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WANTED KNOWN. PUPILS WANTED. __ A BOUT All-wool Imports Jumper Suits. \ BAXDO.V Fear—Swim in six lessons.— A Wonderful values. 25/ to 39/o.— A i rands, Tepid Baths. Phone MeCahc's, Newton. _i* 44 °"''- . .—.—_ .. -0 ABOUT Cash Orders on all stores— See A BSOLUTELY Easy Methods Swimming Star Cash Order Co., Colonial Mutual -in. results assured.—Professor Audersou Bl<l_. (Ist Floor). Queen St. Phone 42-061. D Ti-]iid Baths. j> A CHIXG Feet Corns, Callouses Treated. \ DVERTISEMENT Writers—Learn to J\- Kelief. assurer!.—Russell and Long. St. Draw your own Layouts special night Kevins Arcade, opp. Rondell's: 42-4S'->. _■ class. —Wakeheld College, Palm, rstou Bldg. LKA-SELTZEK Effervescent Tablets, _jj indi"estion HatuleiKV, headaches; 2->. A LOHA Music School—2/C Class Lesson "./; S, IT/6. Dewar, Box 1621, Auckland. Walter Smith's. Lewis Bldgs. B ' , _; ABT Basketwork, Pen Fainting; prosA NDDKTON, Bishop. Herbalist and -<-"»- pectus posted.—Miss Aviing, Strand -f\- Chemist. —Bronchitis. Asthma. Catarrh. Arcatjg. ; S 239, Syntonds -St.. opp. Post Ulßce. D RT M _ TAL W ORK, Pewter Work (Light i UXOLIN Dandruff Treatment villi ,__. an _ Heavy Gauges;. Woodwork and ■*■*- Electric Massage.—J. Jensen, Three p> o kerwork. CoTupetent Tuition. lun|>s MI'S MISS A. I>. SMITH, -I.AI. LEGS! Treat them successfully at 0, Prospect Tor (off Valley KcL, Mt. Eden) J J home. Varex method permanent, sale, _ .— zi~- 2J_ inexpensive. Wonderful free book)'t from TJEKT SKLLLs—Singing, \ oice ProducVarex. Ltd., Box 15r»Sz. Wellington. „ Local XJ '»>»■ improved method?. I'h. 2S-270. B representative: Nurse Vane-Wallace, ."2. St. Engineering School (re-'is Kevin's Arcade. Karangahape ltd- Auck. __U tored) provides Classes and Postal I>L\NKETS Coats, Flocks, Drapery, Courses in Steam, Oil. Diesel and Grade A .> weeklv payments, approved clients in Motor Engineering. Also Electricity ami res. wk.—Levin, Bon Marehe Bldgs. Newton Radio. All our course* are up-to-date and = B Coiuprelieiisivo.—Colwill s Chambers, SwanTSaSU Orders on all leading stores.— son St.. Auckland. C.l. g \J Consult Supreme Cash Order Co., Ltd., / 10MMEKCIAL Art—.exceptional highForesters' Building. Albert St. Ph. 45-440. \J grade personal instruct inn : £2 ]~/ D term.—Wakefield College, Paiinurston Bldg., ( IHKKSK. good qu-aliry. wliile, from Od 47. Qi-een St. jj VV lh: anv qsantity supplied.—J. Jones. T-vIKSEL Engineering. Our expert Curres. Ltd., City Markets. _| ■*-' training ensures success.— Druh-i-h Col! LJPPER Delivery, 2U4". Hobsou St. City . O Parcel Express. Furniture removals T-vKESSMAKING, Designing, Pattern-mak-anywhere.—Phone 4i»-6iio. D U ing, thorough per.-i.nal tuition; success 7 ION'STIPATK i.N Cured.-- McLeod Craig's assured. —Hollywood School, tij, Queen St. \J Herbal Syrup. —St. Kevins Arcade. B D D" ~EVR Fred—Don't brush your Dental "TVBBSSMAKIXG Made Easy.