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Gold Finch (Mairangl Bay)— Eight patches, for which we thank the Gold Finches. Also a very welcome contribution of 5/ to our silver lining fund. We welcome the following new members:— Jean Nybergr, Patricia Scott, Eileen Bally, Betty Broaclbent and Rona Wilcox.

Green Gables (Otahumu) —A darling rittlc bunny dressing: gown, complete with silken cord, arrived safely from this Otaliuhu School club.

Gum Nut Pixies (Remuera) —We don't as a rule alter club names, Kathleen, but ■we will do so on this occasion. The Gum INut Pixies are therefore registered.

Happy Family (Thames) —Seven patches, a bonnet, a pair or gloves, a baby cap and a hugnic-tight rrom this Thames club. • * m 9

Happy-go-lucky (Epsom)—Gwen "Rapson, or "Ferndale," Kaukapakapa, is anxious to become an outpost member of tliis club, and is busily knitting patches for us. I am sure Joan will welcome your help, fJwnn. We have Tour new members to add to the '-Happies,", Barbara Booth, Elsie Early, Hetty Bernsrord and Jean McNaught'on. The last gift Tor the week took the form or two single bed quilts, warmly lined and comprising in all 157 patches, three (ray cretonne linings, and the quilt of "star" patches.

Helpers of the Needy (New Lynn) — Welcimic to Inez Thompson, who has joined this New Lynn club. If you call at sunshine House, we will give you 100 patches, Merle, or course, "Star" quilts may he lined, and extra points are awarded if this is donV.

Haoremai (Grey Lynn)—An qpening gift from this club took the form or no less than 'JU patches and a pair or baby shoes. Ngaire Henry is the captain and Peggy Cochrane is a new member.

Helpful Hands (Devonport)—The Hands have been busy, and their work resulted in 28 iimre patches. » * • •

Hearts of Oak (Auckland) —This is a new club with a great list of members. captained by Norma Tonks, it na-3 a total or 18 Sunbeams, including the fol-lowing:-—Eva Kerr, Vida Mount, Evelyn McClarc, Shirley Ross, Pearl Housby, ELsie Wells, Pal Wells, Margaret Roche, Margaret Thorburn, Lorna Mount, Pat Monds, lsiibelle Johnson, Mavis Rudkin, Joan Trewick, Pauline Whyte, Betty Taylor and Jean Morrison. A warm welcome to these Sunbeams. The opening gift- or the club took the form or a big box of nice clothes, a single bed patchwork lining, another parcel or good used clothes, and 25 patches, some sewn together.

Joy Belles (Takapuna)—We will change The name of your club if you and your members really wish It, Joy. Personally Peter ran and 1 think the club has a very nice name.

Jolly Rogers (Uuntly)—Twenty-one patches from these Huntly folk. We are delighted to know that this club Is going to knit every week, uur thanks to Freda. * * # »

Karaka (Takapuna)—A nice parcel of 39 patches comprise tjiis week's gift. Many thanks, Sunbeams.

Kozee Circle (Romaera) —Two parcels to acknowledge; the llrst contained several warm baby garments (very welcome, Sunbeams., ami the other a collection of books and toys.

Kittens (Parnell)—The work we receive from the Kittens is always excellent, and the pa reel tins week was" nn exception to the rule,. It was a line gift or several baby garments, including a delightrul pink set.

Little Rays (Rotorua) —Eighteen patches and a little knitted jersey give the Hays an extra -J I points. Pauline l-'ergusson has been elected vicc-capiain and Eileen Weeks treasurer.

Laugh of the Week Club (Onehunga) — 7t was a gift from luillas Sheeland that put the dull nn the ladder with a nice parcel ol' bahy woollies, which Included a blue outdoor set. Hut this was followed quickly by a parcel rrom Dallas, the captain. It contained no less than 15 patches. a golliwog, and •-•/ for the lining fund.

Lavender Sunbeams (Takapuna)—Mary Greig. or Wanganui. who a-ks that she be attached to tin< sluli as an outpost member, sends in a girt of a dainty knitted singlet with bootees to iiiatch and 64 tor the lining fund.

Lime Rocks (Hikurangl)—Aa openmff grift or 25 splendid patches from these Northern folk was much appreciated. We are looking Tor big things now from this distant club.

