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The Matsou liner Mariposa arrived at 7.:{0 this morning from San Franeteco, Los Angeles. Honolulu. Pago Pago and Suva with passengers, a largo mail anil carpi. She is berthed as usual at the Prince's wharf, and will sail at noon to-morrow in continuation of her voyage to Sydney and Melbourne. The O.S.K. Line's motor vessel Sydney Maru, r>423 tons, Captain Misaka, arrived thi-> afternoon from Japan.'via Kobe and Mojo. She is berthed at Prince's wharf ami iexpected to leave for Wellington on .Monday. The Farmers' Co-op. Co. are local The continuous rain today delayed all work on the wharvcy and several vessels will not >ail until to-morrow evening: at the earliest. The masters and mates of the Northern Steamship Company's fleet of passenger and auxiliary cargo boats are lloldill-.' a coiiferenee with the company this nioriiin^, on conditions affecting their work

and several of the fleet have been delayed in their sailing time. It is expected to reach an agreement to-day.

Cumberland, which awived yesterday afternoon from Bluff, is loading at Queen's wharf for London. (X.Z.S. Co.)

Narbada will now sail at urtim tomorrow for Wellington to coiitiiuu l tlie discharge, of Calcutta cargo. (U.S.S. Co.)

Canadian Conqueror, which has been discharging Halifax earjro at tlie Queen's wharf, leaves at noon to-morrow for Wellington. (X.Z.S. Co.)

City of Oran with carjio from Xcw York will now leave at noon to-morrow for Wellington, to continue «li-icharj;i'. (X.Z.S. Co.)

Westmoreland, which arrived at Wellington nit Tuesday from London, i> expectod here next Wednesday to complete discharge. (X.Z.S. Co.)'

H.M.S. Leith is due from Napier tomorrow. She leaves fur the Islands on • lime 7. (Naval Dept.)

Marama is due from Sydney to-mor-row with general cargo. So far >he ha* not reported her time of arrival. (U.S.S. Co.)

Niagara left Sydney at 4 p.m. yesterday for Auckland and is due on Monday morning. She sails at II a.m. on Tuesday for Vancouver. (U.S.S. Co.)

Yvonne, 50ft auxiliary ketch, reputed wrecked on eastern coast of the Coroniandel Peninsula. She left Auckland three, weeks apo for Kermadec Island and was due hack this week-end. (Yenahles. a;:ent.)

Matua leaves Suva at 3 p.m. to-mor-row for Auckland, and is due on Tuesday afternoon with a cargo of Island fruit. (U.S.S. Co.)

