIN PRICE ad. Each tiJFI bakcain peice 5/9 74 TJqiiftliv 2/fi 1/fi 1/11 ■ MORROW only at 5/-. / "* m Wm&M TO-MORROW Only at I amk m STRING WEAVF niMPFRS I DA MASK CLOTHS— 1 ftt •> /A arid -»#«« Pair I 00 fC CO /C PI-> I MIIVA "t a- , WMVb JUMFEKS OKJB Super quaUty Art. Silk Cloths, *ith self design on 1/11 2/6 and 2/11 Pair I 09/ - 09/ D rllMllfil SIIITn — Ladies' summer Jumpers ui white ground. Finished with blue border. Size&4in. — t i x< i- vt. ,w ■■■■■■■■vi VVlig attractive string weave in shades HH by 54in. Usually 12/6. bargain a/n Ea. ■ LADIES' BEM6ERG HOSE % ? n f. hsh Flannels in Kght and of rust, pink, lemon, green and 9 copper and suntan toiungS. Sizes f. 39/6 to 59/6. Limited quantity \J I ™ Q I shades to tone "** an y c <*°™- scheme, fflze 20in. by &£m. to lOin. Usually 3/6 pair. 4' at 20/-. / T ■ LADIES' ARTISTS' SMOCKS PlJ| 20in. UsuaUy 2/6. bargain price 1/a Each BARGAIN PRICE 2/11 Pair i -Attractive florals in compre- L 2 I ' ■ TAnnrc K 11/fi CFI PV lAMAC hensive range of lovely shades. i H LINEN TEA TOWELS— ■ LADIES' NECKWEAR — B ■■/« VCLABILOC rIdAMAS Sizes: S.S.W., S.W., and W. WfmfH Wonderfully absorbent, non-fluffy pure Unen Tea Hundreds Of perfect Styles in ■ Two-piece Jumper style Pvia- % Usuallv7/ll wZrSSM Towels. In two attractive designs. Size 24in. by 34in. Organdie, Crepe de Chine, and ■ mas, perfectly s falniined fn | BARGAIN PRICE C/ 11 Farh y 1/1 L BARGAIN PRICE 1/6 Each Tulle. Usually 3/6 to 5/11. fl Celaneee Locknit fabric. Ex- f FKIOE 5/H Each ' BARGAIN PRICE,/H Each I ff *&<2s!tt£ £2 A/I 1 I ■ BEMBERG SMOCKS-Ladies' - „ covers in variety of attractive J 4/J-f D«S* Dl AAUFIIO I 4 Short Sleeves— HfIPV ' 4/ BtRGA!NPRTcgZ lltOl2/6 ' I Z/1, PWr BLOOMERS for 1 UsUyTIV; NOW 9 /6 ID COLOURED TOWEIiSa/I mde/llPwh I Ladiee' heavyweight Ribbed i Long Sleeves— KB Perfectly finished Towels, in plain effects of green, Pique Lockrat Bloomers, in 4| / "fl *fl I Usually 12/9* NOW O/11 11 Wue, lemon, and apricot Fast colours. ffl«e 20in. by ■ LADIES' UMBRELLAS- i 1/ | 1 I ,/U H 40in. Usually 2/-. BARGAIN PRICE 1/6 Each Sensational value in finest quality f only at l/ll pair. ■/ ■■ I ■ CROSS-OVER SMOCKS— P|fl| TARTF n/VITW HAI1? PPIPPI British and Continental Umbrel- L I Indies' plain Smocks, smartly &JHB I^«^,Vv. i *f~T - PKI(jE! las. All types and colours Usu- ?/ C/ 11 F..L ITIUAUAA # 1 made in shades of green, pink, 9 Art. Silk Cloths artistaically designed in self colours ally e/l/STSft BSGAm f 5/11 EaCh KIMONOS ffOr 1 Sizes :5.W.,W., I R "* ~" "* PRICES: 4/11 to 22/6 Each I Ladies' Silk Kimonos, beauti- I qiT5" Qi BHH Size 54in. by 54in. UsuaUy 9/6. NOW 479 Each B fully hand embroidered in silk /"fl "fl t tt iif ?JT , P'iW Size 54in. by 70in. Usually 12/6. NOW X/ 9 Each ■ FUR NECKLETS — Genuine 1 to tone. Shades of lemon, apple, *1 Usually 4/11; NOW 3/11 "w©/3^acn i 6/11 Each TOWEL WRAPS 1 5£SSi. B -^sap-aa&ijsr^nss Limited dumber Only. Wrap-round style in effective | fadeless materials in all shades. fs9M| WIDE RANGE OF HEARTHRUGS ■ FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS /L stri P e design heavy quality JM ItM a* g Sizes: SW W and O S MP i Tapestry Rugs in a variety of novel designs on -Silk, Linen, and Cambric, with P 1 b % h 4/11 I Short "' fIHUI fawn and brown grounds - *,** lace or hemstitched edges and I Sorrow only a y t 4/1 L P / ii f Usually 10/6; NOW 8/6 I A- „, B fc BARGAIN PRICE 7/1 i embroidered corners. Usually 1 t Long sleeves- ' |||| eir^vfn^w^^^ 4ad -B o AR d GA e iN h PRicE 3 d.Each I 3/H Each LADIES' SHORTS i y 11/6; NOW 8/11 Bi Us^27/6 - Now 21/6 ■ SWISS "OPAL" HANDKER I Perfectly ntt7ng"yk"ths!r