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j CoiK-i-diiig staits up to 10 yards at Carlaw Park on Saturday, J). Lutnlcy once again demonstrated that she is the best performer in the city over 100 yards. Margery Grindrod, who has transferred to the Otahiihu Club, did not appear to run to form., and could' only finish third, -H. -Luniley (A) getting second place, superior pace between the jumps enabled Edna Mmiro (Kj to win the 80 yards hurdles by a narrow margin from her clubmate Mian Paterson. Miss Mumo, from scratch, was clocked to do the distance in 11 4-os. 3-5 ot a second better than the New Zealand record. It was found, however, that, although the full distance of 80 yards was covered, the first flight of hurdles had not been erected, so that no claim for a record can be made. The standard of performance in the broad jump was poor, the event being won by M. Grindrod (O). whose distance, with a handicap of lft Gin, was only 16ft lV&in. To put a competitor on the scratch mark in her first attempt in open company in an event seems to be harsh treatment. This wae the experience of Barbara Paterson (K) in the shot put on Saturday. The result of the event certainly justified the handicapper'a estimate of the prowess of this youthful performer, for two of her efforts exceeded 24ft, and the merit of the performance may be gauged from the fact that last week the centre decided to claim a record for Miss Mayall (P) for a put of 23ft Bin on 23/1/37. Miss raternon's best effort was 24ft sin, and a record is to be claimed for it. Joyce Stone (K> won on Saturday, and thin girl also bettered by V&in the previous best distance. Mrs. Amoretti performed well to gain third place. In the medley relay of 330 yards Kiwi won decisively from Otahuhu. who had the assistance of Miss Grindrod. Auckland were a close up third. Nine provincial championships will be decided at Hamilton on Saturday, and these include two new championships— discus and 101b shot. AH the events have been well supported, and include representatives from all clubs with girl members in the Auckland province. The entriee are:— 50 Yards.—G. Thomas. E. Mnnro, B. Preston-Thomas (K), D. Lumley, P. Somervflle (A). Canavan (D). V. McMillan (T), I. Campbell and Keekie (H), M. Grindrod, Mrs. Moore (O). 100 Yards.—E. Munro, P. Livingstone, G. Thomas. B. Preston-Thomas (K), I. Campbell. Reekie (H), D. Lumley, B. Lumley, P. Somerville (A), M. Grindrod, Mrs. M. Moore (O). P. McMillan (T), Snell (OP) Canavan (D). i 80 Yards Hurdles.—E. Munro. J. Stone, B. Patenwn (K). P. McMillan (T). J. Scoullar (O). Snell (OPh Tootnan (HI. High Jump—Mrs. B. Thomas, B. raterson. G. Thomas (K). M. Mitchell IT)). Snoll (OP), G. Lorigan (A). P. McMillan (TV Broad Jump.—E. Mimro,. Mrs. B. Thomas. B. Paterson (K). D. Mullins. M. Grindrod (O). M. Mitchell (D), G. Lowe (A). Snell (OP). Reekie (H). Javelin.—M. Mitchell. J. Tremain (T)}, T). Mullins (O). Mrs. A. Harris. Mrs. B. Thomas. B. Paterson. E. Munro (K), Mrs. Amoretti. G. Lowe (A). Shot Put.— -J. Stone, B. Paterson (K). Mrs. M. Moore (01. O. Lorigan, Mrs. Amoretti. V. Amoretti, Blackler (A), Mayall (P). ' Discus.—E. Munro. G. Thomas. J. Stone (K), G. Lorigan (A), D. Mullins (O). Relay (4 x 100).—Hamilton, Papatoetoe, Otahuhu. Auckland, and Kiwi. Abbreviations. —Kiyt (K). .Auckland (M), Thames (T), Darjraville (Dl, Otahuhu CO), Papatoetoe (P), Opotiki (OP), Hamilton (H).