—The SelPlate ; I use Kemdex, the new immer- ■ LJ phit System.—Miss Ashton, I'laza Bldgs. sion method. Get a bottle from your Chem- . . C ist. 2/. _ KHS TvKESSMAKINO. Patterns. Classes, Selwyn \ ._._...,-,.„ ■ L/ Coll.. Safe Deposit I'ldg.. Vulcan Lane. *_ T)HNTIST TTOWIOY yyALKER. ■ [TK Hairtlr ,. ss , _.„., Brunswick BldgT. „_,_ J-* Queen St. Thorough Tuition.—42-031 P BETTER TEETH FOR LESS MONEY. xl , E l._ Ttliti „„, shot-thand. Typing^ Comer opposite John Court, Ltd. P. -Li Miss Clarke. 11. S_rn__ St. 41-147. C /TALL Stones dissolved by H''' ""^Tl^-^Z , TUitl °" IT Cooper. Chemist. Victoria St. FS ___ guaran.eed.-_'_'S, Queen sr. B 7, 77, I . "MISS GREENWOOD'S Commercial School rjET RID OF PILES —Zann Treatment ___%_!_ N, wmarket. Individual instruction VT gives immediate and permanent relict. Slinpthjul ,,_ Tvpewriling. Bookkeeping. p Send nmepeuce in stamps tor genetous — . . —-—--——-- — sample IroTUK Driving— B. A. Maylnll, late A.A. ZAXN I'TY- ___ ____ License Instructor. Ph. 14.J:.'3. C Box rir.2 (A.S.i, Wellington. RC -iro'j'OK Driving, cheaply, quickly.—E. INECTO" Hair Dve. Set o/. Pox 10/6. — -»■»*- Lawson. License guaranteed.—Ph. .Miss Borgolte. City Chambers.- B 2S-012. C KEMDEX makes your Dental plate fresh -pADIO Ops. wanted. Shortage qualified and clean; a new modern way. No IX nion. —Inquire N.Z. Radio College, Winbrushing. You will be delighted. 2/. All st nn e Bldgs. S , ' l "'" liy ' s - . I{—1 { — C_HORTHAXD. Typewriting, Bookkeeping. lADILS, obtain I'erfeet Health. Send Knglish, tit Auckland Business College. ■1 stamped envelope.—Dewar. Box IU2I. 11 ' p TATCH Keys Duplicated iinuicdiately. — CjIIOWCARD Ticket Writing successfullv J Builders' Supplies, Ltd.. Av. C © tnuuht.—K System, 79, Customs St. K. T USTKOUS hair! Obtain it with Slieena Phone 42-101. MS XJ shampoo. Contains no harsh alkali. f Cure, scientific, Psvchologi!>d packet from John Court, Ltd. KD ~;,!. —1.5.1.. S4. Shortlan.l St. Also corres MADAME IIYLANI). l'hrenologist, o, R Winchester St., off Newton Ed. Friends. — B A N INVITATION. MADAME YVONNE, certificated Psy- -*-"*- cliologist. vocation and health adviser: Ladies. Call or Phone for particular? of the Lomlon, America. —Ph. 28-304. C „ RACHEL Hair Tonic grows coiour ba.k 'MODEHSE' SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING. i-\ from roots to tip of every strand, a <<■ CUTTING, ETC., John Court, Ltd. RD „..«,„„, „ „,o 7Z . „, L : , —r, — r- T Dilwdrth Bldgs. Room 203. C UAWS and Machinery Knives (.rounil: IO Brazing, Setting, Repairs; work guar- " anteed.—Thompson, Sims. Cook St. B _„-..„,. , , -, . ! TI.VTUA knowledge means extra pay. rnWtwiTi bosp tinwtwn lu Acquire that business knowledge by SOAP POWDER, s ,,are time study of an I.CS. Course. Over :!