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Mil I I MED V aW* m m. m taw mw* Prices that make it *&&j l£mL j! GLOVES easy for you to «/ f J§ Fuperlor quality, Brttlsn-made Woollen Gloves. jfiL f / Reliable, ■warm, practical Tor winter wear— ■__ _,_, _ - / made with novelty striped astrachan gauntlets Ml Q W% B» 1 I / and brash-wool hands. Orange, Red, Green, ■ ■ wm Wm mm \ M Beautiful quality fringed Nappa Skin Gloves, * with elastic wrist and gauntlet. Brown only In hand-blocked Fur Felts, Velour, Velvets, etc. Charming shapes Sizes 6i to 7*. An extra good sale value—- * nd styles to suit all. in Browns, Navy, Brown, Wine, Greens, Usually 12/6 pair. Fawns, etc Originally 35/6 to 4»/« each. To Claar: ]£/£ Sale Priced 3/11 Originally 35/- to 59/« eaeH. To Claar: IQ/£ Simplex Gloves, with noveltv gauntlets in . *^/ w Beige, Light and Mid Grey. Dependable wear- Originally 58/- to S«/- each. To Ciwri M/jC ing. In aU sizes—Originally 5/11, 6/11 pair. 9*l** _ . _ VARIOUS TABLE GROUPS OF THE SEASON'S SMARTEST READYSale Priced C/& TO-WEARS ARE SALE PRICED TO CLEAR—Styles with flat. higU and zr " w medium crowns, toques and new sporty styles. AH the wanted shades. Perfect fitting, splendid wearing Nappa Skin Usually 9/11 l»/« 17/6 19/6 to 29/6 Gloves or selected skins. In Dark and Mid SaloPriosd: m/h A/IS «*/< « e /< Brown, sizes 5i to 71—Usually 5/11 pair. 7/« 9/H 12/© 15/* ■ BR*aSR aat. ■ aVamaV m m mama a—■ «ar CONTINUES NEXT WEEK 6 T" ""-SL-sUrr JST/T A¥T ,„ „ Presenting the Season's Greatest Values with unusually Low *7/° • Use JCL S Easy • Displayed JCL/s Convenient e Prices **"• keynote on all floors. Now is a good time Furnishing Floor. Lay-by to save on all House Linen, Furnishing and Personal needs. Sale Price Savings in BSSSSSnBSBSSBSSS»S«BSMBSMBSSSSSSSS^BaBSSS^BSSMBSSSSSSBBSSSaBS^BnBBBMBBBSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSSS««»^B^^^^^^^ COIR DOOR MATS a sale savings in smart In Size, to Meet AD Requirements *-*£ FASHIONS FOR YOUNG FOLK Sizes Sale Prices Sale Pries* Saleßrloaa jL 24 xH — Plain: 2/6 Stencilled: 2/8 Extr » Heavy: Ml &&%!!?zfyoWsmfai 27 x 16-Plain: 3/3 StenciUed: 3/ g Eur. «. /2 Rl—sak Priced «t-If/6 a^^ 30 xlB —Plain: Ml* StenciUed: a/« Extra Heavy: ««r*w*,« « ««*.* „ , v. ... «».«.,««.„ lir /^J-*&>l •'* */* e/4 JRa?^ < J&mi WOOLLEN KNITWEAR FROCKS 33 x 20—Plain: mfc Stencilled: mif Extra Heavy; *•/£ WstWmiifflWm wa-a-a-ni iuuittmia rnvuw tt?V Jl 3C x 22 —Plain: e/*« Extra Heaw- a IM\ WnTStSftSAMM An exceUem, very neat style for the growing strl. One ./Iw 5/11 txvra "e* g/5 |jg ¥vMmria or various styles obtainable at the above low price in oar MAKk —v. Ertra largo aiza for hotala, churohes, boarding heusoo and puMio oMoaa. WM f" m. &&F Children's Wear Showroom. Shades: Tango Bottle, Rust.^. Size 391n. v 241n. size fiin. x 2f,ln. Size 451n. x ?*ln L 3 Brown Ma«K>n; also Con«tloti Blue—Uaoally -3/6. 25/6. dZveßW&fW^ •*••: IA/JC 8ale: *"»/at Salo- ««*/» WM Rl—ln sizes 30-32. Others 34 to 40-meb. tt^fi-TvE^ffirA NBWSST OVAL-SHAPBO COIR MATB—Size: 30ln. X 181n. 4CL Sale: -/» xSS^oPwS^^. *"""" OWAL * HAPE - JCL -'• , 4/3 O ESEIM R2—Sale Priced lf/o 22/« ! BMALL COIR MATS—For motor car use. Size: 18in. x 12in. W?