Columbia, Danish motor vessel, will complete discharging phosphate to-mor-row, and sail for Nauru Island in the afternoon. (8.P.C.) Pakeha is due from Glasgow and Liverpool on Sunday with general cargo, but so far has not reported. (A.S.P.) A R RIV A LS.—Yesterday. Awalioit. from I'ortland. 6.35 p:m. Kawau, from Grout Barrier, 6.45 p.m. This Day. Mariposa. from San Francisco, 7.30 a.m.. with tlif following passengers for Auckland :—First class: Mr. R. Blail. Mr. W. i{. Crocker. Mrs. 1,. DibreU. Mr. S. H. KUis. Mr. ami Mrs. 1.. C. Fitzgerald. Mr. T. V. Fox, Mr. anil Mrs. B. \V. Hunt, Mr. F. C. James. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirinuyer. Mr. anu Mrs. K. Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lasker. Mis* D. Moore. Mrs. G. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. K. Rix-Trott. Mr. F. O. ShacklOek. Mr. R. Slsson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stephens, jun.. Mr. H. Welsford, Mrs. K. M WeiSfnrd. Mr. G. H. West. Cabin .lass: MrT.. M. Vorilos. Mr. .T. H. Itaykin. Mr <; i". Foster, Mrs. M. .7. Hamilton, Mr. I. IJ MelvUle. Mrs. S. 1.. Melville. Mrs. K. M. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. c. Sanir. Mr. an>l Mrs. .1. IS. Sainsbtiry. Mr. W. Shield-. Elil-r K. 1,. Simpson, Mr. A. 1.. Staiiton Klder A. V. Stirling, Mr. W. 11. Tucker. Mr A. Woodside. Onewa, from Ostend. 5.33 a.m. DEP A RT U RES.—Yesterday. Haiiiti, fur Corwimndel, n.:?o p.m. Onewa, lor Ostcnd, (5.45 p.m. This Day. Baroona, for Motuilii, 10.10 a.m. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. TO-DAY. Ililuiti. from Cornmandel. afternoon. Sydney Maru, from .Tnpiin, 4 p.m. Canopus, from Westport, evening. TO-.MOintOW. Pafttto. from Wnrkworth. early Tono. from Kere).eehi. onri.v." riiiymore, from Wliangarei, <>.3O a.m. Tniilwhn. from I'aiToa. 7 a.m. Hauiti. from Surfdale. e(p.. s 4O n .ni Onewa. fn.iii Ostend. 5.4.", a.m. H.M.S. Leith. from Suva, morning, Maroona. from oiuilia. s.."(i a.m. Maramn, from Sydney, afternoon. SUNDAY. Clansman, from Kussell, morning. Pakeha, from Liverpool, due. MONDAY. Ningara, from Sydney, morning. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. TO-DAY. Canadian Conqueror, for Wellington afternoon. Kuril?!, for Portland, nfternoon. City of Oran. fur Weill nstiin, afternoon Narlmda. for Wellington. :i p m Ktiwiui, for Thames, :i p.m. Tulioe. for Mercury May. afternoon loa. tor Wlinkntniip. nfternoon Il.miti. for SnrMnle. et,-.. r, :u\ p ni naroona. for Oinllm. <\.:\\) n m " Onewa, for Onti>iul. (>.:;o p.m.' to-moi;i:ow. Taniwha. for Pnerna. 11 n m Mnriposa. for Sydney, noon " Mniu. f,, r Awnnui no,mi [••arooiii,. for Cnves i:,,v. etr I.JJ p,„ Kawiu^Vo/Th^^-a , ,;; , ;;' aft ~ SUNDAY. Claymore, for Wluinsarei, 9 p.m. VESSELS IN PORT. Mariposa. Prince'* Wharf cH m.i \r . • •umherland. ~,,,,,,-s "h,,if '« •„ , coin!!!!!; l w ""•'*«VJ mrr IW - ">•> w.> olumh.i. K,n-s Wharf ißpri Clrv of Oran. Queen's Wharf Vn'z «? Co i Katrnnan. Kinjt's wharf (u.s.s c,/ , Narhada. Prlnc-'s Wharf .US s c', Waipiatii. Prince's Wharf iV S s 'c,, , Lanartlaii Conqueror. Queen's Wharf' (N.Z.S Brandon. Crniral Wharf (NZS Col ■ KaitiK prince's Wharf IU.S.S." Co i >'"'u>WMi. in dock iC.s.S (Vμ COMING AND GOING. Messrs. Kuss.-U and Soniers, I t,i !„,..,) agents lor the P. and o. U, lo adv s'e',, ; " the followm- passengers have hooked fr New Zealand hy the Mooltan which armed at Sydney yesterday: Dr and Mrs | H<k and child. Misses- Hatson (", Mis, : Hejrarty. Dr. Cahriel. M-- Cronnei- ';_ I Kol.h. Miss Mnlhiß. I>r. and Mrs Mill, r ' c'n.reier ,, " , MrS ' " rajr - MiS! " i-»"?"i Mr The Port of r.on.lon Authority niinoiincof that llurinjr the year ended l)eceiulipr HI l'.i:',r, 4;;.0ii.5:r, t ,, 11s ~f Suotis wer e hauuieii in the port of London.

UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. N.-iriiiiila s.iils at inmn I" i.-mrrow for . Wrlliiiirtiui. Lytti-Itoii ami 1 'uii.-ilin. : Wiilplatn sails 011 Monday .-if;<vu<u.n fur 1 Lytt.-ltoii. Mtiiii-iliii. Illuff and Tiinn-u. K;i rf iiri sails at ."i p.m. 10-momnv fur Ton land and Wvlltn.^t'iii. K»irn!i!r:i sails aliirin la v fur : Sydiii-y. ilonc- t<. Nnwcastli! and Sydney. : Iri 1i.a.l for Aui-klaiid. 1 Niiicnr.-i left Svilncy at t p.m. y.-tonlay I fur Allcklaml Mini is dun IIITC on M.iiiil.iy I iniiniMitr. Sin , sails :;t 11 n.iti. cm Tursilny j for Suva, Honolulu. Victoria ai:il Ynii(.•OIIVI'V, UiMslli:) is pxpi'cti'il to limvp 1 Iri-rnunith 1 to-inui'ow aftiTiiooii fur Am-klaiid. ; Mn'i'ii loaves Suva at " p.i:i. ro-nmrrow for Am-klaiiil. Sin- is ilui> hiTfi on Tm-sday aftiTii.inii and sails at 11 a.m. I'll Thursday next for R.-irot -nir'. Aitlltnki. AHII, i:,i'roti.,i-a .iii.l jr.-!:i.-'aiii. Waii'iariuo I<■ rt j;ii:ff ;i> I<>:!'i p.m. yesterday for Piiiiedin. HHiiiiirn. Tii:iaru. Lyttflton. Wcllin.ioii ;iml Auckland. Awn ten l-.-ue-: Sydney lit •*, p.m. to-day for Welliiiston and Au.-klnnd. Slu- l<':iv.-s here nl -""i p.m. cu Wednoday next for Sydney (|V|.,.t. l.iiu-riek is due at Papeete to-nmrruw ' and wails on Sunday for Manke. Itarnimmn ' and Auckliiucl. She is due hen- about May ] Karri is pxpei-leti to lenvp I.iiuiK'PStnn .011 Tuewdny, Kilillilmrsili on Fridiy, and . Adi-lai.le ~11 Siiturd.-iy. May 'J-, for Au.-k- ---; lillid. Napier. iMineilin and Hliifl". ! M.-irniiin i- expi-eied ~, arrive tn-ir.orrow I from Sydney and after dischargfc slip loads J for Wellington, sailinp about Tupml;i.v for ' that port. I Wincatul is fxpeeted t.i lpnvif I.ytteltoii ! on Saturday iie\t for Wellington ein<l AuckI land. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. (ilslmriii- Mav M.- Sailed:'ar'-t W.. for Ailekland. 1.1" a.m. Wellington. May 1.;. -Sailed : Coptic, for I.viii'iion. 1".. 1«• p.m.: Knfniiil. for Westport. 11 p.m. : Wais-'aiji'lla. for Syiliiey. 11.::<i p.m. ! May 11. --Arrived : Port Caroline, from 1 Wii'n-'aniii. s a.m. ! l.yneliiin. May 1: , ..— Arrived : Holmdalp. ■ from Wi'lliiiirtoii. -~. if - ■ p.m. May 1-).—Ar-rivi'd : Coptic, from 7.4.~> a.m. Dinieiliii. May 14.—Sailed: Opnwa for , [.on.lon, 7.::u a.m. ; r.lufi'.' May 1. , ;.--Sailed : for 1 Mill'ord Sound, a.m.: Wahmirino. for I'unedin, midui.'lit. ! OVERSEAS. ! Sydney. May 1 :j.—Sailed : Niagara, for Auckland. r>.l" p.m. Arrived: Awatpn. from Aucklriihl. T. •J "j a.m.: Kalinsro. from Westport. Meliiouriip. May 14. —Sailed : Waitaki. for Muff. Honolulu. May 12.—Arrived: Monterey, from Auckland in San Knineisco. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. j The following \cssols ar<- exported to I lie within of Hie Auckland wireless j station to-irt'ht : H.M.S. I.p'ili. Kaiwarra. : Limerick. Marania. M:'tun. Varbada. Nia.irara. Ardenvidir. Canadian Ciiiii|ii»ror. City 1 of 1 Iran. Marip">a. Mrrtlebiink, ! Norfolk. I'ak.-ha, Sydney Maru. j PORT OF ONEHUNGA. niCPARTUKES - YESTERDAY. AVaimea, for Nelson, 4.:50 p.m.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 113, 14 May 1937, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS OF THE PORT. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 113, 14 May 1937, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS OF THE PORT. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 113, 14 May 1937, Page 4