Ida Campbell Outstanding. On her present form, New Zealand champion Ida Campbell (H) ehould win both sprinte, her most dangerooe opposition coming from Doreen Lumley (A) aad, Margery Grisdrod (O), but Gladys Thomae (K) might create a surprise in the hundred ' - Edna Munro (K), the present champion, ehould retain her title in the 80 yard* hurdles, but with Miseee Tooman (H), Snell (OP), Scoullar (O) and Patereon (K), ell very good performers, the event will be one of the most interesting at the meeting. Mary Mitchell (D) may repeat her success in the high jump, but the opposition will be very strong in this event also, and the winner may be found in Mieees McMillan (T). B. Patereon, a. Thomae and Mr«. B. Thomae (K). In the broad jump Misses Munro (K) and Mitchell (D) may repeat their duel of last year, with Misses Snell (OP) and Grindrod (O) to be reckoned with. Form with the javelin i« more or less unknown this season in Auckland and the result may rest between tlie Dargaville girl|s Misses Tremain and Mitchell. New Shot Champion. A new champion will emerge from the shot event, in which Barbara Paterson (K) appears to be the best, as she has already twice bettered 24ft. a distance Gloria Lorifean (A) has aieo done in practice. Of the other e Joyce Stone (K) and — Mayall (P) have sterling peiformaticee. The discus is another new event, in which Edna Munro (K) holds a New Zealand record. Gladys Thomae (K) and Gloria Lorigan (A) are much improved performers, however, and might cauee the redoubtable Edna some uneasiness. The relay ehould provide some thrills, and Hamilton will probably be favourites, as they will have'the aeeistnnce of Mi«.ses Campbell and Reekie. The inclusion of M. Grindrod in the well-performed Otahuhu team must enhance their chances, while Auckland will have the Lumley twine to help them. Kiwi haft probably the best balanced team with G. Thomae, P. Livingstone, E. Munro and B. Thomas, and with Papatoetoe the result ie very much in doubt. The Kiwi team will complete its preparations with a final practice at Grey Lynn Park on Wednesday eveninn. when all members are expected to attend.

EIXERSLIS CLUB. G. WINS POINTS CUP. The BUerslie Amateur Athletic Club, in conjunction with the Northern Cycle Club, held another successful evening meeting last night on the Ellerslie Domtnn. A large crowd saw some keen finishes. Results :— Schoolboys, 100yds.—.Tilling* 1, Green 2, McCreery 3. Tine, 12 4-ss. Schoolgirls. lOOydn.—Beere 1, McCread" 2, J. Funnell 3. Time. 13 4-ss. 100 Yardti Club Junior Championship.— B. Underell 1, B. Ponnaett 2, Goldfinch 8. Time, 10 4-se. 100 Yards Junior Handicap.—K. Nicholson 1. D. Cameron 2, C. Funnell 3. Time, 220 Yards Junior Handicap.—K. Nicholson. J. Wells, dead heat, 1 ; B. Pounsett 3. Time. 25 l-5«. 75 Yards Ladies.—M. Wells 1, O'Han lan 2, D. MuUlne 3. Time, fts. 100 Yarrts ladles.—Mrs. Rollereon 1, Mrs. Moore 2, J. McCready 3. Time, 12e. Senior, 220yds.—Stevenson 1. B. Underell 2 N Morris 3. Time, 24 4-se. Senior, 440yds.—Farrelly 1, J. S. Nicholson 2, Murton 3. Time, 55e.

WHBBL RACES. "Star" Boys, 3 laps.—Pink 1. O'Donnell 2, O'Keith 3. Three-lap, Club.—Woolley, 120 yds, 1 ; Cullen, 7Oyde, 2; McLennan, 120 yds. 3. One MUe, Open.—S. Taylor, 160 yds. 1; McLennan, ISOyda, 2; O'Sbannensey, 180 yds, :i. No time. Three-mile Club.—O'Oorman, COyiln, 1 : S Thempeon,- 30Oyde. 2; Woolley, 340 yds. 3. time* 8.16 I-β. - Cap for beet perfttunancee annnal open sports—«- Hollatid. 13 points, 1; A. J. Sayere. 10 points, 2. Next Monday evening this clnb is holding an inter-club contest with Otahuhu, at Ellleralie.

