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The Hutldart-Parker motor ship Wanganella has Ix-cn delayed in her cargo operations l>v the rain, little work being done to-day." There still remains some of her inward cargo to be got out. ond unless this can be done it will have to be taken back to Sydney, and no outward cargo shipped here. She sails at ."> p.m. to-day with 100 passengers for Sydney and Melbourne. The British India steamer Nardana arrived at 8 a.m. to-day from Xew York with jreneral ciirgo. and berthed at Kind's wharf after inspection. She is expected to leave for Wellington mi Tuesday afternoon. The Matson liner Monterey will arrive from Sydney at 7 a.m. on Monday and berth at Prince's wharf. Slip sails at 5 p.m. the same day for San Francisco, via Sura, Pago Pago. Honolulu and Los Angeles. One hundred and seventy-one par-senders will la ml here from Sydney ulid Melbourne and 216 are booked through: 220 will join here for various ports. The Union Company's Royal mail steamer Niagara will arrive at 1 p.m. on Monday from Vancouver, via way ports, and will sail for Sydney at 8 p.m. on Tuesday. The heavy weather outside has delayed a number of oversea vessels. Canopus is due from Wcstport this evening, and lierths at Western wharf. She is. expected to return south on Monday. (\Y.C. Co.)

Fordsdale i* due at 0.30 a.m. to-mor-row from Wellhgton to complete discharge of cargo from London. (A.S.r.) Queen Victoria, motor vessel of 4032 tons, will arrive from Galveston. Texas, to-morrow evening, and will berth at Kind's wharf on Monday. (A.S.P.) Tongariro will not complete her loading for London and West of Kngland ports until Wednesday, and is expected to rsail that afternoon. (X.Z.S. Co.) Cornwall advises she will arrive at the powder ground. Motuihi, at 0 a.m. on Monday. She is expected to berth on Tuesday afternoon. (X.Z.S. Co.) Rangitata sailed from London on Thursday afternoon for Wellington and Auckland with passengers ami cargo. She is due here on August 2. (X.Z.S. Co.) Port Wellington, which arrived on Thursday from Xew Plymouth for final loading, will now sail for London at noon on Thursday. (F. Co-op.) Waipiata has been further delayed by the rain, and will now fail at 5 p.m. on Monday. (U.S.S. Co.) Chifuku Maru leaver; Noumea to-day for Auckland, and is expected on Wednesday. She completes loading at Wellington and Lvttelton. *ailin:r from that port on duly 14. (R. and S.', Ltd.) WaioLapu, with cargo from Pacific Coast ports and fruit from Papeete, is due on Wednesday morning. (U.S.S. Co.)

A RRIV A LS—Yesterday. Katmiro, from Grpyuioiith, 9.45 p.m. * This Day. Nardana. from New York. S a.m. <>iit\v;i. from Ostend. 5.25 n.m. n.-irnoii.i, from Omilin. 5.45 !( .m. Hnuiti, from Surfdale. 5.45 a.m. DEPARTURES—Yesterday. (Miew.i. for Usiond. 1i.4.- p.m. Faroomi. for timiha, i 5.45 p.m. HauiM. for SurftlaJi'. etc.. 7..:n p.m. ltaiigintii, for Tniimiiga, 9.35 p.m. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. TO-DAY. Cauopus, from Westport. evening. TO-MORROW. Forilsdiile, from Wellington. 6..10 a m Clansman, from Russell, afternoon Queen Victoria, from Texas, evening. MOXDAT. Cornwall, from Liverpool, 0 a.m. inmvder ground). Monterey, from Sydney. 7 a.m. Niagara, from Vancouver, 1 p.m. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. TdliAY. Waugnuella, for Sydney, 3 p.m. TO-JKIRUOW. Claymore, fur Whangarei, <J p.m. MONDAY. Kawau. for Mangawai. noou l'ouo, fur Kcrepeohi. u p.m. I aroto. for Bay of Islands. -• p.m. Hauiti. lor Thames, 3 p.m loa, lor Whakatane, 4 p.m. \\aiutuhi, fur (ipotlki, 4 p.m. -Monterey, for Sau Francisco, 5 pm