(HI Courses iuclinle Accninjancy. KngineerThe Speedy, Sure Cleaner for Clothep. ing (all branches i. Commercial Art. Dishes, etc. RD Journalism. Retail Management. Advertis- _ , . ing. Send for Free Prospectus, stating your IVt'AK False Teeth? How's your breath V subject—no obligation. ' * Take no risks, use Kenidex the new oxygen cleanser for dentures. No brushing required. 'J. I . All Chemists and Stores. ItHS -\T O U K HE \ L T H INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE J. ' SCHOOLS. Dept. BDemands Better Teeth. ,„, „ , ■..-,,■ . , , , We Help With Easy Terms 101 ' >Z ' Insurance Building. Auckland, or RKTTKK MNTrttE COV Dci>t - 1! " 13S - Victoria Street, , Hamilton. 40G. N.Z. InsurancV Bldgsl Queen St. S __■ RESSCUTTING. Designing, Dress- .. __.. ._.„...., ....,,,.,. i.wu» ~,,„u s making.—lndividual Tuition by Experts ■*■ Cleaning, ensures students the right training. Our MFTrnn i>nrTcrnvc «• . v methods are recognised all over the world. METEOR 10LISHING WAX. KD No chartg or complicated measurements. ——————— _ Personal or Postal Lessons. Fees are from 30 '. Success is guaranteed. Call, write or Phone 47-260 for Free Booklet.—McCAßE ACADEMY OF DRESSMAKING. the \ XD don't forget Foremost and Largest School of Fashion. -t"!L* Fourth Floor, Colonial Mutual Bldgs., 15!*. Queen Street, Auckland. 8 NCGGI-.'T Voir.- Shoes Every Morning. ___ = _______________ = ___ = ____^_ == MACHINERY FOR SALE. TS — "" — , A IK Compressors, various sizes, new, used. TTJXCK, ciATIX<; RiIh'I'MATIC PAIXS- Pederast ~~ I)unshcath - % L ™% ±J -I hanks to It.r.K. the terrible pains ■ 2 in niy legs have, gone.'' writes Mr. C. V. A C.E.C. MOTORS—A.C. MOTORS from Stanley, Xietta Station, Tasmania. R.l'.R. ■"■• i h.p. upwards always in stock. is the new scientific remedy for Rheit- Attractive prices. mutism. Lumbago. Sciatica. Xeuritis and Gout—K.lK. Rheumatic Treatment ilarge ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO.. l™k 'guanuite,' 1 ' 1 Halt'size "wUhont F " rt £*£££*: LS2SS «jj§2: E antee 4 . Free I'.ooklet from all Demits A ELUM Electric Co.. Ltd.. Anzac Ave., of Hutchinson Bros.. Ltd., and Invincible Auckland, for Electrical Motors and Cash and Carry >Wc_ Lid. 1; 11s M»ehi"ery. Phone 32-160. C Hl'Tl'Wvr in,. ir,.,f v..—- ii . ! TJELTING, Filiriue Paint, Pyrunia Cement, Scotch Firebrick,. Manning's, Newm'kt^ Neuritis, Insomnia, Anaemia. Weakness and ■ - =" ~ ~ ~ t Skin Disorders j T3OILERS, Boilers, all sizes: Loghaulers. to. Radiant Health and Happiness take -L» steam and oil driven; Swinging Goomj .... . . ~ HITUWAI. Frame; Boiler Tubes; Water Piping; Vertiliotaiuaiilc trimi cal Breakdown Frames: Breast and TravelXL IL vSILWART AXD CO.. ling Benches.—F. Appleton. Artnur St.. 4'.!,:, Karangahape Road. | Newmarket. C Price - » 1 '« ,,,, 4V ,,, „} Ut - RKAMLEV & GOW. Engineers. Machinists. ' (Please' m.ui'tion "Star. "I »i 4U ' WakelleW St.. Repair all Machinery. ! ~~~ I ¥ MIX AXD TAKE YOUR OW.