Merry Band (Devbnport)—Six more hollies, all in gay little jackets, a coupie of comics and a pompom, in one parcel, wbJlst another contained quilts and 53 parches. One quilt, double bed, was made or gray tweed patches and lined with printed cottons. The other was woollen on one side and brightly lined. A further gift of ahout 60 patches, most or them joined, arrived liter.

Patchwork Worker* (Epsom) — The Patchwork Workers are captained by Virginia Abbott, of Epsom, who has the following- girls helping her, Betty Hill, Cherry Hill, Annette Hill and Lois Caughy, who is the secretary. We like the spirit of this Epsom club. Good luck, girls.

Parakeet (Ekctahuna) —This Is a little club of three members, all of whom live at Eketahuna. 1 think Muriel Gray is the captain. Is that right, Muriel? The other two members are Eric Gray and John Dawson. Best wishes to this country club. * # * •

Queen Elizabeth Helpers (Manurewa) — This must surely be another Coronation y«ar club. The Queen Elizabeth Helpers are captained by Dalyrie Ferguson, with Betty Oatridge as vice-captain. Betty Watts is the secretary, whilst members include Gladys Smith, Fay Watts-and Pat Oatridge. Our best wishes to this Manurewa club.

Roskill Pixies (Mount Roskim—Colin De i.uca, a new member, sent in a large striped patch as an opening" girt Tor the club.

Ralniday Club (Wellesley Street School) Six patches, seven books and a baby bonnet from this club. Doubtless by now you have all seen the two replies which have already appeared in the "Budget" under your club name. About this latter Peter Pan and I both voted in favour of the Rainiday Club—l think it is a quaint name.

Rata (New Lynn)—This *week the first parcel opened contained 60 patches, another little one contained 13 more and a dainty pair of bootees; then we found a singlet and a rurther 61 patches. The last parcel contained three pretty cot quills, two or them knitted, the other a fine padded silk one. or the 28 patches in this parcel only the hand-knitted ones were of much use, Helen. It would be better if you kept the machine-knitted ones and made up a quilt out or tbem. A fine contribution, girls.

Rainbow Fairies (Otahuhu) —The captain of the Fairies held a little concert which resulted in raising 2/3. A good idea, girls. The gift for the week was a nice little pink baby blanket and i collection of clothes.

St. Michael's (Point Chevalier) —One material patchwork single bed lining, one cot lining, also in gay prints, and a single bed iiuilt ol' 76 patches, nicely sewn together (just a little hit too narrow, girls) made up a fine girt Tor which we thank this club. We have to-day credited you with a further 20 points lor the previous sewing-up or a quilt, and thank you Tor drawing our attention to the matter.

Springfield Club (Morningsfde)—Such a nice box of mixed groceries, together with one or two toys and a dear little pair or baby slippers rrom tkese folk—3o splendid patches, too. Well done, girls.

Sunray (Mount Albert)— Another nice parcel containing Tour dozen patches, a collection of little winceyette garments, cosy woollens, a pair or baby bootees" and a scarf. Thanks so much, girls. A box or toys, three cosy pairs or bloomers and 1/ for the lining fund arrived later.

Sunshine Club (Grey Lynn)—A very prefty bonnet and a cream coat to acknowledge this week. Thank you, sunbeams.

Star aypsies—A beautirul new brown cot blanket, two little crocheted pink pram covers in one parcel, and In the other two blue bonnets, linings and firty hne knitted squares.

Starlets (Mount Albert) —Beryl sends in a nice centre square of 20 patches, seven knitted patches and a warm cardigan. Nieuvonne's girt of a parcel or children's clothes arrived next. Five patches and two berets rrom Christine and Heather comprised the final gilt for the week.

Silver Leaves (Kerepeehi)—A parcel or hahy woollies, a scaiT and five patches from the Silver Leaves, who advise that Flora Toland is the secretary or the club, in the matter of the case we suggest that it I would be bett°.r if yon seat as details and w* attended to »".

Swallow Club (Great Barrter) —A gay cot quilt with a scarlet border, lined, and comprising l 35 patches and a dozen loose patches to acknowledge this week.

Sol-Ray (Ponsonby)—This week's girt from the Sol-rays included a green satin lined pram quilt of about 4 5 patches and several partially completed quilts, containing about 60 patches in all. Some of these were very nicely joined, girls. Next there arrived no less than eight knitted berets and a warm scarf to earn more points.