OLD GRAMHABIANS' CI»TTB. FIELDS FOR WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Handicaps for the thirteenth points meeting of the Old (Jranrmarians' Amateur Athletic Club to-morrow evening:— 220 Yards Senior Short Limit. — A. J. Savors, W. Koberts, 11. J. Tyrie, «cr: F. A. l-'inlayson, I'yds: 1 , . C. Spittal, A. H. Hrown. M. L. Hill. 4yds; 11. C. Hudson, <iy<ls: U. A, Parsons, ,syds. 4411, Yards Senior Short Limit.— A. J. S;i.vcrs, H. J. T.vrie. sir: F. A. Finlayson. •"■yds; 1,. H. Johnston. M. L. Hill. K. K. Johnston. 12yds; J. B. Grant, 14vds; 1 , . Woolley, HJj-ilh, 220 Yards Junior Short Limit.—T. Brins-d.-ii, U. <;. Cri.hton. s<r : G. W. Kheehan. ■ i.vds; W, K. Manxill, B. Robertson, 4yds; \V. X. Thoin, A. S. Cross, It. S. Gardner, 6yds. 440 Yards Junior Short Limit.—VV. K. Mansill, (i. \V. Sheehan. s<r; H. Robertson, L. O. .Vickies, lliytls : It. S. Gardner, J. G. I'riiiK. lT.yds; C. 1\ McOllloiiirli. 20yds. 22<> Yards Senior and Junior. —T. W. Hush, .\vds; 11. A. I'arsoiis, U. L. Jones, tiyds; K. K. Bell-lliiotu, H. G. Mead, tfyds ; I-\ JO. McManemin, ,\. F. (.'happi-11, K. WhitIcn. It. l>. Cruiekshank, I), (i. Carnaclian, X. Shorter. A. Crawford, J. (J. I'rin«, F. A. Gilmore, ldyds ; J. I), liae, J. Spoourr, A. (iiiiUiim, 1). It. Itruwuc, 12yds; C. J. H. Hmu-lfr, M. l'ark.-r, C. h\ Mci.'illlnuKli. .M. -Mcl'luf. 14yds; T Angus R. H. Uintley, 15yds; K. Leighton, 10yds; Clarke, lSyds; Murphy, F. l>. Cantwell, -Oyils. Yards Senior and Junior.—F E. Watt. B. H. Birtwlstle, 20yds ; A. Darroch, J. Burleigh, 25yds; s. L. Bradley, J. C. Itolls, W. F. Chai.pell, 30yds; It. Whitten, s(lyds; N. Shorter, J. Spooner, L. G. Xlckles, tiOyds; K. Leiphton, B. l'ouusett, A. (.Jrahain, 70yds'; Clarke, SOyds; Murphy, I. C. Woolley, UOyds; W. K. Soper, lOOyds. Hifjh Jump.—T. A. Gallagher, R. B. (ruK.kshunk. scr; G. H. Traill, 3in; B. G } v ' u M " Tl " ,m - B - Kubi'ftwin, I'. s. Smalltield, 4in ; A. Graham, siu ; M Smeotou B A. Jones, (iin ; J. D. Kae, M L. Hill, Tin; l>. It. lin.wne, Sin. TlirowinK the Javelin.—T. A. Gallagher, W. L. Co.vla-Ud, scr; S. W. White, It. U A Hunuaryne, L. H. Johnston,