\ Ti lilV£l! Saw Denches, Handsaws, PlanKHBUMATIC REMEDY. -»-'crs. Jigsaws. Macncill. 7u, Wyndham St. Mix up your own highly satisfactory and . J? sure Rheumatic Remedy—buv a 0,0 packet Ti AS '''''"'"ei-r, i<> li.ji.. lor driving mill or of Binna. the three months' supply i mine.—l *.i >. Box :i.s. reliever of liheuniatisn: and allied pain'iul • x V'l'Hl" -<~,.,.,.. ... ~; , 77- 7777~ ailments, due to excessive Uric Ac.d.' Every L bed all , .. ? ,U a ' ,n . ro;; ' JJI " does a worl'd of good, cverv nickrt w,,i . accessaries J h.p. motor, overgives you new freed.uu' from torture and r .',. t if',- l ', tc - «».»'»»" te. juinable bene h : , discomfort. Sold on Money .refund Guaran ' "'' ' " :llly '"'"■'- "'""" -"-"'• ±> tee by Chemists. RWS "V"E\V Wire Rope. Pump. Jacks and ~~ " — -*-* Timber -lacks. —Sawyer. Newmarket. D M Vr„/„! °'V S '-F — ~ pULLEYS. spilt steel, any size or type.— .Motor accidents, sudden death, injurv. A Mervyn Abel. Chaucerv St., 44-716. C litigation are unpleasant, unprofitable FTTTv 7^ —TTTi—^7 — r~- r - r : and nvoidahlr ' ' X J Machine Knives, any size or rtenl ••voi'it t'l'OTrcTiov ■• , kind. All Sawmill Accessories' a Lead IOLR IKHLtJION,' on sale at speciality.—Thompson. Sims. Cook St. B 1.AIK1) BROS.. .; —; ~ ~ : —: . ri>,ime »n f 1/< 111 ' A ' ( • Motors, new. silicic phase: Claims Adjusters, or /4 7 > .—Richardson. Duriia-n St S Ki'.ALY'S BOOK STORE, ~ Shortland St reet, Auckland. "TYRI VE R " POWER TOOLS. 2/ti. S -L* IJHEUMATOID \RTHRITIS \M) \AA For rr o f °s s ional and Amateur Craftsmen, A* CHRONIC RHEUMATIC DISEASES. t0 turn ,?"/ ??.';') ™ ovk l l ulck] - T - Wonderful doctor's dis- v i^^^-' covery, known as RUMARI, banishes -til Itj&A " *■• LA } ,"Bs. b LEX! BLL SHAI■!?, rheunuit'u' diseases. Mrs. M. A Mnold 7" MOIORS. Etc. Sarstield StreA. Blacktown. writes-' "i JAMES A. MACXEILL, ve.yi C s !^' i n imhl v l:3 t °»r?« J J < ;?. rs - a,ul am f:: ' 70 - w . v "'Huim Street. Auckland. « ,r? , ; S V lollr "U-MAHI is absolutely rostal: C.1'.0. Box SJ4. S wonderlul—l am nearly able to walk after — ______^__________ six years in a wheel chair I have ' V^&l£^ t fo.Sfis&* l o sff u CARS FOR HIRE. KtVuTsu' C ' Bharlana ' " d - CUemUt _ CARS REXTED TO DRIVE " - rV - YOURSELF. — ~ Week days from 0 ■ per half day. 10/ per day. BIRDS FOR SALE SHORTERS RENTAL CARS. TTf! vi'iiciT —T~ rr~; : r ' 9 - Siior;l,ind St. Ph. 4Hu;i. D ]>1-I.\ EDI'.KE Aviary. Birds cannot disJ • appoint .von. always reliable; Budgies A CCKLAXD KEXTAL CARS. LTD. IoU. IS colours.—2b. \iM,im a v.. Mt. Eden. IS **- Albert Street, opp. Public Trust— 7>l DGERMiARS, ready for breedin- from °" Iy Xl ' w ( ' :!rs " f ,IIP Latest Mode!. All -*-■* --'>.—:>. Spem-er St.. Reniuecn "' "r lnak es at your disposal without drivers. u : n^: ab!c k « ,m - ° ur vi >% JJ 1,,...--l'arrot Shoppe. S. Victoria St. C - riUDtjIKS yellow, green. this f>ARS RENTED WITH'H'I DRIVERS. J » bins: cheap; call Sunday.