Six Bmiters (Lupton House) —The Six Smiiers hail rrom Lupton House, Whangarel District High School, and are as follows:—Shirley Soieh (captain), Jeanne Wilson, Betsy Wright. Anne Kinlavson, Patricia Payne and Evelyn Macfarlane. Tney send us 1/6 Tor the silver lining fund. Thank you, girls.

Stanley Bay Sunbeam* (Stanley Bay) — We are glad to know that the Stanley Bay Sunbeams are recommencing activities for 1937. The raptain.s are Dorothy Winter and Athalie Shepard, and the secretary Jean Pollard. Members are as follow: —I. r.histenson, N. Hunter. J. Hooker. B. Abraham. M. Kennet. M. Raines, P. Raines, H. T:ieman. P. Wallen, J. Perie and B. Perle. I. (ierrard is treasurer. Good luck to the rjunbeams.

Schoolgirl Six (Northcote) —The Schoolgirl Six have their headquarters at .Northcote, and June Taylor is the captain. Members include Edna Lvdiard (vice-cap-tain). Merle Parish, Joeclyn Taylor. Pain Carta and Pat Grady. There is no entrance Tee. girls. The weekly subscription of a halfpenny is a good idea.

Sunset (Avondale) —This Is a new Avondale club, captained by Lorna Richardson, and including the rollowing members:— Mary Huston, Margaret Gillett, Eosie Hewitt, Eileen Prague]] and Shirley Harrison. A first gift rrom this club included 11 patches, several or which were in strips, two berets and a couple or little pairs or shoes.

Pamray Club (Panmure) —Thanks to the Pamrays for a parcel containing a little pram quilt, baby woollies and a collection of toys. Many thanks, Betty, for the photograph or the members. We all loved it.

Raggedy Ann Club (Remuera)—Twentynine patches and a two shilling piece put these folk on Hie ladder Willi 37 points. Congratulations on a good start.

Sunnyalde (Henderson)—Welcome to the Sunnyslde Club, or Henderson, whose nve mejnbers are captained by Joy Alsdorr, vice-captain Fay Alsdorr, and members Beryl Hindmarsh, Elaine Hindmarsh and Hetty Sinclair. Patches should be Sin square?—no smaller. It t-s not necessary to have club badges, but Sunshine clubs usually like designing little emblems to wear.

Tul Club (Avondale)—Twelve patches Trom this Avondale club, as well as a oouple or little garments—a girt which places the club on the ladder with 19 points. We welcome In Joan Crane, the latest recruit.

Tltokl School Club (Tito*!) —A Jarge warmly lined cot quilt, several books, a pair or slippers, and a baby bonnet arrived safely from the rolk or the Titoki Club to start them on* on the ladder wtth 3 5 points. • • • •

Tiny Town (Takartlal) —A big welcome to the Tiny Town people, who have Shirley Martin, or Takanini as their captain. Shirley'* club rriends include Peggy cox, Antoinette Gills trom and Sylvia Collet. Best wishes to this little country club.

Te Awamutu Guide Club— Peter Pan and t were so delighted to hear that, the Te Awamutu Guides bad rocmed themselves into a Sunshine, club, and arc setting aside 15 minutes nr their guide meetings each week Tor Sunshine work. Well done. girls. We loot forward to lots or help rrom this Te Awamutu club.

Two Cheery Chums (Green r.anei—The two cheery chums are Joycelyn Carter and Verona Aitken, and they both live at r.reen I.ane. The "chirms" arc already working- Hard for the campaign.

Merry Two ((trey Lynn)—Many thanks to the Merry Two ror a hair-crown donation in the silver lining fund. Have you noticed the alteration to your club name, girls? I'irteen nice palcvnes came along next, to be rollowed soon by a splendid quilt lining made rrom large' patches or woollen material.

Nimble Gnomes (Howick) —An opening girt or three little pairs or slippers put's these rolk on the ladder with 1> points. » • • »

New Lynn Willing Workers i:\ew Lvnn) —Our anticipation or lots or patched rrom this club was justified when this week we received SI truly excellent patches; just the right size, and very well done, girls. Thanks also Tor the threepence ror the lining rund.

Northland (Kaitala)—A big welcome to this club in the Far North. Thelma Heard is the captain, and her club mates include Lorraine Horsley, Olwyn Atkin and Pat Marsh. This enterprising Kaitala club actually built their own clubhouse ,\ tlr«t girt or a little petticoat. dress and bloomers and a dainty niirhtle. all or floral •winceyette, places the Northlanders on the ladder with 20 points.

