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Willi every prospect of beautiful sunshine .111• I I lie tact that I lie fields arc the bent received for some time, the spring meeting ot the Auckland Trotting Club, which opens at. Alexandra I'ark to-morrow, should prove an outstanding success. Additional interest will }>e provided by the presence ot several visiting horses. Betting will bo on the win nntl place system.

A Large Field. Tim programme will coinmencc with the VYaitcniatu Handicap, and as there ore llfteen on 1110 frntit two rows will bo nccessary, ii in I sevprn I of tlirm are unlikely (o get ji i leur run over the first furlong. All Hinge nis n nnoful sort from Hastings, Imt will milking her first appearance 10-inorrow. Dick Kedmond nml Kliotvnle aro promising, while Pink Lady ami I'iriltn's Last will only need to trot »olidly to hold reasonable prospects. Within appeals as a likely one, and she may be the best of the remainder on the front. Lntly Hunker has the ability, while the success of Queritla at her last start will ensnro her netting plenty of support. Wnintfuko won on the Tnrnnaki circuit, nntl ho should be the best of the others. Anything may happen in a race of this kind, but a trio that nro sure to carry plenty of backing are Qf T ERf OA VVAINOAKR I'IN'K LADY.

The Nov lets. With n fiolrl of thirty-ono on the limit, tho Aucklnnil Trottinn Club was forced t< •livido tho Improvers' Handicap, and ther< will bp two divisions. In the first divisior there mo several promising sorts, but Axminster mny be tho fuvounte. He hai only started in one rjice, on that occasion «oina down narrowly to Horsepower in the North Inland Challenge Stakes. A rcpeti tion of that effort would find him difficult to boat. Adversity finished second i.t hei Ust start and is on improver, as is Bronze Quoen. C'hili Bean displays plenty of proijiiitn<l his turn is not far away, whilt Marble Boy is showing up on the track but may need experience. Worthy Song's chance will depend upon what kind of rur she gets over tho Hist couple of furlongs and her task is not an easy one. Gooc money may lie forthcoming for AXMINSTER A DVERSU'Y. Tho Second Division. Tho class engaged in the second divisior is not strong, and the prospects of Guide Peter look bright. His form recently ha» been a trifle disappointing, but he would only need to repeat his best to take n power of beating. Bexley Girl and Captair Scott arc useful, and the latter will have to bo considered, as he showed a useful turn of speed when he first competed at Epsom, Marcus and Petite Jewel are pro nnsing novices, and they would add interest to tho contest if they could be relied upon to begin correctly. Tommy McElwyn and Forest Jewel should hold tho remainder safe. Two that mny be fancied are Ot'fDE PETER EOHEST JEWEL. The Chief Event. Tho easy win recorded by Lady Fame at Epsoin in August is not likely to be for gotten by backers when tho field parades in tho i/ellicoe Handicap, and the marc should be one of the favourites. Kewpio'n King has boon working exceptionally well at Epsom, and no fault can bo found with tho condition of the Blue Mountain Kinu horse. He should go a big race. Kewpie's Bond should be equal to staying out the two miles, and has recent winning form to commend her. Noble Prince has failed over two miles in the south, but has sonri fust times to liis credit over shorter disti'ncon. Gold Dredge may find the task oi conceding 48yds to some of those nearei the front a trifle beyond her, while •Nervio's Last has failed over two mile* previously. Ho may be better suited by tho hard track. Our McKinney is a fine stayer, but his task is not tfn easy one The chief selections may includo LADY FAME KEWPIE'S KING KEWPIE'S BOND. Prospects of Croeus. The Parnell Handicap includes some very lising young pacers, but it is do-ibtful it the public will look further than Crocus tnr the favourite. This mare has some fine form U> her credit, ami uhe shows every indication of cradling a much tightei mark. Lucky Love and Sir Frank can run a merry mile and a half, and of the pair tun latter makes innst appeal. Eliminate tins been working well, but is not too relisolo at the barrier. Kanfurly Lass ha» gamed a first anil a second at Iter last twe s aits, and she can lie relied upon to gc great race. Spessiva showed a 'ilimpse O. Her best at Epsom in August and if C<|"nl to etlecting a surprise, while flaridi rapper and Great Chum are possibilities or back mark. I'he best backed may b< CKOCI'S MI'SKETEER Brat ket It A N I'M ' IG.Y I, \NH Silt I'lt AN K.

