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Rain on Saturday morning broke the spell of fourteen days of almost perfect weather, but even a sharp hail shower that wag conveniently timed for the afternoon tea adjournment did not altogether spoil the bowling fixtures, and on some greens they even stayed to get on with the club championships. However, the chief satisfaction appeared to rest on the Rotorua tournament having been completed with only one brief interruption through rain, for Rotorua seems to be the only club tournament that ranks as a classic, although Cambridge is beginning to press 'very closely in that direction. The latter, however, has never yet been won by a rink from outside this province, and only occasionally attracted a few competitors from Tarankai, whereas Rotorua has been won twice by Wellington rinks, once by Palmerston North, and once by New South Wales, if we can include Vic Casey and the late J. S. Kilgour as Sydney supporters of visitors from that city. This year it ranked almost as a Dominion tournament, for there were rinks from Wellington. Wanganui. Taranaki, Hawke's Bay and Fiji. By the way. the Suva tourists must have derived intense satisfaction from tbeir last game, for their only win was at the expense of last year's winning rink. Such is the luck of the

game. Naturally- there was great rejoicing at Onehunga. and at the tea adjournment on Saturday the past president, Mr. S. Veils, called for cheers for the winners (R. Sutherland. W. Flowerday, F. Livingstone, H. A. Robertson), remarking that there had been no change in the personnel since they had won the same tournament in 1932. and had been.xunners-up to Carlton in 1935. A piquant feature* whifcn Jar judiciously did not mention," wafcfthat their victory involved two defeats of the Carlton rink who had beaten them in the final on that occasion, for they met in the fourth round of section play, and again in the semi-final, these being two of the most welcome of their fourteen wine. This Week's Programme. Another interesting week commences with the opening of the invitation tournament at Tauranga, and closes with the annual inter-centre match with South Auckland on Saturday. The latter is open to any player who cares to nominate to-day with the secretary of the Auckland Centre, Mr. G. L. Gladding, and two games will be plaved on the Hamilton greens, the Hardley Shield going for twelve months to the winning centre, counting by rink wine, or by aggregate points if there is a tie in rink wins. In actual practice this handsome trophy is held by the club which enjoys the membership of the president of the winning centre. The Auckland Centre holds the trophy at present, having won it from South Auckland laet season by 11V4 rink wine to 4%, so the aggregate points of 352 lo 324 were not taken into account. Entries also close to-day for the trip to Taranaki, to commence on March 7. Next week there will be the annual pains tournament at Rotorua, and it is expected that most of the Auckland players will make it convenient to set off from the city early enough to spenH Saturday in Hamilton, to play South Auckland. The first week in March will see the open pairs tournament of the centre, for which the entries close next Monday afternoon, not evening. Club Championships. Further progress was made during the week, and several clubs are now nearing the end. Auckland.—ln the next round; Irving Clarke, the only two-lifer, is to meet the winner of W. Robertson and E. B. Bennet, the Takapuna champion of 1930, and J. Hardie Neil will meet D. Campbell, the club champion of 1929. Edendale.—Playing on the three-life system, 21 points up, R. W. Roan is now the only player unbeaten, but there are several with two lives and one life, and there will probably be something more definite to record next week.

Epsom.—J. H. Mingine. the title holder, who ako won in the previous season and in 1928, and has since distinguished himself as runner-up in the Dominion singles, is now the only twolifer, and he will meet T. R. George, the champion of 1980 and 1933. The bye goes to L. Blood, who was in the last last year, so he is sure to be one of the big gallery who will watch the meeting of these two old opponents. - Mount Albert.—R. Thomas, the champion of 1932 and 1933, is the only twolifer, with C. Muir and O. Holdsworth as one-lifers.

