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CORNWALL HANDICAP. CHIEF FLAT EVENT. THE FORM ANALYSED. TllP iliii-f ewut ;it tllf ( Noftili-i II ulrrllll.- i rt the I olUW.ll! Uallili- • 'i>. : i u . ii the weights were issued \ i>!ci ,;.i.\ [,\ Mi-. J'. J. AlcManeiuin, and 11 Jli' i lU.i^Oil. i;,\\ ■,:> li. ulii) has been awarded :•■!" ■ . ii. ;.iiii-l in i !u« raco with 41b let* ■'■ ■:■ i'ii! -n. o llii'ii ho has won twin. , ■ . . l.ii •!tr.i.iin i- ai Kilerslie uah S.S innl • ''■ ■"' '..Vi\\. Ill' ||.Ir. bci'll WOlKlllg Wi'il I. Ainli.i l"«'i I'Utly, and is quite, at ■■nil- uiicn ihe going i« oasy. Kelly C.)M) .i.iti miw'a n ,i icluin lo Ina beet form this r>l if. 'ii. and recently won over this il<.-i;iHi o ill Avomliilo and Whungarei, a strong tii'M on the former in t'.idiiin. He* boon galloping freely at J-iliri'xliti diner, and promises to strip a. \ i-i y lit, hiiivii-. Killouyn (.S. 11) has been oil tin. - scene lor a long time, and he can hardly bo at his best. Scotland (8.11) won Iho Slurry .Memorial, one mile and a quarter, at the last VVaikato meeting with 8.8, nnd willi a similar impost was second to Kelly at Avondule. On the latter occasion he was set to give Kelly "lb, and now the latter has to give Scotland 61b. ]In in not without prospects. Onewhetu iS.tll wui tins rare hint yoar with 8.10, but ho has not raced as well ae expected during the last few months. He was placed nt Eginont on WeiV icsday, and it looks as though lie is coining back to form. Tooloy Street iS.fl) won the Easter Handicap, one mile, at Kllrrslie in good style, anil lias mine been niliTMwful over a mile and a quarter. He will only have to go on the right way in the interim to be troublesome. Hig Dook (Sα)) w.i<* a winner ovor nine furlong* at Awnpuni last month with a similar impost. He is not partial to soft going. Jind the conditions are likely to be iigninst him. Has Shown Good Form. Sinking Fund tS.:>) has shown pood form earner in ihe season, his beet ell'ort recently being second in the Herriee Meinonal Cup at Xe Aroha, when he was narrowly beaten by Master Brierly. Tybalt is a consistent performer, and he was right in the limelight in that event till a few yards off the poet. The distance will not inconvenience him, but lie has nil the weight he ie entitled to. Korero (5.2) failed in this race last year with T.S but going on to Wellington he won the Parliamentary Handicap, of similar distance with 7.11. Ho had not shown much form eince then, till ho was successful at Otaki on Wednesday. He is a proved mudlark. Royal Appellant (.S.l> has previously won over ten furlongs, and wm successful over a mile at the last Great Northern meeting, but hie form since. then has been disappointing. Grateful and Master Cyklon have both lveen awarded 8.0, and of the pair the latter has the beet credentiale. At the recent Wnirarapa meeting he scored over nine, furlongs, beating among others Pukoko, nebham, Big Dook nnd Low enWig, while he was second to Arctic King in the Mcßae Cup, one mile and a quarter, at Eijmont on Wednesday. Knight of Australia, Royal Dnrjee nnd Day Wind each have 7.12. The first-named won the Takapuna Cup nnd the Franklin Cup, but has since disappointed. Royal Dance commenced racing over a middle distance a couple of months ago, his form being eneournginc. He ran second t.> G.iv Talkie in the Ohinemuri Cup with 7.7 nftrr making a good showing for a lons way in the Herriee Memorial Cup at T< Arohn. Day WindV best effort over ; rlis'nnee was him second to Gav Talki< in the Xr>lan Handicap, one mile and t hilf. .it ElWslie. He hae done no racinj recently. Dark Shadow (7.11) promisee tT reach n. hipli plane when he won tin Wniknto Cup in the spring, but the ha , -' rnre in the Auckland Cup evidently nfTected him, for he hae done nothing since. Was Second Last Year. Pakanni (7.01 ran eecontl in the Corn wall Handicap last year with 8.0, but hi has been out of a place in hie etarti recently. However, he ueually goes wel nt Kllerelie, and will have to be con eidrred. Horowhenua (7.8) started in t'li event last season with 8.4, but failed ti get into the money. He put' up a goo< performance when he ran eoeond in th King George Handicap, one mile and i quarter, nt Pukckonc on Wednesday. Hi ie an exceptionally good winter horee and he is nt hie best nenin. The re mainder are on the minimum, 7.7. Anna court hast won well over a mile and i quarter this season, while Boomerang wai second to his stable companion, Korero at Otaki on Wednesday. Gny Rose seorei over a mile nt the lnet Ellerelie meetine nnd is stated to be going well at Ti Arohn. Grand City hn« won a couple o hack events, nnd him shown good form iij to n mile. Jewelled Girdle has also die plnved nbility up to a mile nnd n qunrter and ie a poeeibility, particularly if thi going happens to bo heavy. Miingatooi finished fourth in the Cornwall Tlandieni laet Juno, but line no recent form, bir T<ord Vnl line, for he wns third at tin Bny of Tslnnde meotintr on Wcdnesdnj over the distance, nnd should derive eomi benefit from that outing. He in verj pnrtinl to soft going. However, lie ie nW i'» th" hurdle race. Of the othere Ti Hiii. Trrdesnnn and Valmint seem tin mnet lik >ly. Rome who mny be in requpsi lust now nre Tooley Street-Horowhenur brncket, Royal Dnnce. Scotland. Kiivr Rey Tvbnl.t. Onewhetu, Royal Appellant ant Korero.