TRAMPING AND SKI CLUBS. COMBINED SPORTS CAMP. A combined camp of 70 was held by the Auckland Tramping Club, the Alpine Sports Club and the Auckland centre of the Rua pehu Ski Club at Long Bay during the week-end, representatives being pfeeent from several of the southern mountain Beas B clubs Well * S fr ° m tW ° ° r "»«»*«'- Swimming and athletic evente decided •— Men's Athletics.—soyds : C. Rhodes '1, B Moukton 2, T Keogh 3. 100 yds: C Rhodes IN Larkin a, T. Keogh 3. 880 yds A. Ball 1, A. Thomson J, A. Diamond 3 High jump : B. Monkton 1, A. Thomson 2. Putting the shot: C. Bailey 1, J. Sandman , Joneß 3 - Throwing the hammer: J. GUchriHt I, R. Jones a, C. Bailey 3. Hop step and Jump: B. Monkton 1, A. Thomson 2, K. Jones 3. Long jump : A. Thomson 1, J. Diamond 2, S. liailcy 3. Standing long jump: J. Wilson J, J. Diamond 2, T. Keogh 3. Women's Athletics.—soyds : Miss J. Wakelln 1, Miss J. Auld _', Miss B. Blackwood 3 lOOydii : Miss J. Wakeliii 1, Mrs. M. Diamond 'J, Miss J. Auld :{. Putting the shot : Miss J. Wukelin 1. Miss D. Uluckwood #> Miss E. Strung y. 1..U1J,' jump: Mrs. M. Diamond 1, Miss J. Wakelin 2. Miss D blackwood a. Swimming.—Men's oOyde : B. Monkton 1. Mays 2, Martin a. Women's 50yds: Miss A. Wilson 1, Aliss K. Schmidt 2, Miss F. Amos 3. LTNNOALE CLUB. The Lynndale Amateur Athletic Club will \k'cide its 440 yds junior championship at its meeting at N\-w Lynn to-morrow comiiiencinj* at 6.30 o'clock. Handicaps for the other events:— 100 Yard* Senior.—N. F. Funnel!, scr; Stenberg, liyds: Lincoln. Bradford. 4yds; Anderson. Benuott, Swinburne, 7yds; Bell, Clements. Marshall. Howells, Bjtln : J. H<-n----llfWou, Kurton, «iy<ls; Collins. Tannubill, 10yil»; Murphy, (ireep, llydn; Durbyshire, J. K. Henderson, 1-yds; T. Price, Murdoch, 13yds. -440 \'Brt»» . «eniory— Bennett, Funnel), scr;' Anderson, "5j derf'Swlnburne, Lincoln, 15yds; Howelta, 20yda; Crompton. Clement, Collins, 25yds: Bell, J. I'errett, J. Henderson, Greep. Murphy, 30yds; C. Perrett, Marshall, Derbyshire, IC. Price, T. Price, 35yds; J. B. Henderson. 40yds. One Mile.—Crompton, «cr; Collins. Ander•Oß, 40yd»; Fowlds, «Oyds; Howells, J.' Perrett, 95yds; Lincoln, Bennett, lOOydn; Richardson, Clement, 110 yds; Dolan, iaOyds; i. Heodenmn, 12Syd»; C. Perrett, 135 yds; R. I'rice, T. Price, ie«)yds; Carlet*n, 170 yds; Derbyshire, 220 yds. BIRKENHEAD-NOHTHCOTE OLUB, The Birkenhe"^-Northcote Athletic Club will decide two chiimplonship events tomorrow, the first event commencing at «.»» p.m., at Stafford I'ark. In addition, him dirap races will be held over distances of 15<l yards and two miles. Handicaps:— 150 Yards.— Shorter. Hunt. Ward, per; Clayton, Siyds • Pel It a in, Roirers. Charman, Reelial. 10yds: Clnpliam, Davis. Ulyds: T.nnigiin. 13yds; Sharpe, Drumiuond, l.'J yds ; ["Bh»!«iff. 1S>(,:«. Two Miles. —relhniii, scr: Clayton. Clnphaiu. 70yds : I'h.-'riiiaii. Hoprers. l.HOyds : Shorter, itiOyds; Davis, ijin'RHii, : Wiirrt. 250 yds: Shsirpe. Heehal. L'SO.vds : Driiiiimond, Hunt, Lsbakoff. .'(."jiiyds. BOXING. KEIXT OUTPOINTS EICHABDS VERDICT MOST UNPOPULAR. (Received 10 a.m.) SYDNEY, this day. At the Sydney Stadium last night in a; 15 rounds boxing boat, Leo Kelly (11.13) outpointed the Australia middle and heavy-; weight champion. Ron Richards (11.7). The cr4>w<l numbered over 6000, a large proportion of which booed the verdict, which wa« certainly unpopular. Cma>O-RAYNEK BOUT. Every boxing fan in Auckland who appreciates a fa«t-movingr, spectacular fight will bo keeping free Monday next, tlie date when "Young Gildo" meets Clairie Rayner. "Younjf Gildo"' nppds no ititi'oduction. The popular, smiling Filipino boxer who defeated Al Stoik' at the Auckland Town Hall last Monday week has already endeared hinweJf to the boxing public. He is a real showman, who packs a hard punch and shows uncanny judgment in anticipating the movements of hie opponents. Perhaps* after the coutest on March 1 there will be a different story to tell. In Clarrie Rayner Gildo will meet a boxer who moves fast and hite hard, an experienced boxer-fighter who has met and defeated the beet of New Zealand opponent*. Rayner is confident and tenacious to a degree, a type of boxer that it is very difficult to beat. He drew with Jack Jarvis, New Zealand light-weight champion, holds * decision over Al Stock and has beaten Billy Aitkin, the featherweight champion on two occasion*. Rayner met Joe Hal) at Blenheim in a very hectic battle, in which Hall won on a foul, but many present felt that Rayner did not foul Hall, aad the fact that he wae able to knockont Joe, who is now the second best light-weight in Australia, speaks volumes for Rayner's powers. Rayner and Gildo will be seen in exhibitions at the local gymnasium* during * few daye, and all are cordially invited to attend.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 45, 23 February 1937, Page 15

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ATHLETICS. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 45, 23 February 1937, Page 15

ATHLETICS. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 45, 23 February 1937, Page 15