&st*&SiM . _ __■--_._ .. .. ,_,. ,_ ____„._ \ _ Vas^flL?' ' ts&/A.-4& jcl sai. : E««i,. feiM KNITTED WOOL JUMPER SUITS y^gm^^ _ _ ~ _ _ An a*hnlrable Winter Suit, featnrinff the newest nnishlng l"^^^^^^\ f*fllß MA TTINI. sat- Ss»la PripM Wlfwm touches of coloured wool embroidery on yoke to contrast. IJrlMfii&MmX v ' v, ** v 1T »- * lU ' U *•* »>J«*C * riV«5». Superior quality and finish. In Rose. Wine, Almond. Royal ImW&Bmmm Widths: 18-lncli 22i-incli 27-lnch 3C-inch 54-lnch 2?!«^ l .a#f IMS: 241n - S7tn - 301 a * nd 33m — U8aaUir \<<&2\ XX* JCL 8al«: jyrjQ y«rd. 2/4 V-««- 2/10 Yard ' 4/- Y,r<l - 4/11 TTTT &m^m COLOURED COIR MATTING also .'it Itodured Prices. Two wldlll*— \ I I / /^HPwliW* 27-inoh: Sale Priced 2/4 3/— ?/? \ I / li T S 36-inch: 5... Prioad |^J 4/ 3 \ 1/ CHILDREN'S WOOLLEN LUMBER IgL • MEASUREMENTS TAKEN AND QUOTATIONS GIVEN FREE OF EXTRA Ai W\ JACKETS and CARDIGANS /t^S^f^^Z OHAR6E AT SHORTEST NOTICE. Ml! / IMMMTW^aMR fflf V v Sale Priced 5/H 7/M (■&«[' Jjz£M*r d 1 « a A so*" 1 selection or these warm, serviceable garments tor \ "V "TfcaaS-J -a-< 3 rv I— — ly/O winter comfort in assorted eoloartnga. Saxe. Fawn. Marma. \ \ I I fSZSOSSS STT "Ni ——ia— Brown, sues: 24m.. 26bx» 28la» 301*, SSUi, tinnlly V -\-J I _ W a° v 7 SILK WEAVES British Leother Amazingly Low Priced! HAND BAG S HSIKI uM-TTrr, Figured ART. CREPES 36-inch ** Extra Low Sale Prices! rflM-mjfMi rVINI I ItU A grouping of Art Crepea. originally |/_ I 1 / 11, with attractive floral deaigna, for |/™ « I WOOI Day and Evening Frock. light and v , &t V ■ ~aj iW mmMl ▼ V^V-'1 - dark ground*. Yard J i M A F*if f, I#VW \fe 'iavSl \|J I ■ S E>l • AOT /M»I7I>CC at least 30 styles In Morooco M igb LEL Plain ART. an(l ca i r , wm, handles or >^^^B^SBB FT '" ; VAll'-'lif a i«.pular dulinnUhed w«eare for r l, thumb also a few unl- (Ulfl A M| t § ' 4 n f C_l a and cnUdren's rrocKs. nigfttwear, etc. An •*"-"**-" taUon croc-grained leatnera In aVI BR r*» : a : J ; «fe l [J A / V I •■ *' v ■'*- , »3«*C asionlstilnir vaiti*-. In Win.". Oran*?. Shell. 4 / B , act and Brown omy. others Hn BR I { 'HI : I^si'*vf\ ; : \M // / / Vr O • f Cherry, Hello., Coral, Salmon, Beige, Fawn, I/ ■ _ . r««n r slm WWRRRRRRRRRaaRR tetLj? Hit *ftVk ,S/ rriCeSi Apricot, Lemon, Bottle, Nil, Saxe. Royal. ■/ 1" Navy, Red, Green, Fawn. |\U ■ BAMn 1 I "■ * ;f /((lAf Sk 5- Turqnoise. Navy, Wnite, Black— Ya«J Grey. Tan, Black and Brown. WRRRRRRRRRRaaaaI mWf A R»* *'4 A A \vV" Orlg-inal Value, 1/11. IBra A atrlking Sale Value in Raa9 BR H-K (y VV - | OUTSTANDING RANGE OF Bags originally 10/-, lift, HaP pf BMART IMPORTED ALL-WOOL ~,,., -ad, «R| C ! K"'> BUITS anrt Jumper Suits, com- 17:«™—*»J rDPPP m? rUINTQ 9a.moh a^aaaaa^^^^ VJ Bp;f J prising three-quarter coats or riglired CKrJ*t Ut. CMIPICO 00-UlCll 1 . A short, snappy styles. Plain or A 144 PiS'A ?!? a i ecl skl i; ts V b S ck and rront - Pure Silk quality for Frocks. In Spot //ll I. aa« # a » favoured shades, at substan- , _ , - , . , ■■/ ■ ■ at ai E/■ tial savirig-s. S.W. and W. sizes. and Floral effects on dark grounds. v , *m # aEllßlt ''S"a«y 55/-. 