THE FINAL DAY. PROGRAMME FOR TO-MORROW. The Faniont Riirinn Club's winter mertin jx "ill l>e onticlmled to-morrow nt Hsiivoni. mnl fnirlv no oil fiolile nre nsiiin r inll'll. Tin- , presence of severnl liorse-s ui'li northern rnjr-ijw'iiirji t* will loud .iililil i Mini interest to th" day'e racing.; Tli« fiillotviiut may pet support: — Ffunllen. Rouahnl. M -kiii-i tfiitulicnp. -Lndy Inn. Tnitoru, CvrrU Cnl.l. (liiitnniim Hnek Pint*.—Corroboree, Le (!r 'in!, Corown, Sfi'i'iilpi'liiisp. ■ Roniiie Kollox. Sportinp K " 1 , . I! i lit OHM. Diviilxon ffiimlii'iip. Frtmlirnl, Onc- \< '..■tn, Mhklim- C\ kl.Mi. Sli.irin lI. M l< Wiimomr F.n. Xuntirivliiri, r: μ-i. II inniir'i ITiinilifnp, - Tnitoru, Onltl M -inn. Ueipiir. Tin , iKTfpliiiK'rH me: - M \.\.\\V\lMif Hlltm.F.S of {ISO. l»np mlln mi,l a hiiif. SDK s,,v . . *' » TmiMo Mnndi> 0 « rti'iitrli'il . l« - Onnclns IJirty >> ° MOKOIA HANDICAP of tlTiO. Sl\ furlongs. Ttii'orii ■ l> - Snlnrln . . . 7 S ! ~r|v [mi ' . s rj Siir-'llii ... 7 7 <;r,-.A Colli ■ * 1 ,, Mnntnn ... 7 . Niitluni . . " •' I'll >\' IM'IN HACK I'I.ATK of £'-'7.-> nml Trr|>liy vnliii' E'-Ti. Mm , fnrlniisis. C,.»ri.!nrri< . !> " Ntfiitlrnlilii . N 1 rrcbiia . . s I'- Nniißlity 1.. ii- : . ~.1 s I"J MnrlPitH . f ° r.ii • ■■_: Mil,l >< I'J fluir .... 711 ■• • iii-i st l Mitntiniitil . 7 S r -.-, -« .i ... Mil WnMvlirtii ..77 AOAMSON s-rr.r.ri.KCHASK of fJ2S. All,.lit tWll Hltlos. ltlntiiiiK . . . \\ 0 MoiiilMtU' . 0 7 I'rnnlt" rnllox u> 7 ivtrnrrli . . i> I I) n Ksnun . in \ sky I'llot . . '.* o .'uort. boujt !l 12 Koyul kite . 0 0 tbu., , , 0 a

DAVIDSON HANDICAP of £200. Nino furlongs.