—-, Phillip Vv The Largest Fieri in New Zc.K.-ind. ''" ] ""sonny. '~ A ,j ,_.,,, M M ,„.,.] 5. T>UIKiIES. Canaries. Zebra Finches, read- SHORTERS RENTAL CARS. U'ale-'i'T'''" I "'""''' - M . : ' r,i " Av - I'i'ince ..V "'••'. Shortland S;. I'!,. j4 ="'.L D C H vijßiTsdTnrr) canaritS 1 K^s-Viwiu"'av:;;i:bi;:^; : ada,;';'s Par": ,Mw.r,.,1", , v I '" nlt; ' wonderful length, ing Station, ('.rev's Av. 17. D correct type and quality. Yon cannot obiait " r"es-G D o ['vfs U, '-u lor v qi, , a ' li, 'y- If «' ils " nal "« P, A" s VOK II IK V. haul PI, 1-7,';••] ' ° 4 ' ArUbl St " O WITHOUT DRIVERS. i/i. 1.,;- oontrolle,! ..,..,iV "" '" Cb """' f '"" ! "' Mi ''" M '" ! '""'' ** Budgies._o3. BawhiU Kd, uluduulga l "' "" K U '- V - 1 " ' ' : ' ''' : ' nu,nc -Ki-.i!;;:'" 1 ' A! "" rt s::v,tiiiuiH's in the Dominion: wonden'n! new shipment.—Johnnie Walker's !•/•> Contractors to Tourist Bureau. Is Queen St. •' /-; ; FOR HIRE. T A lVp,„i ,!?"!'.••" , i];" 1 tW , a Iking.- TJOTTLE Jacks. Timber Jacks. Ev. I.adJ- I rentier Bird Shop, 177. Ponsonby Rd. _2 «'ers. —Sain While. Market l'i j____.'J.' C CHECKER Deliverv. K;:ri.: v ure. Fruit: suburbs twice ____________-'_ I' POULTRY FOR SALE. "pAXCY Costumes. Dinner. M..rn;"iig. Ev. uTJUI.LETS. ti i i,e„ -,7/•: i„ f ~ »-.; , ins r s Catalogue 2.1; c-.ntiv f Street, (irev Lynn ' _ °' lU :',' t \ "l^crx.— DesJree Hansen. Dilworfj 81-ig. T HE „^ ne I >roven ,«ay of obtaining winter V^Vi^ 175 ' • (;i i' :;::< ,s ' '" ,/ i: ' ,y ' '^ '" "Ti it i. Csg 2 lind huKOT Profit—Ears wood Ut,mcsl "-' Vacuum Co.. V\> I i •■'». i> Poultry Sp;ce .containing ground nsVc?°i ~~ T ~~ = ~ ~~' " = Costs only halfpenny daily for twelve hens' Obtainable trom all dealers. :1 ",il FARM IMPLEMENTS WANTED__ ■ - ■ : -- - - J',-.;, and !;.,••.":-.- -ID.lra CANARIES FOR SAI g. "" "'"' M,: " ''"" ''" :;i '' "_' "ITiXIIIBITHiX Yorks-bir,. Ttid St ~-k Pi ]" HTnrv n, ? V Fthn. ff s-, Vl !r i( Wted;'botU sex- OFFICE APPLIANCES FOR SALE. i_iui, ... i.tnet St.. Sauilriu"b-iio •»•• ■ -L- bank Bd„ Avondale. " __61 SIAK. S ° ' £ - 5 -~ li^uii - -^~

\ BSOLUTELY Easy Methods Swimming ■£*- results assured.—l'rofessor Anderson' Teiiid Baths. A DVERTISEMENT Writers—Learn To J\. Draw your own Layouts, special night class. —Wakefield College, Palm, rstou Bldg.' __a ALOHA Music School—2/0 Class Lesson Walter Smiths. Lewis Kldgs. B A BT Basketwork, Pen Painting; prospectus jiosted.—Miss Ayiing, Strand Arcade. \ § \ RT METAL WORK, Pewter Work (Light A and Heavy GaugesL Woodwork and Pokcrwork. Coiopctent Tuition. MISS A. I>. SMITH, 6, Prospect Tor. (off Valley Kd., Mt. Eden) Phono 1.V.54-'. Ws' ERT SKEELS—Singing, Voice Production, improved methods. I'h. 2S-270. B "OOWEK'S Engineering School (registered) provides Classes and Postal Courses in Steam, Oil, Diesel and Grade A Motor Engineering. Also Electricity anil Radio. All our courses are up-to-date and Comprehensive.