Ponsonby.—The only -two-lifer is E. Jury, the champion of 1925 and 1930, and the one-lifers are A. Parsons, the title holder and champion on nine previous occasions, and F. R. Letham. Everybody knows Ernie Jury, twice Dominion rink champion, and also Arthur Parsons, the hero of 102 tournaments, including the Dominion rinks, but a good many will wonder how Fred Letham got into such company. Well, all that need be said is that he did not get there by climbing up the soft side of the ladder, for the last four he defeated were D. Mclnness, the champion of 1929, L. Jury, the champion of 1934, A. J. Letham, his father, the champion, 1933 and 1935, who won the championship of the ceittre a few weeks I ago. and J. Griffiths, who created a name in L the championship of 1931 as "the man w , ,r%£- Arth «r Parsons twice in the final. This is a most unusual run, and is specially remarkable for one who only took to the game in the 1928-29 season when he was in the first-year rink at Easter who won their section, and went down in the final to the Mangere rink Remuera—The two-lifer, are R. Sheath, the title-holder, R. G. Norton and G Keys, but there are so manv one-lifers that the position -willl be much clearer when the round Being played this week is completed. \R*pcky Nook.-Tpnjjr four now remain W. jnPearce and W. H. Kneet a. -WW**, and W: A?W™

meets W. A. Hill as one-lifers. If Keatley wins he will get the bye, involving almost a repetition of last year's experience, but in the opposite positions, for he then had the bye as a one-lifer while Lorain met W. E. Oughton as two-lifers. The latter eventually pulled off the championship for the first time, when they met two rounds later, after Loram had beaten Keatley, and reached the final for the first time. Pearce has never lifted the championship, but he was runner-up to Keatley in 1932, the year in which the latter was runnerup to A. E. Matthews in the champion of champions, and he was runner-up to H. C. Clarke in 1925, having the bad luck to strike Clarke in the season when the latter produced the form that won him the champion of champions for the first time. Arthur Hill was in the last five last year, so he has gone one better this time, in getting into the last four this season, his third at Rocky Nook. He formerly played for Edendale, winning the championship of that club in his last season there, reversing the position in the final of the previous year, when C. E. Addison beat him in the final. Stanley.—The meeting of the two-lifers resulted in R. McMaster defeating J. A. Donaldson, and in the one-lifers H. Hitchen beat W. (j. Gale, and F. Baker beat S. C. Clarke. In the sixth round McMaster meets Hitchen, and Baker meets Donaldson. In the final of the senior pairs championship L. A. Cusworth and F. Sainty defeated F. Baker and F>Whitley. Departure of Queenslanders. The Queensland bowlers left Wellington for Sydney hu.. Tuesday, after a very comprehensive tour through both islands. Their last official function was at Parliament House the previous day, when they were given a reception by the Prime Minister and his Ministerial colleagues. Air. Savage expressed the hope that the piesent visit would be only one of many others, for he recognised the value of sport in cementing relationships between ; Australia and New Zealand. The Hon. | W. Perry, M.L.C., president of the New ' Zealand Bowling Association, also welcomed the team. Mr. Colin Campbell, vice-president of the Queensland Bowling Association, and president of the touring team, in the course of a grateful reply, explained that "the ftfcjects of the.tour were the encourageitaent of gooilwill'lietween the two countries, to see as much of the people and scenery as was possible, and to play bowls at as many places as could be conveniently visited. The party consisted of professional men, sugar millers, sugar cane growers, and Brisbane business men, and they had received wonderful hospitality everywhere, while the scenery exceeded their expectations. Quoting the cabled remarks of Senator A. J. McLachlan, Post-master-General of Australia, he joined the Minister in urging closer trade and general relations between the Commonwealth and the Dominion. In the evening Mr. Campbell broadcast from 2YA a message of thanks to the bowlers and people of New Zealand. Their last day was spent in driving round "the suburbs, and they called at the Victoria green for afternoon tea, although earlier rain prevented play. Presentations were made to Mr. M. Cock, of the Tourist Department, for his assistance, and to Mr. J. C. Redmond, for arranging all the bowling fixtures. If my memory serves me correctly, this is the first time that a private bowler has been entrusted with this responsibility, but it turned out a great success, Mr. Redmond meeting with a remarkable response from the various centres, if one may judge by the records of the games and all the social functions. Auckland bowlers will be glad to know that the tourists returned home with a tangible memento of their visit to this city. It was mentioned at the time that badges were presented to the leaders during the reception at the Auckland Bowling Club's pavilion on the occasion of their first game in New Zealand, but the executive of the centre afterwards decided to send a centre badge for each member of the party, an action which will be just as heartily approved by all the bowlers of Auckland as it will be appreciated by the visitors.