Frieslnnd . l> 12 Diivistook . 8 2 Roil Manfred S 1.1 Cold Mission 8 2 Onrwlirtu . bl2 Tilliuningl ..77 Muster Wlmlsorrrn 7 7 Cyklon ... 8 9 Wnxroliinil . 7 7 SHOUTS lIA«'K of £150. Six furlongs. Wlnsmnio I.u 8 r> Poll.-.-n Onln 7 8 Xsrnllrnlilrl . S L" IVnil Knl.oson 7 7 First Chapter s 1 River I-Vnle . 7 7 Knrn .... s ii Kin Orn ..77 llnntins Spy 7 0 Srript ... 7 7 noßoroii riANDicAr of sino. Seven fnrluiiirs. Tnitnru . . 0 S Reijinr ... 7 11 l.inl.v Ina . . 8 12 Solnrin . ' \ 7 {) Muster Dnreeoijrt . 7 !i I'.vkliin . . 8 10 Kn-luis . 7 s (iold Mission * 3 Wasteland . 7 7 InternntloMiil S 2


THE CONCLUDING DAY. THE ACCEPTANCES. Tho winter meeting of the Otnki Maori Marine: Club will be concluded to-morrow. "air h'elile are engaged, and the following nay be fancied: — Hack and Hunters' Steeples.—Given. ?iidnoe. Witiknnnc Hack.—Gold Nymph, Royal "Wtrnit. Aria. Tα Timi Kara Handicap.—Gay Boy, I vorero, IJoomornng. Tninui Hack. —Export, Dorado, Allunga. Rangiuru Hack.—Export, The Sandrichinan, Puroto. Taipua Handicap. — Lone Raider, 'ukeko. Ohnu Handicap.—Royal Record, Sunny llonde, Dorado. The acceptai cee are: — U'KEITATT HACK AND lUNTERSSTEEPLECHASE of £100. Two miles mid n quarter. Battleground 10 0 Partnoa ... 0 5 Given ... 0 11 Paddys Maid 9 O Klnghall . . 9 G Ythan ... 9 0 WAIKANAE HACK SCIRRY of £S5. Special wrights. Five furlongs. Aria ~ . . . 8 5 Master Colin . . . S f> Iloctor ... 8 5 Crown Acre 8 5 Royal Cold Nymph 8 5 Portrait . 8 ."> Gala S r> Final Act ..85 Kio 8 5 Iluling; Spy . S 0 I-iidy Zona . S 5 Khoctesinn . 8 0 TA TIMI KARA HANDICAP of £200. Nino furlongs. Pnkeko ... 9 r> Rona Bay ..82 Korcro ... I) ."> Hunting (iay Boy . . S 13 Lodsre ..77 Hazoor ... 811 Free Kose . 7 7 Boomerang . 8 5 TAINUI HACK HANDICAP of £100. Six furlongs. Dorado ... 0 3 Rustem ... 8 1 Export ... 3 1 I'atasonia . 7 11 Alunga ... 8 13 Marjory Daw 7 S Golden Chest 8 9 IANGIURU HACK HANDICAP of iIOO One mile nnd 55 yards. Export ... 9 0 Impersonator 7 12 Lady Siegfried !> 0 Gasmask ..711 •£«■"*_■ • • • 8 * Laggard ... 7 8 The Sand- Puroto ... 7 8 wichman 712 Even Money 7 8 Wnrehi ... 7 12 Galteemore . 7 8 TAIPUA HANDICAP of £130. Six furlongs. Tukeko ... 9 0 Mister Quex 7 7 Lone Raider S 11 Kin" Top Hank . 7 12 Thomond . 7 7 OHAU HACK HANDICAP of £100. Seven furlongs. Dorado ... 9 3 Patasonin . . 7 n Grampian . 8 9 St. Rogor . . 710 Marcus Cicero 8 7 Uliidium . 7 7 Koyal Record 8 6 Bit o . Blue 7 7 !?unny Blonde 8 1