Bottor Class Trotters. Next. roinr-J tin- Mount,in, Handicap. „ in"' I "i lao iuiJc lnitLrj*. ami N.ativ.: li»t v.Hil.l ..Illy luuc til repent, the form she showed when she 111 roimtcil for n Ht rotiix field nt KpHom in ilmm to Like u Jot of Vicntiutf. She i.< lieiirinn a very Wight appearance mill hlioiiM ,|( least lip in the money. Carl Aluck mid Kuini are

sorts on the front, while Imposter is equal to trotting a sound race. Audo Patch is not working at all well, and a better prospect may he his stahlemate, Parrish Belle. This ninre possesses Kite speed. Polly Pan would only have to trot solidly to take part in the finish, and the same applies to the bnckmarker, Meadow King. A trio that appeal are NATIVE TREE POLLY PAX—KUINI Bracket 31E A DOW KING. Th# October Handicap. Off the limit of the October Handicap Grattan Girl and Tangaroa are certain to get their share of support, and one of the pair should go near to collecting the thick end of the stake. Bedford

and Ann Pointer have chances, while the success of Hori Bingen at his last start should ensure him getting plenty of attention. Queenie Direct and Atarau King are improvers and should account for the remainder. Most support may be accorded GRATTAN GIRL TANGAROA HORI BINGEN. An o|»n Race. One of the hardest tasks set backers is the Stewards Handicap, as there are several pacers engaged that are likely to develop into good winners. Argoiis is working satisfactorily, as is Gay Sister, while Munga langi should not be long in making amends for his failure at his last start. Early last season Our Peggy won three races in a row, and she would only have to repeat that form to take a lot of beating. She will probably be driven by C. R. Woods. Silver Watch does not appeal, and a better prospect may be Compass, who is a very reliable pacer with recent form to commend him. Guid Hairst and Blandford should beat the others. In a good betting race a preference may be shown for | OUR PEGGY COMPASS MINGA TANGI. The Bprlnt Event. The day's sport will conclude with thElectric Handicap, and as four of the nine acceptors also claim an engagement in the Jellicoe Handicap, the form in the latter event may prove a good guide. Ironside and King s Warrior will be fresh horses, and as both have shown their ability to run a fast mile and a quarter the coupling may be the first fancy. Gold Dredge and Kewpie's King will add interest to the contest, but Auto Machine and Bingen Chief may be past their best. Lady Fame w X£ ry over distance, and Our McKinney cannot be left out of calculations. Some that may be in demand are IRONSIDE—KING'S WARRIOR Bracket LADY FAME KEWPIE'S KING.

The acceptances are:— 12.0— WAITEMATA HANDICAP of £200. Trotters. One mile and a half. Limit 3.4 U. All Bingen . . Lt. Witlil Lt Dick Redmond Lt. Worthy Lu . Lt Ell lot vale . . . Lt. yds. bhd. Hash Byo . . Lt. Colleen Murphy 30 Gold Kip , . Lt. Lady liunkrr . 36 Heather Glow Lt. Querida .... 4S Lady Musk . Lt. Walngake ... 48 Motra Bingen Lt. Baron Derby . 84 ISatlve Worry Lt. Ellssa .... 84 Pink Lady . . Lt. Autumn Lou . 108 Pirates Last Lt. Mute . . . .120 Red Eagle . . Lt. Manna s Son . 156 Sophy Bingen Lt. Bracket: Within and Lady Bunker. 12.40—IMPROVERS' HANDICAP of £280. One mile and a quarter. Limit 3.5. First Division: Second Division: Adversity . . Lt. Frankenstein Lt. Axminster . . Lt. Bexley Girl . . Lt. Bronze Queen Lt. Captain Scott Lt. Chill Bean . . Lt. Forest Jewel . Lt. Fret- Grattan Lt. Oipsy Light . X.t. Great Gem . . Lt. Guide Peter . Lt. fllllcrest . . . Lt. Jewel Crest . . Lt. John's Ijist . Lt. Kete Kura . . Lt. Kewpie's Blugen Lt. Kewpie's Queen Lt. Mnrbta Boy . Lt. Marcus .... Lt. Natlvf Fern . Lt. Petite Jewel . LtRed Coat . , . Lt. Roma Girl . . Lt. Sequoia .... Lt. Tommy Top Hand . . Ijt. McElwyn . . Lt. Wall Street . Lt. Cenuku .... Lt. Worthy Quest Lt. Vanoro .... I.t. yds. bhd. yds. bhd. Worthy Song 12 Reception (T.) 12