' CLUB GAMES. PONSONBY GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—White. Moore. Mc-Kln.-uy. Colebrook 22, v. Colmer, Mclvor, OConner, Griffiths 10; WetheriU. Thompson, Gold water. Watt 21, v. Trecear, Lennle, Finch. Simpson, 10 ; Green. Beattie, Conwav, Campbell 22, v. Tait. Baxter, Lovett, Stotter 23: Marslck. Stewart, Piper, E. Jury 14, v. McClymont, K. Webster. Cowper, Beßt 21 : Andrews, Elleray, GiJmore, J. Jury 24, v. Payne. Harris. Peters, Bryant 14 ; Harrison. Casey, Gates, Somervell 17, v. Porter, Swinton Brown, Mcl.eod 26; Bosrwell. Luxon, Carbines, Richardson 21, v. Shirley, Clarke, F. Letham, Gibson 16. WEST END GREEN. Percentage Fours.—C. Worsfold, Young, Draffln, Roundhlli 16, v. Sandilands, Over lngtotf. Court, Brookes 25 ; Jacobs, Wright. Scott, Thomson 23, v. Rowe, Adams, Clarke. Irvine 20; Webster, Brummell, Knox. Kirk 16, v. B. Hardy, Parkinson, Cox, Colthuret 21; Kinsey, Newall, J. W. Hardy, Eshelby 17, v. Delaney, Arueil. Bayliss, Cooke 13; N. Cato, Hollands, Brown, Stichbury 26, v. C. Cato, Cameron, F. Worsfold, Raynes 13. BALMORAL GREEN. Percentage Fours. —Buckley. Balderson. Lofley, Clews 25. t. Cook, Tugbv, Petersen, Cartwright 17: Barnes, Mahon, Hoppy, Francis 13, v. Heasman. Preston, Robertson, Benson 24; Forman. Reynolds. Davis. Ratbbone 25, v. Carter, Pollock, Dean, MeReggie 27; Bernard, Thompson, Chappell, W. C. Franks 29, v. Tattersall, Fleming, Ashby, Ramsey 15; E. J. Goldsmith, James, W. Richardson, Bush 27, v. C. C. King. Fisher. Speir. Kelly 19; Hlnkley, Fort. H. Franks, Cannon 28. v. Gentles, Weft. ' Sawyers, Clarke 15 ; Trewin. R. Goldsmith 28 v. Metzer, Lloyd 25; Barton. Munn, Barber 23, v. Blair, Stevens, Gifford 24. HILLSBORO GREEN. Sheath Stars. —Preston, MacmiHan. Pollard, Gregory 20, v. Vasey, Wilkinson. Barnes, Jackson 16. Monk Shields. — Stewart, Wjmbwel"., Brown, Dormer 7, v. Hamlin, Penningtoii. Davidson, Buckle 37. Ordinary Draw.—Kemp, Crawsbnw 19. v. MacDonnell, Thompson 28. ROCKY NOOK GREEN. Percentage Fours. —R. Page. Hudson, Itutledce. Anderson 22. v. Marshall. Smith. i'aln. Young 15: Winters, Turner, Baxter, Yeo 17. v. Be!tcb. Hawk. H. Reld. Randall 8; Kayes, Sowden, Sidler, Brown 83, v. Macmßlan. Boss. Beehre. Pierce. 16: Buckey, Randrup. L. Smith, EUisdon 22. v. Young. Reid. Kayes. Boywnee IS; White, Page. Tomer. Oughton 24, T. Jackson. Joans, Winthrop, A. Hill 17. v •