(Special to "Star. ,, )

WAXGANUI, Thursday. The Australian-bred gelding Bonnie Kollox created a very favourable impression by his showing in the Egmout Steeplechase yesterday. Though obviously in need of a race he jumped in great style and he can be ticked off as a likely winner in the near future. lt will come as no surprise if he wins the Adamson Steeples on Saturday, but in any case he will be worth watching at the Waikato and Great -Northern meetings either over hurdles or the big lenccs. Bonnie Rollox has plenty ot speed and is a remarkably fast, clean jumper. Ho is likely to be one of the most fancied candidates for the Great Northern double

Clarion Call looked a little on the big side when stripped for the hurdles at Hawera yesterday, but he jumped in fine style, and when lie next faces the starter he should be near his best. With 10.11 in the Great Northern Hurdles the Hunting Song gelding is sure to be one of the prime favourites, all going well. Don Enna never ;>nt a foot wrong in the Egmont Steeplechase, and he won well. He was finishing on all right, but the extra distance at Ellcrslie mav provetoo much for him, though he is probably better now than ever previously. Riotous will be a newcomer in the Atlnmson Steeplechase on Saturday at Hawcra that, will probably have to be reckoned with. He looks in great heart, and has been jumping with all his old dasii recently. This gelding is- to contest the cross-country events at Wanganui next month. Riotous won the Wanganui Steeplechase two years ago and ho promises to be very hard to beat in the forthcoming race, as he appears to be back to hia best again. H. W. Johnston did not take to Hawera yesterday, but will probably start him in the Borough Handicap on Saturday. The Greyspear gelding is in great heart and should run out seven furlongs in good style, though his prospect.* would look brighter over a longer journey. Collodion went a good saee for rive furlongs in the seven furlongs open event at Hawera yesterday, but the soft going did not' favour the long-striding son of Colossus, and he was done with at the business end.

Kiiesliind's performance in winning the Tawliiti Handicap yesterday at Hawcra was a truly groat one. Left a chain he did not appear to have any possible chance at the half-mile, but from there the favourite made up his leeway steadily U> finish with a wonderful burst of speed over the last furlong and won going awav. It was generally voted one of the most brilliant finishing efforts seen for years. He is engaged in the Davidson Handicap on Saturday, and is sure to be in strong request. Mr. \V. R. S. Brewer, owner of Runform, says that the Ruapapa gelding has made a good recovery from the injuries received during a thunderstorm last week. Hi- may be given a run at Wanffanui. Hying Chief won the Telegraph Hack Handicap at Hiiwrra yesterday in a style which suggests thiit this three-year-old son of Chief Ruler will make his mark later on. Red Manfred did not begin well in the Flying at Hawern yesterday, and he was galloping fast over the final stages. lie will bo hard to dispose of if started in the Davidson Handicap on Saturday. Roil Manfred has improved a lot in his jumpinsr. and he should win a race over the "stick-." when put to that jiatne.

II Diilieu rode Snorting Song to victory at Otaki yesterday, that race starting nt noon. lie was on the Hawern racecourse

at two o'clock sinwintonding the saddling up of another of his team.


Kiltowyn has boon di-ratc-lietl for all .it tin , Waikato lucffiiijt, hi* ow'ner. Mr. A. IV Po'.tei. diss.vtis-li.-il with [In , wi'ijjht aUottoil him on the firet day ot the fixture.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 113, 14 May 1937, Page 10

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GREAT NORTHERN. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 113, 14 May 1937, Page 10

GREAT NORTHERN. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 113, 14 May 1937, Page 10