Our Happy Band (TakapuniO— Welcome to Shirley and Moira I.ethbridire. the two newest members to Join the ranks or Our Happy Band,

Pixie* (Epsom)— First there arrived two beautirtil material patchwork quilts rrom the captain and her sister. These comprised (ray printed cottons and linens worked into a detinue design. Ne\t came a parcel or pyjamas rrom Ailsa and peggv (sent out within 15 minutes or thei'r arrival to a most urgent case), to lie rollowed by a quill comprising "Star" patches, which had been sewn up neatlv by Betty Kitchen. Another or Peggy and Ailsa's pink floral rayon lined cot quilts, warmly lined, arrived next, together with a tine parcel <>r dainty baby clothes, as well as stockings and a nice grev frown Next arrived a pair or pilrhers anil, a cap rrom Elsie, a matinee jacket and singlet rrom .Margaret, a warmly-lined crocheted cot quilt rrom Joyce, and a quilt comprising -Stai"* patches.

Pleasant (Onehunga)—Fourteen patches and two nicely knitted singlets rormed the opening girt or this club with the pleasant name. We give a hearty welcome to .Molly Scopes and Gwen '.Miller, the latest recruits.

Patchwork (Dcvonport)— An opening gin or rnnr tiny patches and a pa.r or bootees to acknowledge I'rom this club. • • » »

Pixie*' Fireside Circle (Rotorua) —Welcome to the IMxies' Fireside Circle a little new club or three at llotorua. Nola Pittnier is the captain. Jean the vicecaptain, and .Maureen Piper is iho secretary. They .-end us a dozen nice patches and a dear littlu pair or bootees. Thank you. Sunbeams.

Cinderella fAvondale^—Just when we were in urgent need or large warm quilts we opened the Cinderella's wntideiTul girt or two really marvellous quilts. One was a double bed or ninrhina« Ifiilttril samples and gaily lined; the other 8»»o gailv lined was or warm tweed squares. Our g'raterul thanks. Yet another parcel contained 4:1 loose patches. Next there arrived a tiny pair or lur-trlmined satin bootees and a knitted singlet. The last girt lor the week included a line double bed quilt containing 1 0*> patches, nicely made and lined, a single lied material patchwork quilt and one material cot quilt as well as 00 loose patches. •

Calliope Specials (Dcvonport)—The first job performed by this club was to sew up a quilt Tor us. This places thetn on the ladder with io points. A warm welcome to Tilly York, the newest member to join the Calliope specials.

Cornwall (Green l.ane —A nice girt or sixteen patches, a jumper and several new baby garments as well as a pair ol' little slippers was most welcome.

Clavana (F.llersliel — The Havana Club a brand new club in the Kllerslie district has Claire Sweet ror captain, and the following Sunbeams are helping her: — Noejene Wiggins. Moreen Wiggins. .1 .-an Stenning. Heverley stenning, Moris Wilson. Margaret I.ovatt. Valerie >\\ee| and Noeleen Thorpe our good wishes go out to this Ellcrsllc Club.

Kowhai Starlets (Kowhai School i—Las' week we omitted lo announce that Heather Itusden is tiie treasurer or the Starlets.

DoubU Trio (Remuera) —Of course we send a big welcome to mis new Remuera club. The captain's name Is Jean Huntington, and helping 1 her are the following- girls. Mary Negus. Elva Dempsey. Shirley Ford. Hetty Mushet and Marie Kngland. A splendid first parcel or SI patches and a tiny pair of slippers starts this club on the ladder with 57 points.

Devon poet Helping Hand* (Devonport— The Devonport Helping Hands are captained by Dorothy Ponder, and her members include K. King. M. King. E. Foster. D. Ponder and N. Veart. To distinguish your club from another club of the same name we have prefixed the word "Devonport." I hope you all agree to this, Sunbeams.

Fireside Companion* (Devonport) — Thirty patches for which we thank the Companions. Next a splendid parcel of a rurther 40 patches. My word girls, vou have been busy. By all means have your friends knit Tor us—it means » greater distribution of comfort and happiness."* • • • •

Golden Key Club (Te Puke^—Eight patches and a rew clothes made up this club's opening girt, and placed them on the ladder with 16 points.

Golden Star* (Avondale) —Helen Gow or the stars sends us five patches and two big cpntres. Thelma sent a nice little frock and one patch Mhe two tinv ones are or no use. Thelma).