B " SPORT . S BLOUSES-Dainty WM REVERSIBLE RUGSCHIEFS_I?O onlv S tS?nrice" 1 A heU Ss Sd Jwe I * I B1 ° f USe . S m ■■■ Useful sizes for bedroom or living room. Soft pastel &—IOU oniy at tms pnee. ■ buttonine fast colours jr J /11 B featuring a variety of stripes ffi&tsm tonmgs. White and coloured handker- B Saxe iyaij g l S I I I and shades. Canoe necklines, or Size 2ft. r 4ft. Sin. .. Usually 16/6. NOW 15/ chiefs with embroidery or lace ■ white. Sizes: s.S.W. to W. TO- / ■ ■ bow effects; shirt or jumper Size 2ft. 3in. x4ft. 6in. Usually 22/6. NOWie/ P^r en v H eei O2 UsuX ?/H L M ° RR ° W °"' y "' h] ™% Jjf « H *~ *• '*-*»'- "• *»/6 |J^»»— '^ BAEGA.N PRICE ,/„" ,„ ' g fancy sateen and silk aSKSTiSSS.'SS; 11/6 Each BLOUSETTES for ;r e2P5 F COV - fa " B 3S^,^ patterns in wide selection of mw- m\ mr^Jm^. beautiful colours. Perfect for Dozens and dozens of lovely styles to choose ■■■ /4 "I Ik Olv4 BAIZE DRESSER gifts. Usually 1/3 to 1/11 each. from. Dainty blousettes in a variety of new / Vft |«MMS Kfm SCARVES — BARGAIN PRICE 1/. Each | | "bSSS. 01 f« MEN'S WEAR AT BARGAIN PRICES! '"^SHTfIff 1 "7TI I _ . A . , MMHAAiaiA Serviceable Tapestry Covers 10/6Summer-w'tPyjamas 35/-DRESSING GOWNS V Bk X u r ous designs and Fast colour poplin Pyjamas 14 4 Smart, serviceable Gowns ni4 / £ X SIZG 60 x 72 — 13/6 in a variety of patterns and M I ■ ■ attractively designed Art. ■%MI V% T" IC- O # VJ%W#I 1 B Size 60 XBO — 16/9 cow, A,, sise, «t ,/n. f/ll SUk. PUjto, for „„>• i /\J T S f JQ Y $ Size 60 x9O- M £ HaaaUKSKg 4/11 SILK ~d WOOL SOX S°»JsS comfortable Crepe Silk in | ■ ■ / ■*% Quality fancy Hose in smart H X. ° . inlaid colour designs. Usumany attractive shades. All | I designs and latest shades of JWfc / *fl "fl I / OVCT. W a^y ®/6. sizes at 10/6. # grey, brown, fawn, blue/ /I I ■ / * && \ Bargain Price C/O Each grey, and navy. All sizes at (mm I II ' -tigM «B*m rme j/y tacn 8/6 NEGLIGE SHIRTS 2/llpa,r ' Each ready-made curtains-KjK4as--B 6/11 8/11 Pure Woo, HIPRES GIFT BOXES OF 9B B^HSST'^" s '^ SL.?Svil ™ %#/ ■ ■ TEN ONLY - Sprinskmt UIMDUAEdUr BgK BARGAIN PRICE 6/11 Pair ~« •«.* cuinre SS , Si52?.K£il k SriS 6/11 TTMnTDWrnD IHO R eady -made silk-cuRTAiNS--7/11 COAT SHIRTS , "- ,, ■ ■ UJiJJLKWLiiK V f 1' ■Iβ Magßj»j| type windows. Usually 11/6. cSt °wide°ind C%/|1 IA/C 11 /IS Da'ik UIDDIPC Samples in boxed Silk Under- WTSm BARGAIN PRICE g/ 6 Pair tie to match. Neat for sum- /| | 111/ Vi I I/O rilll Ilirritv wear comprising athletic Sing- ■fcOM mer wear. All siwss at 5/11. / » lets and elastic top i | MUSLIN CURTAINS— tk /C CDA DT C CUIBTO *S7 "'Ki'n'SiS /If Usually 3/11, 4/6, 4/11 per gar- Wi , t J l fadeless panel designs in blue, rose. Z/D brUKIS SHIRTS ztsxr i *£z-£3&ZEBH O/ I I ment.Now2/113/6 and3/11 ESpi I^^^^^Yr^^-^j^.-^™^ Men's cellular cotton Sports -# - - O-S-X.O.S. To Ce.r at 8/11 e«ch. / per garment. PEI BARGAIN PRICE: 1?/11 Pan Shirte in shades of maroon | /ll All in attractive Gift Boxes. &Jh| DOWN OUILTS YMi« rri?THa and blue. All sizes. Usually ■ / ■ CTTTT , r , AQP All imnvilv rpHnrpH' llStilSH VtUAL<ro for AMAo UIJP lr> 2/6. NOW 1/11. " / " ■ »Ull All nedVliy reuueeu. Limited number at these prices. H iPS Br^ nd new sample range, featuring the very latest ——— — —-—-— ' IPliWlil iJB stvles and colours. All filled with finest pure down. "FOR VALUE AND FRIENDLY SERVICE" fcg||| Double bed sizes 27/6 *° £6/19/<

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 290, 7 December 1937, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 290, 7 December 1937, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 290, 7 December 1937, Page 17