—Col will's Chambers, Swanson St.. Auckland. C.l. g /COMMERCIAL Art—Exception;.! _I_7- ' grade personal instru.-tion: £2 pi/ term.—Wakefieid College. Paiinurston Bid" 47. Qiron St. jb DIESEL Engineerincr. Our expert c>.rres. training ensures success.— Druleigb. Col D DRESSMAKING, Designing, Pattern-mak-ing, thorough per.-i.nal tuition; success assured. —Hollywood School, 6J, Queen St ____> RESSMAKIXG Made Easy.—The SeTphit System.—Miss Ashton, I'laza Bldgs C DRESSMAKING. Patterns. Classes. Selwyn Coil.. Sale Deposit I'ldg.. Vulcan Lane. "_ 171 LITE Coll., Brunswick Bldgs., - 1 Queen St. Thorough Tuition.—42-020. Q EXPERT Tuition, Shorthand. Typing.— Miss Clarke. 11. Swanson St. 41-147. C HAIRDRESSING— N.Z. College, Tuition g.i.-iran.eed.— L'l'S. Qn__ll St. Jj MISS (iREENWOi.D'S Commercial School. X. wmarket. Individual instruction Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. P, MOTOR Driving— B. A. Mayhill, late A.A. Post License Instructor. Ph. H.-J-_'3. y MOTOR Driving, i-lieaply. quickly.—E. Lawson. License guaranteed.—rii 2S-012. C I>ADIO Ojis. wanted. Shortage qualified men. —Inquire N.Z. Radio College, Winstone Bldgs. S C_HORTHAND. Typewriting, Bookkeeping. ij English, tit Auckland Business College. p CMIOWCARD Ticket Writing successfully taucht.—K Svstem, 79, Customs St. E. Phone 42-101. MS i ITAMMERING Curr. seientilic. Psychological.— 1.5.1.. S4. Shortland St. Also corres. _R A N INVITATION. Ladies. Call or Phone for particular? of the 'MODERNS' SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING, CUTTING, ETC., . DilwoVth Bldgs. Room 203. C knowledge means extra pay. ■i Acquire that business knowledge by spare time study of an I.CS. Course. Over :;<HI Courses incliule Accunjancy. Engineering (all branches.. Commercial Art. Journalism. Retail Management. Advertising. Send for Free Prospectus, stating your subject—no obligation. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. Dept. 8.. 101. X.Z. Insurance Building. Auckland, or Dept. 8., 13S, Victoria Street, , Hamilton. RD ~T\RESSCUTTING. Designing, Dress- -*-' making.—lndividual Tuition by Experts ensures students the right training. Our methods are recognised all over the world. No charts or complicated measurements. Personal or Postal Lessons. Fees are from 30 '. Success is guaranteed. Call, write or 1 Phone 47-260 for Free Booklet.—McCAßE ACADEMY OF DRESSMAKING. the Foremost and Largest School of Fashion, Fourth Floor, Colonial Mutual Bldgs., 15!*. Queen Street, Auckland. 8 MACHINERY FOR SALE. 4 IK Compressors, various sizes, new, used. Sale, Hire. — Dunsheath, 05. Lower Federal Sr. s A C.E.C. MOTORS—A.C. MOTORS from "■' i h.p. upwards always in stock. Attractive prices. ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO.. Fort Street. Phone 41-980. E ALLUM Electric Co.. Ltd.. Anzac Ave., Auckland, for Electrical Motors and Machinery. Phone 32-160. C "OELTING, Filiriue Paint. Pyrunia Cement, - 1 -* Scotch Firebricks'. Mannings, Newni'kt. B "DOILEES, Boilers, all sizes: Loghaulers. -*-* steam and oil driven; Swinging Goose Frame; Boiler Tubes; Water Piping; Vertical Breakdown Frames: Breast and Travelling Benches.—F. Appleton. Arthur St.. Newmarket. c DKAJILEV & GOW, Engineers. Machinists. J-» 40, Wakehel-J St., Repair all Machinery. I B T~\RIVEK Saw Benches, Handsaws, Plan- -*-' ers. Jig;>aws. Macncill, 7u, Wyndham St. , . B / C\S Producer, to h.p.. lor driving mill or VT mine. — Box _7__ -J.\ T ATHE. Screw Cutting. 3iu centres, 22iu f~* bed. all accessories j ]~,,. motor, overhead gear. etc.. all mounted |u.rtable bench: practieally new.—'l'liono 2-"i-."iQ7. 2". "VEW Wire Rope. Pump. Jacks and ■__ Timber Jacks. — Sawyer. Newmarket. D IJULLEY'S, spilt steel, any size or tvpe.— Mervyn Abel. Chancery St.. 44-716. C SAWS and Machine Knives, any size or kind. All Sawmill Accessories a speciality.—Thompson. Sims. Cook St. B 1/ 11.P. A.C Motors, new. single phase: '-4-7S . —Richardson. Durham St. S •' J\ KIV EK " POWER TOOLS. For Professional and Amateur Craftsmen, to turn out good work quickly. Beautiful Tools. SAW BENCHES. BAXDSAWS. TLAXERS. JIGSAWS. LATHES. FLEXIBLE SHAFTS. MOTORS. Etc. JAMES A. MACXEILL. 70. Wyndham Street. Auckland. Tostal: C.1'.0, Box S'J4. S CARS FOR HIRE. \ BOUT CARS REXTED TO DRIVE -*■*- YOURSELF. Week days from C, / per half day. 10/ per day. SHORTERS RENTAL CARS. 59. Shot-Hand st. Ph. -I ! (Mil. D AUCKLAND RENTAL CARS. LTD.. 100. **- Albert Street, opp. Public Tiusr — Only New Cars of the Latest Mode!. All makes at your disposal without drivers. Reasonable Rates. Get Our Quote. Rhone 4____g. l) P«AHS REXTED WITII'H'I DRIVERS. The Largest Fleet in New Zealand. All Eat. -t M...!els. SHORTERS RENTAL CARS. :•'.<. Short land St. I'll. 4 ; ;"'.!. D TJENTAL Cars. Vans. Caravans. a:'d Tra.l-J-V crs always available.—Cadman's Parking Station. Grey's Av. Phono !7 ___ I> p A R S F OR II I 11 i: y -' WITHOUT DRIVERS. 5U Cars to from. All I.a: ■ M■■ ■'.■•:.-. ti/ per Half Day. 1" |, :• |i...-. drive yourself, ltd.. 4. Lower Albert S;:v, :. Phone 4;i-st)ii. Contractors; to Tourist Bureau. IS FOR HIRE. "DOTTLE Jacks. Timber Jaeks. Ex. ■__* ders. — Sam While. Market l'i j; -7 ___' pHECKEi! Delivery. Luggage. Ean,:'.ire. Emit : sulmrhs twice ___!__-— ______-' j L' Costumes. Dinner. Mornilig. Ev. i.- -*- ing Suits: Catalogue 2d; c.-.ntiv orders.—Desiree Hansen. Diluort'j Bldg. 4i-::m. _ r> \rACUUAi Cleaners. ~t 7777. TbTiV. - d.— V Domestic Vacuum Co.. Pli i I •:'">. D FARM IMPLEMENTS W ANTED__ J',.,; . ~,„! I; ~;',.,.. . ] J'. .Jl.l _________ ;, "d M.a. ..-.. |'...,-.. : .|.i. -''■ OFFICE APPLIANCES FOR SALE. UI'RKUUCHS Adding Ma.ii.Me-. ,ar---city, good ordtr; £20.— :<"-■ SIAK. x ..;

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 150, 26 June 1937, Page 2