Brackets : Adversity and Frankenstein, Free Griittan >i nil Gipsy Light. Kewple's Qneca »nd Marhlc Boy. Mnrcus and Native iT."' '''''Ite Jewel and Bed Coat, Roma ... p * •n«l '.He<|iiolu. Tommy McKlwyn and l»p Ilnnd. I'ennku and Wall Street, V'anora and Worthy Quest. 1.30- JKf.MCOR HANDICAP of £300. I wo inilcs. Limit n Dredge . 48 Kewpic s Bond Lt. I.a.iy Fame . . 48 ... .▼'!*. bhil. Nrrvip's Last 4a Noble "princ" 8 . 24 ° ur Mclyni:e,' ' 48

2.10— PARNELI, HANDICAP of £200. One mile and a half. I.inilt 3.3;">. Oharteris Hay I,t. I.uniinate ... 24 I»iicky I.ove . I.t. Hanfurly J.ass 21 Mr i< rank . . Lt. Spessiva ... 24 yds. bhd. Bismuth ... 30 * I [ oc,,s • • • • 12 Great Chum . 3<> King Country 12 Hnudicappcr . 3*; i-ad.v Amanda 12 Musk<teer ... 30 Koynl Jewel . 12 Bracket: Crocus and Musketeer. 2.30 —MOUNTAIN HANDICAP of £223. Trotters. Two miles. Limit 4.40. Carl Mack . . I.t. Native Tree . . 30 Kuini .... Ijt. Young Itodney 48 Koi Grande . . I,t. I'nrrish Belie 72 yds. bhd. I\>ll.v I'm, . . T> Audo Patch . 30 Meadow King . 84 Imposter .... 36 Brackets : Kuini nnd Polly Pan, Audo Patch and Parrish Helle.

3.3O—OCTOBER HANDICAP of £200. One mile and a half. Limit 3.40. Gloster .... Lt. Kaitawn .... 12 (.rattan (iirl . Lt. Bedford .... 24 Roman Chief . Lt. Mori ißngen . 24 Tangaroa .. . Lt. Q u«*en i<■ Direct 24 y«ls. bhd. True Trust . . 24 Ann Pointer . 12 Atarau King . ."it; 4.10 —STEWARDS' HANDICAP of £225 One milt and a half. Limit ;i.30. Argoiis .... Lt. yds bhd Blandford . . Lt. Compnss ._ <»ay Sister . . Lt. Frank Brst . . I*' Munga Tangi Lt. Cuid Halrst . .10 si'!vJ C u? y . V. • I' f - Kewpie s Crest ."JO . ii\€T Watch Lt. Proletarian . . :w ! 453—ELECTRIC HANDICAP of £22.1. | One mile and a quarter. Limit 2.47. ! {'" Id Dredge . Lt. Auto Machine' ' 'r onß <, V •, • Lt. Binge., Chief . 12 • Kewpies King Lt. I.ady Fame . ij Moenst .... Lt. Our McKinney Bracket: Ironside a'tid"" K i * \Va rri or. GREYMOUTH CLUB. (By Telegraph— Special to "Star.") CHRISTCHURCH, thk day. The Greymouth Trotting Club has davjl" acceptances for tlie first day of its spring meeting, which will open to-morrow. Betting will be on the wh maVt Ce far.ed''- and tMoWlne t?"it?hr 0 Ro) "'' Thre ' d - Blaketown Handicap.—Southern Chief, w I aw, Logan Palm. DSX Tafua ni,iCi,P -~ Charlie Cha "' L °>' al Mawhera Handicap. - Red Ranger, Shrewdy, Ace Pot. Royal Oak Handicap.—Shadeland, Codirector, Westcliff. Advance Handicap.—Waitaki Tower, (jralJjnford, De La Paix. T Handicap.—Sustenance, Black Marble, Lord Axworthy. The acceptances are: — 12.15—Introductory Handicap of £100 eight furlongs and a half, limit 2.27 to mile. —Colonel Axworthy, den Travis. Jane Worthy, Last Hand. Lombard, Hugliie Wrack, Mauri McKinney. Oru Logan Prince Travis, Renew. Royal Thread, Sans Peur, Streamline, Wee Truman, limit; Charlie Chan. Royal Orattan, 24vds.