69/6 75/-, 79/6 85/- I aid sffl , --, Ba '* priMs: 29/6 49/6 59/6 MtnT 8m » rl «n«»vi<iotl styles gl^^g F rsually 07/6 5gn3.. s»?ns. CJf Wavmi IC SANTOYS In this outstanding Sale offer fffal Bk ( / \ \ Balo Prices: 69/6 70/*S " OVe " »3aaJV —nearly 100 different styles aaa\ /~/ u Smart self-coloured stripe in pin and 36i11. In Morocco, lizard, pig skin og-«K§ B MODEL PURE WOOL BUITB—In Navy, Brown, Wine, New Blue, etc Newest block effects, superior heavy quality and handles or Hlflj H fancy, trimmed styles, all sale priced much helow usual. with a rich finish, for Frocka and A /<S4J thumb strap* an with modern I Price- o«#i %l\'i. Ensembles. Colour.: Bottle. Lido. J/ || mounts and'dttlngs. Black. ■ ■ 89/6 97/6 Wine, Saxe, Nigger, Mid Brown, Air- Brown, Navy, Red, Green, «E B^B^B^^^ SPECIAL , SELECTION OF 0.5., ALSO X.O.S. BIZES IN PURE WOOLLEN force Blue, Navy, Black Originally Yard Fawn, Grey Orlffinany 20/-, mß^ KNITTED SUlTS—Excellent short and three-quarter coat styles, with revers 6/11. 25/-, 29/6. 32/6. and collars or fastening- to neck—rsually SJgns £5/10/6 JCLBa * : 97/6 97/6 I Also S.W., W. Sizes—rsually 84/- 07/ C tOS/JCL Sale Prices: »JC / na// OA/at iPfHKSSI 75/- 79/6 89/6 As9t3L Npwp»t V<al VA f m Pleaae Wake Second Choice. PICWCSt V dVet |£ y<>u » re f on J Q f •™~~——aa«a**....aa_______ M _ i^^—V E E akl ■ BaVl «f* Great Sale Value ! « Bf EHIWII Hand-cut Cosy Felt COATEES CRYSTAL SLIPPERS at Sale Prices! shop in jcl^» "■ BRaw joM A<£WSgE3=*3&Soßr T ne season's newest styles In lovely BR\ t- f 1 m aßiftf BUck Sfllc Velv «. »Ned Suit ___ _. ___ __ _ I for l/ll ( riSm* &tMklmmwm 3™**™°°- simuar to mu.«.. ART. CHINA "• ' •— \ W&hS^. r mWKIf usually _ 4»/e 55/- sg/6 A good quality, well finished, cosy Slipper, Sale Priced Extra Low. As illus- \ /Al+<&^M^Wftl°M JCLBaU: 45/— 49/6 55/— SH O W RGa^a^ trated, with binding to contrast. Cushion sole and heel; also pom on toe. \ , , <OL _"lXi "m-ww- ■ Shades: Rose, Saxe, Green, Navy, Cherry, Brown, Black. Sizes 3 to 7. >✓ l ■"""■^■^™a^ \ AFFE IA. WHERE SPECIAL TABLE DISPLAYS mm m. n# ««■!%.■««• ■_ ■ a «■-mpimvi aa,i \>< \ J PfiATFFQ OF EXQUISITE CUT CRYSTAL ODOBARG INS in the LACE SECTION r^SSL V / - E " TB «■ VA6ES B * L *° bowls * W^m^ 7 •A« GOBLETS, TUMBLERS. WATER , c_u -f -y/< Mf m •lw mustrarea. SETB ARE SALE MARICED AT r» •.. i vi- l.j t • d • j i_i jit •«■ A Particularly attractive Evening CLEARANCE PRICES! Uainty L«ce Nightdress lops in beige 4<apble net needlerun lace, with M L» r -\ \\ Coatee, with newest elbow-lenirth «,-.--.-,_., .. sleeves Usually 3/6. I / \ \ \ P un * sleeves, and wide revers. .e2^L?£-*J^.^2 F I I I \ \ Shades: White. Lemon. Cherry. Ml. 21-PIECE ENGLISH CHINA TEASBTS C-l- «* t I I ' I I "lack. Aqua with seir coin spot— ■» ,5 r f 8, ' v n reduced prices— Lsually sale Kneed at 1/— I | 1 usually 27/6. a9 ° lo u9^° Princess Slip Tops in Cream double net with motif front—Usually 1/11. I * \V,\ I I JCL Sa,e Price: 25/— ** ,e Pricwi 49/6 t0 69/6 JOHN COURT LTD. - JCL SALE QUEEN ST.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 17