PASSENGERS PER WANGANELLA. Iht- Wangaiiella, which viik v..- «...i. Mr*. I>. v. allll Miss L Brvant Mr ai l' V ~,.*• Mr - J - Br »w", Mr. and Mr. Mr. K. J. Fraser, Mr. A u ijreen Mr <"' A. Urlbbln. Mr. M. U. G n • Mr /' m" "udgcon Mr « ml Mr.. M. lia„,l uuiV Mr' •V HaUUail. Miss H. Hart, Mr V l lr\in<-. Mi. ami Mrs. h. Johnson. Miss \ M. James Mr. G. A. Kirwan. Mr F I Kneipi, Mr. ami Mrs. (;. VV. Kne Ip. Miss Mr i KI SU r- M i'" W " A - Keiirlck. Mr. ami Mrs h. L Lambe Mr. C. Matthews, Mr A. L. Morpeth, Mr. an.l Mrs. J. \ i Morton. Mr. 1., ami Miss I\ Matson Mr as a ii 1 - g-ssa ■sir*'■ ; J etersen, Mr. B. K. iMrrriila.-. Miss" r I'arbur.v. Mr. ami Mrs. (J. II T 1'M.,„',." Mr ami Mrs. B . K . Ku 7„,£ Mr. J 1 *" e" Rlghy. Mr ami Mrs. W. .1. Reddoll. MbVs I. E. Regazzi. Mr. H. Knot, mi«, \i i. Kosenfehlt, Miss K. 11. Uoss, Miss ']•;" M -Mts. A. h. Stevenson. Mr. N K Sti-tt Mi c K. M- Strang Dr. Mary Thornton Mr L K. \\areham, Mr. G. U. Williams, Mr. <;' S. Wales. Mrs. S. and .Master (i H Wi klnson. Mr. F. H. I\ ami Ma' or F II Wilkinson. Mr. M. R. Wilk-ox. Mr. \V h' /angel. Second class: Miss E. M \shford Mrs. A. Aitchison, Messrs. f W a d F '• -Mien, Mr. A. A. Avers! Mrs \ R blewitt Mr. X. G. Brooks. Mrs. m' E < allan. Mr. J. B. Corbett, Mr. K c R Oarroch. Mr. W. .T. Dean. Miss s' \' V Evans Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Evans.'Mr \ Englancler, Mr. X. H. Edwards. Miss V G. Foster, Miss M. Fasken. Mrs. M F (..MHlfellow. Mr. r>. M. rsilliiijr. Mrs.' \I Holmes Mr. \V. Huuhos. Mr. and Mrs M .Tones Mrs. E. J. Kiddle. Mr. D. II Kirk Mrs. M. (J Little. Miss L. K. Few s ' and Mrs. A. A. Fee. Mr. A. S. I.indsiv' I s ' £• Mansfield. Mrs. L. G. Marriott: Mrs. H. A. Morgans. Mr. and Mrs m F ,j!^' er, , Mr ' X - Macrtonold. Mr. M. w' v Mills. Mr. R. Moriatv, Mr P pMever Mr. J. .T. McCormick. Mr. \' MeK>--io Mr. and Mrs. J. Mclndoe. Miss X Powell" Mr. S. Pareman. Mr. M. V Priteliard Mr' and Mrs AT. Richards. Miss G M Ru r" Mrs. A. E. Rvland Mr F. F. Rimnerstr ~ ! Mr. A. (.. Rvland. Mrs. F. Sole Mr T Scanloii. Mr. .T. H. Thorpe. Rev. I>." Trotter" Mr D. Thurston, Mr. T. Thorpe Mrs v F. RW.vlie. Mr. F. and Miss G WooUe'v Mr R. Wild. Mr. W. and Mast™ R W'tf'ds. Mr. C. S. Walker. Mr. (J V Walters. Mrs. A. M. Yeatman. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. DEPARTURES—YESTERDAY. Hokianga, for Hokianga, 4.30-jp.m.