12.55—I'etrie Handicap (Trotters) of £100, twelve furlongs and a half, limit 3.4!).—Beethoven, Car Bingen, Chameleon, Civil Officer, Co-director, County Down, Dilatory. Golden Emblem, Native Ruler, I'arette. Real Victory, Shadeland, Sylvan, WestclilT, limit: Fluke, 12.vds; Bon Chance, Harvest Note. 36.vds; Native Huon, 48yds; Dollar Maid. 06yds.

1.35 —Blaketown Handicap of £140, twelve furlongs and n half, limit 3.35. — Civic, Connenora, De La Paix. Golden Moness, Little Oordon. Logan Palm, Lottie Guy, Pola Negri. Replica. Southern Chief, limit: Bill Grattan, Happi. Olive King, Worthy Need, 12yds; Wee Wrack. 24yds.—Diggers' Handicap of £110. eight furlongs and a half, limit 2.25.—A1l Kings. Charlie Chan, Olen Travis, Lombard, Loyal Direct, Sans Peur. Streamline, Sunny Jack, Tagua, limit; Bridget Brough, 12yds; King's Drive, Sir Gowan, 24yds; Buddy, 48.vds.

3.o—Mawhera Handicap of £200. twelve furlongs and a half, limit 3.32.—Ace Pot. Agility, Moana Tama. Red Ranger. Royal de Oro. Royal Travis. Savoldi. Shrewdy, limit; Bay Flyer, Raider, Wlilstone, 12yds ; Cantata. Morewa, 24.vds.

3.4o—Royal Onk Handicap (Trotters) of £110. fourteen furlongs and a half. limit 4.9.—Beethoven. Car Bingen, Chameleon, Civil Officer. Co-director. County Down, Dilatory. Golden . Emblem, Shadeland, Sylvan. Westcliff, limit: Fluke. 12yds: Bon Chnnce, Harvest Note, 48yds ; Native Huon, 60yds.

4.2o—Advance Handicap of €130. ten furlongs and n half, limit 2.58. —Connenora, De I.A I'alx. Golden Moness. Little Gordon, Logan Palm. Lottie Guy. Civic. Poln Negri. Replica, Southern Chief, limit : Bill Grattnn. Buddy Gallinford. Happi. Olive Kin?. Wnitakl Power. Worthy Need, 12yds; Ace Pot, Red Ranger. Wee Wrack, 24vds; Morewa, 48yds.

5.0 —Dash Handicap of £115, ton furlongs and a half, limit 3.1. — Bridget Brough. Glen Travis. Hughie Wrack. Last Hand. Lord Axworthy. Loyal Direct. Royal (irnttan. Hoy a I Thread. Sunny Jack. Sustenance. Tarn. Thornwortli.v, Twenty Grand, limit : Black Marble. Gold Pot, King's Drive, ahlin, Si? Gowan, Travisque, 12yds.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 251, 22 October 1937, Page 12

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AUCKLAND CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 251, 22 October 1937, Page 12

AUCKLAND CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 251, 22 October 1937, Page 12