Busy Elves 'Kohfmaran^—six patches four pairs <.r stockings and a little scarf rn>m these busy rolk of Kohi. Thank vou. sunbeams.

Blockhouse Bay Sunbeams (Blockhouse Bay—Eighty-six patches from tbe sunbeams a fine girt, girls—almost one single bed quilt.

Coronation Club (Morninpsidel—From Captain Joy r« Oslxirne we received a beautiful knitted petticoat. sinjrlet and bonnet In earn 4 0 more points for her club.

Companion Helpers (Reimonp— \ Knit tea baby outfit, a little <kirt. soefc* and bedsorks as well as a Ii;11.- toy add* 20 points to this club's total.

Comforters (at. HellerV^—A well made up quilt of star patches—a "double-bedder" arrived safely to earn our thanks.

■.r&SSfjy ! *r*™*r\iet\— .\ nice parrel to acknowledge thi.o week. F!r*t of sill «>1 knitted patches, a bain- bonnci and bootc'e* lo tliatrh. a warm sonrr and several other i.erns or clothinir. Then a dressed doll and a rouple or «rrap hook-*

Wendy's Sunshine neat 'Mount Wol.nn,, r "V" _ ,, Fi r' or an » ""•* Patchwork Inert kn; n! nutU or about 4n patches 5 1 i.h rn,Po "" n " r h-««tiriil wool™. A TI „ i,„,i «',„ iun \?r r aTI " homt. Thank you. ~ lnlhr »niv \\p vrnlrome a new "sailor" to lim Xehiiles Patroi_«hirlov Raron whom ««■ arc dented to have as a member

Wendy 1 . Willing Helper*—!=uch a nice scarlet lined rot quilt or 1jrrecn and red knitted patcne!: a<= an own' nsr eriri from this club The members Holland ,h He/,°»llr l ? ,r *unl».m* ™n«KE Thomson. Hea,fler Cam « , '-on and Pamela

Wiltons r.ynnl—Two , beaut mil \rWn»T t £ £%Z»™™ «Ofsm Windsor (Orey ''roYai" oliib. Welcome , 0 the winder «anbMihl who comprise the roiiowjSr_R""i >P T e ? ; r.ropor (rnnl.iln.. Valor!" O'Rrlon (Air*. jorjp IMinn 'secretary). p.orvl Ford , f.iv \\ ley and Mavl« Po., r =on. Good lucfcto this now Grey I.ynn club. «&T Wooden Soldiers orap.iVnVJjT ✓. Th „ \\o,„ion Soldiers live at ParSßlrl? and hoir captain is Jean Kirk. lain is Audrey rotor-sen. .i n <| membeTs *?e J* rollow:—Owen Petersen. Glvnno Thomas, novorlcy Thomas. .Tov Mn- Jean Moss. Iris Anm-don, lloithor Walker Holly \Vnlkor. Ruth' Whllrntnbe Ethel Mnn. \<>r.i rum. Tui and Nan Stevens Veno*. Hoitv. ivy and Polhr Swatllxer * warm welcome to a n. ' "'"■ A

Ngatea Sunbeams—Tin* chin, who prefer thai the personnel roniain unknown have ...ill i.s a mosi delia-htrui parrel_«u excellent quality wfnceyotto mphiies two pairs or bloomers, a hahvs dre« and a '.'■Shirts ° ,hln,rs WPrC " 10Sl val '"b"e to

Industrious Imps (To Kuitl)—Two warm bunny rot blankets (Torn the Te Vum Imps. r..r whleh wo ttiank them * • • .

Le Petit* Card* (Epsom)—F!r«t or ail wi: s,'i ;r , ; , l ;; I1 1 :'. s r hir "->- ».«,,!,?■ «> mMui thanks Tor a ntie irirt or tc palolles. whlrh brlnsrs U," <P folk Ito Ihi. lariilrr wliliji* many points

Seaside Knitters (Point Chevalier. _ I weiuy patches and a babv bonnet and ninTT pen,-., for the lliiinv Tund rormefi a u'erul Kin rrotn this Point Chevalier rluh V warm welcome In Joan Cook

..r B n£ MaV4^ , ,Vi ,n 1^ l: . aen, — Tn «* members

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 2 (Supplement)

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JOTTINGS ABOUT OUR SUNSHINE CLUSS Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 2 (Supplement)

JOTTINGS ABOUT OUR SUNSHINE CLUSS Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 2 (Supplement)