Wellington. June 25.—Sailed : Fordsdale, I'or Auckland. 2 p.m.; Port Whangarei. for Picton. 11 p.m. June 26 —Arrived: Wailiui. from Lytteiton. 6.25 a.m.

Lytteiton. ".June 25.—Arrived : Kent, from London, via Suva, p.m. Sailed: Wainui. for Wellington. 3.55 p.m.: Waimarino. for Puneilin. 4.1." p.m. June 26—Sailed: Purr Chalmers, for London. 5.4.". a.m. Ditncdin. June 25. —Arrived: Port Wa--kito. from Lytteiton. 12.35 p.m. ; Stockwell, from Lvtteltoti. 1.30 a.m. Sailed: Port Waikato. for Ttniaru. 0 p.m. June 26— Arrived : Newton Elm. from Lytteiton. fl a.m.: Waimarino, from Lytteiton. 0.30 a.m. OVERSEAS. Newcastle. June 20. —Arrived: Kaikorai. from Dunedin. Glasgow. June 24.—Arrived : Raranga. from Wellington. London. June 24. —Sailed : Rangitata. for W. illligtou. Panani'.i. June 23.—Sailed : Doric Sta-. from Auckland to London. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the Auckland wireless station during the week-end: Tonight— Fordsdnlo. To-night and Sunday—Mil mi. Matua, Maui poiuare. Niagara. Waiotapu, Wanganella. Canadian Challenger. Chifuku Maru. Cornwall. Cera. Monterey. Myrtlebank, Queen Victoria, Tredinnick. UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. Waipiaia sails at 5 p.m. on Monday for Wellington. Picton. Lytteiton, Duuediu. Bluff, oamarii and Tiniarii. Wingatui leaves Lytteiton to-day for WelUngion and Auckland. Niagara left Suva at noon yesterday for Auckland and expects to arrive at 1 p.m. on Moii.iay. She sails at s p.m. on Tuesday for Sydney. Kaimiro sails on Tuesday for Portland. Waiotapu cannot arrive iiere before Weilnesday morning. After discharge she proceeds to Wellington. Melbourne and Sydney. Matua left Karotonga at 1 p.m. yesterday for Auckland and is One lure « n Wednesday inornin--. St e sails at noon on Friday for Nukual'.a, Apia and Suva,Kartigi left Westport at 10.00 p.m. on Thursday for Auckland. Kalingo loads at Westport al>out Tuesdav for Auckland. Omana leaves Melbourne on Tuesdav for! Auckland. Wellington and Ly'telton. Kauri leaves Melbourne oil Saturdav for ; New Plymouth, Auckland. Wellington' and' Lytteiton. VESSELS IN PORT. Tongariro. Queen's Wharf (N.Z.S. Co.). Nardana. King's Wharf iN.Z.S. Co.>. Wanganella, Prince's Wharf (H.P.). Port Wellington. Queen's Wharf (F. Co-op.). Kaimiro, Western Wharf IU.S.S. Co.). Kekerangu, Queen's Wharf (L'.S.S. Co.). Pirl. Western Wharf (C.8., Ltd.). Miro, Viaduct (C.8.. Ltd.). H.M.S. Philomel. Devonport (Naval Dept.). R.F.A. Nucula, in stream (Naval Dept.). H.M.S. Endeavour, Devonport (Naval Dept.). PORT LINE VESSELS. The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company. Ltd., local agents for the Commonwealth and Dominion Line, also known as the Port Line, advise the following loadIng programme:— i Port Wellington—Auckland. June 24-July 3. Sails from Wellington, July 8, for I London. Due August 15.

NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING CO. The New Zealand Shipping com« report the movements of their veiu»i.. y in? ..n the coast as follow: «*"«• loadTongariro—Sails from Auckland Jm,. ~v for London and West of England \ Z.~ • via Montevideo and Dakar. August 10. ne «>»iOB. Huntingdon—Wangansl, June *>>«. «• Plymouth. June 29-Julv 1; ODn«!j-t"* 6; Auckland, July 7 10: Tokomatu ft. 5 " July 11-1-'; Napier, July 13-14 SS' from Wellington, July 17, for iVdoniiJl West Coast ports, via Cape HornT r£ 4 London, August 30. v ™- "*e Rotorua —Leaves Wellington, Jk. *. Xapier, June 26-July 1; GisborST j^ j; 2-6. Sails from Auckland. JulvTt « r London, via Panama. Due August 22. "TOdon. Rangitiki—Bluff, July 13-17; port Chain,.., July 10-21: Lytteiton, July 22-^6\sVf-from Wellington, July 29 for London »/* Panama. Due London, Aaju«t ai. u INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. Wanganella—Leaves Auckland. June •>«; arrives Sydney June :*»: leaves Sydney July .!: arrives Wellington. Julv 7- i»Vr Wellington, July {>: arrives Sv'dneV Jni 12: arrives Melbourne. July 14". " • Maunganui—Leaves Wellington, J un( , •>.. arrives Sydney, JuneiHJ. • OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA LINE The Farmers" Co operative Auctlon».i» Company, Ltd., local agents, advise* 8 following movements of the Osaka Slhk.,' Kaisha Line steamers:— •""wmi Brisbane Maru—Sails trom Kobe June •>■> due at Auckland July 12. Vessel coTi^ pletes discharge ar.d commences loadin at Southern ports. Sails finally fj£s Auckland July 24. for Cebu, Sfa ? Hungkoug, Shanghai and Japanese oartT Sydney Maru—Sails from Kobe, Julv 2ft^ due at Auckland August a. Vessel <»„: pletes discharge and commences loadin. at Southern ports. Sails finally £3 Auckland August 21, for Cebu, MtSk? Hongkong. Shanghai and Japanese portt


Queen Victoria ... J une 27 New Or]*.— K3SK. •:::::::£•;::■ "S ; £P .:::::::: ftsS.-Jsg JVaiotapu Tun.. 2:. . TaS . Gera J une 30 New Oriel", Matua nine 3<J . Raroton« Ch.fuku Mara Julv •• ""rotonn Port Bowen J u l'v 4 t ™H au Tredlnnick ! July 5 X^JhSSS Canadian Challenger July 5 New CriM Mauuganui JuJv 6 . sV*»U Mariposa July D San' Frand£ Brisbane Mam ... July 12 ... j^r™ Maotsnycker July 13 ... - Sai^ » a «raki July 15 . Vanfe" Ara»a July j 0 r ™"!« U. S. Waldcn .... July IS San Frand«S City of Shanghai . July IS . S» vS Waimam July 19 .. LirerZS Northumberland .. July 21 .. ijverC City of Glassow .. July 25 .. MontaS Manju Maru July 25 ... jH? 1 Rangitata Aug. 2 .... j^ Monterey Aug. o San FraneUeo Durham fug. r, .. Liver^i * a J? Re «: s , A««. 5 .. Singapore Sydney Maru Aufe. «j j„" Mataroa aug. 12 Southampton I'amhrlJge Aug. 13 . N ew York £_ nh °lt Aug. 16 New OrkaiiWairuna Aug. 22 . Vanconm Niagara Aug.-23 . Vaneonrpr "«tforti au|. 26.. assss Rangitane Aug. 30 Lo»l 0 >. Ardenrohr Sept. 4 .. Montnal Port Huon Sept. 11 .. Liverpool Limerick Sept. 15 Vanconver Remuera Sept. 25 ... Univ,, City of Brisbane .. Sept. 27 . New York Opawa Oct. 6 .. Lirerpwl Niagara Oct. 18 . Vancouver

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS OF THE PORT. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS OF THE PORT. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 4