GREY LYNX GREEN*. Ordinary Draw.—Burrell, Gebbie, Buckley, Fletcher IM. v. Halls, Suell, Smith. Lye 10: Buckley, Leyden, Curtis, Shaw 24, v. Wilson, Coakley. Caddy, Macon 17 ; Somers, Turkington, Lawsou, Payne 25, v. Morgan, Kedfern, Mayson, J. Preston 22 ; Fletcher, Olivers, Douglas, J. C. Preston 23, v. Eve rex, Kennedy, Taylor, Morain 21. CARLTON* GREEN. Percentage Fours.—lsaacs, Henley. Bates, S. Jenkin 22, v. Leser, Harinan, Harvey, Vaughan 17 ; Hambliu, Dripps, Bird, H. Walkei 2S, v. Howard, Stead. T. Mountain, Pitt 13; Angove, Palmer, Perry, I>. Fraser 31, v. Wildlsh. Pollard, Doyle, Thomson 1!); Rae. D. Walker, G. Kent, G. Taylor 23, v. Allen, Heuton, T. Fraser, A. Cladding 18 ; Northwood, Reynolds, Cook, Fookes 23, v. Henry, Bell, Donnell, Emerali | 10; White, C. Mountain, Feram, Culler 19, v. Head, Struckett, A. Pollard, 11. Kent 13: Baker Clinkard, Baskiville, C. Little 24. v. lA'a, McMinu, Henderson, E. W. Taylor 17. REMUERA GREEN. Bray Badges.—Vincent, W. Hill, Lawrence, Duncan 22, v. Grieve, W. Jackson, Allen, Sanderson 12. Junior Badges.—Egrrton, Armadale, Allan, Rolton 29, v. Colegrove, Coote Stubbs, Whitmore 2,">. Ordinary Draw.—Whitmore, Dempsev, Eaves, Feldon 21, v. Lusher, Murphy. II E. Junes, Short 17 ; Grieve, Walker, Hell, Norton 28, v. White. Davis, W. Hill, Duncan 8; J. Johnston. Ellerbccs. Burclier Sheath 24, v. Allan, Boiton. Biittlinnre F »{• -? h ,V rtl ,3: l ' uu,e - U - A - Jackson. Barnes, McCallum 2S, v. Adams. Hcnsoii I.cuminF Watson 13; Clarksoii. Whitley. Mahonv! Allen 23, v. Macfarlane, Fisher. Brook P. Macfarlane 7 ; Sheppard, Gearv McI.eod, Keys 20, v. W. Johnston, Stubbs, Jf ak 'T- ,} {ull ltJ : O'Leary. Evans, Maccy! S. Kissliiig 23. v. Colcgrove, Scholield, W Jackson, East 14. WAITEMATA GREEN*. Percentage Fours.—Hewitt, Freeman, Robert, lairant 21, v. Rose, Marshall Martin ( ornn 10; Cadness, Swend.ivil. Herrick. Poller 23, v. Watson. Lilburn, Rackett Robertson 10; Davidson. Webster. Simpson'. l,.'n,i^ r " c . - 1 ; »": J-'ulll.rook. Smith. Rowland, Copeland 13; Wells, David Monro Rogers 10. v. Hunt, W. Osborne, Hi In 17 ; Howland, Sampson, Williamson lu V Grant, J0hn5.,,,,. Hlackicdge 12 "liuhelY Headland Hilkey 28, v. 1.. Watton. Stew r ' Melliose 10: Lhinery, McVVaUe?* —, ■. Clark. Daniel Munro, Dick 15. ONEHINGA GREEN T«nki U 1,1 T t u ■ r, , "^ l - firi, - v - '•'"•"sworth, son 1 «-„V K £ - 1 ! v ; tJ «'™K'>ty, Ferguson, A. George, E. Gatlaud 20; Steoheus Shinuer. 1,, liray. Kenny lit, v \d-iui«' Buchanan. Mackenzie. Macklo v IS T \\"nInill. West. Jones, Kerr lb, v . 1 „<7l Suns, Hailu.'k, Wright Hi. i»"<-M<.\, Ordinary Draw. -_ maimers, XlcholN fowcl Bassett 23. v. I.V.mnell, i !r , .',; Bell, Harrison 7; Wilson, Keeling, ,;,<..' Sch uacken berg 21. v. Booth, Wvnvird lootc. Vella is; llardley. Ilandlin.' t \,m n ', I Uelham 20, v. Tegg, Burridge, Chapman I

AUCKLAND GREEN. Aggregate Fours.—Fillmore, ILirrls Self ' I. Clarke 24, v. II„l]is. Garrett. A c1.n1,,.' ; J. K. Mel-hail 1«; Christian, Dunne. Hunt' ! • ; . I». Bennet I'd. v. Minhiiiiilek. i.'anicroii. I KnrUoK, ('. C. Mahor 11); U. Baker l'r.ili..|-i I Wright, \V. SI. While 27. v. Rovce Carr' ! Robertson, llardie Neil li>; Standcn Siiii-i----son, \V. J. Campbell. 11. i'„ii,i jj v Savorv I Dorrington, Pitkethley, .1 Vincent 2V ! Shonkin. <;. Allan. McDoiigall. A. \V. Israel' i 20, v. Frisken, Page, Susiiitin. 1) Campbell ! 21; Hughes. Bishop, Montgomery. W. L're i 23, v. Thomson. Franklin. I". P.aker <. I! I Osmond IS; Wlu-lan. Jones, Malhe.sou. K ' Smith 2C>, v. Weston. Greeu. Roiirko, Me- 1 .Malum 13; Matthews, I'riiue. Graham, o j Nicholson 10, v. Christie, Forder, Fletcher, I 11. Luke 17. HENDERSON' GRF.F.X. j Frpsident's day was held on Saturday, ! when .Mr. A. F. Masscy welcomed the 1 visitors and old members, (lames pl.i.wtl:— Hart, Hollow.*. Bridson, Massev 2<>. v. j Marsh. Croon, 11. Wright. Kiuvig 15; Oram, i Kidd. I.isk. l.cighton 2-i, v. Pollard, G. 11. I Wright, Chippendale. Geldard 14; Knijrln, I Cossey Chilwell. Moors 2<». v. S. (iarelja, i <;. Wright. Scott, T. Garelja 11); McLaren, j Hagen, Williams, farter 111, v. Jones, Hosier, Dollar, Norcross 11. | MANGKRE tiREKX. j Ordinary Draw. — Wehh. Wadsworth, I Ogilvie, Mitchell 2S, v. Martin, Penman, | Summers, Granger IS: Solomon, Wilton, ; Fricker 22, v. llagan, Kevell, Knight 1!) ; ; Charlesworth. Taylor, Connor 26, v. Caddy, i Moss, Aldrert 27. i Knight Stars.—Pirie. Blandford. Lumlio, I Kay (holders) lr>. v. lligginson, Dcwhurst, | Laslett, Wilson 21, ! * INTER-CLUB GAMES. TH PAPAPA V. TRANSPORT. At Transport (Te Papapa names tirsti. — Moon IS, v. Wakefield 18: Johnson 32, v. Hagen 22.; Sissonw 24, v. Jeffrey 13. At Te Papapa (Te Papapa names first I. —Moore 17. v. L're 17 ; Pilkiugton 25, v. Low 10 ; Speight 26, v. Cottiugliaui 10. ELLERSLIE V. KAWHITI. Cox Jennant.—At Ellerslie (Ellerslie skips first): Watson 24. v. McKinlay 13', F. Wood 20, v P. Thomson 11 ; Gollan 8, v. N. Thomson 28 ; Joll 18, v. Savin 14 ; Saunders 29, v. Brown 16. ' AVONDALE V. MOUNT ALBERT. At Avondale (Avondale names first). — First-year Players: Partridge 11, v. Faithfull 20. AVONDALE V. EPSOM. At Avondale (Avondale names first). — Gibson 31, v. Stehr 18 ; Baines 13. v. Ross 24 ; Kelsall 14, v. McCowau 24 ; Darrach 20, v. Wright 23. At Epsom (Epsom names first). —Fisher 21, v. Johnston 13; Ramsay 15, v. Thomas 24; Tanner 20, v Cunningham 13; Wallace 10, v. I'ringle 27. i BALMORAL V. EDENDALE. At Balmoral (Balmoral names first).— Grange, Whittaker. Weeks, Meredith 21. v. Price. Commons, Davidson, Fitzjames 19. MOUNT ALBERT V. EPSOM. At Mount Albert (Mount Albert names first). —A. Beune't 2S, v Brown 22; Kosie 21, v. Moyle 17: Henry 25. v. Beech am 11Humphreys 15. v. Wallace 20: McKay 14' v. Scott 19. At Epsom Epsom names first). McDougall 24. v I'aterson 20; Bruce 18 v Kimber 2S ; George 17, v. Maxwell 20 Foubister 10, v Hawke 17 ; Miugius 17 v Glenister 11. First-year Players—Morrison, Bain Gallagher Arnott 22, v. F. Walker.' Bennett. Cossey. Black 24. GREY LYNX V. ROCKY NOOK. At Grey Lynn (Grey Lynn names first). -First-year players: Grigich 24, v. Evans

HALLIBURTON JOHNSTONE V. I WAITEMATA. At Hallyburton Johnstone (Halliburton Johnstone names first).—First-year players: Anderson 23, v. Hawke 13. MOUNT EDEN V. DEYONPORT. At Mt. Eden (Mt. Eden names first). 1,. Campbell 15, v. Doherty 25; Davie 9 v Hessey 32; Dignan 17, v. Laytell 21; Vivian 21, v. Morgan 15; W. E. Taylor 25, v. D. Leather 16 ; C. C. Baker 26, v. Trevithlck 18; Bigelow 23, v. Steele 13: J. Smith 28 v. A. T. Davies 17; Purdy 24, v. Gooding At Devonport (Mount Eden mmes first). —Grlbble 12, v. Gray 29; Joues 29, v. Blackburn 24; Findlay 17, v. Anderson 21 ; Shirriffs 27. v. Lockley 12 ; Herron 24, v. Hamlin 16; Thompson 20, v. Snoad 21 ; Julian 27, v. Wright 20; BainDrldge 24, v. Lowe 24. CLEVEDON V. PAPAKUBA. At Papakura (Clevedon names first). — Mellsop 24. v. Cronin 11 ; Gore 27, v. Bates 191; Bull 27, v. T. Smith 8; Bell 19, v. Pilkington 22. CARLTON V. HILLSBORO. At Hillsboro (Carlton names first) First-year Players: Ganley, P Clark, Hn, tze A r ,', Bßa y 12> v - Thomassen, McGhle, rim, Allen 30. RAWHITI V. ELLERSLIE. Cox Pennant (at Rawhltl).—Martin 16 T;> Hay ,T: { i Mone ur 13, v. Barnett 29; Kirk ™\ /-.Dickson 24; England 19, v. Somerheld lo; Macpherson 20, v. Maud 20. MANGERE V. ELLERSLIB. First Year, at Mangere (Ellerslle first). — Dodd, Nicholson, Fletcher, Hammond 26, v. Leslie, Heyworth, Tylden, Hallworth 15. TOURNEY POSTPONED. The tournament arranged by the Howick Bowling Club for to-morrow has been postponed. •

GAMES IN THE PROVINCE. An annual totirnati'ent for a cup donated !>.v Mr. O. McCutcluri, of Glenmurrav, was inaugurated by the Franklin Returned Soldier*' Association at the I'ukekohe Glut's green on Saturday. Sixteen riuks took part and wheu play commenced It was apparent that the fixture was providing a valuable service to bowling in Introducing to the game returned men who had not played before. The visiting rinks were welcomed to I'ukekohe by the Mayor, Mr. C. K. Lawrie. Five games of nine heads each were played. The winners were G. Narbey, R. S, Davies, G. King and G. Payne, who had five wins. Kinks skipped by S. P. Day, G. McPherson and It. \V. Frost tied for second place with four wins each. The tinal was won by Frost. The members of Payne's rink were presented with miniatures of the cup as individual trophies. Huntly defended the Waikato Challenge Shield on Saturday against Ngaruawahia on the home green and won by two points: Barclay, .T. Tweedie, W. Smitn, J. Thomson (Huntly) 19, v. Rodger, Garry, Rowe, Blewden (Ngaruawahia) 17. The sixth annual tournament of the South Auckland Public Service Bowling Association was held on the Whitiora Cluo'a green on Saturday. Twenty rinks entered, and live games of 12 heads each were play«d. The tournament resulted in a win for Burrell. Malone,' Buckley and Evitt (Railway), who went through without a loss.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 38, 15 February 1937, Page 11

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BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 38, 15 February 1937, Page 11

BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 38, 15 February 1937, Page 11